Some changes to EBNF grammar

This commit is contained in:
greg 2017-09-17 00:04:27 -07:00
parent 20c74953b5
commit 8be757beca
1 changed files with 37 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -277,26 +277,50 @@ op := '+', '-', etc.
/* for reference, here is the scala EBNF for expressions:
* see
Expr ::= (Bindings | id | _) => Expr
| Expr1
Expr1 ::= if ( Expr ) {nl} Expr [[semi] else Expr]
| while ( Expr ) {nl} Expr
| try { Block } [catch { CaseClauses }]
[finally Expr]
| do Expr [semi] while ( Expr )
| for (( Enumerators ) | { Enumerators })
{nl} [yield] Expr
| throw Expr
| return [Expr]
| [SimpleExpr .] id = Expr
| SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs = Expr
| PostfixExpr
| PostfixExpr Ascription
| PostfixExpr match { CaseClauses }
PrefixExpr ::= [- | + | ~ | !] SimpleExpr
/* Schala EBNF Grammar */
/* Terminal productions are «in Guillemets» or UPPERCASE if they are a class
/* Terminal productions are in 'single quotes' or UPPERCASE if they are a class
* or not representable in ASCII
program := (statement delimiter)* EOF
delimiter := NEWLINE | «;»
delimiter := NEWLINE | ';'
statement := expression | declaration
declaration := type_alias | type_declaration | func_declaration
type_alias := «alias» IDENTIFIER «=» IDENTIFIER
type_declaration := «type» IDENTIFIER «=» type_body
type_body := variant_specifier («|» variant_specifier)*
variant_specifier := «{» member_list «}»
type_alias := 'alias' IDENTIFIER '=' IDENTIFIER
type_declaration := 'type' IDENTIFIER '=' type_body
type_body := variant_specifier ('|' variant_specifier)*
variant_specifier := '{' member_list '}'
member_list := (IDENTIFIER type_anno)*
func_declaration := «fn» IDENTIFIER «(» param_list «)»
param_list := (IDENTIFIER type_anno+ «,»)*
func_declaration := 'fn' IDENTIFIER '(' param_list ')'
param_list := (IDENTIFIER type_anno+ ',')*
type_anno := «:» type
type_anno := ':' type
expression := precedence_expr
precedence_expr := primary
@ -304,11 +328,11 @@ primary := literal | paren_expr | identifier_expr
paren_expr := LParen expression RParen
identifier_expr := call_expr | index_expr | IDENTIFIER
literal := «true» | «false» | number_literal | STR_LITERAL
literal := 'true' | 'false' | number_literal | STR_LITERAL
call_expr := IDENTIFIER «(» expr_list «)» //TODO maybe make this optional? or no, have a bare identifier meant to be used as method taken care of in eval
index_expr := «[» (expression («,» (expression)* | ε) «]»
expr_list := expression («,» expression)* | ε
call_expr := IDENTIFIER '(' expr_list ')' //TODO maybe make this optional? or no, have a bare identifier meant to be used as method taken care of in eval
index_expr := '[' (expression (',' (expression)* | ε) ']'
expr_list := expression (',' expression)* | ε
// a float_literal can still be assigned to an int in type-checking
number_literal := int_literal | float_literal