593 lines
25 KiB
593 lines
25 KiB
# Config file output by snes9x
# Sun Dec 04 02:27:58 2016
NiceAlignment = ON # on to line up the =, :, and # in each section of this config file
Comments = ON # on to keep comments such as this in this config file. To update/refresh all comments, set this to false and run Snes9x, then set it to true and run Snes9x again.
Sort = 1 # ordering within sections: 0=allow reordering, 1=force default order, 2=sort alphabetically
Lock = FALSE # if true, prevents Snes9x from editing this configuration file (or making it read-only while it is running)
Cheat = TRUE # true to allow enabled cheats to be applied
Patch = TRUE # true to allow IPS patches to be applied ("soft patching")
BS = FALSE # Broadcast Satellaview emulation
Filename = # filename of ROM to run when Snes9x opens
APUEnabled = TRUE # true to enable the sound CPU
Sync = 1 # 1 to enable sound sync to CPU, 0 to disable. Necessary for some sounds to be accurate. Not supported unless SoundDriver=0. May cause sound problems on certain setups.
Stereo = ON
SixteenBitSound = TRUE
AltDecode = 0 # use alternate sample decoder: valid options are 0, 1, or 2
BufferSize = 4 # sound buffer size, in units of 25 milliseconds
Echo = ON # on to enable DSP echo effects
FixFrequency = TRUE
Interpolate = TRUE # true for gaussian interpolation of sound samples
MasterVolume = ON # on to allow games to change the sound volume normally, off to lock master volume at 100%
Rate = 6 # sound playback quality, in Hz: 1=8000, 2=11025, 3=16000, 4=22050, 5=30000, 6=32000, 7=35000, 8=44100, 9=48000
SoundSkip = 0 # sound CPU skip-waiting method (0, 1, 2, or 3)
ReverseStereo = FALSE # true to swap speaker outputs
EnvelopeHeightReading = ON # on to allow game to read the sound volume level (needed for some sound effects to be accurate)
FakeMuteFix = OFF # "fake mute" movie desync workaround for certain games
SampleCaching = OFF
Mute = FALSE # true to mute sound output (does not disable the sound CPU)
SoundDriver = 0 # 0=Snes9xDirectSound (recommended), 1=fmodDirectSound, 2=fmodWaveSound, 3=fmodA3DSound
MuteFrameAdvance = FALSE # true to prevent Snes9x from outputting sound when the Frame Advance command is in use
PausedFramesBeforeMutingSound = 20
SoundMixInterval = 10
Port = 6096
Server =
SyncByReset = ON
SendROMImageOnConnect = OFF
MaxFrameSkip = 10
MaxBehindFrameCount = 10
UseJoypad1 = TRUE # if false, player 2 has to use their joypad #2 controls, etc.
RecentHost1 = localhost
RecentHost2 =
RecentHost3 =
RecentHost4 =
RecentHost5 =
RecentHost6 =
RecentHost7 =
RecentHost8 =
RecentHost9 =
RecentHost10 =
RecentHost11 =
RecentHost12 =
RecentHost13 =
RecentHost14 =
RecentHost15 =
RecentHost16 =
HiRes = ON # on to support the hi-res mode that a few games use, off to render them in low-res
Transparency = ON
MessagesInImage = FALSE # true to draw text inside the SNES image (will get into AVIs, screenshots, and filters)
FrameRate = OFF # on to display the framerate (will be inaccurate if AutoMaxSkipFrames is too small)
DisplayInput = FALSE # true to show which buttons are pressed
DisplayFrameCount = TRUE # true to show the frame count when a movie is playing
FilterType = 0 # output filter: 0=None, 1=Forced 1X, 2=Simple 2X, 3=Scanlines, 4=TV Mode, 5=SuperEagle, 6=Super2xSaI, 7=2xSaI, 8=hq2x, 9=hq2xS, 10=hq2xBold, 11=EPX A, 12=EPX B, 13=EPX C, 14=Simple 3X, 15=TV Mode 3X, 16=Dot Matrix 3X, 17=hq3x, 18=hq3xS, 19=hq3xBold, 20=lq3xBold, 21=EPX3, 22=OpenGL bi-linear
FilterHiRes = 0 # hi-res output filter: 0=None, 1=Forced 1X, 2=Simple 2X, 3=Scanlines, 4=TV Mode, 14=Simple 3X, 22=OpenGL bi-linear
ExtendHeight = FALSE # true to display an extra 15 pixels at the bottom, which few games use. Also increases AVI output size from 256x224 to 256x240.
