from collections import OrderedDict def succeed(*cmds): """Returns the concatenated output of all cmds""" return machine.succeed(*cmds) def assert_matches(cmd, regexp): out = succeed(cmd) if not, out): raise Exception(f"Pattern '{regexp}' not found in '{out}'") def assert_full_match(cmd, regexp): out = succeed(cmd) if not re.fullmatch(regexp, out): raise Exception(f"Pattern '{regexp}' doesn't match '{out}'") def log_has_string(unit, str): return f"journalctl -b --output=cat -u {unit} --grep='{str}'" def assert_no_failure(unit): """Unit should not have failed since the system is running""", "Failed with result")) def assert_running(unit): with machine.nested(f"waiting for unit: {unit}"): machine.wait_for_unit(unit) assert_no_failure(unit) def wait_for_open_port(address, port): def is_port_open(_): status, _ = machine.execute(f"nc -z {address} {port}") return status == 0 with log.nested(f"Waiting for TCP port {address}:{port}"): retry(is_port_open) ### Test runner tests = OrderedDict() def test(name): def x(fn): tests[name] = fn return x def run_tests(): enabled = enabled_tests.copy() to_run = [] for test in tests: if test in enabled: enabled.remove(test) to_run.append(test) if enabled: raise RuntimeError(f"The following tests are enabled but not defined: {enabled}") machine.connect() # Visually separate boot output from the test output for test in to_run: with log.nested(f"test: {test}"): tests[test]() def run_test(test): tests[test]() ### Tests # All tests are executed in the order they are defined here @test("security") def _(): assert_running("setup-secrets") # Unused secrets should be inaccessible succeed('[[ $(stat -c "%U:%G %a" /secrets/dummy) = "root:root 440" ]]') if "secure-node" in enabled_tests: # Access to '/proc' should be restricted machine.succeed("grep -Fq hidepid=2 /proc/mounts") machine.wait_for_unit("bitcoind") # `systemctl status` run by unprivileged users shouldn't leak cgroup info assert_matches( "sudo -u electrs systemctl status bitcoind 2>&1 >/dev/null", "Failed to dump process list for 'bitcoind.service', ignoring: Access denied", ) # The 'operator' with group 'proc' has full access assert_full_match("sudo -u operator systemctl status bitcoind 2>&1 >/dev/null", "") @test("bitcoind") def _(): assert_running("bitcoind") machine.wait_until_succeeds("bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo") assert_matches("su operator -c 'bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo' | jq", '"version"') # RPC access for user 'public' should be restricted "bitcoin-cli -rpcuser=public -rpcpassword=$(cat /secrets/bitcoin-rpcpassword-public) stop" ) machine.wait_until_succeeds( log_has_string("bitcoind", "RPC User public not allowed to call method stop") ) @test("electrs") def _(): assert_running("electrs") wait_for_open_port(ip("electrs"), 4224) # prometeus metrics provider # Check RPC connection to bitcoind machine.wait_until_succeeds(log_has_string("electrs", "NetworkInfo")) # Impure: Stops electrs # Stop electrs from spamming the test log with 'WARN - wait until IBD is over' messages @test("stop-electrs") def _(): succeed("systemctl stop electrs") @test("liquidd") def _(): assert_running("liquidd") machine.wait_until_succeeds("elements-cli getnetworkinfo") assert_matches("su operator -c 'elements-cli getnetworkinfo' | jq", '"version"') succeed("su operator -c 'liquidswap-cli --help'") @test("clightning") def _(): assert_running("clightning") assert_matches("su operator -c 'lightning-cli getinfo' | jq", '"id"') @test("lnd") def _(): assert_running("lnd") assert_matches("su operator -c 'lncli getinfo' | jq", '"version"') assert_no_failure("lnd") @test("lightning-loop") def _(): assert_running("lightning-loop") assert_matches("su operator -c 'loop --version'", "version") # Check that lightning-loop fails with the right error, making sure # lightning-loop can connect to lnd machine.wait_until_succeeds( log_has_string( "lightning-loop", "Waiting for lnd to be fully synced to its chain backend, this might take a while", ) ) @test("btcpayserver") def _(): assert_running("nbxplorer") machine.wait_until_succeeds(log_has_string("nbxplorer", "BTC: RPC connection successful")) wait_for_open_port(ip("nbxplorer"), 24444) assert_running("btcpayserver") machine.wait_until_succeeds(log_has_string("btcpayserver", "Listening on")) wait_for_open_port(ip("btcpayserver"), 23000) # test lnd custom macaroon assert_matches( "sudo -u btcpayserver curl -s --cacert /secrets/lnd-cert " '--header "Grpc-Metadata-macaroon: $(xxd -ps -u -c 1000 /run/lnd/btcpayserver.macaroon)" ' f"-X GET https://{ip('lnd')}:8080/v1/getinfo | jq", '"version"', ) @test("spark-wallet") def _(): assert_running("spark-wallet") wait_for_open_port(ip("spark-wallet"), 9737) spark_auth ="login=(.