Don't care about case-sensitivity

This commit is contained in:
greg 2019-01-08 02:38:10 -08:00
parent 9b3b5c5541
commit 1085b528fe
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ pub fn tokenize(input: &str) -> Vec<Token> {
'"' => handle_quote(&mut input),
'\\' => Backslash,
c if c.is_digit(10) => handle_digit(c, &mut input),
c if c.is_alphabetic() || c == '_' => handle_alphabetic(c, &mut input), //TODO I'll probably have to rewrite this if I care about types being uppercase, also type parameterization
c if c.is_alphabetic() || c == '_' => handle_alphabetic(c, &mut input),
c if is_operator(&c) => handle_operator(c, &mut input),
unknown => Error(format!("Unexpected character: {}", unknown)),