use base64::{engine::general_purpose::STANDARD as BASE64, Engine as _}; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::sync::RwLock; use uuid::Uuid; pub struct SessionStore(RwLock>>); impl SessionStore { pub fn new() -> Self { SessionStore(RwLock::new(HashMap::new())) } pub fn generate_secret() -> String { let mut bytes = [0u8; 32]; getrandom::getrandom(&mut bytes).expect("Failed to generate random bytes"); BASE64.encode(bytes) } pub fn store(&self, user_id: Uuid, secret: String) { let mut store = self.0.write().unwrap(); store .entry(user_id) .or_insert_with(HashSet::new) .insert(secret); } pub fn verify(&self, user_id: Uuid, secret: &str) -> bool { let store =; store .get(&user_id) .map_or(false, |secrets| secrets.contains(secret)) } pub fn remove(&self, user_id: Uuid, secret: &str) { let mut store = self.0.write().unwrap(); if let Some(secrets) = store.get_mut(&user_id) { secrets.remove(secret); // Clean up the user entry if no sessions remain if secrets.is_empty() { store.remove(&user_id); } } } }