2020-03-30 10:57:01 +02:00

6.6 KiB


Run git pull in the nix-bitcoin directory, enter the nix shell with nix-shell and redeploy with nixops deploy -d bitcoin-node.

  1. Import jonasnick's gpg key

    gpg2 --receive-key 36C71A37C9D988BDE82508D9B1A70E4F8DCD0366
  2. Trust jonasnick's gpg key

    gpg2 --edit-key 36C71A37C9D988BDE82508D9B1A70E4F8DCD0366
  3. Verify commit after git pull

    git verify-commit <hash of latest commit>


Run nodeinfo to see your onion addresses for the webindex, spark, etc. if they are enabled.

Connect to spark-wallet


  1. Enable spark-wallet in configuration.nix


    # services.spark-wallet.enable = true;


    services.spark-wallet.enable = true;
  2. Deploy new configuration.nix

    nixops deploy -d bitcoin-node
  3. Enable Orbot VPN for spark-wallet

    Open Orbot app
    Turn on "VPN Mode"
    Select Gear icon under "Tor-Enabled Apps"
    Toggle checkbox under Spark icon
  4. Get the onion address, access key and QR access code for the spark wallet android app

    journalctl -eu spark-wallet

    Note: The qr code might have issues scanning if you have a light terminal theme. Try setting it to dark or highlightning the entire output to invert the colors.

  5. Connect to spark-wallet android app

    Server Settings
    Scan QR

Connect to electrs

Requirements Android

Requirements Desktop

  1. Enable electrs in configuration.nix


    # services.electrs.enable = true;


    services.electrs.enable = true;
  2. Deploy new configuration.nix

    nixops deploy -d bitcoin-node
  3. Get electrs onion address

    nodeinfo | grep 'ELECTRS_ONION'
  4. Connect to electrs

    On electrum wallet laptop

    electrum --oneserver --server=<ELECTRS_ONION>:50002:s --proxy=socks5:localhost:9050

    On electrum android phone

    Three dots in the upper-right-hand corner
    Proxy mode: socks5, Host:, Port: 9050
    Host: <ELECTRS_ONION>, Port: 50002
    Auto-connect: OFF
    One-server mode: ON

Connect to nix-bitcoin node through ssh Tor Hidden Service

  1. Run nodeinfo on your nix-bitcoin node and note the SSHD_ONION

    nixops ssh operator@bitcoin-node
    nodeinfo | grep 'SSHD_ONION'
  2. Create a SSH key

    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
  3. Place the ed25519 key's fingerprint in the configuration.nix openssh.authorizedKeys.keys field like so

    # FIXME: Add your SSH pubkey
    services.openssh.enable = true;
    users.users.root = {
      openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "[contents of ~/.ssh/]" ];
  4. Connect to your nix-bitcoin node's ssh Tor Hidden Service, forwarding a local port to the nix-bitcoin node's ssh server

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -L [random port of your choosing]:localhost:22 root@[your SSHD_ONION]
  5. Edit your network-nixos.nix to look like this

      bitcoin-node =
        { config, pkgs, ... }:
        { deployment.targetHost = "";
        deployment.targetPort = [random port of your choosing];
  6. Now you can run nixops deploy -d bitcoin-node and it will connect through the ssh tunnel you established in step iv. This also allows you to do more complex ssh setups that nixops ssh doesn't support. An example would be authenticating with Trezor's ssh agent, which provides extra security.

Initialize a Trezor for Bitcoin Core's Hardware Wallet Interface

  1. Enable Trezor in configuration.nix


    # services.hardware-wallets.trezor = true;


    services.hardware-wallets.trezor = true;
  2. Deploy new configuration.nix

    nixops deploy -d bitcoin-node
  3. Check that your nix-bitcoin node recognizes your Trezor

    nixops ssh operator@bitcoin-node

    Should show something relating to your Trezor

  4. If your Trezor has outdated firmware or is not yet initialized: Start your Trezor in bootloader mode

    Trezor v1

    Plug in your Trezor with both buttons depressed

    Trezor v2

    Start swiping your finger across your Trezor's touchscreen and plug in the USB cable when your finger is halfway through
  5. If your Trezor's firmware is outdated: Update your Trezor's firmware

    trezorctl firmware-update

    Follow the on-screen instructions

    Caution: This command will wipe your Trezor. If you already store Bitcoin on it, only do this with the recovery seed nearby.

  6. If your Trezor is not yet initialized: Set up your Trezor

    trezorctl reset-device -p

    Follow the on-screen instructions

  7. Find your Trezor

    hwi enumerate
    hwi -t trezor -d <path from previous command> promptpin
    hwi -t trezor -d <path> sendpin <number positions for the PIN as displayed on your device's screen>
    hwi enumerate
  8. Follow Bitcoin Core's instructions on Using Bitcoin Core with Hardware Wallets to use your Trezor with bitcoin-cli on your nix-bitcoin node