{ description = "A basic nix-bitcoin node"; inputs.nix-bitcoin.url = "github:fort-nix/nix-bitcoin/release"; outputs = { self, nix-bitcoin }: { nixosConfigurations.mynode = nix-bitcoin.inputs.nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { system = "x86_64-linux"; modules = [ nix-bitcoin.nixosModule # Optional: # Import the secure-node preset, an opinionated config to enhance security # and privacy. # # "${nix-bitcoin}/modules/presets/secure-node.nix" { # Automatically generate all secrets required by services. # The secrets are stored in /etc/nix-bitcoin-secrets nix-bitcoin.generateSecrets = true; # Enable services. # See ../configuration.nix for all available features. services.bitcoind.enable = true; # When using nix-bitcoin as part of a larger NixOS configuration, set the following to enable # interactive access to nix-bitcoin features (like bitcoin-cli) for your system's main user nix-bitcoin.operator = { enable = true; name = "main"; # Set this to your system's main user }; # The system's main unprivileged user. This setting is usually part of your # existing NixOS configuration. users.users.main = { isNormalUser = true; password = "a"; }; # If you use a custom nixpkgs version for evaluating your system # (instead of `nix-bitcoin.inputs.nixpkgs` like in this example), # consider setting `useVersionLockedPkgs = true` to use the exact pkgs # versions for nix-bitcoin services that are tested by nix-bitcoin. # The downsides are increased evaluation times and increased system # closure size. # # nix-bitcoin.useVersionLockedPkgs = true; } ]; }; }; }