extern crate itertools; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::rc::Rc; use std::iter::{Enumerate, Peekable}; use self::itertools::Itertools; use std::vec::IntoIter; use std::str::Chars; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub enum TokenType { Newline, Semicolon, LParen, RParen, LSquareBracket, RSquareBracket, LAngleBracket, RAngleBracket, LCurlyBrace, RCurlyBrace, Pipe, Comma, Period, Colon, Underscore, Operator(Rc), DigitGroup(Rc), HexNumberSigil, BinNumberSigil, StrLiteral(Rc), Identifier(Rc), Keyword(Kw), EOF, Error(String), } use self::TokenType::*; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] pub enum Kw { If, Else, Func, For, Match, Var, Const, Let, In, Alias, Type, SelfType, SelfIdent, Trait, Impl, True, False } use self::Kw::*; lazy_static! { static ref KEYWORDS: HashMap<&'static str, Kw> = hashmap! { "if" => Kw::If, "else" => Kw::Else, "fn" => Kw::Func, "for" => Kw::For, "match" => Kw::Match, "var" => Kw::Var, "const" => Kw::Const, "let" => Kw::Let, "in" => Kw::In, "alias" => Kw::Alias, "type" => Kw::Type, "Self" => Kw::SelfType, "self" => Kw::SelfIdent, "trait" => Kw::Trait, "impl" => Kw::Impl, "true" => Kw::True, "false" => Kw::False, }; } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Token { token_type: TokenType, offset: usize, } impl Token { pub fn get_error(&self) -> Option<&String> { match self.token_type { TokenType::Error(ref s) => Some(s), _ => None, } } } fn is_digit(c: &char) -> bool { c.is_digit(10) } type CharIter<'a> = Peekable>>; pub fn tokenize(input: &str) -> Vec { let mut tokens: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut input: CharIter = input.chars().enumerate().peekable(); while let Some((idx, c)) = input.next() { let cur_tok_type = match c { '#' => { if let Some(&(_, '{')) = input.peek() { } else { while let Some((_, c)) = input.next() { if c == '\n' { break; } } } continue; }, c if c.is_whitespace() && c != '\n' => continue, '\n' => Newline, ';' => Semicolon, ':' => Colon, ',' => Comma, '.' => Period, '(' => LParen, ')' => RParen, '{' => LCurlyBrace, '}' => RCurlyBrace, '<' => LAngleBracket, '>' => RAngleBracket, '[' => LSquareBracket, ']' => RSquareBracket, '|' => Pipe, '"' => handle_quote(&mut input), c if is_digit(&c) => handle_digit(c, &mut input), c if c.is_alphabetic() || c == '_' => handle_alphabetic(c, &mut input), //TODO I'll probably have to rewrite this if I care about types being uppercase, also type parameterization c => handle_operator(c, &mut input), }; tokens.push(Token { token_type: cur_tok_type, offset: idx }); } tokens } fn handle_digit(c: char, input: &mut CharIter) -> TokenType { if c == '0' && input.peek().map_or(false, |&(_, c)| { c == 'x' }) { input.next(); HexNumberSigil } else if c == '0' && input.peek().map_or(false, |&(_, c)| { c == 'b' }) { input.next(); BinNumberSigil } else { let mut buf = c.to_string(); buf.extend(input.peeking_take_while(|&(_, ref c)| is_digit(c)).map(|(_, c)| { c })); DigitGroup(Rc::new(buf)) } } fn handle_quote(input: &mut CharIter) -> TokenType { let mut buf = String::new(); loop { match input.next().map(|(_, c)| { c }) { Some('"') => break, Some('\\') => { let next = input.peek().map(|&(_, c)| { c }); if next == Some('n') { input.next(); buf.push('\n') } else if next == Some('"') { input.next(); buf.push('"'); } else if next == Some('t') { input.next(); buf.push('\t'); } }, Some(c) => buf.push(c), None => return TokenType::Error(format!