def succeed(*cmds): """Returns the concatenated output of all cmds""" return machine.succeed(*cmds) def assert_matches(cmd, regexp): out = succeed(cmd) if not, out): raise Exception(f"Pattern '{regexp}' not found in '{out}'") def log_has_string(unit, str): return f"journalctl -b --output=cat -u {unit} --grep='{str}'" def assert_no_failure(unit): """Unit should not have failed since the system is running""", "Failed with result")) def assert_running(unit): machine.wait_for_unit(unit) assert_no_failure(unit) # Don't execute the following test suite when this script is running in interactive mode if "is_interactive" in vars(): raise Exception() ### Tests assert_running("setup-secrets") # Unused secrets should be inaccessible succeed('[[ $(stat -c "%U:%G %a" /secrets/dummy) = "root:root 440" ]]') assert_running("bitcoind") machine.wait_until_succeeds("bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo") assert_matches("su operator -c 'bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo' | jq", '"version"') assert_running("electrs") machine.wait_for_open_port(4224) # prometeus metrics provider # Check RPC connection to bitcoind machine.wait_until_succeeds(log_has_string("electrs", "NetworkInfo")) assert_running("nginx") # SSL stratum server via nginx. Only check for open port, no content is served here # as electrs isn't ready. machine.wait_for_open_port(50003) # Stop electrs from spamming the test log with 'wait for bitcoind sync' messages succeed("systemctl stop electrs") assert_running("liquidd") machine.wait_until_succeeds("elements-cli getnetworkinfo") assert_matches("su operator -c 'elements-cli getnetworkinfo' | jq", '"version"') succeed("su operator -c 'liquidswap-cli --help'") assert_running("clightning") assert_matches("su operator -c 'lightning-cli getinfo' | jq", '"id"') assert_running("spark-wallet") spark_auth ="login=(.*)", succeed("cat /secrets/spark-wallet-login"))[1] machine.wait_for_open_port(9737) assert_matches(f"curl -s {spark_auth}@localhost:9737", "Spark") assert_running("lightning-charge") charge_auth ="API_TOKEN=(.*)", succeed("cat /secrets/lightning-charge-env"))[1] machine.wait_for_open_port(9112) assert_matches(f"curl -s api-token:{charge_auth}@localhost:9112/info | jq", '"id"') assert_running("nanopos") machine.wait_for_open_port(9116) assert_matches("curl localhost:9116", "tshirt") assert_running("onion-chef") # FIXME: use 'wait_for_unit' because 'create-web-index' always fails during startup due # to incomplete unit dependencies. # 'create-web-index' implicitly tests 'nodeinfo'. machine.wait_for_unit("create-web-index") machine.wait_for_open_port(80) assert_matches("curl localhost", "nix-bitcoin") assert_matches("curl -L localhost/store", "tshirt") machine.wait_until_succeeds(log_has_string("bitcoind-import-banlist", "Importing node banlist")) assert_no_failure("bitcoind-import-banlist") ### Additional tests # Current time in µs pre_restart = succeed("date +%s.%6N").rstrip() # Sanity-check system by restarting all services succeed("systemctl restart bitcoind clightning spark-wallet lightning-charge nanopos liquidd") # Now that the bitcoind restart triggered a banlist import restart, check that # re-importing already banned addresses works machine.wait_until_succeeds( log_has_string(f"bitcoind-import-banlist --since=@{pre_restart}", "Importing node banlist") ) assert_no_failure("bitcoind-import-banlist") ### Test lnd succeed("systemctl stop nanopos lightning-charge spark-wallet clightning") succeed("systemctl start lnd") assert_matches("su operator -c 'lncli getinfo' | jq", '"version"') assert_no_failure("lnd")