Read uid/gid directly from the service pid. This makes this fn work with arbitrary services, and with `bitcoind`, where, for historical reasons, the service user name (`bitcoin`) doesn't equal the service name.
301 lines
11 KiB
301 lines
11 KiB
# shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2154
# Run tests
# See ../test/ for a tutorial
# and ../test/ for a complete documentation
# Start a shell in a container
| -s electrs container
# Run a command in a container.
# The container is deleted afterwards.
| -s electrs container --run c journalctl -u electrs
# Run a bash command
| -s bitcoind container --run c bash -c "sleep 1; journalctl -u bitcoind"
| -s '{
imports = [ scenarios.regtestBase ];
services.electrs.enable = true;
}' container --run c journalctl -u electrs
| -s "{
services.electrs.enable = true;
nix-bitcoin.nodeinfo.enable = true;
}" container --run c nodeinfo
# Get generic node infos
# Start container shell
| -s bitcoind container
# Run commands inside the shell:
# The node's services
c systemctl status
# Failed units
c systemctl list-units --failed
# Analyze container boot performance
c systemd-analyze critical-chain
# Listening TCP sockets
c netstat -nltp
# Listening sockets
c netstat -nlp
# The container root filesystem
ls -al /var/lib/nixos-containers/nb-test
# The container root filesystem on NixOS systems with stateVersion < 22.05
ls -al /var/lib/containers/nb-test
# Start a shell in the context of a service process.
# Must be run inside the container (enter with cmd `c`).
enter_service() {
pid=$(systemctl show -p MainPID --value "$name")
IFS=- read -r uid gid < <(stat -c "%u-%g" "/proc/$pid")
nsenter --all -t "$pid" --setuid "$uid" --setgid "$gid" bash
enter_service clightning
# bitcoind
| -s bitcoind container
c systemctl status bitcoind
c systemctl cat bitcoind
c journalctl --output=short-precise -u bitcoind
ls -al /var/lib/nixos-containers/nb-test/var/lib/bitcoind
c bitcoin-cli getpeerinfo
c bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo
c bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo
| -s '{
imports = [ scenarios.regtestBase ];
services.bitcoind.enable = true;
}' container
address=$(c bitcoin-cli getnewaddress)
echo $address
c bitcoin-cli generatetoaddress 10 $address
# Run bitcoind with network access
| -s "{
test.container.enableWAN = true;
services.bitcoind.enable = true;
}" container --run c journalctl -u bitcoind -f
# clightning
| -s clightning container
c systemctl status clightning
c journalctl --output=short-precise -u clightning
c lightning-cli getinfo
# Plugins
| -s "{
services.clightning.enable = true;
test.features.clightningPlugins = true;
}" container
c lightning-cli plugin list
# Show plugin config
nix eval --raw .#makeTest --apply '
makeTest: let
config = (makeTest {
config = {
services.clightning.enable = true;
test.features.clightningPlugins = true;
# clightning-rest
| -s clightning-rest container
c systemctl status clightning-rest
c journalctl -u clightning-rest
c systemctl status clightning-rest-migrate-datadir
# spark-wallet
| -s "{
services.spark-wallet.enable = true;
test.container.exposeLocalhost = true;
}" container
c systemctl status spark-wallet
c journalctl -u spark-wallet
sparkAuth=$(c cat /secrets/spark-wallet-login | grep -ohP '(?<=login=).*')
curl -v http://$sparkAuth@$ip:9737
# Open in browser
runuser -u "$(logname)" -- xdg-open http://$sparkAuth@$ip:9737
# electrs
| -s "{
imports = [ scenarios.regtestBase ];
services.electrs.enable = true;
}" container
c systemctl status electrs
c systemctl cat electrs
c journalctl --output=short-precise -u electrs
electrs_rpc() {
echo "$1" | c nc 50001 | head -1 | jq
electrs_rpc '{"method": "server.version", "id": 0, "params": ["electrum/3.3.8", "1.4"]}'
electrs_rpc '{"method": "blockchain.headers.subscribe", "id": 0}'
# fulcrum
| -s "{
imports = [ scenarios.regtestBase ];
services.fulcrum.enable = true;
}" container
c systemctl status fulcrum
c systemctl cat fulcrum
c journalctl --output=short-precise -u fulcrum
fulcrum_rpc() {
echo "$1" | c nc 50002 | head -1 | jq
fulcrum_rpc '{"method": "server.version", "id": 0, "params": ["electrum/3.3.8", "1.4"]}'
fulcrum_rpc '{"method": "blockchain.headers.subscribe", "id": 0}'
# lnd
| -s lnd container
c systemctl status lnd
c journalctl -u lnd
c lncli getinfo
# lightning-loop
| -s lightning-loop container
c systemctl status lightning-loop
c journalctl -u lightning-loop
# btcpayserver
| -s btcpayserver-regtest container
c systemctl status btcpayserver
c journalctl -u btcpayserver
c systemctl cat btcpayserver
c systemctl status nbxplorer
c journalctl -u nbxplorer
## Access the API
request() {
local type=$1
local method=$2
local body=$3
shift; shift; shift
curl -sSL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X $type --user "a@a.a:aaaaaa" \
-d "$body" "$@" "$ip:23000/api/v1/$method" | jq
post() {
local method=$1
local body=$2
shift; shift
request post "$method" "$body" "$@"
get() {
local method=$1
request get "$method"
# Create new user
post users '{"email": "a@a.a", "password": "aaaaaa", "isAdministrator": true}'
# Login with:
# user: a@a.a
# password: aaaaaa
runuser -u "$(logname)" -- xdg-open http://$ip:23000
# create store
post stores '{"name": "a", "defaultPaymentMethod": "BTC_LightningNetwork"}'
post stores '{"name": "a", "defaultPaymentMethod": "BTC"}'
store=$(get stores | jq -r .[].id)
echo $store
get stores/$store
get stores/$store/payment-methods
get stores/$store/payment-methods/LightningNetwork
# Connect to internal lightning node (internal API, doesn't work)
# Lightning must be manually setup via the webinterface.
post stores/$store/lightning/BTC/setup "" --data-raw 'LightningNodeType=Internal&ConnectionString=&command=save'
nix run --inputs-from . nixpkgs#lynx -- --dump http://$ip:23000/embed/$store/BTC/ln
# liquid
| -s liquid container
c systemctl status liquidd
c elements-cli getpeerinfo
c elements-cli getnetworkinfo
c liquidswap-cli --help
# tor
| container
c cat /var/lib/tor/state
c ls -al /var/lib/tor/onion/
c ls -al /var/lib/tor/onion/bitcoind
c ls -al /var/lib/tor/onion/clightning-rest
# joinmarket
| -s joinmarket container
c systemctl status joinmarket
c journalctl -u joinmarket
# joinmarket-ob-watcher
# This starts a container with WAN access, so that jm-ob-watcher
# can connect to the joinmarket IRC servers over Tor
| -s jm-ob-watcher container
c systemctl status joinmarket-ob-watcher
c journalctl -u joinmarket-ob-watcher
# Manually wait for string 'started http server, visit'
# This can take >10 minutes when the Tor network is under heavy load.
# While connecting, errors like `We failed to connect and handshake with ANY directories...`
# may be shown.
c journalctl -f -u joinmarket-ob-watcher
# Check webinterface
c curl localhost:62601
nix run --inputs-from . nixpkgs#lynx -- --dump $ip:62601
c curl -s localhost:62601 | grep -i "orders found"
# rtl
# see ./topics/