Window:Width = 510 # 256=1x, 512=2x, 768=3x, 1024=4x, etc. (usually)
Window:Height = 448 # 224=1x, 448=2x, 672=3x, 896=4x, etc. (usually)
Window:Left = 252 # in pixels from left edge of screen
Window:Top = 219 # in pixels from top edge of screen
Window:Maximized = FALSE
Stretch:Enabled = TRUE # true to stretch the game image to fill the window or screen
Stretch:MaintainAspectRatio = TRUE # prevents stretching from changing the aspect ratio
Stretch:UseVideoMemory = TRUE # allows bilinear filtering of stretching. Depending on your video card and the window size, this may result in a lower framerate.
Stretch:LocalVidMem = TRUE # determines the location of video memory, if UseVideoMemory = true. May increase or decrease rendering performance, depending on your setup and which filter and stretching options are active.
Fullscreen:Enabled = FALSE
Fullscreen:Width = 640
Fullscreen:Height = 480
Fullscreen:Depth = 16
Fullscreen:RefreshRate = 60
Fullscreen:DoubleBuffered = FALSE
HideMenu = FALSE # true to auto-hide the menu bar on startup.
TraceAll = TRUE
TraceSquelch = TRUE
TraceSplit = TRUE
TabbedOutput = FALSE
AutoUsage = TRUE
AltMenuBehavior = FALSE
DebugWin:Left = 860
DebugWin:Top = 94
DebugWin:Right = 556
DebugWin:Bottom = 431
HexWin:Left = 1384
HexWin:Top = 510
HexWin:Right = 493
HexWin:Bottom = 431
Dir:Logs = .\Logs # directory where Logs will be saved
Key:TraceAll = Numpad *
Mods:TraceAll = none
Key:Trace = Numpad /
Mods:Trace = none
Key:Run = Unassigned
Mods:Run = none
Key:NextOp = Unassigned
Mods:NextOp = none
Key:StepInto = Unassigned
Mods:StepInto = none
Key:StepOver = Unassigned
Mods:StepOver = none
Key:StepOut = Unassigned
Mods:StepOut = none
Key:SkipOp = Unassigned
Mods:SkipOp = none
FrameSkip = 200 # 200=automatic, 0=none, 1=skip every other, ...
AutoMaxSkipFramesAtOnce = 1 # most frames to skip at once to maintain speed, don't set to more than 1 or 2 frames because the skipping algorithm isn't very smart
TurboFrameSkip = 15 # how many frames to skip when in fast-forward mode
AutoSaveDelay = 30
SpeedHacks = OFF # on to skip emulating the CPU when it is not being used ... recommended OFF
BlockInvalidVRAMAccess = TRUE
SnapshotScreenshots = ON # on to save the screenshot in each snapshot, for loading-when-paused display
MovieTruncateAtEnd = TRUE # true to truncate any leftover data in the movie file after the current frame when recording stops
MovieNotifyIgnored = FALSE # true to display "(ignored)" in the frame counter when recording when the last frame of input was not used by the SNES (such as lag or loading frames)
DisplayWatchedAddresses = TRUE
WrongMovieStateProtection = ON # off to allow states to be loaded for recording from a different movie than they were made in
MessageDisplayTime = 120 # display length of messages, in frames. set to 0 to disable all message text
PauseWhenInactive = TRUE # true to pause Snes9x when it is not the active window
CustomRomOpenDialog = TRUE # false to use standard Windows open dialog for the ROM open dialog
ToggledTurbo = FALSE # true to allow fast-forward to stay on without holding the turbo button
