7d7f2df0066fc53e5286fdbe853b37c871e19c55 fulcrum: add module (Erik Arvstedt) edd8bd311c4c66cae211646e8099fbc9d6d7a0b1 bitcoind-rpc-public-whitelist: add `ping`, `help` (Erik Arvstedt) f946a7cd9b9a469843dd71225fef9f157453d834 examples: use `mkDefault` for setting `system.stateVersion` (Erik Arvstedt) 79994d0bd22edeb2c2a780ec8bad5f1d6b30bdb6 tests: increase postgresql startup timeout (Erik Arvstedt) Pull request description: ACKs for top commit: nixbitcoin: ACK 7d7f2df0066fc53e5286fdbe853b37c871e19c55 Tree-SHA512: 866f0a40bb81ceb2008e6efbd415eeee201b9e56aa5ebc60fd1bb4b6eda300155faaa2e6492d8145b3c6084b1e8ef5ec7d4e0ff694beb328d2e5ed755c9d04b4
297 lines
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297 lines
12 KiB
# Edit this configuration file to define what should be installed on
# your system. Help is available in the configuration.nix(5) man page
# and in the NixOS manual (accessible by running ‘nixos-help’).
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: {
imports = [
# FIXME: The hardened kernel profile improves security but
# decreases performance by ~50%.
# Turn it off when not needed.
# You can enable the hardened-extended preset instead to further improve security
# at the cost of functionality and performance.
# See the comments at the top of `hardened-extended.nix` for further details.
# <nix-bitcoin/modules/presets/hardened-extended.nix>
# FIXME: Uncomment the next line to import your hardware configuration. If so,
# add the hardware configuration file to the same directory as this file.
# FIXME: Enable modules by uncommenting their respective line. Disable
# modules by commenting out their respective line.
# Bitcoind is enabled by default via secure-node.nix.
# Set this option to enable pruning with a specified MiB value.
# clightning is compatible with pruning. See
# https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning/#pruning for more information.
# LND and electrs are not compatible with pruning.
# services.bitcoind.prune = 100000;
# Set this to accounce the onion service address to peers.
# The onion service allows accepting incoming connections via Tor.
# nix-bitcoin.onionServices.bitcoind.public = true;
# You can add options that are not defined in modules/bitcoind.nix as follows
# services.bitcoind.extraConfig = ''
# maxorphantx=110
# '';
# Enable clightning, a Lightning Network implementation in C.
services.clightning.enable = true;
