use std::rc::Rc; use crate::ast::*; //TODO maybe these functions should take closures that return a KeepRecursing | StopHere type, //or a tuple of (T, ) pub trait ASTVisitor: Sized { fn ast(&mut self, _ast: &AST) {} fn block(&mut self, _statements: &[ Statement ]) {} fn statement(&mut self, _statement: &Statement) {} fn declaration(&mut self, _declaration: &Declaration) {} fn signature(&mut self, _signature: &Signature) {} fn type_declaration(&mut self, _name: &TypeSingletonName, _body: &TypeBody, _mutable: bool) {} fn type_alias(&mut self, _alias: &Rc, _original: &Rc) {} fn binding(&mut self, _name: &Rc, _constant: bool, _type_anno: Option<&TypeIdentifier>, _expr: &Expression) {} fn implemention(&mut self, _type_name: &TypeIdentifier, _interface_name: Option<&TypeSingletonName>, _block: &[ Declaration ]) {} fn interface(&mut self, _name: &Rc, _signatures: &[ Signature ]) {} fn expression(&mut self, _expression: &Expression) {} fn expression_kind(&mut self, _kind: &ExpressionKind) {} fn type_annotation(&mut self, _type_anno: Option<&TypeIdentifier>) {} fn named_struct(&mut self, _name: &QualifiedName, _fields: &[ (Rc, Expression) ]) {} fn call(&mut self, _f: &Expression, _arguments: &[ InvocationArgument ]) {} fn index(&mut self, _indexee: &Expression, _indexers: &[ Expression ]) {} fn if_expression(&mut self, _discrim: Option<&Expression>, _body: &IfExpressionBody) {} fn condition_arm(&mut self, _arm: &ConditionArm) {} #[allow(clippy::ptr_arg)] fn while_expression(&mut self, _condition: Option<&Expression>, _body: &Block) {} fn for_expression(&mut self, _enumerators: &[ Enumerator ], _body: &ForBody) {} #[allow(clippy::ptr_arg)] fn lambda(&mut self, _params: &[ FormalParam ], _type_anno: Option<&TypeIdentifier>, _body: &Block) {} fn invocation_argument(&mut self, _arg: &InvocationArgument) {} fn formal_param(&mut self, _param: &FormalParam) {} fn import(&mut self, _import: &ImportSpecifier) {} fn module(&mut self, _module: &ModuleSpecifier) {} fn qualified_name(&mut self, _name: &QualifiedName) {} fn nat_literal(&mut self, _n: u64) {} fn float_literal(&mut self, _f: f64) {} fn string_literal(&mut self, _s: &Rc) {} fn bool_literal(&mut self, _b: bool) {} fn binexp(&mut self, _op: &BinOp, _lhs: &Expression, _rhs: &Expression) {} fn prefix_exp(&mut self, _op: &PrefixOp, _arg: &Expression) {} fn pattern(&mut self, _pat: &Pattern) {} }