#![feature(slice_patterns, box_patterns, box_syntax)] #![feature(proc_macro)] extern crate itertools; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; #[macro_use] extern crate maplit; #[macro_use] extern crate schala_repl; #[macro_use] extern crate schala_codegen; use itertools::Itertools; use schala_repl::{ProgrammingLanguageInterface, EvalOptions, TraceArtifact, UnfinishedComputation, FinishedComputation}; macro_rules! bx { ($e:expr) => { Box::new($e) } } mod util; mod builtin; mod tokenizing; mod parsing; mod typechecking; mod ast_reducing; mod eval; #[derive(ProgrammingLanguageInterface)] #[LanguageName = "Schala"] #[SourceFileExtension = "schala"] #[PipelineSteps(tokenizing, parsing, symbol_table, typechecking, ast_reducing, eval)] pub struct Schala { state: eval::State<'static>, type_context: typechecking::TypeContext } impl Schala { pub fn new() -> Schala { Schala { state: eval::State::new(), type_context: typechecking::TypeContext::new(), } } } fn tokenizing(_handle: &mut Schala, input: &str, comp: Option<&mut UnfinishedComputation>) -> Result, String> { let tokens = tokenizing::tokenize(input); comp.map(|comp| { let token_string = tokens.iter().map(|t| format!("{:?}", t.token_type, t.offset.0, t.offset.1)).join(", "); comp.add_artifact(TraceArtifact::new("tokens", token_string)); }); let errors: Vec = tokens.iter().filter_map(|t| t.get_error()).collect(); if errors.len() == 0 { Ok(tokens) } else { Err(format!("{:?}", errors)) } } fn parsing(_handle: &mut Schala, input: Vec, comp: Option<&mut UnfinishedComputation>) -> Result { let (ast, trace) = parsing::parse(input); comp.map(|comp| { //TODO need to control which of these debug stages get added comp.add_artifact(TraceArtifact::new_parse_trace(trace)); comp.add_artifact(TraceArtifact::new("ast", format!("{:#?}", ast))); }); ast } fn symbol_table(handle: &mut Schala, input: parsing::AST, comp: Option<&mut UnfinishedComputation>) -> Result { match handle.type_context.add_top_level_types(&input) { Ok(()) => { let artifact = TraceArtifact::new("symbol_table", handle.type_context.debug_symbol_table()); comp.map(|comp| comp.add_artifact(artifact)); Ok(input) }, Err(msg) => Err(msg) } } fn typechecking(handle: &mut Schala, input: parsing::AST, comp: Option<&mut UnfinishedComputation>) -> Result { match handle.type_context.type_check_ast(&input) { Ok(ty) => { comp.map(|comp| comp.add_artifact(TraceArtifact::new("type_check", format!("{:?}", ty)))); Ok(input) }, Err(msg) => { comp.map(|comp| comp.add_artifact(TraceArtifact::new("type_check", format!("Type error: {:?}", msg)))); Ok(input) } } } type TempASTReduction = (ast_reducing::ReducedAST, parsing::AST); fn ast_reducing(handle: &mut Schala, input: parsing::AST, comp: Option<&mut UnfinishedComputation>) -> Result { let output = input.reduce()?; println!("REDUCED: {:?}", output); Ok((output, input)) } fn eval(handle: &mut Schala, input: TempASTReduction, _comp: Option<&mut UnfinishedComputation>) -> Result { let new_input = input.0; let new_eval_output = handle.state.evaluate_new(new_input, true); match new_eval_output[0] { Ok(ref s) => println!("NEW OUTPUT> {}", s), Err(ref e) => println!("NEW ERR> {}", e), } /* old-style eval */ let input = input.1; let evaluation_outputs = handle.state.evaluate(input); let text_output: Result, String> = evaluation_outputs .into_iter() .collect(); let eval_output: Result = text_output .map(|v| { v.into_iter().intersperse(format!("\n")).collect() }); eval_output }