use tokenizer::{Token, Kw, Op}; /* Grammar program := (statement delimiter ?)* delimiter := Newline | Semicolon statement := declaration | expression declaraion := Fn prototype (statement)* End prototype := identifier LParen identlist RParen identlist := Ident (Comma Ident)* | e exprlist := Expression (Comma Expression)* | e expression := primary_expression (op primary_expression)* primary_expression := Number | String | identifier_expr | paren_expr identifier_expr := call_expression | Variable paren_expr := LParen expression RParen call_expr := Identifier LParen exprlist RParen op := '+', '-', etc. */ #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum ASTNode { ExprNode(Expression), FuncNode(Function), } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Function { pub prototype: Prototype, pub body: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct Prototype { pub name: String, pub args: Vec } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum Expression { Null, StringLiteral(String), Number(f64), Variable(String), BinExp(String, Box, Box), Call(String, Vec), } pub type AST = Vec; type Precedence = u8; //TODO make this support incomplete parses pub type ParseResult = Result; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ParseError { pub msg: String } impl ParseError { fn result_from_str(msg: &str) -> ParseResult { Err(ParseError { msg: msg.to_string() }) } } struct Parser { tokens: Vec, } impl Parser { fn initialize(tokens: &[Token]) -> Parser { let mut tokens = tokens.to_vec(); tokens.reverse(); Parser { tokens: tokens } } fn peek(&self) -> Option { self.tokens.last().map(|x| x.clone()) } fn next(&mut self) -> Option{ self.tokens.pop() } fn get_precedence(&self, op: &Op) -> Precedence { match &op.repr[..] { "+" => 10, "-" => 10, "*" => 20, "/" => 20, "%" => 20, _ => 255, } } } macro_rules! expect { ($self_:expr, $token:pat) => { match $self_.peek() { Some($token) => {$;}, Some(x) => { let err = format!("Expected `{:?}` but got `{:?}`", stringify!($token), x); //TODO implement Display for token return ParseError::result_from_str(&err) }, None => { let err = format!("Expected `{:?}` but got end of input", stringify!($token)); return ParseError::result_from_str(&err) //TODO make this not require 2 stringifications } } } } macro_rules! expect_identifier { ($self_:expr) => { match $self_.peek() { Some(Identifier(s)) => {$; s}, _ => return ParseError::result_from_str("Expected Identifier") } } } fn is_delimiter(token: &Token) -> bool { use tokenizer::Token::*; match *token { Newline | Semicolon => true, _ => false } } impl Parser { fn program(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let mut ast = Vec::new(); //TODO have this come from previously-parsed tree loop { let result: ParseResult = match self.peek() { Some(ref t) if is_delimiter(&t) => {; continue}, Some(_) => self.statement(), None => break, }; match result { Ok(node) => ast.push(node), Err(err) => return Err(err) } } Ok(ast) } fn statement(&mut self) -> ParseResult { use tokenizer::Token::*; let node: ASTNode = match self.peek() { Some(Keyword(Kw::Fn)) => try!(self.declaration()), Some(_) => ASTNode::ExprNode(try!(self.expression())), None => panic!("unexpected end of tokens"), }; Ok(node) } fn declaration(&mut self) -> ParseResult { use tokenizer::Token::*; expect!(self, Keyword(Kw::Fn)); let prototype = try!(self.prototype()); let body: Vec = try!(self.body()); expect!(self, Keyword(Kw::End)); Ok(ASTNode::FuncNode(Function { prototype: prototype, body: body } )) } fn prototype(&mut self) -> ParseResult { use tokenizer::Token::*; let name: String = expect_identifier!(self); expect!(self, LParen); let args: Vec = try!(self.identlist()); expect!(self, RParen); Ok(Prototype {name: name, args: args}) } fn identlist(&mut self) -> ParseResult> { use tokenizer::Token::*; let mut args: Vec = Vec::new(); while let Some(Identifier(name)) = self.peek() { args.push(name);; if let Some(Comma) = self.peek() {; } else { break; } } Ok(args) } fn exprlist(&mut self) -> ParseResult> { use tokenizer::Token::*; let mut args: Vec = Vec::new(); loop { if let Some(RParen) = self.peek() { break; } let exp = try!