pkgs: let pythonTesting = import (pkgs.path + "/nixos/lib/testing-python.nix") { system = pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system; inherit pkgs; }; in args: let test = pythonTesting.makeTest args; # 1. Save test logging output # 2. Add link to driver so that a gcroot to a test prevents the driver from # being garbage-collected fixedTest = test.overrideAttrs (_: { # See `runTests` in nixpkgs/nixos/lib/testing-python.nix for the original definition of `buildCommand` buildCommand = '' mkdir "$out" LOGFILE=$out/output.xml tests='exec(os.environ["testScript"])' ${test.driver}/bin/nixos-test-driver ln -s ${test.driver} "$out/driver" ''; }); in fixedTest