FrameAdvanceSkipsNonInput = FALSE # causes frame advance to fast-forward past frames where the game is definitely not checking input, such as during lag or loading time. EXPERIMENTAL
SPC7110LoadMethod = 0 # for graphics packs: 0=load all into memory, 1=load nothing into memory, 2=load CacheSize at a time into memory
SPC7110CacheSize = 5 # number of megabytes used if SPC7110LoadMethod = 2
MovieDefaultClearSRAM = FALSE
MovieDefaultStartFromReset = FALSE
MovieDefaultReadOnly = TRUE
CurrentSaveSlot = 0
MaxRecentGames = 14 # max recent games to show in the recent games menu (must be <= 32)
Dir:Roms = Z:\home\greg\code\snes-ery # directory where the Open ROM dialog will start
Dir:Screenshots = .\Screenshots # directory where screenshots will be saved
Dir:Movies = .\Movies # the default directory for recorded movie (.smv) files
Dir:SPCs = .\SPCs # directory where SPCs will be saved
Dir:Savestates = .\Saves # directory where savestates will be created and loaded from
Dir:SRAM = .\Saves # directory where battery saves will be created and loaded from
Dir:Patches = .\Cheats # directory in which ROM patches (.ips files) and cheats (.cht files) will be looked for
Dir:Bios = .\BIOS # directory where BIOS files (such as "BS-X.bios") will be located
Dir:Lock = FALSE # true to prevent Snes9x from changing configured directories when you browse to a new location
Rom:RecentGame1 = Z:\home\greg\code\snes-ery\tic_tac.smc
Rom:RecentGame2 = Z:\home\greg\code\snes-ery\greenspace.smc
Rom:RecentGame3 =
Rom:RecentGame4 =
Rom:RecentGame5 =
Rom:RecentGame6 =
Rom:RecentGame7 =
Rom:RecentGame8 =
Rom:RecentGame9 =
Rom:RecentGame10 =
Rom:RecentGame11 =
Rom:RecentGame12 =
Rom:RecentGame13 =
Rom:RecentGame14 =
Rom:RecentGame15 =
Rom:RecentGame16 =
Rom:RecentGame17 =
Rom:RecentGame18 =
Rom:RecentGame19 =
Rom:RecentGame20 =
Rom:RecentGame21 =
Rom:RecentGame22 =
Rom:RecentGame23 =
Rom:RecentGame24 =
Rom:RecentGame25 =
Rom:RecentGame26 =
Rom:RecentGame27 =
Rom:RecentGame28 =
Rom:RecentGame29 =
Rom:RecentGame30 =
Rom:RecentGame31 =
Rom:RecentGame32 =
Pack:StarOcean =
Pack:FarEast =
Pack:SFA2PAL =
Pack:Momotarou =
Pack:SFZ2 =
Pack:ShounenJump =
Pack:SPL4 =
Rom:MultiCartA =
Rom:MultiCartB =
AllowLeftRight = FALSE # true to allow left+right and up+down
Joypad1:Enabled = TRUE
Joypad1:Up = Up
Joypad1:Down = Down
Joypad1:Left = Left
Joypad1:Right = Right
Joypad1:A = V
Joypad1:B = C
Joypad1:Y = X
Joypad1:X = D
Joypad1:L = A
Joypad1:R = S
Joypad1:Start = Space
Joypad1:Select = Enter
Joypad1:Left+Up = Unassigned
Joypad1:Right+Up = Unassigned
Joypad1:Right+Down = Unassigned
Joypad1:Left+Down = Unassigned
Joypad1Turbo:AutoFire = Unassigned
Joypad1Turbo:AutoHold = Unassigned
Joypad1Turbo:TempTurbo = Unassigned
Joypad1Turbo:ClearAll = Unassigned
Joypad2:Enabled = TRUE
Joypad2:Up = I
Joypad2:Down = K
Joypad2:Left = J
Joypad2:Right = L
Joypad2:A = H
Joypad2:B = G
Joypad2:Y = F
Joypad2:X = T
Joypad2:L = Y
Joypad2:R = U
Joypad2:Start = P
Joypad2:Select = O
Joypad2:Left+Up = Unassigned
Joypad2:Right+Up = Unassigned
Joypad2:Right+Down = Unassigned
Joypad2:Left+Down = Unassigned
