Kill most LLVM references
I'm probably going to refactor this so much, there's no point in keeping this around
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
extern crate llvm_sys;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use self::llvm_sys::prelude::*;
use self::llvm_sys::{LLVMIntPredicate};
use parser::{AST, Statement, Function, Prototype, Expression, BinOp};
use schala_repl::LLVMCodeString;
use schala_repl::llvm_wrap as LLVMWrap;
type VariableMap = HashMap<String, LLVMValueRef>;
struct CompilationData {
context: LLVMContextRef,
module: LLVMModuleRef,
builder: LLVMBuilderRef,
variables: VariableMap,
main_function: LLVMValueRef,
current_function: Option<LLVMValueRef>,
pub fn compile_ast(ast: AST) -> LLVMCodeString {
let names: VariableMap = HashMap::new();
let context = LLVMWrap::create_context();
let module = LLVMWrap::module_create_with_name("example module");
let builder = LLVMWrap::CreateBuilderInContext(context);
let program_return_type = LLVMWrap::Int64TypeInContext(context);
let main_function_type = LLVMWrap::FunctionType(program_return_type, Vec::new(), false);
let main_function: LLVMValueRef = LLVMWrap::AddFunction(module, "main", main_function_type);
let mut data = CompilationData {
context: context,
builder: builder,
module: module,
variables: names,
main_function: main_function,
current_function: None,
let bb = LLVMWrap::AppendBasicBlockInContext(data.context, data.main_function, "entry");
LLVMWrap::PositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, bb);
let value = ast.codegen(&mut data);
LLVMWrap::BuildRet(builder, value);
let ret = LLVMWrap::PrintModuleToString(module);
// Clean up. Values created in the context mostly get cleaned up there.
trait CodeGen {
fn codegen(&self, &mut CompilationData) -> LLVMValueRef;
impl CodeGen for AST {
fn codegen(&self, data: &mut CompilationData) -> LLVMValueRef {
let int_type = LLVMWrap::Int64TypeInContext(data.context);
let mut ret = LLVMWrap::ConstInt(int_type, 0, false);
for statement in self {
ret = statement.codegen(data);
impl CodeGen for Statement {
fn codegen(&self, data: &mut CompilationData) -> LLVMValueRef {
use self::Statement::*;
match self {
&ExprNode(ref expr) => expr.codegen(data),
&FuncDefNode(ref func) => func.codegen(data),
impl CodeGen for Function {
fn codegen(&self, data: &mut CompilationData) -> LLVMValueRef {
/* should have a check here for function already being defined */
let function = self.prototype.codegen(data);
let ref body = self.body;
data.current_function = Some(function);
let return_type = LLVMWrap::Int64TypeInContext(data.context);
let mut ret = LLVMWrap::ConstInt(return_type, 0, false);
let block = LLVMWrap::AppendBasicBlockInContext(data.context, function, "entry");
LLVMWrap::PositionBuilderAtEnd(data.builder, block);
//insert function params into variables
for value in LLVMWrap::GetParams(function) {
let name = LLVMWrap::GetValueName(value);
data.variables.insert(name, value);
for expr in body {
ret = expr.codegen(data);
LLVMWrap::BuildRet(data.builder, ret);
// get basic block of main
let main_bb = LLVMWrap::GetBasicBlocks(data.main_function).get(0).expect("Couldn't get first block of main").clone();
LLVMWrap::PositionBuilderAtEnd(data.builder, main_bb);
data.current_function = None;
impl CodeGen for Prototype {
fn codegen(&self, data: &mut CompilationData) -> LLVMValueRef {
let num_args = self.parameters.len();
let return_type = LLVMWrap::Int64TypeInContext(data.context);
let mut arguments: Vec<LLVMTypeRef> = vec![];
for _ in 0..num_args {
let function_type =
let function = LLVMWrap::AddFunction(data.module,
let function_params = LLVMWrap::GetParams(function);