("Unclosed string")), } } TokenType::StrLiteral(Rc::new(buf)) } fn handle_alphabetic(c: char, input: &mut CharIter) -> TokenType { let mut buf = String::new(); buf.push(c); if c == '_' && input.peek().map(|&(_, c)| { !c.is_alphabetic() }).unwrap_or(true) { return TokenType::Underscore } loop { match input.peek().map(|&(_, c)| { c }) { Some(c) if c.is_alphanumeric() => { input.next(); buf.push(c); }, _ => break, } } match KEYWORDS.get(buf.as_str()) { Some(kw) => TokenType::Keyword(kw.clone()), None => TokenType::Identifier(Rc::new(buf)), } } fn handle_operator(c: char, input: &mut CharIter) -> TokenType { let mut buf = String::new(); buf.push(c); loop { match input.peek().map(|&(_, c)| { c }) { Some(c) if !c.is_alphabetic() && !c.is_whitespace() => { input.next(); buf.push(c); }, _ => break } } TokenType::Operator(Rc::new(buf)) } #[cfg(test)] mod schala_tokenizer_tests { use super::*; use super::TokenType::*; use super::Kw::*; macro_rules! digit { ($ident:expr) => { DigitGroup(Rc::new($ident.to_string())) } } macro_rules! ident { ($ident:expr) => { Identifier(Rc::new($ident.to_string())) } } macro_rules! op { ($ident:expr) => { Operator(Rc::new($ident.to_string())) } } #[test] fn tokens() { let a = tokenize("let a: A = c ++ d"); let token_types: Vec = a.into_iter().map(move |t| t.token_type).collect(); assert_eq!(token_types, vec![Keyword(Let), ident!("a"), Colon, ident!("A"), LAngleBracket, ident!("B"), RAngleBracket, op!("="), ident!("c"), op!("++"), ident!("d")]); } #[test] fn underscores() { let token_types: Vec = tokenize("4_8").into_iter().map(move |t| t.token_type).collect(); assert_eq!(token_types, vec![digit!("4"), Underscore, digit!("8")]); } } /* Schala (PROVISIONAL!!) EBNF grammar '' = literal, all other symbols are nonterminals program := (statement delimiter ?)* delimiter := 'Newline' | ';' statement := declaration | expression declaration := module | function | type_decl type_decl := 'type' type_format type_format := 'alias' '=' type | type_constructor type_constructor := capital_ident '=' type_rhs type_rhs := struct_decl | type_variant ('|' type_variant)* struct_decl := 'struct' '{' (ident ':' type)* '}' type_variant := capital_ident | tuple_type | capital_ident struct_decl tuple_type := // something like Variant(a,b) type := // something like Type[A[b]] ascription := expression (':' type)+ function := 'fn' prototype '{' (statement)* '}' prototype := identifier '(' identlist ')' identlist := identifier (',' identifier)* | ε declaration := FN prototype LCurlyBrace (statement)* RCurlyBrace prototype := identifier LParen identlist RParen identlist := Ident (Comma Ident)* | ε exprlist := Expression (Comma Expression)* | ε itemlist := Ident COLON Expression (Comma Ident COLON Expression)* | ε expression := postop_expression (op postop_expression)* postop_expression := primary_expression postop primary_expression := number_expr | String | identifier_expr | paren_expr | conditional_expr | while_expr | lambda_expr | list_expr | struct_expr number_expr := (PLUS | MINUS ) number_expr | Number identifier_expr := call_expression | Variable list_expr := LSquareBracket exprlist RSquareBracket struct_expr := LCurlyBrace itemlist RCurlyBrace call_expression := Identifier LParen exprlist RParen while_expr := WHILE primary_expression LCurlyBrace (expression delimiter)* RCurlyBrace paren_expr := LParen expression RParen conditional_expr := IF expression LCurlyBrace (expression delimiter)* RCurlyBrace (LCurlyBrace (expresion delimiter)* RCurlyBrace)? lambda_expr := FN LParen identlist RParen LCurlyBrace (expression delimiter)* RCurlyBrace lambda_call := | LParen exprlist RParen postop := ε | LParen exprlist RParen | LBracket expression RBracket op := '+', '-', etc. */ /* Schala EBNF Grammar */ /* Terminal productions are «in Guillemets» or UPPERCASE if they are a class * or not representable in ASCII program := (statement delimiter)* EOF delimiter := NEWLINE | «;» statement := expression | declaration declaration := type_alias | type_declaration | func_declaration type_alias := «alias» IDENTIFIER «=» IDENTIFIER type_declaration := «type» IDENTIFIER «=» type_body type_body := variant_specifier («|» variant_specifier)* variant_specifier := «{» member_list «}» member_list := (IDENTIFIER type_anno)* func_declaration := «fn» IDENTIFIER «(» param_list «)» param_list := (IDENTIFIER type_anno+ «,»)* type_anno := «:» type expression := precedence_expr precedence_expr := primary primary := literal | paren_expr | identifier_expr paren_expr := LParen