use std::rc::Rc; use std::collections::{HashSet, HashMap}; use std::collections::hash_set::Union; use std::iter::Iterator; //use std::char; use std::fmt; use std::fmt::Write; use itertools::Itertools; /* GIANT TODO - use the rust im crate, unless I make this code way less haskell-ish after it's done */ use parsing; pub struct TypeContext { bindings: HashMap, Type>, pub symbol_table: SymbolTable } //cf. p. 150 or so of Language Implementation Patterns pub struct SymbolTable { pub values: HashMap, Symbol> //TODO this will eventually have real type information } impl SymbolTable { fn new() -> SymbolTable { SymbolTable { values: HashMap::new() } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Symbol { pub name: Rc, pub spec: SymbolSpec, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum SymbolSpec { Func, Custom(String) } /* real meat of type stuff here */ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] enum MonoType { Const(TypeConst), Var(Rc), Function(Box, Box), } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] enum TypeConst { Unit, Nat, Int, Float, StringT, Bool, Tuple(Vec), } impl MonoType { fn free_vars(&self) -> HashSet> { use self::MonoType::*; match self { Const(_) => HashSet::new(), Var(a) => { let mut h = HashSet::new(); h.insert(a.clone()); h }, Function(a, b) => { a.free_vars().union(&b.free_vars()).cloned().collect() }, } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] struct PolyType(HashSet>, MonoType); impl PolyType { fn free_vars(&self) -> HashSet> { let mtype = self.1.free_vars(); self.0.difference(&mtype).cloned().collect() } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] struct Substitution(HashMap, MonoType>); #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub enum Type { Const(TConstOld), Func(Box, Box), } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub enum TConstOld { Nat, Int, Float, StringT, Bool, Custom(String), } impl fmt::Display for Type { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{:?}", self) } } /* TODO this should just check the name against a map, and that map should be pre-populated with * types */ impl parsing::TypeName { fn to_type(&self) -> TypeResult { use self::parsing::TypeSingletonName; use self::parsing::TypeName::*; use self::Type::*; use self::TConstOld::*; Ok(match self { Tuple(_) => return Err(format!("Tuples not yet implemented")), Singleton(name) => match name { TypeSingletonName { name, .. } => match &name[..] { /* "Nat" => Const(Nat), "Int" => Const(Int), "Float" => Const(Float), "Bool" => Const(Bool), "String" => Const(StringT), */ n => Const(Custom(n.to_string())) } } }) } } pub type TypeResult = Result; impl TypeContext { pub fn new() -> TypeContext { TypeContext { bindings: HashMap::new(), /*type_var_count: 0*/ symbol_table: SymbolTable::new() } } /* note: this adds names for *forward reference* but doesn't actually create any types. solve that problem * later */ pub fn add_top_level_types(&mut self, ast: &parsing::AST) -> TypeResult<()> { use self::parsing::{Statement, TypeName, Variant, TypeSingletonName, TypeBody}; use self::parsing::Declaration::*; use self::Type::*; for statement in ast.0.iter() { if let Statement::Declaration(decl) = statement { match decl { FuncSig(signature) | FuncDecl(signature, _) => { self.symbol_table.values.insert(, Symbol { name:, spec: SymbolSpec::Func } ); }, TypeDecl(TypeSingletonName { name, ..}, TypeBody(variants)) => { for var in variants { match var { Variant::UnitStruct(variant_name) => { //TODO will have to make this a function to this type eventually let spec = SymbolSpec::Custom(format!("{}", name)); self.symbol_table.values.insert(variant_name.clone(), Symbol { name: variant_name.clone(), spec }); }, e => return Err(format!