Joypad2Turbo:AutoFire = Unassigned
Joypad2Turbo:AutoHold = Unassigned
Joypad2Turbo:TempTurbo = Unassigned
Joypad2Turbo:ClearAll = Unassigned
Joypad3:Enabled = FALSE
Joypad3:Up = Unassigned
Joypad3:Down = Unassigned
Joypad3:Left = Unassigned
Joypad3:Right = Unassigned
Joypad3:A = Unassigned
Joypad3:B = Unassigned
Joypad3:Y = Unassigned
Joypad3:X = Unassigned
Joypad3:L = Unassigned
Joypad3:R = Unassigned
Joypad3:Start = Unassigned
Joypad3:Select = Unassigned
Joypad3:Left+Up = Unassigned
Joypad3:Right+Up = Unassigned
Joypad3:Right+Down = Unassigned
Joypad3:Left+Down = Unassigned
Joypad3Turbo:AutoFire = Unassigned
Joypad3Turbo:AutoHold = Unassigned
Joypad3Turbo:TempTurbo = Unassigned
Joypad3Turbo:ClearAll = Unassigned
Joypad4:Enabled = FALSE
Joypad4:Up = Unassigned
Joypad4:Down = Unassigned
Joypad4:Left = Unassigned
Joypad4:Right = Unassigned
Joypad4:A = Unassigned
Joypad4:B = Unassigned
Joypad4:Y = Unassigned
Joypad4:X = Unassigned
Joypad4:L = Unassigned
Joypad4:R = Unassigned
Joypad4:Start = Unassigned
Joypad4:Select = Unassigned
Joypad4:Left+Up = Unassigned
Joypad4:Right+Up = Unassigned
Joypad4:Right+Down = Unassigned
Joypad4:Left+Down = Unassigned
Joypad4Turbo:AutoFire = Unassigned
Joypad4Turbo:AutoHold = Unassigned
Joypad4Turbo:TempTurbo = Unassigned
Joypad4Turbo:ClearAll = Unassigned
Joypad5:Enabled = FALSE
Joypad5:Up = Unassigned
Joypad5:Down = Unassigned
Joypad5:Left = Unassigned
Joypad5:Right = Unassigned
Joypad5:A = Unassigned
Joypad5:B = Unassigned
Joypad5:Y = Unassigned
Joypad5:X = Unassigned
Joypad5:L = Unassigned
Joypad5:R = Unassigned
Joypad5:Start = Unassigned
Joypad5:Select = Unassigned
Joypad5:Left+Up = Unassigned
Joypad5:Right+Up = Unassigned
Joypad5:Right+Down = Unassigned
Joypad5:Left+Down = Unassigned
Joypad5Turbo:AutoFire = Unassigned
Joypad5Turbo:AutoHold = Unassigned
Joypad5Turbo:TempTurbo = Unassigned
Joypad5Turbo:ClearAll = Unassigned
Joypad6:Enabled = FALSE
Joypad6:Up = Unassigned
Joypad6:Down = Unassigned
Joypad6:Left = Unassigned
Joypad6:Right = Unassigned
Joypad6:A = Unassigned
Joypad6:B = Unassigned
Joypad6:Y = Unassigned
Joypad6:X = Unassigned
Joypad6:L = Unassigned
Joypad6:R = Unassigned
Joypad6:Start = Unassigned
Joypad6:Select = Unassigned
Joypad6:Left+Up = Unassigned
Joypad6:Right+Up = Unassigned
Joypad6:Right+Down = Unassigned
Joypad6:Left+Down = Unassigned
Joypad6Turbo:AutoFire = Unassigned
Joypad6Turbo:AutoHold = Unassigned
Joypad6Turbo:TempTurbo = Unassigned
Joypad6Turbo:ClearAll = Unassigned
Joypad7:Enabled = FALSE
Joypad7:Up = Unassigned
Joypad7:Down = Unassigned
Joypad7:Left = Unassigned
Joypad7:Right = Unassigned
Joypad7:A = Unassigned
Joypad7:B = Unassigned
Joypad7:Y = Unassigned
Joypad7:X = Unassigned
Joypad7:L = Unassigned
Joypad7:R = Unassigned
Joypad7:Start = Unassigned
Joypad7:Select = Unassigned
Joypad7:Left+Up = Unassigned
Joypad7:Right+Up = Unassigned
Joypad7:Right+Down = Unassigned
Joypad7:Left+Down = Unassigned
Joypad7Turbo:AutoFire = Unassigned
Joypad7Turbo:AutoHold = Unassigned
Joypad7Turbo:TempTurbo = Unassigned
Joypad7Turbo:ClearAll = Unassigned
Joypad8:Enabled = FALSE
Joypad8:Up = Unassigned
