# You can run this test via `run-tests.sh -s wireguard-lndconnect` makeTestVM: pkgs: with pkgs.lib; makeTestVM { name = "wireguard-lndconnect"; nodes = { server = { imports = [ ../modules/modules.nix ../modules/presets/wireguard.nix ]; nixpkgs.pkgs = pkgs; nix-bitcoin.generateSecrets = true; nix-bitcoin.operator.enable = true; services.clightning-rest = { enable = true; lndconnect.enable = true; }; # TODO-EXTERNAL: # When WAN is disabled, DNS bootstrapping slows down service startup by ~15 s. services.clightning.extraConfig = "disable-dns"; services.lnd = { enable = true; lndconnect.enable = true; port = 9736; }; }; client = { nixpkgs.pkgs = pkgs; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ wireguard-tools ]; }; }; testScript = '' import base64 import urllib.parse as Url from types import SimpleNamespace def parse_lndconnect_url(url): u = Url.urlparse(url) queries = Url.parse_qs(u.query) macaroon = queries['macaroon'][0] is_clightning = url.startswith("c-lightning-rest") return SimpleNamespace( host = u.hostname, port = u.port, macaroon_hex = macaroon if is_clightning else base64.urlsafe_b64decode(macaroon + '===').hex().upper() ) client.start() server.connect() if not "is_interactive" in vars(): with subtest("connect client to server via WireGuard"): server.wait_for_unit("wireguard-wg-nb-peer-peer0.service") # Get WireGuard config from server and save it to `/tmp/wireguard.conf` on the client wg_config = server.succeed("runuser -u operator -- nix-bitcoin-wg-connect server --text") # Encode to base64 b64 = base64.b64encode(wg_config.encode('utf-8')).decode() client.succeed(f"install -m 400 <(echo -n {b64} | base64 -d) /tmp/wireguard.conf") # Connect to server via WireGuard client.succeed("wg-quick up /tmp/wireguard.conf") # Ping server from client print(client.succeed("ping -c 1 -W 0.5")) with subtest("lndconnect-wg"): server.wait_for_unit("lnd.service") lndconnect_url = server.succeed("runuser -u operator -- lndconnect-wg --url") api = parse_lndconnect_url(lndconnect_url) # Make lnd REST API call client.succeed( f"curl -fsS --max-time 3 --insecure --header 'Grpc-Metadata-macaroon: {api.macaroon_hex}' " f"-X GET https://{api.host}:{api.port}/v1/getinfo" ) with subtest("lndconnect-clightning-wg"): server.wait_for_unit("clightning-rest.service") lndconnect_url = server.succeed("runuser -u operator -- lndconnect-clightning-wg --url") api = parse_lndconnect_url(lndconnect_url) # Make clightning-rest API call client.succeed( f"curl -fsS --max-time 3 --insecure --header 'macaroon: {api.macaroon_hex}' " f"--header 'encodingtype: hex' -X GET https://{api.host}:{api.port}/v1/getinfo" ) ''; }