#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail # This script does the following: # - Update all flake inputs, including nixpkgs # - Print version updates of pinned pkgs like so: # Pkg updates in nixpkgs unstable: # bitcoin: 0.20.0 -> 0.21.1 # btcpayserver: 1.1.0 -> 1.1.2 # - Write ../pkgs/pinned.nix: # Packages for which the stable und unstable versions are identical are # pinned to stable. # All other pkgs are pinned to unstable. # cd to script dir cd "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}" if [[ $(nix flake 2>&1) != *"requires a sub-command"* ]]; then echo "Error. This script requires nix flake support." echo "https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Flakes#Installing_flakes" exit 1 fi if [[ ${1:-} != -f ]] && ! git diff --quiet ../flake.{nix,lock}; then echo "error: flake.nix/flake.lock have changes. Run with option -f to ignore." exit 1 fi versions=$(nix eval --json -f update-flake.nix versions) ## Uncomment the following to generate a version change message for testing # versions=$(echo "$versions" | sed 's|1|0|g') nix flake update .. echo nix eval --raw -f update-flake.nix --argstr prevVersions "$versions" showUpdates; echo pinned=../pkgs/pinned.nix pinnedSrc=$(nix eval --raw -f update-flake.nix --argstr prevVersions "$versions" pinnedFile) if [[ $pinnedSrc != $(cat "$pinned") ]]; then echo "$pinnedSrc" > "$pinned" echo echo "Updated pinned.nix" fi