greg 09d524c74a Changing how parsing works again
Someone wrote a port of the LLVM kaleidoscope tutorial to rust, namely

I'm just gonna follow this along
2017-09-19 22:10:54 -07:00

105 lines
2.5 KiB

use parser::AST;
struct Evaluator {
ast: AST
pub type EvaluatorResult<T> = Result<T, EvaluatorError>;
struct EvaluatorError {
err: String
impl Evaluator {
pub fn run(self) -> String {
match reduce_full(self.ast) {
Err(e) => format!("{}", e.err),
Ok(ast) => format!("{}", ast)
impl AST {
fn can_reduce(&self) -> bool {
use parser::AST::*;
match self {
&Number(_) => false,
&Name(_) => false,
_ => true
fn reduce_full(ast: AST) -> EvaluatorResult<AST> {
let mut ast = ast;
while ast.can_reduce() {
ast = try!(reduce_step(ast));
fn reduce_step(ast: AST) -> EvaluatorResult<AST> {
use parser::AST::*;
match ast {
Definition(name, value) => {
Block(mut block_nodes) => {
match block_nodes.pop() {
None => Err(EvaluatorError { err: format!("Block with no statements") }),
Some(node) => reduce_full(node),
BinOp(left, op, right) => {
let left = try!(reduce_full(*left));
let op = try!(reduce_full(*op));
let right = try!(reduce_full(*right));
match (left, op, right) {
(Number(l), Name(op), Number(r)) => {
match &op[..] {
"+" => Ok(Number(l + r)),
"-" => Ok(Number(l - r)),
"*" => Ok(Number(l * r)),
"/" => {
if r == 0.0 {
Err(EvaluatorError { err: format!("Divide by zero") })
} else {
Ok(Number(l / r))
_ => Err(EvaluatorError { err: format!("Bad BinOp operator") })
_ => Err(EvaluatorError {
err: format!("Bad arguments for BinOp")
Number(_) => Ok(ast),
Name(_) => Ok(ast),
pub fn evaluate(ast: AST) -> String {
let ev = Evaluator { ast: ast };
mod tests {
use tokenizer::tokenize;
use parser::{parse, AST};
use super::evaluate;
fn test_basic_evaluation() {
let input = "1 + 2\n";
let output = evaluate(parse(tokenize(input)).unwrap());
assert_eq!(output, "3");