#![feature(advanced_slice_patterns, slice_patterns, box_patterns)] #![feature(plugin)] #![plugin(rocket_codegen)] extern crate getopts; extern crate linefeed; extern crate itertools; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; #[macro_use] extern crate maplit; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; extern crate serde_json; extern crate rocket; extern crate rocket_contrib; use std::path::Path; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Read; use std::process; use std::io::Write; use std::default::Default; mod schala_lang; mod maaru_lang; mod robo_lang; mod language; use language::{ProgrammingLanguageInterface, EvalOptions, LLVMCodeString}; mod webapp; mod llvm_wrap; mod virtual_machine; use virtual_machine::{run_vm, run_assembler}; fn main() { let languages: Vec> = vec![ Box::new(schala_lang::Schala::new()), Box::new(maaru_lang::Maaru::new()), Box::new(robo_lang::Robo::new()), ]; let option_matches = match program_options().parse(std::env::args()) { Ok(o) => o, Err(e) => { println!("{:?}", e); std::process::exit(1); } }; if option_matches.opt_present("list-languages") { for lang in languages { println!("{}", lang.get_language_name()); } std::process::exit(1); } if option_matches.opt_present("h") { println!("{}", program_options().usage("Schala metainterpreter")); std::process::exit(0); } if option_matches.opt_present("m") { let file_name = option_matches.free.get(1); run_vm(file_name); std::process::exit(0); } if option_matches.opt_present("a") { let file_name = option_matches.free.get(1); run_assembler(file_name); std::process::exit(0); } if option_matches.opt_present("w") { webapp::web_main(); std::process::exit(0); } let language_names: Vec = languages.iter().map(|lang| {lang.get_language_name()}).collect(); let initial_index: usize = option_matches.opt_str("l") .and_then(|lang| { language_names.iter().position(|x| { *x == lang }) }) .unwrap_or(0); let mut options = EvalOptions::default(); options.trace_evaluation = option_matches.opt_present("t"); let compile = !option_matches.opt_present("i"); match option_matches.free[..] { [] | [_] => { let mut repl = Repl::new(languages, initial_index); repl.options.show_llvm_ir = option_matches.opt_present("v"); repl.run(); } [_, ref filename, _..] => { let mut language = maaru_lang::Maaru::new(); run_noninteractive(filename, &mut language, options, compile); } }; } fn run_noninteractive(filename: &str, language: &mut T, options: EvalOptions, compile: bool) { let mut source_file = File::open(&Path::new(filename)).unwrap(); let mut buffer = String::new(); source_file.read_to_string(&mut buffer).unwrap(); if compile { if !language.can_compile() { panic!("Trying to compile a non-compileable language"); } else { let llvm_bytecode = language.compile(&buffer); compilation_sequence(llvm_bytecode, filename); } } else { let interpretor_output = language.evaluate_in_repl(&buffer, &options); interpretor_output.print_to_screen(); } } type LineReader = linefeed::Reader; struct Repl { options: EvalOptions, languages: Vec>, current_language_index: usize, interpreter_directive_sigil: char, reader: LineReader, } impl Repl { fn new(languages: Vec>, initial_index: usize) -> Repl { let mut reader: linefeed::Reader<_> = linefeed::Reader::new("Metainterpreter").unwrap(); reader.set_prompt(">> "); let i = if initial_index < languages.len() { initial_index } else { 0 }; Repl { options: Repl::get_options(), languages: languages, current_language_index: i, interpreter_directive_sigil: '.', reader: reader, } } fn get_options() -> EvalOptions { File::open(".schala_repl") .and_then(|mut file| { let mut contents = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut contents)?; Ok(contents) }) .and_then(|contents| { let options: EvalOptions = serde_json::from_str(&contents)?; Ok(options) }).unwrap_or(EvalOptions::default()) } fn save_options(&self) { let ref options = self.options; let read = File::create(".schala_repl") .and_then(|mut file| { let buf = serde_json::to_string(options).unwrap(); file.write_all(buf.as_bytes()) }); if let Err(err) = read { println!("Error saving .schala_repl file {}", err); } } fn run(&mut self) { use linefeed::ReadResult::*; println!("MetaInterpreter v 0.05"); println!("Using language: {}", self.languages[self.current_language_index].get_language_name()); loop { match self.reader.read_line() { Err(e) => { println!("Terminal read error: {}", e); }, Ok(Eof) => { break; } Ok(Input(ref input)) => { self.reader.add_history(input.clone()); if self.handle_interpreter_directive(input) { continue; } let output = self.input_handler(input); println!("=> {}", output); } _ => (), } } println!