import wasmInit from "./pkg/gamarjoba.js" const runWasm = async () => { const rustWasm = await wasmInit("./pkg/gamarjoba_bg.wasm"); const result = rustWasm.de_iavascriptis(0, 1); console.log("Should be undefined: ", rustWasm.add_integer_with_constant); document.body.textContent = `Gamarjoba! result: ${result}`; const NUMBER = 257; console.log("Write in WASM, read in JS"); rustWasm.store_value_in_wasm_mem_idx_0(NUMBER); let wasmMemory = new Uint8Array(rustWasm.memory.buffer); let ptr = rustWasm.get_wasm_mem_buffer_pointer(); console.log("Pointer from rust: ", ptr); console.log(wasmMemory[ptr+0]); // should be NUMBER, wrapped around 256 console.log("Write in JS, read in wasm"); wasmMemory[ptr+1] = 15; console.log(rustWasm.read_wasm_mem_buffer_idx_1()); // should be 15 }; runWasm();