expression RParen identifier_expr := call_expr | index_expr | IDENTIFIER literal := «true» | «false» | number_literal | str_literal call_expr := IDENTIFIER «(» expr_list «)» //TODO maybe make this optional? or no, have a bare identifier meant to be used as method taken care of in eval index_expr := «[» (expression («,» (expression)* | ε) «]» expr_list := expression («,» expression)* | ε // a float_literal can still be assigned to an int in type-checking number_literal := int_literal | float_literal int_literal = ('0x' | '0b') digits float_literal := digits ('.' digits) digits := (DIGIT_GROUP underscore)+ */ type TokenIter = Peekable>; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ParseError { pub msg: String, } impl ParseError { fn new(msg: &str) -> ParseResult { Err(ParseError { msg: msg.to_string() }) } } pub type ParseResult = Result; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ParseRecord(String); struct Parser { tokens: TokenIter, parse_record: Vec, } impl Parser { fn new(input: Vec) -> Parser { Parser { tokens: input.into_iter().peekable(), parse_record: vec![] } } fn peek(&mut self) -> TokenType { self.tokens.peek().map(|ref t| { t.token_type.clone() }).unwrap_or(TokenType::EOF) } fn next(&mut self) -> TokenType { self.tokens.next().map(|ref t| { t.token_type.clone() }).unwrap_or(TokenType::EOF) } } macro_rules! expect { ($self:expr, $token_type:pat, $message:expr) => { match $self.peek() { $token_type => $self.next(), _ => return Err(ParseError { msg: $message.to_string() }), } }; ($self:expr, $token_type:pat if $cond:expr, $message:expr) => { match $self.peek() { $token_type if $cond => $self.next(), _ => return Err(ParseError { msg: $message.to_string() }), } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct AST(Vec); #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum Statement { Expression(Expression), Declaration(Declaration), } type ParamName = Rc; type TypeName = Rc; type FormalParamList = Vec<(ParamName, Option)>; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum Declaration { FuncDecl { name: Rc, params: FormalParamList, }, TypeDecl(Rc, TypeBody), TypeAlias(Rc, Rc) } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct TypeBody(Vec); #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum Variant { Singleton(Rc), //ArgumentConstructor, //Record } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum Expression { IntLiteral(u64), FloatLiteral(f64), BinExp(Operation, Box, Box), Variable(Rc), Call { name: Rc, params: Vec, }, Index { indexee: Box, indexers: Vec, } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct Operation { op: Rc } impl Operation { fn min_precedence() -> i32 { i32::min_value() } fn get_precedence(op: Rc) -> i32 { let c: char = op.chars().next().unwrap(); match c { '+' | '-' => 10, '*' | '/' | '%' => 20, _ => 30, } } } macro_rules! parse_method { ($name:ident(&mut $self:ident) -> $type:ty $body:block) => { fn $name(&mut $self) -> $type { let next_token = $self.peek(); let record = ParseRecord(format!("production {}, Token: {:?}", stringify!($name), next_token)); $self.parse_record.push(record); $body } }; } impl Parser { parse_method!(program(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let mut statements = Vec::new(); loop { match self.peek() { EOF => break, Newline | Semicolon => { self.next(); continue; }, _ => statements.push(self.statement()?), } } Ok(AST(statements)) }); parse_method!(statement(&mut self) -> ParseResult { //TODO handle error recovery here match self.peek() { Keyword(Alias) => self.type_alias().map(|alias| { Statement::Declaration(alias) }), Keyword(Type) => self.type_declaration().map(|decl| { Statement::Declaration(decl) }), Keyword(Func)=> self.func_declaration().map(|func| { Statement::Declaration(func) }), _ => self.expression().map(|expr| { Statement::Expression(expr) } ), } }); parse_method!(type_alias(&mut self) -> ParseResult { expect!(self, Keyword(Alias), "Expected 'alias'"); let alias = self.identifier()?; expect!