Fix various parser bugs

This commit is contained in:
Greg Shuflin 2021-11-21 02:23:50 -08:00
parent 4b11a6622a
commit 91985df449
2 changed files with 4 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ peg::parser! {
//Note - this is a hack, ideally the rule `rule block() -> Block = "{" _ items:(statement() **
//delimiter()) _ "}" { items.into() }` would've worked, but it doesn't.
pub rule block(parser: &mut Parser) -> Block =
"{" __ items:block_item(parser)* __ "}" { items.into() } /
"{" __ items:(statement(parser) ** delimiter()) delimiter()? __ "}" { items.into() } /
"{" __ stmt:statement(parser) __ "}" { vec![stmt].into() }
rule block_item(parser: &mut Parser) -> Statement =
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ peg::parser! {
rule decl_block(parser: &mut Parser) -> Vec<Declaration> =
"{" __ decls:(func_declaration(parser) ** (delimiter()+)) __ "}" { decls }
"{" __ decls:(func_declaration(parser) ** (delimiter()+)) delimiter()? __ "}" { decls }
rule interface(parser: &mut Parser) -> Declaration =
"interface" _ name:identifier() _ signatures:signature_block(parser) { Declaration::Interface { name: rc_string(name), signatures } }

View File

@ -519,9 +519,8 @@ fn single_param_lambda() {
fn complex_lambdas() {
use ExpressionKind::*;
//TODO support this without the semicolon after the lambda
assert_ast! {
r#"fn wahoo() { let a = 10; \(x) { x + a }; }
r#"fn wahoo() { let a = 10; \(x) { x + a } }
wahoo()(3) "#,
fn_decl(Signature { name: rc("wahoo"), operator: false, type_anno: None, params: vec![] },
@ -991,9 +990,8 @@ fn impls() {
vec![decl(Impl { type_name: ty_simple("Heh"), interface_name: None, block: block.clone() })]
//TODO `"impl Heh<X> { fn yolo() { }; fn swagg() { }; }"` ought to work
"impl Heh<X> { fn yolo() { }; fn swagg() { } }",
"impl Heh<X> { fn yolo() { }; fn swagg() { }; }",
vec![decl(Impl {
type_name: TypeIdentifier::Singleton(TypeSingletonName {
name: rc("Heh"),