{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: # Create a WireGuard server with a single peer. # Private/public keys are created via the secrets system. # Add helper binaries `nix-bitcoin-wg-connect` and optionally `lndconnect-wg`, `lndconnect-clightning-wg`. # See ../../docs/services.md ("Use Zeus (mobile lightning wallet) via WireGuard") # for usage instructions. # This is a rather opinionated implementation that lacks the flexibility offered by # other nix-bitcoin modules, so ship this as a `preset`. # Some users will prefer to use `lndconnect` with their existing WireGuard or Tailscale setup. with lib; let options.nix-bitcoin.wireguard = { subnet = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "10.10.0"; description = mdDoc "The /24 subnet of the wireguard network."; }; restrictPeer = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = mdDoc '' Prevent the peer from connecting to any addresses except for the WireGuard server address. ''; }; }; cfg = config.nix-bitcoin.wireguard; wgSubnet = cfg.subnet; inherit (config.networking.wireguard.interfaces) wg-nb; inherit (config.services) lnd clightning-rest; lndconnect = lnd.enable && lnd.lndconnect.enable; lndconnect-clightning = clightning-rest.enable && clightning-rest.lndconnect.enable; serverAddress = "${wgSubnet}.1"; peerAddress = "${wgSubnet}.2"; secretsDir = config.nix-bitcoin.secretsDir; wgConnectUser = if config.nix-bitcoin.operator.enable then config.nix-bitcoin.operator.name else "root"; # A script that prints a QR code to connect a peer to the server. # The QR code encodes a wg-quick config that can be imported by the wireguard # mobile app. wgConnect = pkgs.writers.writeBashBin "nix-bitcoin-wg-connect" '' set -euo pipefail text= host= for arg in "$@"; do case $arg in --text) text=1 ;; *) host=$arg ;; esac done if [[ ! $host ]]; then # Use lndconnect to fetch the external ip. # This internally uses https://github.com/GlenDC/go-external-ip, which # queries a set of external ip providers. host=$( ${getExe config.nix-bitcoin.pkgs.lndconnect} --url --nocert \ --configfile=/dev/null --adminmacaroonpath=/dev/null \ | sed -nE 's|.*?/(.*?):.*|\1|p' ) fi config="[Interface] PrivateKey = $(cat ${secretsDir}/wg-peer-private-key) Address = ${peerAddress}/24 [Peer] PublicKey = $(cat ${secretsDir}/wg-server-public-key) AllowedIPs = ${wgSubnet}.0/24 Endpoint = $host:${toString wg-nb.listenPort} PersistentKeepalive = 25 " if [[ $text ]]; then echo "$config" else echo "$config" | ${getExe pkgs.qrencode} -t UTF8 -o - fi ''; in { inherit options; config = { assertions = [ { # Don't support `netns-isolation` for now to keep things simple assertion = !(config.nix-bitcoin.netns-isolation.enable or false); message = "`nix-bitcoin.wireguard` is not compatible with `netns-isolation`."; } ]; networking.wireguard.interfaces.wg-nb = { ips = [ "${serverAddress}/24" ]; listenPort = mkDefault 51820; privateKeyFile = "${secretsDir}/wg-server-private-key"; allowedIPsAsRoutes = false; peers = [ { # To use the actual public key from the secrets file, use dummy pubkey # `peer0` and replace it via `getPubkeyFromFile` (see further below) # at peer service runtime. publicKey = "peer0"; allowedIPs = [ "${peerAddress}/32" ]; } ]; }; systemd.services = { wireguard-wg-nb = rec { wants = [ "nix-bitcoin-secrets.target" ]; after = wants; }; # HACK: Modify start/stop scripts of the peer setup service to read # the pubkey from a secrets file. wireguard-wg-nb-peer-peer0 = let getPubkeyFromFile = mkBefore '' if [[ ! -v inPatchedSrc ]]; then export inPatchedSrc=1 publicKey=$(cat "${secretsDir}/wg-peer-public-key") <"''${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" sed "s|\bpeer0\b|$publicKey|g" | ${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash -s exit fi ''; in { script = getPubkeyFromFile; postStop = getPubkeyFromFile; }; }; environment.systemPackages = [ wgConnect ] ++ (optional lndconnect (pkgs.writers.writeBashBin "lndconnect-wg" '' exec lndconnect --host "${serverAddress}" --nocert "$@" '') ) ++ (optional lndconnect-clightning (pkgs.writers.writeBashBin "lndconnect-clightning-wg" '' exec lndconnect-clightning --host "${serverAddress}" --nocert "$@" '') ); networking.firewall = let restrictPeerRule = "-s ${peerAddress} ! -d ${serverAddress} -j REJECT"; in { allowedUDPPorts = [ wg-nb.listenPort ]; extraCommands = optionalString lndconnect '' iptables -w -A nixos-fw -p tcp -s ${wgSubnet}.0/24 --dport ${toString lnd.restPort} -j nixos-fw-accept '' + optionalString lndconnect-clightning '' iptables -w -A nixos-fw -p tcp -s ${wgSubnet}.0/24 --dport ${toString clightning-rest.port} -j nixos-fw-accept '' + optionalString cfg.restrictPeer '' iptables -w -A nixos-fw ${restrictPeerRule} iptables -w -A FORWARD ${restrictPeerRule} ''; extraStopCommands = # Rules added to chain `nixos-fw` are automatically removed when restarting # the NixOS firewall service. mkIf cfg.restrictPeer '' iptables -w -D FORWARD ${restrictPeerRule} || : ''; }; # Listen on all addresses, including `serverAddress`. # This is safe because the listen ports are secured by the firewall. services.lnd.restAddress = mkIf lndconnect ""; # clightning-rest always listens on "" nix-bitcoin.secrets = { wg-server-private-key = {}; wg-server-public-key = { user = wgConnectUser; group = "root"; }; wg-peer-private-key = { user = wgConnectUser; group = "root"; }; wg-peer-public-key = {}; }; nix-bitcoin.generateSecretsCmds.wireguard = let wg = "${pkgs.wireguard-tools}/bin/wg"; in '' makeWireguardKey() { local name=$1 local priv=wg-$name-private-key local pub=wg-$name-public-key if [[ ! -e $priv ]]; then ${wg} genkey > $priv fi if [[ $priv -nt $pub ]]; then ${wg} pubkey < $priv > $pub fi } makeWireguardKey server makeWireguardKey peer ''; }; }