for (index, param) in function_params.iter().enumerate() {
let name = self.parameters.get(index).expect(&format!("Failed this check at index {}", index));
let new = *param;
LLVMWrap::SetValueName(new, name);
impl CodeGen for Expression {
fn codegen(&self, data: &mut CompilationData) -> LLVMValueRef {
use self::BinOp::*;
use self::Expression::*;
let int_type = LLVMWrap::Int64TypeInContext(data.context);
let zero = LLVMWrap::ConstInt(int_type, 0, false);
match *self {
Variable(ref name) => *data.variables.get(&**name).expect(&format!("Can't find variable {}", name)),
BinExp(Assign, ref left, ref right) => {
if let Variable(ref name) = **left {
let new_value = right.codegen(data);
data.variables.insert((**name).clone(), new_value);
} else {
panic!("Bad variable assignment")
BinExp(ref op, ref left, ref right) => {
let lhs = left.codegen(data);
let rhs = right.codegen(data);
op.codegen_with_ops(data, lhs, rhs)
Number(ref n) => {
let native_val = *n as u64;
let int_value: LLVMValueRef = LLVMWrap::ConstInt(int_type, native_val, false);
Conditional(ref test, ref then_expr, ref else_expr) => {
let condition_value = test.codegen(data);
let is_nonzero =
let func = LLVMWrap::GetBasicBlockParent(LLVMWrap::GetInsertBlock(data.builder));
let mut then_block =
LLVMWrap::AppendBasicBlockInContext(data.context, func, "then_block");
let mut else_block =
LLVMWrap::AppendBasicBlockInContext(data.context, func, "else_block");
let merge_block =
LLVMWrap::AppendBasicBlockInContext(data.context, func, "ifcont");
// add conditional branch to ifcond block
LLVMWrap::BuildCondBr(data.builder, is_nonzero, then_block, else_block);
// start inserting into then block
LLVMWrap::PositionBuilderAtEnd(data.builder, then_block);
// then-block codegen
let then_return = then_expr.codegen(data);
LLVMWrap::BuildBr(data.builder, merge_block);
// update then block b/c recursive codegen() call may have changed the notion of
// the current block
then_block = LLVMWrap::GetInsertBlock(data.builder);
// then do the same stuff again for the else branch
LLVMWrap::PositionBuilderAtEnd(data.builder, else_block);
let else_return = match *else_expr {
Some(ref e) => e.codegen(data),
None => zero,
LLVMWrap::BuildBr(data.builder, merge_block);
else_block = LLVMWrap::GetInsertBlock(data.builder);
LLVMWrap::PositionBuilderAtEnd(data.builder, merge_block);
let phi = LLVMWrap::BuildPhi(data.builder, int_type, "phinode");
let values = vec![then_return, else_return];
let blocks = vec![then_block, else_block];
LLVMWrap::AddIncoming(phi, values, blocks);
Block(ref exprs) => {
let mut ret = zero;
for e in exprs.iter() {
ret = e.codegen(data);
ref e => {
println!("Unimplemented {:?}", e);
impl BinOp {
fn codegen_with_ops(&self, data: &CompilationData, lhs: LLVMValueRef, rhs: LLVMValueRef) -> LLVMValueRef {
use self::BinOp::*;
macro_rules! simple_binop {
($fnname: expr, $name: expr) => {
$fnname(data.builder, lhs, rhs, $name)
let int_type = LLVMWrap::Int64TypeInContext(data.context);
match *self {
Add => simple_binop!(LLVMWrap::BuildAdd, "addtemp"),
Sub => simple_binop!(LLVMWrap::BuildSub, "subtemp"),
Mul => simple_binop!(LLVMWrap::BuildMul, "multemp"),
Div => simple_binop!(LLVMWrap::BuildUDiv, "divtemp"),
Mod => simple_binop!(LLVMWrap::BuildSRem, "remtemp"),
Less => {
let pred: LLVMValueRef =
LLVMWrap::BuildICmp(data.builder, LLVMIntPredicate::LLVMIntULT, lhs, rhs, "tmp");
LLVMWrap::BuildZExt(data.builder, pred, int_type, "temp")
Greater => {
let pred: LLVMValueRef =
LLVMWrap::BuildICmp(data.builder, LLVMIntPredicate::LLVMIntUGT, lhs, rhs, "tmp");
LLVMWrap::BuildZExt(data.builder, pred, int_type, "temp")