*)", succeed("cat /secrets/spark-wallet-login"))[1] assert_matches(f"curl -s {spark_auth}@{ip('spark-wallet')}:9737", "Spark") @test("lightning-charge") def _(): assert_running("lightning-charge") wait_for_open_port(ip("lightning-charge"), 9112) machine.wait_until_succeeds(f"nc -z {ip('lightning-charge')} 9112") charge_auth ="API_TOKEN=(.*)", succeed("cat /secrets/lightning-charge-env"))[1] assert_matches( f"curl -s api-token:{charge_auth}@{ip('lightning-charge')}:9112/info | jq", '"id"' ) @test("nanopos") def _(): assert_running("nanopos") wait_for_open_port(ip("nanopos"), 9116) assert_matches(f"curl {ip('nanopos')}:9116", "tshirt") @test("joinmarket") def _(): assert_running("joinmarket") machine.wait_until_succeeds( log_has_string("joinmarket", "P2EPDaemonServerProtocolFactory starting on 27184") ) @test("joinmarket-yieldgenerator") def _(): machine.wait_until_succeeds( log_has_string("joinmarket-yieldgenerator", "Failure to get blockheight",) ) @test("secure-node") def _(): assert_running("onion-chef") # FIXME: use 'wait_for_unit' because 'create-web-index' always fails during startup due # to incomplete unit dependencies. # 'create-web-index' implicitly tests 'nodeinfo'. machine.wait_for_unit("create-web-index") assert_running("nginx") wait_for_open_port(ip("nginx"), 80) assert_matches(f"curl {ip('nginx')}", "nix-bitcoin") assert_matches(f"curl -L {ip('nginx')}/store", "tshirt") # Run this test before the following tests that shut down services # (and their corresponding network namespaces). @test("netns-isolation") def _(): ping_bitcoind = "ip netns exec nb-bitcoind ping -c 1 -w 1" ping_nanopos = "ip netns exec nb-nanopos ping -c 1 -w 1" ping_nbxplorer = "ip netns exec nb-nbxplorer ping -c 1 -w 1" # Positive ping tests (non-exhaustive) machine.succeed( "%s %s &&" % (ping_bitcoind, ip("bitcoind")) + "%s %s &&" % (ping_bitcoind, ip("clightning")) + "%s %s &&" % (ping_bitcoind, ip("lnd")) + "%s %s &&" % (ping_bitcoind, ip("liquidd")) + "%s %s &&" % (ping_bitcoind, ip("nbxplorer")) + "%s %s &&" % (ping_nbxplorer, ip("btcpayserver")) + "%s %s &&" % (ping_nanopos, ip("lightning-charge")) + "%s %s &&" % (ping_nanopos, ip("nanopos")) + "%s %s" % (ping_nanopos, ip("nginx")) ) # Negative ping tests (non-exhaustive) "%s %s ||" % (ping_bitcoind, ip("spark-wallet")) + "%s %s ||" % (ping_bitcoind, ip("lightning-loop")) + "%s %s ||" % (ping_bitcoind, ip("lightning-charge")) + "%s %s ||" % (ping_bitcoind, ip("nanopos")) + "%s %s ||" % (ping_bitcoind, ip("nginx")) + "%s %s ||" % (ping_nanopos, ip("bitcoind")) + "%s %s ||" % (ping_nanopos, ip("clightning")) + "%s %s ||" % (ping_nanopos, ip("lnd")) + "%s %s ||" % (ping_nanopos, ip("lightning-loop")) + "%s %s ||" % (ping_nanopos, ip("liquidd")) + "%s %s ||" % (ping_nanopos, ip("electrs")) + "%s %s ||" % (ping_nanopos, ip("spark-wallet")) + "%s %s" % (ping_nanopos, ip("btcpayserver")) ) # test that netns-exec can't be run for unauthorized namespace"netns-exec nb-electrs ip a") # test that netns-exec drops capabilities assert_full_match( "su operator -c 'netns-exec nb-bitcoind capsh --print | grep Current '", "Current: =\n" ) # test that netns-exec can not be executed by users that are not operator"sudo -u clightning netns-exec nb-bitcoind ip a") # Impure: stops bitcoind (and dependent services) @test("backups") def _(): succeed("systemctl stop bitcoind") succeed("systemctl start duplicity") machine.wait_until_succeeds(log_has_string("duplicity", "duplicity.service: Succeeded.")) run_duplicity = "export $(cat /secrets/backup-encryption-env); duplicity" # Files in backup and /var/lib should be identical assert_matches( f"{run_duplicity} verify --archive-dir /var/lib/duplicity file:///var/lib/localBackups /var/lib", "0 differences found", ) # Backup should include important files files = succeed(f"{run_duplicity} list-current-files file:///var/lib/localBackups") assert "var/lib/clightning/bitcoin/hsm_secret" in files assert "secrets/lnd-seed-mnemonic" in files assert "secrets/jm-wallet-seed" in files assert "var/lib/bitcoind/wallet.dat" in files assert "var/backup/postgresql/btcpaydb.sql.gz" in files # Impure: restarts services @test("banlist-and-restart") def _(): machine.wait_until_succeeds(log_has_string("bitcoind-import-banlist", "Importing node banlist")) assert_no_failure("bitcoind-import-banlist") # Current time in µs pre_restart = succeed("date +%s.%6N").rstrip() # Sanity-check system by restarting all services succeed( "systemctl restart bitcoind clightning lnd lightning-loop spark-wallet lightning-charge nanopos liquidd" ) # Now that the bitcoind restart triggered a banlist import restart, check that # re-importing already banned addresses works machine.wait_until_succeeds( log_has_string(f"bitcoind-import-banlist --since=@{pre_restart}", "Importing node banlist") ) assert_no_failure("bitcoind-import-banlist") if "netns-isolation" in enabled_tests: def ip(name): return test_data["netns"][name]["address"] else: def ip(_): return ""