(self, Operator(ref c) if **c == "=", "Expected '='"); let original = self.identifier()?; Ok(Declaration::TypeAlias(alias, original)) }); parse_method!(type_declaration(&mut self) -> ParseResult { expect!(self, Keyword(Type), "Expected 'type'"); let name = self.identifier()?; expect!(self, Operator(ref c) if **c == "=", "Expected '='"); let body = self.type_body()?; Ok(Declaration::TypeDecl(name, body)) }); parse_method!(type_body(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let variant = Variant::Singleton(self.identifier()?); Ok(TypeBody(vec!(variant))) }); parse_method!(func_declaration(&mut self) -> ParseResult { expect!(self, Keyword(Func), "Expected 'fn'"); let name = self.identifier()?; expect!(self, LParen, "Expected '('"); let params = self.param_list()?; expect!(self, RParen, "Expected ')'"); let decl = Declaration::FuncDecl { name: name, params: params }; Ok(decl) }); parse_method!(param_list(&mut self) -> ParseResult { Ok(vec!()) }); parse_method!(expression(&mut self) -> ParseResult { self.precedence_expr(Operation::min_precedence()) }); // this implements Pratt parsing, see http://journal.stuffwithstuff.com/2011/03/19/pratt-parsers-expression-parsing-made-easy/ fn precedence_expr(&mut self, precedence: i32) -> ParseResult { use self::Expression::*; //TODO clean this up let mut lhs = self.primary()?; loop { let op_str = match self.peek() { Operator(op) => op, _ => break, }; let new_precedence = Operation::get_precedence(op_str); if precedence >= new_precedence { break; } let op_str = match self.next() { Operator(op) => op, _ => unreachable!(), }; let rhs = self.precedence_expr(new_precedence)?; let operation = Operation { op: op_str }; lhs = BinExp(operation, Box::new(lhs), Box::new(rhs)); } Ok(lhs) } parse_method!(primary(&mut self) -> ParseResult { match self.peek() { LParen => self.paren_expr(), Identifier(_) => self.identifier_expr(), _ => self.literal(), } }); parse_method!(paren_expr(&mut self) -> ParseResult { expect!(self, LParen, "Expected '('"); let expr = self.expression()?; expect!(self, RParen, "Expected ')'"); Ok(expr) }); fn identifier_expr(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let identifier = self.identifier()?; match self.peek() { LParen => { let call_params = self.call_expr()?; Ok(Expression::Call { name: identifier, params: call_params, }) }, LSquareBracket => { let indexers = self.index_expr()?; Ok(Expression::Index { indexee: Box::new(Expression::Variable(identifier)), indexers: indexers, }) } _ => Ok(Expression::Variable(identifier)) } } parse_method!(call_expr(&mut self) -> ParseResult> { let mut exprs = Vec::new(); expect!(self, LParen, "Expected '('"); loop { if let RParen = self.peek() { break; } exprs.push(self.expression()?); match self.peek() { Comma => { self.next(); }, _ => break, } } expect!(self, RParen, "Expected ')'"); Ok(exprs) }); parse_method!(index_expr(&mut self) -> ParseResult> { expect!(self, LSquareBracket, "Expected '['"); let mut exprs = Vec::new(); loop { if let RSquareBracket = self.peek() { break; } exprs.push(self.expression()?); match self.peek() { Comma => { self.next(); } _ => break, }; } expect!(self, RSquareBracket, "Expected ']'"); Ok(exprs) }); parse_method!(identifier(&mut self) -> ParseResult> { match self.next() { Identifier(s) => Ok(s), p => ParseError::new(&format!("Expected an identifier, got {:?}", p)), } }); parse_method!(literal(&mut self) -> ParseResult { match self.peek() { DigitGroup(_) | HexNumberSigil | BinNumberSigil | Period => self.number_literal(), t => panic!("trying to parse {:?}", t), } }); parse_method!(number_literal(&mut self) -> ParseResult { match self.peek() { HexNumberSigil | BinNumberSigil => self.int_literal(), _ => self.float_literal(), } }); parse_method!(int_literal(&mut self) -> ParseResult { use self::Expression::*; match self.next() { BinNumberSigil => { let digits = self.digits()?; let n = parse_binary(digits)?; Ok(IntLiteral(n)) }, HexNumberSigil => { unimplemented!