Move remaining glosses to the neew #codeblock
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
#show link: x => underline[*#x*]
//#show raw: x => text(fill: rgb("#43464b"))[#x]
#let codeblock(contents) = block(fill: luma(230), inset: 8pt, radius: 4pt, breakable: false, contents)
#let codeblock-old(contents) = block(fill: luma(230), inset: 8pt, radius: 4pt, breakable: false, contents)
#let codeblock2(contents) = {
eval(contents, mode: "markup", scope: (gloss: gloss))
#let codeblock(contents, addl-bindings: (:)) = {
eval(contents, mode: "markup", scope: (gloss: gloss) + addl-bindings)
block(fill: luma(230), inset: 8pt, radius: 4pt, breakable: false, raw(contents, lang: "typst"))
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ visit the module's Github repository
As a first example, here is a gloss of a text in Georgian, along with the Typst code used to generate it:
header_text: [from \"Georgian and the Unaccusative Hypothesis\", Alice Harris, 1982],
source_text: ([ბავშვ-ი], [ატირდა]),
@ -59,27 +59,15 @@ As a first example, here is a gloss of a text in Georgian, along with the Typst
And an example for English which exhibits some additional styling, and uses imports from another file
for common glossing abbreviations:
source_text: ([I'm], [eat-ing], [your], [head]),
source_text_style: (item) => text(fill: red)[#item],
morphemes: ([1#sg.#sbj\], [eat-#prog], [2#sg.#poss], [head]),
morphemes_style: text.with(fill: blue),
translation: text(weight: "semibold")[I'm eating your head!],
translation: text(weight: \"semibold\")[I'm eating your head!],
#import "linguistic-abbreviations.typ": *
source_text: ([I'm], [eat-ing], [your], [head]),
source_text_style: (item) => text(fill: red)[#item],
morphemes: ([1#sg.#subj\], [eat-#prog], [2#sg.#pos], [head]),
morphemes_style: text.with(fill: blue),
translation: text(weight: "semibold")[I'm eating your head!],
", addl-bindings: (poss: poss, prog: prog, sg: sg, sbj: sbj))
The `#gloss` function has three pre-defined parameters for glossing levels:
@ -91,30 +79,24 @@ for unaligned text: `header_text` for text that precedes the gloss, and
The `morphemes` param can be skipped, if you just want to provide a source
text and translation, without a gloss:
source_text: ([Trato de entender, debo comprender qué es lo que ha hecho conmigo],),
translation: [I try to understand, I should comprehend, what it has done with me],
source_text: ([Trato de entender, debo comprender, qué es lo que ha hecho conmigo],),
translation: [I try to understand, I must comprehend, what she has done with me],
source_text: ([Trato de entender, debo comprender qué es lo que ha hecho conmigo],),
translation: [I try to understand, I should comprehend, what it has done with me],
Note that it is still necessary to wrap the `source_text` argument in an array of length one.
If one wishes to add more than three glossing lines, there is an additional
parameter `additional_gloss_lines` that can take a list of arbitrarily many more glossing
To add more than three glossing lines, there is an additional parameter
`additional_gloss_lines` that can take a list of arbitrarily many more glossing
lines, which will appear below those specified in the aforementioned
header_text: [Hunzib (van den Berg 1995:46)],
source_text: ([ождиг],[хо#super[н]хе],[мукъер]),
transliteration: ([oʒdig],[χõχe],[muqʼer]),
@ -123,46 +105,19 @@ parameters:
([boy-#smallcaps[obl]-#smallcaps[ad]], [tree(#smallcaps[g4])], [#smallcaps[g4]-bend-#smallcaps[pret]]),
([at boy], [tree], [bent]),
translation: ["Because of the boy, the tree bent."]
translation: [\"Because of the boy, the tree bent.\"]
header_text: [Hunzib (van den Berg 1995:46)],
source_text: ([ождиг],[хо#super[н]хе],[мукъер]),
transliteration: ([oʒdig],[χõχe],[muqʼer]),
morphemes: ([ož-di-g],[xõxe],[m-uq'e-r]),
additional_gloss_lines: (
([boy-#smallcaps[obl]-#smallcaps[ad]], [tree(#smallcaps[g4])], [#smallcaps[g4]-bend-#smallcaps[pret]]),
([at boy], [tree], [bent]),
translation: ["Because of the boy, the tree bent."]
To number gloss examples, use `#numbered_gloss` in place of `gloss`. All other parameters remain the same.
source_text: ([გვ-ფრცქვნ-ი],),
source_text_style: none,
transliteration: ([gv-prtskvn-i],),
morphemes: ([1#pl.#obj\-peel-#fmnt],),
translation: "You peeled us",
#import "linguistic-abbreviations.typ": *
source_text: ([გვ-ფრცქვნ-ი],),
source_text_style: none,
transliteration: ([gv-prtskvn-i],),
morphemes: ([1#pl.#obj\-peel-#fmnt],),
translation: "You peeled us",
translation: \"You peeled us\",
)", addl-bindings: (numbered_gloss: numbered_gloss, pl: pl, obj: obj, fmnt: fmnt))
The displayed number for numbered glosses is iterated for each numbered gloss
that appears throughout the document. Unnumbered glosses do not increment the
@ -188,35 +143,24 @@ In addition to these parameters, Typst’s usual content formatting can be appli
to or within any given content block in the gloss. Formatting applied in this
way will override any contradictory line-level formatting.
header_text: [This text is about eating your head.],
header_text_style: text.with(weight: "bold", fill: green),
header_text_style: text.with(weight: \"bold\", fill: green),
source_text: (text(fill:black)[I'm], [eat-ing], [your], [head]),
source_text_style: text.with(style: "italic", fill: red),
source_text_style: text.with(style: \"italic\", fill: red),
morphemes: ([1#sg.#sbj\], text(fill:black)[eat-#prog], [2#sg.#poss], [head]),
morphemes_style: text.with(fill: blue),
translation: text(weight: "bold")[I'm eating your head!],
header_text: [This text is about eating your head.],
header_text_style: text.with(weight: "bold", fill: green),
source_text: (text(fill:black)[I'm], [eat-ing], [your], [head]),
source_text_style: text.with(style: "italic", fill: red),
morphemes: ([1#sg.#sbj\], text(fill:black)[eat-#prog], [2#sg.#poss], [head]),
morphemes_style: text.with(fill: blue),
translation: text(weight: "bold")[I'm eating your head!],
translation: text(weight: \"bold\")[I'm eating your head!],
)", addl-bindings: (prog: prog, sbj: sbj, poss: poss, sg: sg))
//TODO add `line_styles` param
== Further Example Glosses
These example glosses replicate the ones given in
These are the first twelve example glosses given in #link("").
along with the Typst markup needed to generate them:
Reference in New Issue
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