{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.services.lnd; inherit (config) nix-bitcoin-services; onion-chef-service = (if cfg.announce-tor then [ "onion-chef.service" ] else []); secretsDir = config.nix-bitcoin.secretsDir; mainnetDir = "${cfg.dataDir}/chain/bitcoin/mainnet"; configFile = pkgs.writeText "lnd.conf" '' datadir=${cfg.dataDir} logdir=${cfg.dataDir}/logs bitcoin.mainnet=1 tlscertpath=${secretsDir}/lnd-cert tlskeypath=${secretsDir}/lnd-key listen=${toString cfg.listen}:${toString cfg.listenPort} ${lib.concatMapStrings (rpclisten: "rpclisten=${rpclisten}:${toString cfg.rpcPort}\n") cfg.rpclisten} ${lib.concatMapStrings (restlisten: "restlisten=${restlisten}:${toString cfg.restPort}\n") cfg.restlisten} bitcoin.active=1 bitcoin.node=bitcoind tor.active=true ${optionalString (cfg.tor-socks != null) "tor.socks=${cfg.tor-socks}"} bitcoind.rpchost=${cfg.bitcoind-host} bitcoind.rpcuser=${config.services.bitcoind.rpc.users.public.name} bitcoind.zmqpubrawblock=${config.services.bitcoind.zmqpubrawblock} bitcoind.zmqpubrawtx=${config.services.bitcoind.zmqpubrawtx} ${cfg.extraConfig} ''; in { options.services.lnd = { enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = '' If enabled, the LND service will be installed. ''; }; dataDir = mkOption { type = types.path; default = "/var/lib/lnd"; description = "The data directory for LND."; }; listen = mkOption { type = pkgs.nix-bitcoin.lib.ipv4Address; default = "localhost"; description = "Bind to given address to listen to peer connections"; }; listenPort = mkOption { type = types.port; default = 9735; description = "Bind to given port to listen to peer connections"; }; rpclisten = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = [ "localhost" ]; description = '' Bind to given address to listen to RPC connections. ''; }; restlisten = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = [ "localhost" ]; description = '' Bind to given address to listen to REST connections. ''; }; rpcPort = mkOption { type = types.port; default = 10009; description = "Port on which to listen for gRPC connections."; }; restPort = mkOption { type = types.port; default = 8080; description = "Port on which to listen for REST connections."; }; bitcoind-host = mkOption { type = types.str; default = ""; description = '' The host that your local bitcoind daemon is listening on. ''; }; tor-socks = mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.str; default = null; description = "Set a socks proxy to use to connect to Tor nodes"; }; announce-tor = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = "Announce LND Tor Hidden Service"; }; macaroons = mkOption { default = {}; type = with types; attrsOf (submodule { options = { user = mkOption { type = types.str; description = "User who owns the macaroon."; }; permissions = mkOption { type = types.str; example = '' {"entity":"info","action":"read"},{"entity":"onchain","action":"read"} ''; description = "List of granted macaroon permissions."; }; }; }); description = '' Extra macaroon definitions. ''; }; extraConfig = mkOption { type = types.lines; default = ""; example = '' autopilot.active=1 ''; description = "Additional configurations to be appended to lnd.conf."; }; package = mkOption { type = types.package; default = pkgs.nix-bitcoin.lnd; defaultText = "pkgs.nix-bitcoin.lnd"; description = "The package providing lnd binaries."; }; cli = mkOption { default = pkgs.writeScriptBin "lncli" # Switch user because lnd makes datadir contents readable by user only '' ${cfg.cliExec} sudo -u lnd ${cfg.package}/bin/lncli --tlscertpath ${secretsDir}/lnd-cert \ --macaroonpath '${cfg.dataDir}/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon' "$@" ''; description = "Binary to connect with the lnd instance."; }; inherit (nix-bitcoin-services) cliExec; enforceTor = nix-bitcoin-services.enforceTor; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { assertions = [ { assertion = config.services.bitcoind.prune == 0; message = "lnd does not support bitcoind pruning."; } ]; environment.systemPackages = [ cfg.package (hiPrio cfg.cli) ]; systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "d '${cfg.dataDir}' 0770 lnd lnd - -" ]; services.bitcoind = { zmqpubrawblock = "tcp://${cfg.bitcoind-host}:28332"; zmqpubrawtx = "tcp://${cfg.bitcoind-host}:28333"; }; services.onion-chef.access.lnd = if cfg.announce-tor then [ "lnd" ] else []; systemd.services.lnd = { description = "Run LND"; path = [ pkgs.nix-bitcoin.bitcoind ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; requires = [ "bitcoind.service" ] ++ onion-chef-service; after = [ "bitcoind.service" ] ++ onion-chef-service; preStart = '' install -m600 ${configFile} '${cfg.dataDir}/lnd.conf' echo "bitcoind.rpcpass=$(cat ${secretsDir}/bitcoin-rpcpassword-public)" >> '${cfg.dataDir}/lnd.conf' ${optionalString cfg.announce-tor "echo externalip=$(cat /var/lib/onion-chef/lnd/lnd) >> '${cfg.dataDir}/lnd.conf'"} ''; serviceConfig = nix-bitcoin-services.defaultHardening // { RuntimeDirectory = "lnd"; # Only used to store custom macaroons RuntimeDirectoryMode = "711"; ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/lnd --configfile=${cfg.dataDir}/lnd.conf"; User = "lnd"; Restart = "on-failure"; RestartSec = "10s"; ReadWritePaths = "${cfg.dataDir}"; ExecStartPost = let restPort = toString cfg.restPort; in [ # Run fully privileged for secrets dir write access "+${nix-bitcoin-services.script '' attempts=250 while ! { exec 3>/dev/tcp/${restPort} && exec 3>&-; } &>/dev/null; do ((attempts-- == 0)) && { echo "lnd REST service unreachable"; exit 1; } sleep 0.1 done mnemonic=${secretsDir}/lnd-seed-mnemonic if [[ ! -f $mnemonic ]]; then echo Create lnd seed umask u=r,go= ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -s \ --cacert ${secretsDir}/lnd-cert \ -X GET${restPort}/v1/genseed | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -c '.cipher_seed_mnemonic' > "$mnemonic" fi chown lnd: "$mnemonic" ''}" "${nix-bitcoin-services.script '' if [[ ! -f ${mainnetDir}/wallet.db ]]; then echo Create lnd wallet ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -s --output /dev/null --show-error \ --cacert ${secretsDir}/lnd-cert \ -X POST -d "{\"wallet_password\": \"$(cat ${secretsDir}/lnd-wallet-password | tr -d '\n' | base64 -w0)\", \ \"cipher_seed_mnemonic\": $(cat ${secretsDir}/lnd-seed-mnemonic | tr -d '\n')}" \${restPort}/v1/initwallet # Guarantees that RPC calls with cfg.cli succeed after the service is started echo Wait until wallet is created while [[ ! -f ${mainnetDir}/admin.macaroon ]]; do sleep 0.1 done else echo Unlock lnd wallet ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -s \ -H "Grpc-Metadata-macaroon: $(${pkgs.xxd}/bin/xxd -ps -u -c 99999 '${mainnetDir}/admin.macaroon')" \ --cacert ${secretsDir}/lnd-cert \ -X POST \ -d "{\"wallet_password\": \"$(cat ${secretsDir}/lnd-wallet-password | tr -d '\n' | base64 -w0)\"}" \${restPort}/v1/unlockwallet fi # Wait until the RPC port is open while ! { exec 3>/dev/tcp/${toString cfg.rpcPort}; } &>/dev/null; do sleep 0.1 done ''}" # Run fully privileged for chown "+${nix-bitcoin-services.script '' umask ug=r,o= ${lib.concatMapStrings (macaroon: '' echo "Create custom macaroon ${macaroon}" macaroonPath="$RUNTIME_DIRECTORY/${macaroon}.macaroon" ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -s \ -H "Grpc-Metadata-macaroon: $(${pkgs.xxd}/bin/xxd -ps -u -c 99999 '${mainnetDir}/admin.macaroon')" \ --cacert ${secretsDir}/lnd-cert \ -X POST \ -d '{"permissions":[${cfg.macaroons.${macaroon}.permissions}]}' \${restPort}/v1/macaroon |\ ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -c '.macaroon' | ${pkgs.xxd}/bin/xxd -p -r > "$macaroonPath" chown ${cfg.macaroons.${macaroon}.user}: "$macaroonPath" '') (attrNames cfg.macaroons)} ''}" ]; } // (if cfg.enforceTor then nix-bitcoin-services.allowTor else nix-bitcoin-services.allowAnyIP ) // nix-bitcoin-services.allowAnyProtocol; # For ZMQ }; users.users.lnd = { description = "LND User"; group = "lnd"; extraGroups = [ "bitcoinrpc" ]; home = cfg.dataDir; # lnd creates .lnd dir in HOME }; users.groups.lnd = {}; nix-bitcoin.secrets = { lnd-wallet-password.user = "lnd"; lnd-key.user = "lnd"; lnd-cert.user = "lnd"; lnd-cert.permissions = "0444"; # world readable }; }; }