
339 lines
11 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Write;
use crate::ast;
use crate::ast::{ItemId, TypeBody, TypeSingletonName, Signature, Statement, StatementKind};
use crate::typechecking::TypeName;
macro_rules! sym_path_kind {
(fn) => { ScopeSegmentKind::Function };
(ty) => { ScopeSegmentKind::Type };
(tr) => { ScopeSegmentKind::Terminal };
macro_rules! fqsn {
( $( $name:expr ; $kind:tt),* ) => {
let mut vec = vec![];
mod symbol_trie;
use symbol_trie::SymbolTrie;
mod test;
type LineNumber = u32;
type SymbolTrackTable = HashMap<Rc<String>, LineNumber>;
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct FullyQualifiedSymbolName(pub Vec<ScopeSegment>);
impl fmt::Display for FullyQualifiedSymbolName {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let FullyQualifiedSymbolName(v) = self;
for segment in v {
write!(f, "::{}", segment)?;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct ScopeSegment {
pub name: Rc<String>, //TODO maybe this could be a &str, for efficiency?
pub kind: ScopeSegmentKind,
impl fmt::Display for ScopeSegment {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use colored::*;
use ScopeSegmentKind::*;
let kind = match self.kind {
Function => "[fn]".green(),
Type => "[ty]".red(),
Terminal => "[tr]".blue(),
write!(f, "{}{}",, kind)
impl ScopeSegment {
pub fn new(name: Rc<String>, kind: ScopeSegmentKind) -> ScopeSegment {
ScopeSegment { name, kind }
#[derive(Copy, Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum ScopeSegmentKind {
//cf. p. 150 or so of Language Implementation Patterns
pub struct SymbolTable {
symbol_path_to_symbol: HashMap<FullyQualifiedSymbolName, Symbol>,
id_to_fqsn: HashMap<ItemId, FullyQualifiedSymbolName>,
symbol_trie: SymbolTrie,
//TODO add various types of lookups here, maybe multiple hash tables internally?
impl SymbolTable {
pub fn new() -> SymbolTable {
SymbolTable {
symbol_path_to_symbol: HashMap::new(),
id_to_fqsn: HashMap::new(),
symbol_trie: SymbolTrie::new()
pub fn map_id_to_fqsn(&mut self, id: &ItemId, fqsn: FullyQualifiedSymbolName) {
self.id_to_fqsn.insert(id.clone(), fqsn);
pub fn get_fqsn_from_id(&self, id: &ItemId) -> Option<FullyQualifiedSymbolName> {
fn add_new_symbol(&mut self, local_name: &Rc<String>, scope_path: &Vec<ScopeSegment>, spec: SymbolSpec) {
let mut vec: Vec<ScopeSegment> = scope_path.clone();
vec.push(ScopeSegment { name: local_name.clone(), kind: ScopeSegmentKind::Terminal });
let fully_qualified_name = FullyQualifiedSymbolName(vec);
let symbol = Symbol { local_name: local_name.clone(), fully_qualified_name: fully_qualified_name.clone(), spec };
self.symbol_path_to_symbol.insert(fully_qualified_name, symbol);
pub fn lookup_by_fqsn(&self, fully_qualified_path: &FullyQualifiedSymbolName) -> Option<&Symbol> {
pub fn lookup_children_of_fqsn(&self, path: &FullyQualifiedSymbolName) -> Vec<FullyQualifiedSymbolName> {
pub struct Symbol {
pub local_name: Rc<String>, //TODO does this need to be pub?
fully_qualified_name: FullyQualifiedSymbolName,
pub spec: SymbolSpec,
impl fmt::Display for Symbol {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "<Local name: {}, Spec: {}>", self.local_name, self.spec)
pub enum SymbolSpec {
DataConstructor {
index: usize,
type_name: TypeName,
type_args: Vec<Rc<String>>,
RecordConstructor {
index: usize,
members: HashMap<Rc<String>, TypeName>,
type_name: TypeName,
Type {
name: TypeName
impl fmt::Display for SymbolSpec {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use self::SymbolSpec::*;
match self {
Func(type_names) => write!(f, "Func({:?})", type_names),
DataConstructor { index, type_name, type_args } => write!(f, "DataConstructor(idx: {})({:?} -> {})", index, type_args, type_name),
RecordConstructor { type_name, index, ..} => write!(f, "RecordConstructor(idx: {})(<members> -> {})", index, type_name),
Binding => write!(f, "Binding"),
Type { name } => write!(f, "Type <{}>", name),
impl SymbolTable {
/* note: this adds names for *forward reference* but doesn't actually create any types. solve that problem
* later */
pub fn add_top_level_symbols(&mut self, ast: &ast::AST) -> Result<(), String> {
let mut scope_name_stack = Vec::new();
self.add_symbols_from_scope(&ast.statements, &mut scope_name_stack)
fn add_symbols_from_scope<'a>(&'a mut self, statements: &Vec<Statement>, scope_name_stack: &mut Vec<ScopeSegment>) -> Result<(), String> {
use self::ast::Declaration::*;
fn insert_and_check_duplicate_symbol(table: &mut SymbolTrackTable, name: &Rc<String>) -> Result<(), String> {
match table.entry(name.clone()) {
Entry::Occupied(o) => {
let line_number = o.get(); //TODO make this actually work
Err(format!("Duplicate definition: {}. It's already defined at {}", name, line_number))
Entry::Vacant(v) => {
let line_number = 0; //TODO should work
let mut seen_identifiers: SymbolTrackTable = HashMap::new();
for statement in statements.iter() {
if let Statement { kind: StatementKind::Declaration(decl), .. } = statement {
match decl {
FuncSig(ref signature) => {
insert_and_check_duplicate_symbol(&mut seen_identifiers, &;
self.add_function_signature(signature, scope_name_stack)?