("Exiting..."); } fn input_handler(&mut self, input: &str) -> String { let ref mut language = self.languages[self.current_language_index]; let interpretor_output = language.evaluate_in_repl(input, &self.options); interpretor_output.to_string() } fn handle_interpreter_directive(&mut self, input: &str) -> bool { match input.chars().nth(0) { Some(ch) if ch == self.interpreter_directive_sigil => (), _ => return false } let mut iter = input.chars(); iter.next(); let trimmed_sigil: &str = iter.as_str(); let commands: Vec<&str> = trimmed_sigil .split_whitespace() .collect(); let cmd: &str = match commands.get(0).clone() { None => return true, Some(s) => s }; match cmd { "exit" | "quit" => { self.save_options(); process::exit(0) }, "history" => { for item in self.reader.history() { println!("{}", item); } }, "help" => { println!("Commands:"); println!("exit | quit"); println!("lang [show|next|previous]"); println!("set [show|hide] [tokens|parse|eval|llvm]"); } "lang" => { match commands.get(1) { Some(&"show") => { for (i, lang) in self.languages.iter().enumerate() { if i == self.current_language_index { println!("* {}", lang.get_language_name()); } else { println!("{}", lang.get_language_name()); } } }, Some(&"next") => { self.current_language_index = (self.current_language_index + 1) % self.languages.len(); println!("Switching to {}", self.languages[self.current_language_index].get_language_name()); } Some(&"prev") | Some(&"previous") => { self.current_language_index = if self.current_language_index == 0 { self.languages.len() - 1 } else { self.current_language_index - 1 }; println!("Switching to {}", self.languages[self.current_language_index].get_language_name()); }, Some(e) => println!("Bad `lang` argument: {}", e), None => println!("`lang` - valid arguments `show`, `next`, `prev`|`previous`"), } }, "set" => { let show = match commands.get(1) { Some(&"show") => true, Some(&"hide") => false, Some(e) => { println!("Bad `set` argument: {}", e); return true; } None => { println!("`set` - valid arguments `show {{option}}`, `hide {{option}}`"); return true; } }; match commands.get(2) { Some(&"tokens") => self.options.debug_tokens = show, Some(&"parse") => self.options.debug_parse = show, Some(&"eval") => { //let ref mut language = self.languages[self.current_language_index]; //language.set_option("trace_evaluation", show); }, Some(&"llvm") => self.options.show_llvm_ir = show, Some(e) => { println!("Bad `show`/`hide` argument: {}", e); return true; } None => { println!("`show`/`hide` requires an argument"); return true; } } }, e => println!("Unknown command: {}", e) } return true; } } pub fn compilation_sequence(llvm_code: LLVMCodeString, sourcefile: &str) { use std::process::Command; let ll_filename = "out.ll"; let obj_filename = "out.o"; let q: Vec<&str> = sourcefile.split('.').collect(); let bin_filename = match &q[..] { &[name, "maaru"] => name, _ => panic!("Bad filename {}", sourcefile), }; let LLVMCodeString(llvm_str) = llvm_code; println!("Compilation process finished for {}", ll_filename); File::create(ll_filename) .and_then(|mut f| f.write_all(llvm_str.as_bytes())) .expect("Error writing file"); let llc_output = Command::new("llc") .args(&["-filetype=obj", ll_filename, "-o", obj_filename]) .output() .expect("Failed to run llc"); if !llc_output.status.success() { println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&llc_output.stderr)); } let gcc_output = Command::new("gcc") .args(&["-o", bin_filename, &obj_filename]) .output() .expect("failed to run gcc"); if !gcc_output.status.success() { println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&gcc_output.stdout)); println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&gcc_output.stderr)); } for filename in [obj_filename].iter() { Command::new("rm") .arg(filename) .output() .expect(&format!("failed to run rm {}", filename)); } } fn program_options() -> getopts::Options { let mut options = getopts::Options::new(); options.optflag("i", "interpret", "Interpret source file instead of compiling"); options.optflag("t", "trace-evaluation", "Print out trace of evaluation"); options.optflag("v", "llvm-in-repl", "Show LLVM IR in REPL"); options.optflag("", "list-languages", "Show a list of all supported languages"); options.optopt("l", "lang", "Start up REPL in a language", "LANGUAGE"); options.optflag("h", "help", "Show help text"); options.optflag("m", "virtual-machine", "Start up a virtual machine instead of an interpreter"); options.optflag("a", "assembler", "Assemble file into bytecode"); options.optflag("w", "webapp", "Start up web interpreter"); options }