(self.expression()); args.push(exp); if let Some(Comma) = self.peek() {; } else { break; } } Ok(args) } fn body(&mut self) -> ParseResult> { use tokenizer::Token::*; let mut exprs = Vec::new(); loop { match self.peek() { Some(ref t) if is_delimiter(t) => {; continue}, Some(Keyword(Kw::End)) => break, _ => { let expr = try!(self.expression()); exprs.push(expr); } } } Ok(exprs) } fn expression(&mut self) -> ParseResult { let lhs: Expression = try!(self.primary_expression()); self.precedence_expr(lhs, 0) } fn precedence_expr(&mut self, mut lhs: Expression, min_precedence: u8) -> ParseResult { use tokenizer::Token::*; while let Some(Operator(op)) = self.peek() { let precedence = self.get_precedence(&op); if precedence < min_precedence { break; }; let mut rhs = try!(self.primary_expression()); while let Some(Operator(ref op)) = self.peek() { if self.get_precedence(op) > precedence { let new_prec = self.get_precedence(op); rhs = try!(self.precedence_expr(rhs, new_prec)); } else { break; } } lhs = Expression::BinExp(op.repr, Box::new(lhs), Box::new(rhs)); } Ok(lhs) } fn primary_expression(&mut self) -> ParseResult { use tokenizer::Token::*; Ok(match self.peek() { Some(Keyword(Kw::Null)) => {; Expression::Null }, Some(NumLiteral(n)) => {; Expression::Number(n) }, Some(StrLiteral(s)) => {; Expression::StringLiteral(s) }, Some(Identifier(_)) => { try!(self.identifier_expr()) }, Some(Token::LParen) => { try!(self.paren_expr()) } Some(_) => return ParseError::result_from_str("Expected primary expression"), None => return ParseError::result_from_str("Expected primary expression received EoI") }) } fn identifier_expr(&mut self) -> ParseResult { use tokenizer::Token::*; let name = expect_identifier!(self); let expr = match self.peek() { Some(LParen) => { let args = try!(self.call_expr()); Expression::Call(name, args) }, __ => Expression::Variable(name) }; Ok(expr) } fn call_expr(&mut self) -> ParseResult> { use tokenizer::Token::*; expect!(self, LParen); let args: Vec = try!(self.exprlist()); expect!(self, RParen); Ok(args) } fn paren_expr(&mut self) -> ParseResult { expect!(self, Token::LParen); let expr = try!(self.expression()); expect!(self, Token::RParen); Ok(expr) } } pub fn parse(tokens: &[Token], _parsed_tree: &[ASTNode]) -> ParseResult { let mut parser = Parser::initialize(tokens); parser.program() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use tokenizer; use super::*; macro_rules! parsetest { ($input:expr, $output:pat, $ifexpr:expr) => { { let tokens = tokenizer::tokenize($input).unwrap(); let ast = parse(&tokens, &[]).unwrap(); match &ast[..] { $output if $ifexpr => (), x => panic!("Error in parse test, got {:?} instead", x) } } } } #[test] fn call_parse_test() { use super::ASTNode::*; use super::Expression::*; use super::Function; parsetest!( "fn a() 1 + 2 end", [FuncNode(Function {prototype: Prototype { name: ref name, args: ref args }, body: ref body})], match &body[..] { [BinExp(_, box Number(1.0), box Number(2.0))] => true, _ => false } && name == "a" && match &args[..] { [] => true, _ => false } ); parsetest!( "fn a(x,y) 1 + 2 end", [FuncNode(Function {prototype: Prototype { name: ref name, args: ref args }, body: ref body})], match &body[..] { [BinExp(_, box Number(1.0), box Number(2.0))] => true, _ => false } && name == "a" && *args == ["x","y"] ); } #[test] fn expression_parse_test() { use super::ASTNode::*; use super::Expression::*; parsetest!("a", [ExprNode(Variable(ref s))], s == "a"); parsetest!("a + b", [ExprNode(BinExp(ref plus, box Variable(ref a), box Variable(ref b)))], plus == "+" && a == "a" && b == "b"); parsetest!("a + b * c", [ExprNode(BinExp(ref plus, box Variable(ref a), box BinExp(ref mul, box Variable(ref b), box Variable(ref c))))], plus == "+" && mul == "*" && a == "a" && b == "b" && c == "c"); parsetest!("a * b + c", [ExprNode(BinExp(ref plus, box BinExp(ref mul, box Variable(ref a), box Variable(ref b)), box Variable(ref c)))], plus == "+" && mul == "*" && a == "a" && b == "b" && c == "c"); parsetest!("(a + b) * c", [ExprNode(BinExp(ref mul, box BinExp(ref plus, box Variable(ref a), box Variable(ref b)), box Variable(ref c)))], plus == "+" && mul == "*" && a == "a" && b == "b" && c == "c"); } }