const prompt = require('prompt') const replace = require('replace-in-file') const fs = require('fs-extra'); var Promise = require('promise'); var path = require('path'); // Making the text input a bit legible. prompt.colors = false prompt.message = "" // The text input takes a "result" object and passes it to one of two functions to do the logistics. prompt.get([{ name: 'appName', required: true, description: "What's the name of your application? Lowercase and no spaces, please.", message: "Lowercase and no spaces, please.", conform: function(value) { return /^[a-z0-9]+((\-[a-z0-9]+){1,})?$/g.test(value) } }, { name: 'pier', required: true, description: "Where is your Urbit pier's desk located? For example, /Users/dev/zod/home" }], function (err, result) { setupFull(result) } ) // Migrate application to root directory. const deleteFolderRecursive = function (path) { if (fs.existsSync(path)) { fs.readdirSync(path).forEach(function (file, index) { var curPath = path + "/" + file; if (fs.lstatSync(curPath).isDirectory()) { deleteFolderRecursive(curPath); } else { fs.unlinkSync(curPath); } }); fs.rmdirSync(path); } }; var promiseAllWait = function (promises) { // this is the same as Promise.all(), except that it will wait for all promises to fulfill before rejecting var all_promises = []; for (var i_promise = 0; i_promise < promises.length; i_promise++) { all_promises.push( promises[i_promise] .then(function (res) { return { res: res }; }).catch(function (err) { return { err: err }; }) ); } return Promise.all(all_promises) .then(function (results) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var is_failure = false; var i_result; for (i_result = 0; i_result < results.length; i_result++) { if (results[i_result].err) { is_failure = true; break; } else { results[i_result] = results[i_result].res; } } if (is_failure) { reject(results[i_result].err); } else { resolve(results); } }); }); }; var movePromiser = function (from, to, records) { return fs.move(from, to) .then(function () { records.push({ from: from, to: to }); }); }; var moveDir = function (from_dir, to_dir, callback) { return fs.readdir(from_dir) .then(function (children) { return fs.ensureDir(to_dir) .then(function () { var move_promises = []; var moved_records = []; var child; for (var i_child = 0; i_child < children.length; i_child++) { child = children[i_child]; move_promises.push(movePromiser( path.join(from_dir, child), path.join(to_dir, child), moved_records )); } return promiseAllWait(move_promises) .catch(function (err) { var undo_move_promises = []; for (var i_moved_record = 0; i_moved_record < moved_records.length; i_moved_record++) { undo_move_promises.push(fs.move(moved_records[i_moved_record].to, moved_records[i_moved_record].from)); } return promiseAllWait(undo_move_promises) .then(function () { throw err; }); }); }).then(function () { return fs.rmdir(from_dir); }); }).then(callback); }; const setupFull = function (result) { fs.access('.DS_Store', (err) => { if (!err) fs.unlinkSync('.DS_Store') }) let deHyphenatedName = result.appName.replace(/-/g, '') moveDir('full', './', function() { fs.renameSync('urbit/app/smol.hoon', 'urbit/app/' + deHyphenatedName + '.hoon') fs.renameSync('urbit/app/smol/', 'urbit/app/' + deHyphenatedName) let urbitPierOptions = { files: '.urbitrc', from: "%URBITPIER%", to: result.pier } replace(urbitPierOptions).then(changedFiles => console.log(changedFiles)).catch(err => console.error(err)) let appNameOptions = { files: ['', '', 'urbit/app/' + deHyphenatedName + '.hoon', 'src/js/api.js', 'src/js/subscription.js', 'src/js/components/root.js', 'urbit/app/' + deHyphenatedName + '/index.html' ], from: /%APPNAME%/g, to: deHyphenatedName } replace(appNameOptions).then(changedFiles => console.log(changedFiles)).catch(err => console.error(err)) }) console.log("All done! Happy hacking.") }