{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.nix-bitcoin.nodeinfo; # Services included in the output services = { bitcoind = mkInfo ""; clightning = mkInfo '' info["nodeid"] = shell("lightning-cli getinfo | jq -r '.id'") if 'onion_address' in info: info["id"] = f"{info['nodeid']}@{info['onion_address']}" ''; lnd = mkInfo '' info["nodeid"] = shell("lncli getinfo | jq -r '.identity_pubkey'") ''; electrs = mkInfo ""; spark-wallet = mkInfo ""; btcpayserver = mkInfo ""; liquidd = mkInfo ""; # Only add sshd when it has an onion service sshd = name: cfg: mkIfOnionPort "sshd" (onionPort: '' add_service("sshd", """set_onion_address(info, "sshd", ${onionPort})""") ''); }; script = pkgs.writeScriptBin "nodeinfo" '' #!${pkgs.python3}/bin/python import json import subprocess from collections import OrderedDict def success(*args): return subprocess.call(args, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) == 0 def is_active(unit): return success("systemctl", "is-active", "--quiet", unit) def is_enabled(unit): return success("systemctl", "is-enabled", "--quiet", unit) def cmd(*args): return subprocess.run(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') def shell(*args): return cmd("bash", "-c", *args).strip() infos = OrderedDict() operator = "${config.nix-bitcoin.operator.name}" def set_onion_address(info, name, port): path = f"/var/lib/onion-addresses/{operator}/{name}" try: with open(path, "r") as f: onion_address = f.read().strip() except OSError: print(f"error reading file {path}", file=sys.stderr) return info["onion_address"] = f"{onion_address}:{port}" def add_service(service, make_info): if not is_active(service): infos[service] = "service is not running" else: info = OrderedDict() exec(make_info, globals(), locals()) infos[service] = info if is_enabled("onion-adresses") and not is_active("onion-adresses"): print("error: service 'onion-adresses' is not running") exit(1) ${concatStrings infos} print(json.dumps(infos, indent=2)) ''; infos = map (service: let cfg = config.services.${service}; in optionalString cfg.enable (services.${service} service cfg) ) (builtins.attrNames services); mkInfo = extraCode: name: cfg: '' add_service("${name}", """ info["local_address"] = "${cfg.address}:${toString cfg.port}" '' + mkIfOnionPort name (onionPort: '' set_onion_address(info, "${name}", ${onionPort}) '') + extraCode + '' """) ''; mkIfOnionPort = name: fn: if hiddenServices ? ${name} then fn (toString (builtins.elemAt hiddenServices.${name}.map 0).port) else ""; inherit (config.services.tor) hiddenServices; in { options = { nix-bitcoin.nodeinfo = { enable = mkEnableOption "nodeinfo"; program = mkOption { readOnly = true; default = script; }; }; }; config = { environment.systemPackages = optional cfg.enable script; }; }