ref unknown => panic!("Bad operator {:?}", unknown),
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ extern crate schala_repl;
mod tokenizer;
mod tokenizer;
mod parser;
mod parser;
mod eval;
mod eval;
mod compilation;
use schala_repl::{ProgrammingLanguageInterface, EvalOptions, UnfinishedComputation, FinishedComputation, TraceArtifact};
use schala_repl::{ProgrammingLanguageInterface, EvalOptions, UnfinishedComputation, FinishedComputation, TraceArtifact};
@ -74,30 +73,4 @@ impl<'a> ProgrammingLanguageInterface for Maaru<'a> {
/* TODO make this work with new framework */
fn can_compile(&self) -> bool {
fn compile(&mut self, input: &str) -> LLVMCodeString {
let tokens = match tokenizer::tokenize(input) {
Ok(tokens) => tokens,
Err(err) => {
let msg = format!("Tokenization error: {:?}\n", err.msg);
panic!("{}", msg);
let ast = match parser::parse(&tokens, &[]) {
Ok(ast) => ast,
Err(err) => {
let msg = format!("Parse error: {:?}\n", err.msg);
panic!("{}", msg);
@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ use colored::*;
use std::fmt::Write;
use std::fmt::Write;
use std::time;
use std::time;
pub struct LLVMCodeString(pub String);
#[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct EvalOptions {
pub struct EvalOptions {
pub execution_method: ExecutionMethod,
pub execution_method: ExecutionMethod,
@ -24,13 +24,12 @@ use std::default::Default;
mod repl;
mod repl;
mod language;
mod language;
mod webapp;
mod webapp;
pub mod llvm_wrap;
const VERSION_STRING: &'static str = "0.1.0";
const VERSION_STRING: &'static str = "0.1.0";
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
pub use language::{LLVMCodeString, ProgrammingLanguageInterface, EvalOptions,
pub use language::{ProgrammingLanguageInterface, EvalOptions,
ExecutionMethod, TraceArtifact, FinishedComputation, UnfinishedComputation, PassDebugOptionsDescriptor, PassDescriptor};
ExecutionMethod, TraceArtifact, FinishedComputation, UnfinishedComputation, PassDebugOptionsDescriptor, PassDescriptor};
pub type PLIGenerator = Box<Fn() -> Box<ProgrammingLanguageInterface> + Send + Sync>;
pub type PLIGenerator = Box<Fn() -> Box<ProgrammingLanguageInterface> + Send + Sync>;
@ -129,54 +128,6 @@ fn run_noninteractive(filename: &str, languages: Vec<Box<ProgrammingLanguageInte
pub fn compilation_sequence(llvm_code: LLVMCodeString, sourcefile: &str) {
use std::process::Command;
let ll_filename = "out.ll";
let obj_filename = "out.o";
let q: Vec<&str> = sourcefile.split('.').collect();
let bin_filename = match &q[..] {
&[name, "maaru"] => name,
_ => panic!("Bad filename {}", sourcefile),
let LLVMCodeString(llvm_str) = llvm_code;
println!("Compilation process finished for {}", ll_filename);
.and_then(|mut f| f.write_all(llvm_str.as_bytes()))
.expect("Error writing file");
let llc_output = Command::new("llc")
.args(&["-filetype=obj", ll_filename, "-o", obj_filename])
.expect("Failed to run llc");
if !llc_output.status.success() {
println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&llc_output.stderr));
let gcc_output = Command::new("gcc")
.args(&["-o", bin_filename, &obj_filename])
.expect("failed to run gcc");
if !gcc_output.status.success() {
println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&gcc_output.stdout));
println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&gcc_output.stderr));
for filename in [obj_filename].iter() {
.expect(&format!("failed to run rm {}", filename));
fn program_options() -> getopts::Options {
fn program_options() -> getopts::Options {
let mut options = getopts::Options::new();
let mut options = getopts::Options::new();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user