# Set this to create an onion service by which clightning can accept incoming connections
# via Tor.
# The onion service is automatically announced to peers.
# nix-bitcoin.onionServices.clightning.public = true;
# == Plugins
# See ../README.md (Features → clightning) for the list of available plugins.
# services.clightning.plugins.prometheus.enable = true;
# == REST server
# Set this to create a clightning REST onion service.
# This also adds binary `lndconnect-onion-clightning` to the system environment.
# This binary creates QR codes or URLs for connecting applications to clightning
# via the REST onion service (see ../docs/services.md).
# services.clightning-rest = {
# enable = true;
# lndconnectOnion.enable = true;
# };
### LND
# Set this to enable lnd, a lightning implementation written in Go.
# services.lnd.enable = true;
# NOTE: In order to avoid collisions with clightning you must disable clightning or
# change the services.clightning.port or services.lnd.port to a port other than
# 9735.
# Set this to create an onion service by which lnd can accept incoming connections
# via Tor.
# The onion service is automatically announced to peers.
# nix-bitcoin.onionServices.lnd.public = true;
# Set this to create an lnd REST onion service.
# This also adds binary `lndconnect-onion` to the system environment.
# This binary generates QR codes or URLs for connecting applications to lnd via the
# REST onion service (see ../docs/services.md).
# services.lnd.lndconnectOnion.enable = true;
# If you use lnd, you should manually backup your wallet mnemonic
# seed. This will allow you to recover on-chain funds. You can run the
# following commands after the lnd service starts:
# mkdir -p ./backups/lnd/
# scp bitcoin-node:/var/lib/lnd/lnd-seed-mnemonic ./backups/lnd/
# You should also backup your channel state after opening new channels.
# This will allow you to recover off-chain funds, by force-closing channels.
# scp bitcoin-node:/var/lib/lnd/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/channel.backup ./backups/lnd/
# Alternatively, you can have these files backed up by services.backups below.
# Set this to enable RTL, a web interface for lnd and clightning.
# services.rtl.enable = true;
# Set this to add a clightning node interface.
# Automatically enables clightning.
# services.rtl.nodes.clightning.enable = true;
# Set this to add a lnd node interface.
# Automatically enables lnd.
# services.rtl.nodes.lnd.enable = true;
# You can enable both nodes simultaneously.
# Set this option to enable swaps with lightning-loop.
# Automatically enables lightning-loop.
# services.rtl.nodes.lnd.loop = true;
# Set this to enable spark-wallet, a minimalistic wallet GUI for
# c-lightning, accessible over the web or through mobile and desktop apps.
# Automatically enables clightning.
# services.spark-wallet.enable = true;
# Set this to enable electrs, an Electrum server implemented in Rust.
# services.electrs.enable = true;
# Set this to enable fulcrum, an Electrum server implemented in C++.
# Compared to electrs, fulcrum has higher storage demands but
# can serve arbitrary address queries instantly.
# Before enabling fulcrum, and for more info on storage demands,
# see the description of option `enable` in ../modules/fulcrum.nix
# services.fulcrum.enable = true;
### BTCPayServer
# Set this to enable BTCPayServer, a self-hosted, open-source
# cryptocurrency payment processor.
# services.btcpayserver.enable = true;
# Privacy Warning: BTCPayServer currently looks up price rates without
# proxying them through Tor. This means an outside observer can correlate
# your BTCPayServer usage, like invoice creation times, with your IP address.
# Enable this option to connect BTCPayServer to clightning.
# services.btcpayserver.lightningBackend = "clightning";
# Enable this option to connect BTCPayServert to lnd.
# services.btcpayserver.lightningBackend = "lnd";
# The lightning backend service is automatically enabled.
# Afterwards you need to go into Store > General Settings > Lightning Nodes
# and select "the internal lightning node of this BTCPay Server".
# Set this to create an onion service to make the btcpayserver web interface
# accessible via Tor.
# Security WARNING: Create a btcpayserver administrator account before allowing
# public access to the web interface.
# nix-bitcoin.onionServices.btcpayserver.enable = true;
# Enable this module to use Liquid, a sidechain for an inter-exchange
# settlement network linking together cryptocurrency exchanges and
# institutions around the world.
# services.liquidd.enable = true;
# Liquid can be controlled with command 'elements-cli'.
### Hardware wallets
# Enable the following to allow using hardware wallets.
# See https://github.com/bitcoin-core/HWI for more information.
# Ledger must be initialized through the official ledger live app and the Bitcoin app must
# be installed and running on the device.
# services.hardware-wallets.ledger = true;
# Trezor can be initialized with the trezorctl command in nix-bitcoin. More information in
# `../docs/services.md`.
# services.hardware-wallets.trezor = true;
### lightning-loop
# Set this to enable lightninglab's non-custodial off/on chain bridge.
# services.lightning-loop.enable = true;
# loopd (lightning-loop daemon) will be started automatically. Users can
# interact with off/on chain bridge using `loop in` and `loop out`.
# Automatically enables lnd.
### lightning-pool
# Set this to enable Lightning Lab's non-custodial batched uniform
# clearing-price auction for Lightning Channel Leases.
# services.lightning-pool.enable = true;
# Use the `pool` command to interact with the lightning-pool service.
# Automatically enables lnd.
# lightning-pool requires that lnd has a publicly reachable address.
# Set this to create a public onion service for lnd.
# nix-bitcoin.onionServices.lnd.public = true;
### charge-lnd
# Set this to enable charge-lnd, a simple policy based fee manager for
# LND. With this tool you can set fees to autobalance, recover channel open
# costs, use on-chain fees as reference, or just use static fees. You decide.
# services.charge-lnd.enable = true;
# Define policies as outlined in the project documentation.
# services.charge-lnd.policies = ''
# '';
# Set this to enable the JoinMarket service, including its command-line scripts.
# These scripts have prefix 'jm-', like 'jm-tumbler'.
# Note: JoinMarket has full access to bitcoind, including its wallet functionality.
# services.joinmarket.enable = true;
# Set this to enable the JoinMarket Yield Generator Bot. You will be able to
# earn sats by providing CoinJoin liquidity. This makes it impossible to use other
# scripts that access your wallet.
# services.joinmarket.yieldgenerator.enable = true;
# Set this to enable the JoinMarket order book watcher.
# services.joinmarket-ob-watcher.enable = true;
### Backups
# Set this to enable nix-bitcoin's own backup service. By default, it
# uses duplicity to incrementally back up all important files in /var/lib to
# /var/lib/localBackups once a day.
# services.backups.enable = true;
# You can pull the localBackups folder with
# `scp -r bitcoin-node:/var/lib/localBackups /my-backup-path/`
# Alternatively, you can also set a remote target url, for example
# services.backups.destination = "sftp://user@host[:port]/[relative|/absolute]_path";
# Supply the sftp password by appending the FTP_PASSWORD environment variable
# to secrets/backup-encryption-env like so
# `echo "FTP_PASSWORD=<password>" >> secrets/backup-encryption-env`
# You many also need to set a ssh host and publickey with
# programs.ssh.knownHosts."host" = {
# hostNames = [ "host" ];
# publicKey = "<ssh public from `ssh-keyscan`>";
# };
# If you also want to backup bulk data like the Bitcoin & Liquid blockchains
# and electrs data directory, enable
# services.backups.with-bulk-data = true;
### netns-isolation (EXPERIMENTAL)
# Enable this module to use Network Namespace Isolation. This feature places
# every service in its own network namespace and only allows truly necessary
# connections between network namespaces, making sure services are isolated on
# a network-level as much as possible.
# nix-bitcoin.netns-isolation.enable = true;
# FIXME: Define your hostname.
networking.hostName = "host";
time.timeZone = "UTC";
services.openssh = {
enable = true;
passwordAuthentication = false;
users.users.root = {
openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [
# FIXME: Replace this with your SSH pubkey
"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3..."
# FIXME: Uncomment this to allow the operator user to run
# commands as root with `sudo` or `doas`
# users.users.operator.extraGroups = [ "wheel" ];
# FIXME: add packages you need in your system
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
# FIXME: Add custom options (like boot options, output of
# nixos-generate-config, etc.):
# This value determines the NixOS release from which the default
# settings for stateful data, like file locations and database versions
# on your system were taken. It's perfectly fine and recommended to leave
# this value at the release version of the first install of this system.
# Before changing this value read the documentation for this option
# (e.g. man configuration.nix or on https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html).
system.stateVersion = "22.05"; # Did you read the comment?
# The nix-bitcoin release version that your config is compatible with.
# When upgrading to a backwards-incompatible release, nix-bitcoin will display an
# an error and provide instructions for migrating your config to the new release.
nix-bitcoin.configVersion = "0.0.70";