Added a bunch of notes

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greg 2018-02-11 02:37:52 -08:00
parent faa5c6ab42
commit c0574ff1ef
1 changed files with 91 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::rc::Rc;
//SKOLEMIZATION - how you prevent an unassigned existential type variable from leaking!
use schala_lang::parsing::{AST, Statement, Declaration, Signature, Expression, ExpressionType, Operation, Variant, TypeName};
@ -18,9 +17,97 @@ use schala_lang::parsing::{AST, Statement, Declaration, Signature, Expression, E
fn bare_type_check(exprssion, expected_type) -> Ty { ... }
// from
// typeInfer :: Expr a -> Matching (Type a)
// unify :: Type a -> Type b -> Matching (Type c)
(also check out
typeInfer :: Expr a -> Matching (Type a)
unify :: Type a -> Type b -> Matching (Type c)
(Matching a) is a monad in which unification is done
typeInfer (If e1 e2 e3) = do
t1 <- typeInfer e1
t2 <- typeInfer e2
t3 <- typeInfer e3
_ <- unify t1 BoolType
unify t2 t3 -- b/c t2 and t3 have to be the same type
typeInfer (Const (ConstInt _)) = IntType -- same for other literals
--function application
typeInfer (Apply f x) = do
tf <- typeInfer f
tx <- typeInfer x
case tf of
FunctionType t1 t2 -> do
_ <- unify t1 tx
return t2
_ -> fail "Not a function"
--type annotation
typeInfer (Typed x t) = do
tx <- typeInfer x
unify tx t
--variable and let expressions - need to pass around a map of variable names to types here
typeInfer :: [ (Var, Type Var) ] -> Expr Var -> Matching (Type Var)
typeInfer ctx (Var x) = case (lookup x ctx) of
Just t -> return t
Nothing -> fail "Unknown variable"
--let x = e1 in e2
typeInfer ctx (Let x e1 e2) = do
t1 <- typeInfer ctx e1
typeInfer ((x, t1) :: ctx) e2
--lambdas are complicated (this represents ʎx.e)
typeInfer ctx (Lambda x e) = do
t1 <- allocExistentialVariable
t2 <- typeInfer ((x, t1) :: ctx) e
return $ FunctionType t1 t2 -- ie. t1 -> t2
--to solve the problem of map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
when we use a variable whose type has universal tvars, convert those universal
tvars to existential ones
-and each distinct universal tvar needs to map to the same existential type
-so we change typeinfer:
typeInfer ctx (Var x) = do
case (lookup x ctx) of
Nothing -> ...
Just t -> do
let uvars = nub (toList t) -- nub removes duplicates, so this gets unique universally quantified variables
evars <- mapM (const allocExistentialVariable) uvars
let varMap = zip uvars evars
let vixVar varMap v = fromJust $ lookup v varMap
return (fmap (fixVar varMap) t)
--how do we define unify??
-recall, type signature is:
unify :: Type a -> Type b -> Matching (Type c)
unify BoolType BoolType = BoolType --easy, same for all constants
unify (FunctionType t1 t2) (FunctionType t3 t4) = do
t5 <- unify t1 t3
t6 <- unify t2 t4
return $ FunctionType t5 t6
unify (TVar a) (TVar b) = if a == b then TVar a else fail
--existential types can be assigned another type at most once
--some complicated stuff about hanlding existential types
--everything else is a type error
unify a b = fail
SKOLEMIZATION - how you prevent an unassigned existential type variable from leaking!
-before a type gets to global scope, replace all unassigned existential vars w/ new unique universal
type variables
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum Type {