joinmarket: 0.9.8 -> 0.9.9

This commit is contained in:
nixbitcoin 2023-05-07 13:55:30 +00:00
parent 7736468466
commit fcd81d486d
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 88 additions and 111 deletions

View File

@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ let
onion_serving_host = ${cfg.messagingAddress} onion_serving_host = ${cfg.messagingAddress}
onion_serving_port = ${toString cfg.messagingPort} onion_serving_port = ${toString cfg.messagingPort}
hidden_service_dir = hidden_service_dir =
directory_nodes = 3kxw6lf5vf6y26emzwgibzhrzhmhqiw6ekrek3nqfjjmhwznb2moonad.onion:5222,jmdirjmioywe2s5jad7ts6kgcqg66rj6wujj6q77n6wbdrgocqwexzid.onion:5222,bqlpq6ak24mwvuixixitift4yu42nxchlilrcqwk2ugn45tdclg42qid.onion:5222 directory_nodes = g3hv4uynnmynqqq2mchf3fcm3yd46kfzmcdogejuckgwknwyq5ya6iad.onion:5222,3kxw6lf5vf6y26emzwgibzhrzhmhqiw6ekrek3nqfjjmhwznb2moonad.onion:5222,bqlpq6ak24mwvuixixitift4yu42nxchlilrcqwk2ugn45tdclg42qid.onion:5222
# #
[MESSAGING:server1] [MESSAGING:server1]

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, python3, nbPython3PackagesJoinmarket }: { stdenv, lib, fetchFromGitHub, python3, nbPython3PackagesJoinmarket }:
let let
version = "0.9.8"; version = "0.9.9";
src = fetchurl { src = fetchFromGitHub {
url = "${version}.tar.gz"; owner = "joinmarket-org";
sha256 = "1ab4smpyx966iiiip3g11bcslya37qhac1kgkbmsmlsdkpilw9di"; repo = "joinmarket-clientserver";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "sha256-dkeSgAhjNl8o/ATKYAlQxxCrur5fLdXuMDXSnWaxYP8=";
}; };
runtimePackages = with nbPython3PackagesJoinmarket; [ runtimePackages = with nbPython3PackagesJoinmarket; [

View File

@ -1,25 +1,23 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash #!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -i bash -p git gnupg jq
set -euo pipefail set -euo pipefail
. "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/../../helper/run-in-nix-env" "git gnupg" "$@" newVersion=$(curl -s "" | jq -r '.[0].tag_name')
TMPDIR="$(mktemp -d -p /tmp)" # Fetch release and GPG-verify the content hash
trap 'rm -rf $TMPDIR' EXIT tmpdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/joinmarket-verify-gpg.XXX)
cd "$TMPDIR" repo=$tmpdir/repo
git clone --depth 1 --branch "${newVersion}" -c advice.detachedHead=false "$repo"
echo "Fetching latest release" export GNUPGHOME=$tmpdir
git clone 2> /dev/null
cd joinmarket-clientserver
latest=$(git describe --tags "$(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)")
echo "Latest release is $latest"
# GPG verification
echo "Fetching Adam Gibson's key" echo "Fetching Adam Gibson's key"
gpg --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys 2B6FC204D9BF332D062B461A141001A1AF77F20B 2> /dev/null gpg --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys 2B6FC204D9BF332D062B461A141001A1AF77F20B 2> /dev/null
echo "Verifying latest release" echo
git verify-tag "$latest" echo "Verifying commit"
git -C "$repo" verify-commit HEAD
rm -rf "$repo"/.git
newHash=$(nix hash path "$repo")
rm -rf "$tmpdir"
echo "tag: $latest" echo "tag: $newVersion"
# The prefix option is necessary because GitHub prefixes the archive contents in this format echo "hash: $newHash"
echo "sha256: $(nix-hash --type sha256 --flat --base32 \
<(git archive --format tar.gz --prefix=joinmarket-clientserver-"${latest//v}"/ "$latest"))"

View File

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
buildPythonPackage rec { buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "bencoder.pyx"; pname = "bencoder.pyx";
version = "2.0.1"; version = "3.0.1";
src = fetchurl { src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}.tar.gz"; url = "";
sha256 = "f3ff92ac706a7e4692bed5e6cbe205963327f3076f55e408eb948659923eac72"; sha256 = "1yh565xjbbhn49xjfms80ac8psjbzn66n8dcx0x8mn7zzjv06clz";
}; };
nativeBuildInputs = [ cython ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ cython ];

View File

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ rec {
}; };
runes = callPackage ./runes {}; runes = callPackage ./runes {};
sha256 = callPackage ./sha256 {}; sha256 = callPackage ./sha256 {};
urldecode = callPackage ./urldecode {};
}; };
# Joinmarket requires a custom package set because it uses older versions of Python pkgs # Joinmarket requires a custom package set because it uses older versions of Python pkgs
@ -47,12 +46,10 @@ rec {
# autobahn 20.12.3, required by joinmarketclient # autobahn 20.12.3, required by joinmarketclient
autobahn = callPackage ./specific-versions/autobahn.nix {}; autobahn = callPackage ./specific-versions/autobahn.nix {};
# pyopenssl 20.0.1, required by joinmarketdaemon # pyopenssl 21.0.0, required by joinmarketdaemon
pyopenssl = callPackage ./specific-versions/pyopenssl.nix { pyopenssl = callPackage ./specific-versions/pyopenssl.nix {};
openssl = super.pkgs.openssl_1_1;
# twisted 22.4.0, compatible with pyopenssl 20.0.1 # twisted 22.4.0, required by joinmarketbase
twisted = callPackage ./specific-versions/twisted.nix {}; twisted = callPackage ./specific-versions/twisted.nix {};
}; };