("{:?} not supported in typing yet", e)), } } }, _ => () } } } Ok(()) } pub fn debug_symbol_table(&self) -> String { let mut output = format!("Symbol table\n"); for (sym, ty) in &self.symbol_table.values { write!(output, "{} -> {:?}\n", sym, ty).unwrap(); } write!(output, "\nBindings\n").unwrap(); for (sym, ty) in &self.bindings { write!(output, "{} : {:?}\n", sym, ty).unwrap(); } output } pub fn type_check_ast(&mut self, ast: &parsing::AST) -> TypeResult { let ref block = ast.0; let mut infer = Infer::new(); let output = infer.infer_block(block)?; Ok(format!("{:?}", output)) } } // this is the equivalent of the Haskell Infer monad #[derive(Debug)] struct Infer { } impl Infer { fn new() -> Infer { Infer { } } fn infer_block(&mut self, block: &Vec) -> TypeResult { Ok(MonoType::Const(TypeConst::Unit)) } } /* impl TypeContext { fn infer_block(&mut self, statements: &Vec) -> TypeResult { let mut ret_type = Type::Const(TConst::Unit); for statement in statements { ret_type = self.infer_statement(statement)?; } Ok(ret_type) } fn infer_statement(&mut self, statement: &parsing::Statement) -> TypeResult { use self::parsing::Statement::*; match statement { ExpressionStatement(expr) => self.infer(expr), Declaration(decl) => self.add_declaration(decl), } } fn add_declaration(&mut self, decl: &parsing::Declaration) -> TypeResult { use self::parsing::Declaration::*; use self::Type::*; match decl { Binding { name, expr, .. } => { let ty = self.infer(expr)?; self.bindings.insert(name.clone(), ty); }, _ => return Err(format!("other formats not done")) } Ok(Void) } fn infer(&mut self, expr: &parsing::Expression) -> TypeResult { use self::parsing::Expression; match expr { Expression(e, Some(anno)) => { let anno_ty = anno.to_type()?; let ty = self.infer_exprtype(&e)?; self.unify(ty, anno_ty) }, Expression(e, None) => self.infer_exprtype(e) } } fn infer_exprtype(&mut self, expr: &parsing::ExpressionType) -> TypeResult { use self::parsing::ExpressionType::*; use self::Type::*; use self::TConst::*; match expr { NatLiteral(_) => Ok(Const(Nat)), FloatLiteral(_) => Ok(Const(Float)), StringLiteral(_) => Ok(Const(StringT)), BoolLiteral(_) => Ok(Const(Bool)), BinExp(op, lhs, rhs) => { /* remember there are both the haskell convention talk and the write you a haskell ways to do this! */ match op.get_type()? { Func(box t1, box Func(box t2, box t3)) => { let lhs_ty = self.infer(lhs)?; let rhs_ty = self.infer(rhs)?; self.unify(t1, lhs_ty)?; self.unify(t2, rhs_ty)?; Ok(t3) }, other => Err(format!("{:?} is not a binary function type", other)) } }, PrefixExp(op, expr) => match op.get_type()? { Func(box t1, box t2) => { let expr_ty = self.infer(expr)?; self.unify(t1, expr_ty)?; Ok(t2) }, other => Err(format!("{:?} is not a prefix op function type", other)) }, Value(name) => { match self.bindings.get(name) { Some(ty) => Ok(ty.clone()), None => Err(format!("No binding found for variable: {}", name)), } }, Call { f, arguments } => { let mut tf = self.infer(f)?; for arg in arguments.iter() { match tf { Func(box t, box rest) => { let t_arg = self.infer(arg)?; self.unify(t, t_arg)?; tf = rest; }, other => return Err(format!("Function call failed to unify; last type: {:?}", other)), } } Ok(tf) }, TupleLiteral(expressions) => { let mut types = vec![]; for expr in expressions { types.push(self.infer(expr)?); } Ok(Sum(types)) }, _ => Err(format!("Type not yet implemented")) } } fn unify(&mut self, t1: Type, t2: Type) -> TypeResult { use self::Type::*;// use self::TConst::*; match (t1, t2) { (Const(ref a), Const(ref b)) if a == b => Ok(Const(a.clone())), (a, b) => Err(format!("Types {:?} and {:?} don't unify", a, b)) } } } */