use std::collections::{HashSet, HashMap}; use colored::*; use std::fmt::Write; pub struct LLVMCodeString(pub String); #[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct EvalOptions { pub debug: DebugOptions, pub execution_method: ExecutionMethod, pub debug_passes: HashSet, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum ExecutionMethod { Compile, Interpret, } impl Default for ExecutionMethod { fn default() -> ExecutionMethod { ExecutionMethod::Interpret } } #[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct DebugOptions { pub tokens: bool, pub parse_tree: bool, pub ast: bool, pub type_checking: bool, pub symbol_table: bool, pub evaluation: bool, pub llvm_ir: bool, } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct UnfinishedComputation { artifacts: HashMap, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct FinishedComputation { artifacts: HashMap, text_output: Result, } impl UnfinishedComputation { pub fn add_artifact(&mut self, artifact: TraceArtifact) { self.artifacts.insert(artifact.stage_name.clone(), artifact); } pub fn finish(self, text_output: Result) -> FinishedComputation { FinishedComputation { artifacts: self.artifacts, text_output } } pub fn output(self, output: Result) -> FinishedComputation { FinishedComputation { artifacts: self.artifacts, text_output: output } } } impl FinishedComputation { pub fn to_repl(&self) -> String { let mut buf = String::new(); for stage in ["tokens", "parse_trace", "ast", "symbol_table", "type_check"].iter() { if let Some(artifact) = self.artifacts.get(&stage.to_string()) { let color = artifact.text_color; let stage = stage.color(color).bold(); let output = artifact.debug_output.color(color); write!(&mut buf, "{}: {}\n", stage, output).unwrap(); } } match self.text_output { Ok(ref output) => write!(&mut buf, "{}", output).unwrap(), Err(ref err) => write!(&mut buf, "{} {}", "Error: ".red().bold(), err).unwrap(), } buf } pub fn to_noninteractive(&self) -> Option { match self.text_output { Ok(_) => { let mut buf = String::new(); for stage in ["tokens", "parse_trace", "ast", "symbol_table", "type_check"].iter() { if let Some(artifact) = self.artifacts.get(&stage.to_string()) { let color = artifact.text_color; let stage = stage.color(color).bold(); let output = artifact.debug_output.color(color); write!(&mut buf, "{}: {}\n", stage, output).unwrap(); } } if buf == "" { None } else { Some(buf) } }, Err(ref s) => Some(format!("{} {}", "Error: ".red().bold(), s)) } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct TraceArtifact { stage_name: String, debug_output: String, text_color: &'static str, } impl TraceArtifact { pub fn new(stage: &str, debug: String) -> TraceArtifact { let color = match stage { "parse_trace" | "ast" => "red", "tokens" => "green", "type_check" => "magenta", _ => "blue", }; TraceArtifact { stage_name: stage.to_string(), debug_output: debug, text_color: color} } pub fn new_parse_trace(trace: Vec) -> TraceArtifact { let mut output = String::new(); for t in trace { output.push_str(&t); output.push_str("\n"); } TraceArtifact { stage_name: "parse_trace".to_string(), debug_output: output, text_color: "red"} } } pub trait ProgrammingLanguageInterface { fn execute_pipeline(&mut self, _input: &str, _eval_options: &EvalOptions) -> FinishedComputation { FinishedComputation { artifacts: HashMap::new(), text_output: Err(format!("Execution pipeline not done")) } } fn get_language_name(&self) -> String; fn get_source_file_suffix(&self) -> String; fn get_stages(&self) -> Vec { vec![] } fn handle_custom_interpreter_directives(&mut self, _commands: &Vec<&str>) -> Option { None } fn custom_interpreter_directives_help(&self) -> String { format!(">> No custom interpreter directives specified <<") } } /* a pass_chain function signature looks like: * fn(&mut ProgrammingLanguageInterface, A, Option<&mut DebugHandler>) -> Result * * TODO use some kind of failure-handling library to make this better */ #[macro_export] macro_rules! pass_chain { ($state:expr, $options:expr; $($pass:path), *) => { |text_input| { let mut comp = UnfinishedComputation::default(); pass_chain_helper! { ($state, comp, $options); text_input $(, $pass)* } } }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! pass_chain_helper { (($state:expr, $comp:expr, $options:expr); $input:expr, $pass:path $(, $rest:path)*) => { { let pass_name = stringify!($pass); let output = { let ref debug_set = $options.debug_passes; let debug_handle: Option<&mut UnfinishedComputation> = if debug_set.contains(pass_name) { Some(&mut $comp) } else { None }; $pass($state, $input, debug_handle) }; match output { Ok(result) => pass_chain_helper! { ($state, $comp, $options); result $(, $rest)* }, Err(err) => { $comp.output(Err(format!("Pass {} failed with {:?}", pass_name, err))) } } } }; // Done (($state:expr, $comp:expr, $options:expr); $final_output:expr) => { { let final_output: FinishedComputation = $comp.finish(Ok($final_output)); final_output } }; }