#![feature(advanced_slice_patterns, slice_patterns, box_patterns)] extern crate getopts; extern crate linefeed; use std::path::Path; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Read; use std::process; use tokenizer::tokenize; mod tokenizer; use parser::parse; mod parser; use eval::Evaluator; mod eval; use compilation::compilation_sequence; mod compilation; mod llvm_wrap; fn main() { let option_matches = match program_options().parse(std::env::args()) { Ok(o) => o, Err(e) => { println!("{:?}", e); std::process::exit(1); } }; let trace = option_matches.opt_present("t"); match option_matches.free[..] { [] | [_] => { let mut repl = Repl::new(trace); repl.run(); } [_, ref filename, _..] => { run_noninteractive(filename, !option_matches.opt_present("i"), trace); } }; } fn program_options() -> getopts::Options { let mut options = getopts::Options::new(); options.optflag("i", "interpret", "Interpret source file instead of compiling"); options.optflag("t", "trace-evaluation", "Print out trace of evaluation"); options } fn run_noninteractive(filename: &str, compile: bool, trace_evaluation: bool) { let mut source_file = File::open(&Path::new(filename)).unwrap(); let mut buffer = String::new(); source_file.read_to_string(&mut buffer).unwrap(); let tokens = match tokenize(&buffer) { Ok(t) => t, Err(e) => { println!("Tokenization error: {}", e.msg); std::process::exit(1) } }; let ast = match parse(&tokens, &[]) { Ok(ast) => ast, Err(err) => { println!("Parse error: {:?}", err.msg); println!("Remaining tokens: {:?}", err.remaining_tokens); std::process::exit(1) } }; if compile { compilation_sequence(ast, filename); } else { let mut evaluator = Evaluator::new_with_opts(None, trace_evaluation); let results = evaluator.run(ast); for result in results.iter() { println!("{}", result); } } } type LineReader = linefeed::Reader; struct Repl<'a> { show_tokens: bool, show_parse: bool, evaluator: Evaluator<'a>, interpreter_directive_sigil: char, reader: LineReader, } impl<'a> Repl<'a> { fn new(trace_evaluation: bool) -> Repl<'a> { let mut reader: linefeed::Reader<_> = linefeed::Reader::new("Schala").unwrap(); reader.set_prompt(">> "); Repl { show_tokens: false, show_parse: false, evaluator: Evaluator::new_with_opts(None, trace_evaluation), interpreter_directive_sigil: '.', reader: reader, } } fn run(&mut self) { use linefeed::ReadResult::*; println!("Schala v 0.02"); loop { match self.reader.read_line() { Err(e) => { println!("Terminal read error: {}", e); }, Ok(Eof) => { break; } Ok(Input(ref input)) => { self.reader.add_history(input.clone()); if self.handle_interpreter_directive(input) { continue; } let output = self.input_handler(input); println!("=> {}", output); } _ => (), } } println!("Exiting..."); } fn input_handler(&mut self, input: &str) -> String { let mut result = String::new(); let intermediate: Result = tokenize(input) .map_err(|e| format!("Tokenization error: {}", e.msg)) .and_then( |tokens| { if self.show_tokens { result.push_str(&format!("Tokens: {:?}\n", tokens)); } parse(&tokens, &[]).map_err(|e| format!("Parse error: {}", e.msg)) }) .and_then( |ast| { if self.show_parse { result.push_str(&format!("AST: {:?}\n", ast)); } // for now only handle last output let mut full_output: Vec = self.evaluator.run(ast); Ok(full_output.pop().unwrap_or("".to_string())) }); match intermediate { Ok(s) | Err(s) => result.push_str(&s), }; result } fn handle_interpreter_directive(&mut self, input: &str) -> bool { match input.chars().nth(0) { Some(ch) if ch == self.interpreter_directive_sigil => (), _ => return false } let mut iter = input.chars(); iter.next(); let trimmed_sigil: &str = iter.as_str(); let commands: Vec<&str> = trimmed_sigil .split_whitespace() .collect(); let cmd: &str = match commands.get(0).clone() { None => return true, Some(s) => s }; match cmd { "exit" | "quit" => process::exit(0), "history" => { for item in self.reader.history() { println!("{}", item); } }, "set" => { let show = match commands[1] { "show" => true, "hide" => false, e => { println!("Bad `set` argument: {}", e); return true; } }; match commands[2] { "tokens" => self.show_tokens = show, "parse" => self.show_parse = show, "eval" => self.evaluator.trace_evaluation = show, e => { println!("Bad `show`/`hide` argument: {}", e); return true; } } }, e => println!("Unknown command: {}", e) } return true; } }