FuncDecl(ref signature, ref body) => {
insert_and_check_duplicate_symbol(&mut seen_identifiers, &;
self.add_function_signature(signature, scope_name_stack)?;
kind: ScopeSegmentKind::Function,
let output = self.add_symbols_from_scope(body, scope_name_stack);
let _ = scope_name_stack.pop();
TypeDecl { name, body, mutable } => {
insert_and_check_duplicate_symbol(&mut seen_identifiers, &;
//TODO add ScopeSegmentKind::Type here
self.add_type_decl(name, body, mutable, scope_name_stack)?
Binding { name, .. } => {
insert_and_check_duplicate_symbol(&mut seen_identifiers, name)?;
self.add_new_symbol(name, scope_name_stack, SymbolSpec::Binding);
_ => ()
pub fn debug_symbol_table(&self) -> String {
let mut output = format!("Symbol table\n");
let mut sorted_symbols: Vec<(&FullyQualifiedSymbolName, &Symbol)> = self.symbol_path_to_symbol.iter().collect();
sorted_symbols.sort_by(|(fqsn, _), (other_fqsn, _)| fqsn.cmp(other_fqsn));
for (name, sym) in sorted_symbols.iter() {
write!(output, "{} -> {}\n", name, sym).unwrap();
fn add_function_signature(&mut self, signature: &Signature, scope_name_stack: &mut Vec<ScopeSegment>) -> Result<(), String> {
let mut local_type_context = LocalTypeContext::new();
let types = signature.params.iter().map(|param| match param.anno {
Some(ref type_identifier) => Rc::new(format!("{:?}", type_identifier)),
None => local_type_context.new_universal_type()
self.add_new_symbol(&, scope_name_stack, SymbolSpec::Func(types));
//TODO handle type mutability
fn add_type_decl(&mut self, type_name: &TypeSingletonName, body: &TypeBody, _mutable: &bool, scope_name_stack: &mut Vec<ScopeSegment>) -> Result<(), String> {
use crate::ast::{TypeIdentifier, Variant};
let TypeBody(variants) = body;
let ref type_name =;
let type_spec = SymbolSpec::Type {
name: type_name.clone(),
self.add_new_symbol(type_name, &scope_name_stack, type_spec);
name: type_name.clone(),
kind: ScopeSegmentKind::Type,
//TODO figure out why _params isn't being used here
for (index, var) in variants.iter().enumerate() {
match var {
Variant::UnitStruct(variant_name) => {
let spec = SymbolSpec::DataConstructor {
type_name: type_name.clone(),
type_args: vec![],
self.add_new_symbol(variant_name, scope_name_stack, spec);
Variant::TupleStruct(variant_name, tuple_members) => {
//TODO fix the notion of a tuple type
let type_args = tuple_members.iter().map(|type_name| match type_name {
TypeIdentifier::Singleton(TypeSingletonName { name, ..}) => name.clone(),
TypeIdentifier::Tuple(_) => unimplemented!(),
let spec = SymbolSpec::DataConstructor {
type_name: type_name.clone(),
self.add_new_symbol(variant_name, scope_name_stack, spec);
Variant::Record { name, members: defined_members } => {
let mut members = HashMap::new();
let mut duplicate_member_definitions = Vec::new();
for (member_name, member_type) in defined_members {
match members.entry(member_name.clone()) {
Entry::Occupied(_) => duplicate_member_definitions.push(member_name.clone()),
Entry::Vacant(v) => {
v.insert(match member_type {
TypeIdentifier::Singleton(TypeSingletonName { name, ..}) => name.clone(),
TypeIdentifier::Tuple(_) => unimplemented!(),
if duplicate_member_definitions.len() != 0 {
return Err(format!("Duplicate member(s) in definition of type {}: {:?}", type_name, duplicate_member_definitions));
let spec = SymbolSpec::RecordConstructor { index, type_name: type_name.clone(), members };
self.add_new_symbol(name, scope_name_stack, spec);
struct LocalTypeContext {
state: u8
impl LocalTypeContext {
fn new() -> LocalTypeContext {
LocalTypeContext { state: 0 }
fn new_universal_type(&mut self) -> TypeName {
let n = self.state;
self.state += 1;
Rc::new(format!("{}", (('a' as u8) + n) as char))