#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -i bash -p nodePackages.node2nix gnupg wget jq moreutils gnused set -euo pipefail TMPDIR="$(mktemp -d -p /tmp)" trap "rm -rf $TMPDIR" EXIT version="0.3.1" repo=https://github.com/shesek/spark-wallet # Fetch and verify source tarball file=spark-wallet-${version}-npm.tgz url=$repo/releases/download/v$version/$file export GNUPGHOME=$TMPDIR gpg --keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key FCF19B67866562F08A43AAD681F6104CD0F150FC wget -P $TMPDIR $url wget -P $TMPDIR $repo/releases/download/v$version/SHA256SUMS.asc gpg --verify $TMPDIR/SHA256SUMS.asc (cd $TMPDIR; sha256sum --check --ignore-missing SHA256SUMS.asc) hash=$(nix hash file $TMPDIR/$file) # Extract source src=$TMPDIR/src mkdir $src tar xvf $TMPDIR/$file -C $src --strip-components 1 >/dev/null # Make qrcode-terminal a strict dependency so that node2nix includes it in the package derivation. jq '.dependencies["qrcode-terminal"] = .optionalDependencies["qrcode-terminal"]' $src/package.json | sponge $src/package.json # Generate nix pkg node2nix \ --nodejs-10 \ --input $src/package.json \ --lock $src/npm-shrinkwrap.json \ --composition composition.nix \ --no-copy-node-env # Use node-env.nix from nixpkgs nodeEnvImport='import "${toString pkgs.path}/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-env.nix"' sed -i "s|import ./node-env.nix|$nodeEnvImport|" composition.nix # Use the verified package src read -d '' fetchurl <