Clarified grammar BNF some

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greg 2018-06-12 21:12:06 -07:00
parent a96fbc9592
commit 654eeef428
1 changed files with 46 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -14,51 +14,68 @@ use builtin::{BinOp, PrefixOp};
/* Terminal productions are in 'single quotes' or UPPERCASE if they are a class
* or not representable in ASCII
/* Top-level Structure */
program := (statement delimiter)* EOF
delimiter := NEWLINE | ';'
statement := expression | declaration
block := '{' (statement delimiter)* '}'
declaration := type_declaration | func_declaration | binding_declaration | impl_declaration
/* Declarations - Types */
type_declaration := 'type' type_declaration_body
type_declaration_body := 'alias' type_alias | type_singleton_name '=' type_body
type_alias := IDENTIFIER '=' type_name
type_body := variant_specifier ('|' variant_specifier)*
variant_specifier := IDENTIFIER | IDENTIFIER '{' typed_identifier_list '}' | IDENTIFIER '(' type_name* ')'
typed_identifier_list := typed_identifier*
typed_identifier := IDENTIFIER type_anno
/* Declaration - Functions */
func_declaration := func_signature func_body
func_body := ε | '{' (statement delimiter)* '}'
func_signature := 'fn' IDENTIFIER formal_param_list func_body
formal_param_list := '(' (formal_param ',')* ')'
formal_param := IDENTIFIER type_anno+
binding_declaration: 'var' IDENTIFIER '=' expression
| 'const' IDENTIFIER '=' expression
/* Declaration - Variable bindings */
binding_declaration: 'var' IDENTIFIER '=' expression | 'const' IDENTIFIER '=' expression
/* Declaration - Interface */
interface_declaration := 'interface' interface_name signature_block
impl_declaration := 'impl' IDENTIFIER decl_block | 'impl' interface_name 'for' IDENTIFIER decl_block
decl_block := '{' (func_declaration)* '}'
signature_block := '{' (func_signature)* '}'
interface_name := IDENTIFIER
/* Type annotations */
type_anno := (':' type_name)+
type_name := type_singleton_name | '(' type_names ')'
type_names := ε | type_name (, type_name)*
type_singleton_name = IDENTIFIER (type_params)*
type_params := '<' type_name (, type_name)* '>'
/* Expressions */
expression := precedence_expr type_anno+
precedence_expr := prefix_expr
prefix_expr := prefix_op call_expr
prefix_op := '+' | '-' | '!' | '~'
call_expr := index_expr ( '(' expr_list ')' )*
expr_list := expression (',' expression)* | ε
index_expr := primary ( '[' (expression (',' (expression)* | ε) ']' )*
primary := literal | paren_expr | if_expr | match_expr | for_expr | while_expr | identifier_expr | curly_brace_expr | list_expr
/* Primary Expressions */
curly_brace_expr := lambda_expr | anonymous_struct //TODO
list_expr := '[' (expression, ',')* ']'
lambda_expr := '{' '|' (formal_param ',')* '|' (type_anno)* (statement delimiter)* '}'
@ -66,42 +83,42 @@ paren_expr := LParen paren_inner RParen
paren_inner := (expression ',')*
identifier_expr := named_struct | IDENTIFIER
literal := 'true' | 'false' | number_literal | STR_LITERAL
/* Expression - Literals */
literal := 'true' | 'false' | number_literal | STR_LITERAL
named_struct := IDENTIFIER record_block
record_block := '{' (record_entry, ',')* | '}' //TODO support anonymus structs, update syntax
record_entry := IDENTIFIER ':' expression
anonymous_struct := TODO
if_expr := 'if' expression block else_clause
else_clause := ε | 'else' block
match_expr := 'match' expression match_body
match_body := '{' (match_arm)* '}'
match_arm := pattern '=>' expression
pattern := identifier //TODO NOT DONE
block := '{' (statement delimiter)* '}'
expr_list := expression (',' expression)* | ε
while_expr := 'while' while_cond '{' (statement delimiter)* '}'
while_cond := ε | expression | expression 'is' pattern //TODO maybe is-expresions should be primary
//TODO this implies there must be at least one enumerator, which the parser doesn't support right
//this second, and maybe should fail later anyway
for_expr := 'for' (enumerator | '{' enumerators '}') for_expr_body
for_expr_body := 'return' expression | '{' (statement delimiter)* '}
enumerators := enumerator (',' enumerators)*
enumerator := identifier '<-' expression | identifier '=' expression //TODO add guards, etc.
// a float_literal can still be assigned to an int in type-checking
number_literal := int_literal | float_literal
int_literal = ('0x' | '0b') digits
float_literal := digits ('.' digits)
digits := (DIGIT_GROUP underscore)+
/* Expression - If */
if_expr := 'if' expression block else_clause
else_clause := ε | 'else' block
/* Expression - Match */
match_expr := 'match' expression match_body
match_body := '{' (match_arm)* '}'
match_arm := pattern '=>' expression
pattern := identifier //TODO NOT DONE
/* Expression - While */
while_expr := 'while' while_cond '{' (statement delimiter)* '}'
while_cond := ε | expression | expression 'is' pattern //TODO maybe is-expresions should be primary
//TODO this implies there must be at least one enumerator, which the parser doesn't support right
//this second, and maybe should fail later anyway
/* Expression - For */
for_expr := 'for' (enumerator | '{' enumerators '}') for_expr_body
for_expr_body := 'return' expression | '{' (statement delimiter)* '}
enumerators := enumerator (',' enumerators)*
enumerator := identifier '<-' expression | identifier '=' expression //TODO add guards, etc.
type TokenIter = Peekable<IntoIter<Token>>;