let # This is either a path to a local nix-bitcoin source or an attribute set to # be used as the fetchurl argument. nix-bitcoin-release = import ./nix-bitcoin-release.nix; nix-bitcoin-path = if builtins.isAttrs nix-bitcoin-release then nix-bitcoin-unpacked else nix-bitcoin-release; nixpkgs-path = (import "${toString nix-bitcoin-path}/pkgs/nixpkgs-pinned.nix").nixpkgs; nixpkgs = import nixpkgs-path {}; nix-bitcoin = nixpkgs.callPackage nix-bitcoin-path {}; nix-bitcoin-unpacked = (import {}).runCommand "nix-bitcoin-src" {} '' mkdir $out; tar xf ${builtins.fetchurl nix-bitcoin-release} -C $out ''; in with nixpkgs; stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "nix-bitcoin-environment"; buildInputs = [ nix-bitcoin.nixops19_09 nix-bitcoin.extra-container figlet ]; shellHook = '' export NIX_PATH="nixpkgs=${nixpkgs-path}:nix-bitcoin=${toString nix-bitcoin-path}:." alias fetch-release="${toString nix-bitcoin-path}/helper/fetch-release" # ssh-agent and nixops don't play well together (see # https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/issues/256). I'm getting `Received disconnect # from port 22:2: Too many authentication failures` if I have a few # keys already added to my ssh-agent. export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="" figlet "nix-bitcoin" (mkdir -p secrets; cd secrets; ${nix-bitcoin.generate-secrets}) # Don't run this hook when another nix-shell is run inside this shell unset shellHook ''; }