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ version, src, lib, buildPythonPackage, fetchurl, urldecode, pyaes, python-bitcointx, joinmarketbase }: { version, src, lib, buildPythonPackage, fetchurl, pyaes, python-bitcointx, joinmarketbase }:
buildPythonPackage rec { buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "joinmarketbitcoin"; pname = "joinmarketbitcoin";
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
postUnpack = "sourceRoot=$sourceRoot/jmbitcoin"; postUnpack = "sourceRoot=$sourceRoot/jmbitcoin";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ urldecode pyaes python-bitcointx ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ pyaes python-bitcointx ];
checkInputs = [ joinmarketbase ]; checkInputs = [ joinmarketbase ];

View File

@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
propagatedBuildInputs = [ txtorcon cryptography pyopenssl libnacl joinmarketbase ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ txtorcon cryptography pyopenssl libnacl joinmarketbase ];
# libnacl 1.8.0 is not on github
patchPhase = ''
substituteInPlace \
--replace "'libnacl==1.8.0'" "'libnacl==1.7.2'"
meta = with lib; { meta = with lib; {
description = "Client library for Bitcoin coinjoins"; description = "Client library for Bitcoin coinjoins";
homepage = ""; homepage = "";

View File

@ -6,17 +6,50 @@
, cryptography , cryptography
, pyasn1 , pyasn1
, idna , idna
, pytest , pytestCheckHook
, pretend , pretend
, flaky , flaky
, glibcLocales , glibcLocales
, six , six
}: }:
let buildPythonPackage rec {
# pname = "pyopenssl";
# These tests, we disable in the case that libressl is passed in as openssl. version = "21.0.0";
failingLibresslTests = [
src = fetchPypi {
pname = "pyOpenSSL";
inherit version;
sha256 = "5e2d8c5e46d0d865ae933bef5230090bdaf5506281e9eec60fa250ee80600cb3";
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
# Seems to fail unpredictably on Darwin. See
# for one example, but I've also seen ContextTests.test_set_verify_callback_exception fail.
doCheck = !stdenv.isDarwin;
nativeBuildInputs = [ openssl ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ cryptography pyasn1 idna six ];
checkInputs = [ pytestCheckHook pretend flaky glibcLocales ];
preCheck = ''
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
disabledTests = [
# These tests, we disable always.
] ++ lib.optionals (lib.hasPrefix "libressl" [
# These tests, we disable in the case that libressl is passed in as openssl.
"test_op_no_compression" "test_op_no_compression"
"test_npn_advertise_error" "test_npn_advertise_error"
"test_npn_select_error" "test_npn_select_error"
@ -29,64 +62,21 @@ let
"test_verify_with_revoked" "test_verify_with_revoked"
"test_set_notAfter" "test_set_notAfter"
"test_set_notBefore" "test_set_notBefore"
]; ] ++ lib.optionals (lib.versionAtLeast (lib.getVersion "1.1") [
# these tests are extremely tightly wed to the exact output of the openssl cli tool, including exact punctuation.
# these tests are extremely tightly wed to the exact output of the openssl cli tool,
# including exact punctuation.
failingOpenSSL_1_1Tests = [
"test_dump_certificate" "test_dump_certificate"
"test_dump_privatekey_text" "test_dump_privatekey_text"
"test_dump_certificate_request" "test_dump_certificate_request"
"test_export_text" "test_export_text"
] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.is32bit [
]; ];
disabledTests = [ meta = with lib; {
# description = "Python wrapper around the OpenSSL library";
# These tests, we disable always. homepage = "";
"test_set_default_verify_paths" license = licenses.asl20;
"test_fallback_default_verify_paths" maintainers = with maintainers; [ SuperSandro2000 ];
] ++ (
lib.optionals (lib.hasPrefix "libressl" failingLibresslTests
) ++ (
lib.optionals (lib.versionAtLeast (lib.getVersion "1.1") failingOpenSSL_1_1Tests
) ++ (
lib.optionals stdenv.is32bit [ "test_verify_with_time" ]
# Compose the final string expression, including the "-k" and the single quotes.
testExpression = lib.optionalString (disabledTests != [])
"-k 'not ${lib.concatStringsSep " and not " disabledTests}'";
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "pyopenssl";
version = "20.0.1";
src = fetchPypi {
pname = "pyOpenSSL";
inherit version;
sha256 = "4c231c759543ba02560fcd2480c48dcec4dae34c9da7d3747c508227e0624b51";
}; };
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
checkPhase = ''
runHook preCheck
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
py.test tests ${testExpression}
runHook postCheck
# Seems to fail unpredictably on Darwin. See
# for one example, but I've also seen ContextTests.test_set_verify_callback_exception fail.
doCheck = !stdenv.isDarwin;
nativeBuildInputs = [ openssl ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ cryptography pyasn1 idna six ];
checkInputs = [ pytest pretend flaky glibcLocales ];
} }

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
{ lib, buildPythonPackage, fetchPypi }:
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "urldecode";
version = "0.1";
src = fetchPypi {
inherit pname version;
sha256 = "0w8my7kdwxppsfzzi1b2cxhypm6r1fsrnb2hnd752axq4gfsddjj";
meta = with lib; {
description = "A simple function to decode an encoded url";
homepage = "";
maintainers = with maintainers; [ nixbitcoin ];