Joypad8:Down = Unassigned
Joypad8:Left = Unassigned
Joypad8:Right = Unassigned
Joypad8:A = Unassigned
Joypad8:B = Unassigned
Joypad8:Y = Unassigned
Joypad8:X = Unassigned
Joypad8:L = Unassigned
Joypad8:R = Unassigned
Joypad8:Start = Unassigned
Joypad8:Select = Unassigned
Joypad8:Left+Up = Unassigned
Joypad8:Right+Up = Unassigned
Joypad8:Right+Down = Unassigned
Joypad8:Left+Down = Unassigned
Joypad8Turbo:AutoFire = Unassigned
Joypad8Turbo:AutoHold = Unassigned
Joypad8Turbo:TempTurbo = Unassigned
Joypad8Turbo:ClearAll = Unassigned
Joypad1Turbo:A = Unassigned
Joypad1Turbo:B = Unassigned
Joypad1Turbo:Y = Unassigned
Joypad1Turbo:X = Unassigned
Joypad1Turbo:L = Unassigned
Joypad1Turbo:R = Unassigned
Joypad1Turbo:Start = Unassigned
Joypad1Turbo:Select = Unassigned
Joypad2Turbo:A = Unassigned
Joypad2Turbo:B = Unassigned
Joypad2Turbo:Y = Unassigned
Joypad2Turbo:X = Unassigned
Joypad2Turbo:L = Unassigned
Joypad2Turbo:R = Unassigned
Joypad2Turbo:Start = Unassigned
Joypad2Turbo:Select = Unassigned
Joypad3Turbo:A = Unassigned
Joypad3Turbo:B = Unassigned
Joypad3Turbo:Y = Unassigned
Joypad3Turbo:X = Unassigned
Joypad3Turbo:L = Unassigned
Joypad3Turbo:R = Unassigned
Joypad3Turbo:Start = Unassigned
Joypad3Turbo:Select = Unassigned
Joypad4Turbo:A = Unassigned
Joypad4Turbo:B = Unassigned
Joypad4Turbo:Y = Unassigned
Joypad4Turbo:X = Unassigned
Joypad4Turbo:L = Unassigned
Joypad4Turbo:R = Unassigned
Joypad4Turbo:Start = Unassigned
Joypad4Turbo:Select = Unassigned
Joypad5Turbo:A = Unassigned
Joypad5Turbo:B = Unassigned
Joypad5Turbo:Y = Unassigned
Joypad5Turbo:X = Unassigned
Joypad5Turbo:L = Unassigned
Joypad5Turbo:R = Unassigned
Joypad5Turbo:Start = Unassigned
Joypad5Turbo:Select = Unassigned
Joypad6Turbo:A = Unassigned
Joypad6Turbo:B = Unassigned
Joypad6Turbo:Y = Unassigned
Joypad6Turbo:X = Unassigned
Joypad6Turbo:L = Unassigned
Joypad6Turbo:R = Unassigned
Joypad6Turbo:Start = Unassigned
Joypad6Turbo:Select = Unassigned
Joypad7Turbo:A = Unassigned
Joypad7Turbo:B = Unassigned
Joypad7Turbo:Y = Unassigned
Joypad7Turbo:X = Unassigned
Joypad7Turbo:L = Unassigned
Joypad7Turbo:R = Unassigned
Joypad7Turbo:Start = Unassigned
Joypad7Turbo:Select = Unassigned
Joypad8Turbo:A = Unassigned
Joypad8Turbo:B = Unassigned
Joypad8Turbo:Y = Unassigned
Joypad8Turbo:X = Unassigned
Joypad8Turbo:L = Unassigned
Joypad8Turbo:R = Unassigned
Joypad8Turbo:Start = Unassigned
Joypad8Turbo:Select = Unassigned
Joypads:Background = ON # on to detect game keypresses while window is inactive, if PauseWhenInactive = FALSE.
Handler:Joystick = ON # on to detect game controller buttons assigned to hotkeys. May impact performance.
Handler:Background = OFF # on to detect keyboard hotkeys when in the background. May impact performance and decrease responsiveness.
Key:SpeedUp = +
Mods:SpeedUp = none
Key:SpeedDown = -
Mods:SpeedDown = none
Key:Pause = Pause
Mods:Pause = none
Key:FrameAdvance = Backslash
Mods:FrameAdvance = none
Key:SkipUp = +
Mods:SkipUp = Shift
Key:SkipDown = -
Mods:SkipDown = Shift
Key:ScopeTurbo = `
Mods:ScopeTurbo = none
Key:ScopePause = /
Mods:ScopePause = none
Key:FrameCount = .