() }, _ => return ParseError::new("Expected '0x' or '0b'"), } }); parse_method!(float_literal(&mut self) -> ParseResult { use self::Expression::*; let mut digits = self.digits()?; if let TokenType::Period = self.peek() { self.next(); digits.push_str("."); digits.push_str(&self.digits()?); match digits.parse::() { Ok(f) => Ok(FloatLiteral(f)), Err(e) => unimplemented!("Float didn't parse with error: {}", e), } } else { match digits.parse::() { Ok(d) => Ok(IntLiteral(d)), Err(e) => unimplemented!("Need to handle numbers that don't parse to a Rust u64 {}", e), } } }); parse_method!(digits(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let mut ds = String::new(); loop { match self.peek() { Underscore => { self.next(); continue; }, DigitGroup(ref s) => { self.next(); ds.push_str(s)}, _ => break, } } Ok(ds) }); } fn parse_binary(digits: String) -> ParseResult { let mut result: u64 = 0; let mut multiplier = 1; for d in digits.chars().rev() { match d { '1' => result += multiplier, '0' => (), _ => return ParseError::new("Encountered a character not '1' or '0 while parsing a binary literal"), } multiplier *= 2; } Ok(result) } pub fn parse(input: Vec) -> (Result, Vec) { let mut parser = Parser::new(input); let ast = parser.program(); let trace = parser.parse_record.into_iter().map(|r| r.0).collect(); (ast, trace) } #[cfg(test)] mod parse_tests { use super::*; use super::Statement::*; use super::Declaration::*; use super::Expression::*; use super::ParseError; macro_rules! rc { ($string:tt) => { Rc::new(stringify!($string).to_string()) } } macro_rules! parse_test { ($string:expr, $correct:expr) => { assert_eq!(parse(tokenize($string)).unwrap(), $correct) } } macro_rules! binexp { ($op:expr, $lhs:expr, $rhs:expr) => { BinExp($op, Box::new($lhs), Box::new($rhs)) } } macro_rules! op { ($op:expr) => { Operation { op: Rc::new($op.to_string()) } } } macro_rules! var { ($var:expr) => { Variable(Rc::new($var.to_string())) } } #[test] fn parsing_number_literals_and_binexps() { parse_test!("8.1", AST(vec![Expression(FloatLiteral(8.1))])); parse_test!("0b010", AST(vec![Expression(IntLiteral(2))])); parse_test!("3; 4; 4.3", AST( vec![Expression(IntLiteral(3)), Expression(IntLiteral(4)), Expression(FloatLiteral(4.3))])); parse_test!("1 + 2 * 3", AST(vec! [ Expression(binexp!(op!("+"), IntLiteral(1), binexp!(op!("*"), IntLiteral(2), IntLiteral(3)))) ])); parse_test!("1 * 2 + 3", AST(vec! [ Expression(binexp!(op!("+"), binexp!(op!("*"), IntLiteral(1), IntLiteral(2)), IntLiteral(3))) ])); parse_test!("1 && 2", AST(vec![Expression(binexp!(op!("&&"), IntLiteral(1), IntLiteral(2)))])); parse_test!("1 + 2 * 3 + 4", AST(vec![Expression( binexp!(op!("+"), binexp!(op!("+"), IntLiteral(1), binexp!(op!("*"), IntLiteral(2), IntLiteral(3)) ), IntLiteral(4) ) )])); parse_test!("(1 + 2) * 3", AST(vec! [ Expression(binexp!(op!("*"), binexp!(op!("+"), IntLiteral(1), IntLiteral(2)), IntLiteral(3))) ])); } #[test] fn parsing_identifiers() { parse_test!("a", AST(vec![Expression(var!("a"))])); parse_test!("a + b", AST(vec![Expression(binexp!(op!("+"), var!("a"), var!("b")))])); //parse_test!("a[b]", AST(vec![Expression( //parse_test!("a[]", <- TODO THIS NEEDS TO FAIL //parse_test!(damn()[a] ,<- TODO needs to succeed parse_test!("a[b,c]", AST(vec![Expression(Index { indexee: Box::new(var!("a")), indexers: vec![var!("b"), var!("c")]} )])); } #[test] fn parsing_functions() { parse_test!("fn oi()", AST(vec![Declaration(FuncDecl { name: rc!(oi), params: vec![] })])); parse_test!("oi()", AST(vec![Expression(Call { name: rc!(oi), params: vec![] })])); parse_test!("oi(a, 2 + 2)", AST(vec![Expression(Call { name: rc!(oi), params: vec![var!("a"), binexp!(op!("+"), IntLiteral(2), IntLiteral(2))] })])); } #[test] fn parsing_types() { parse_test!("type Yolo = Yolo", AST(vec![Declaration(TypeDecl(rc!(Yolo), TypeBody(vec![Variant::Singleton(rc!(Yolo))])))])); parse_test!("alias Sex = Drugs", AST(vec![Declaration(TypeAlias(rc!(Sex), rc!(Drugs)))])); } }