2023-03-23 21:34:17 -07:00

129 lines
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#let fmnt = smallcaps([fmnt])
Appendix: List of Standard Abbreviations
1 first person
2 second person
3 third person
A agent-like argument of canonical transitive verb
ABL ablative
ABS absolutive
ACC accusative
ADJ adjective
ADV adverb(ial)
AGR agreement
ALL allative
ANTIP antipassive
APPL applicative
ART article
AUX auxiliary
BEN benefactive
#let A = smallcaps([a])
#let all = smallcaps([all])
#let art = smallcaps([art])
CAUS causative
CLF classifier
COM comitative
COMP complementizer
COMPL completive
COND conditional
COP copula
CVB converb
DAT dative
DECL declarative
DEF definite
DEM demonstrative
DET determiner
DIST distal
#let com = smallcaps([com])
#let dat = smallcaps([dat])
DISTR distributive
DU dual
DUR durative
ERG ergative
EXCL exclusive
F feminine
FOC focus
FUT future
GEN genitive
IMP imperative
INCL inclusive
IND indicative
INDF indefinite
INF infinitive
INS instrumental
INTR intransitive
IPFV imperfective
#let du = smallcaps([du])
#let fut = smallcaps([fut])
#let gen = smallcaps([gen])
#let inf = smallcaps([inf])
#let ins = smallcaps([ins])
IRR irrealis
LOC locative
M masculine
N neuter
N- non- (e.g. NSG nonsingular, NPST nonpast)
NEG negation, negative
NMLZ nominalizer/nominalization
NOM nominative
OBJ object
OBL oblique
P patient-like argument of canonical transitive verb
PASS passive
PFV perfective
PL plural
#let obl = smallcaps([obl])
#let neg = smallcaps([neg])
#let obj = smallcaps([obj])
#let pl = smallcaps([pl])
POSS possessive
PRED predicative
PRF perfect
PRS present
PROG progressive
PROH prohibitive
PROX proximal/proximate
PST past
PTCP participle
PURP purposive
Q question particle/marker
QUOT quotative
RECP reciprocal
REFL reflexive
#let P = smallcaps([p])
#let pos = smallcaps([pos])
#let prog = smallcaps([prog])
#let pst = smallcaps([pst])
REL relative
RES resultative
S single argument of canonical intransitive verb
SBJ subject
SBJV subjunctive
SG singular
TOP topic
TR transitive
VOC vocative
#let sg = smallcaps([sg])
#let sbj = smallcaps([sbj])