Mods:FrameCount = none
Key:ReadOnly = 8
Mods:ReadOnly = Shift
Key:FastForward = Tab
Mods:FastForward = none
Key:ShowPressed = ,
Mods:ShowPressed = none
Key:SaveSlot0 = F1
Mods:SaveSlot0 = Shift
Key:SaveSlot1 = F2
Mods:SaveSlot1 = Shift
Key:SaveSlot2 = F3
Mods:SaveSlot2 = Shift
Key:SaveSlot3 = F4
Mods:SaveSlot3 = Shift
Key:SaveSlot4 = F5
Mods:SaveSlot4 = Shift
Key:SaveSlot5 = F6
Mods:SaveSlot5 = Shift
Key:SaveSlot6 = F7
Mods:SaveSlot6 = Shift
Key:SaveSlot7 = F8
Mods:SaveSlot7 = Shift
Key:SaveSlot8 = F9
Mods:SaveSlot8 = Shift
Key:SaveSlot9 = F10
Mods:SaveSlot9 = Shift
Key:LoadSlot0 = F1
Mods:LoadSlot0 = none
Key:LoadSlot1 = F2
Mods:LoadSlot1 = none
Key:LoadSlot2 = F3
Mods:LoadSlot2 = none
Key:LoadSlot3 = F4
Mods:LoadSlot3 = none
Key:LoadSlot4 = F5
Mods:LoadSlot4 = none
Key:LoadSlot5 = F6
Mods:LoadSlot5 = none
Key:LoadSlot6 = F7
Mods:LoadSlot6 = none
Key:LoadSlot7 = F8
Mods:LoadSlot7 = none
Key:LoadSlot8 = F9
Mods:LoadSlot8 = none
Key:LoadSlot9 = F10
Mods:LoadSlot9 = none
Key:SelectSlot0 = Unassigned
Mods:SelectSlot0 = none
Key:SelectSlot1 = Unassigned
Mods:SelectSlot1 = none
Key:SelectSlot2 = Unassigned
Mods:SelectSlot2 = none
Key:SelectSlot3 = Unassigned
Mods:SelectSlot3 = none
Key:SelectSlot4 = Unassigned
Mods:SelectSlot4 = none
Key:SelectSlot5 = Unassigned
Mods:SelectSlot5 = none
Key:SelectSlot6 = Unassigned
Mods:SelectSlot6 = none
Key:SelectSlot7 = Unassigned
Mods:SelectSlot7 = none
Key:SelectSlot8 = Unassigned
Mods:SelectSlot8 = none
Key:SelectSlot9 = Unassigned
Mods:SelectSlot9 = none
Key:SaveScreenShot = F12
Mods:SaveScreenShot = none
Key:SlotPlus = Unassigned
Mods:SlotPlus = none
Key:SlotMinus = Unassigned
Mods:SlotMinus = none
Key:SlotSave = Unassigned
Mods:SlotSave = none
Key:SlotLoad = Unassigned
Mods:SlotLoad = none
Key:BGL1 = 1
Mods:BGL1 = none
Key:BGL2 = 2
Mods:BGL2 = none
Key:BGL3 = 3
Mods:BGL3 = none
Key:BGL4 = 4
Mods:BGL4 = none
Key:BGL5 = 5
Mods:BGL5 = none
Key:ClippingWindows = 8
Mods:ClippingWindows = none
Key:Transparency = 9
Mods:Transparency = none
Key:HDMA = 0
Mods:HDMA = none
Key:GLCube = 6
Mods:GLCube = Shift
Key:JoypadSwap = 6
Mods:JoypadSwap = none
Key:SwitchControllers = 7
Mods:SwitchControllers = none
Key:ResetGame = R
Mods:ResetGame = Ctrl Shift
Key:ToggleCheats = Unassigned
Mods:ToggleCheats = none
Key:TurboA = PgDn
Mods:TurboA = Shift
Key:TurboB = End
Mods:TurboB = Shift
Key:TurboY = Home
Mods:TurboY = Shift
Key:TurboX = PgUp
Mods:TurboX = Shift
Key:TurboL = Insert
Mods:TurboL = Shift
Key:TurboR = Delete
Mods:TurboR = Shift
Key:TurboStart = Unassigned
Mods:TurboStart = none
Key:TurboSelect = Unassigned
Mods:TurboSelect = none
Key:TurboUp = Unassigned
Mods:TurboUp = none
Key:TurboDown = Unassigned
Mods:TurboDown = none
Key:TurboLeft = Unassigned
Mods:TurboLeft = none
Key:TurboRight = Unassigned
Mods:TurboRight = none