
525 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2020 NORMAN MEGILL nm at */
/* License terms: GNU General Public License */
/*34567890123456 (79-character line to adjust editor window) 2345678901234567*/
/* mmdata.h - includes for some principal data structures and data-string
handling */
#include "mmvstr.h"
/*E*/extern long db,db0,db1,db2,db3,db4,db5,db6,db7,db8,db9;/* debugging flags & variables */
typedef char flag; /* A "flag" is simply a character intended for use as a
yes/no logical Boolean; 0 = no and 1 = yes */
extern flag g_listMode; /* 0 = metamath, 1 = list utility */
extern flag g_toolsMode; /* In metamath mode: 0 = metamath, 1 = tools */
typedef long nmbrString; /* String of numbers */
typedef void* pntrString; /* String of pointers */
enum mTokenType { var_, con_ };
#define lb_ '{' /* ${ */
#define rb_ '}' /* $} */
#define v_ 'v' /* $v */
#define c_ 'c' /* $c */
#define a_ 'a' /* $a */
#define d_ 'd' /* $d */
#define e_ 'e' /* $e */
#define f_ 'f' /* $f */
#define p_ 'p' /* $p */
#define eq_ '=' /* $= */
#define sc_ '.' /* $. (historically, used to be $; (semicolon) ) */
#define illegal_ '?' /* anything else */
/* Global variables related to current statement */
extern int g_currentScope;
/*extern long beginScopeStmtNum;*/ /* 15-Aug-2020 nm changed to local in mmpars.c */
struct statement_struct { /* Array index is statement number, starting at 1 */
long lineNum; /* Line number in file; 0 means not yet determined */
vstring fileName; /* File statement is in; "" means not yet determined */
vstring labelName; /* Label of statement */
flag uniqueLabel; /* Flag that label is unique (future implementations may
allow duplicate labels on hypotheses) */
char type; /* 2nd character of keyword, e.g. 'e' for $e */
int scope; /* Block scope level, increased by ${ and decreased by $};
${ has scope _before_ the increase; $} has scope _before_ the decrease */
long beginScopeStatementNum; /* statement of previous ${ ; 0 if we're in
outermost block */
long endScopeStatementNum; /* statement of next $} (populated for opening
${ only, 0 otherwise); g_statements+1 if
we're in outermost block */ /* 24-Aug-2020 nm */
vstring statementPtr; /* Pointer to end of (unmodified) label section used
to determine file and line number for error or info messages about
the statement */
vstring labelSectionPtr; /* Source code before statement keyword
- will be updated if labelSection changed */
long labelSectionLen;
/* 3-May-2017 nm Added labelSectionChanged */
char labelSectionChanged; /* Default is 0; if 1, labelSectionPtr points to an
allocated vstring that must be freed by ERASE */
vstring mathSectionPtr; /* Source code between keyword and $= or $. */
long mathSectionLen;
/* 3-May-2017 nm Added mathSectionChanged */
char mathSectionChanged; /* Default is 0; if 1, mathSectionPtr points to an
allocated vstring that must be freed by ERASE */
vstring proofSectionPtr; /* Source code between $= and $. */
long proofSectionLen;
/* 3-May-2017 nm Added proofSectionChanged */
char proofSectionChanged; /* Default is 0; if 1, proofSectionPtr points to an
allocated vstring that must be freed by ERASE */
nmbrString *mathString; /* Parsed mathSection */
long mathStringLen;
nmbrString *proofString; /* Parsed proofSection (used by $p's only */
nmbrString *reqHypList; /* Required hypotheses (excluding $d's) */
nmbrString *optHypList; /* Optional hypotheses (excluding $d's) */
long numReqHyp; /* Number of required hypotheses */
nmbrString *reqVarList; /* Required variables */
nmbrString *optVarList; /* Optional variables */
nmbrString *reqDisjVarsA; /* Required disjoint variables, 1st of pair */
nmbrString *reqDisjVarsB; /* Required disjoint variables, 2nd of pair */
nmbrString *reqDisjVarsStmt; /* Req disjoint variables, statem number */
nmbrString *optDisjVarsA; /* Optional disjoint variables, 1st of pair */
nmbrString *optDisjVarsB; /* Optional disjoint variables, 2nd of pair */
nmbrString *optDisjVarsStmt; /* Opt disjoint variables, statem number */
long pinkNumber; /* 25-Oct-02 The $a/$p sequence number for web pages */
/* 18-Dec-2016 nm */
long headerStartStmt; /* # of stmt following previous $a, $p */
/* Sort keys for statement labels (allocated by parseLabels) */
extern long *g_labelKey;
struct includeCall_struct {
/* This structure holds all information related to $[ $] (include) statements
in the input source files, for error message processing. */
vstring source_fn; /* Name of the file where the
inclusion source is located (= parent file for $( Begin $[... etc.) */
vstring included_fn; /* Name of the file in the
inclusion statement e.g. "$( Begin $[ included_fn..." */
long current_offset; /* This is the starting
character position of the included file w.r.t entire source buffer */
long current_line; /* The line number
of the start of the included file (=1) or the continuation line of
the parent file */
flag pushOrPop; /* 0 means included file, 1 means continuation of parent */
vstring current_includeSource; /* (Currently) assigned
only if we may need it for a later Begin comparison */
long current_includeLength; /* Length of the file
to be included (0 if the file was previously included) */
struct mathToken_struct {
vstring tokenName; /* may be used more than once at different scopes */
long length; /* to speed up parsing scans */
char tokenType; /* variable or constant - (char)var_ or (char)con_ */
flag active; /* 1 if token is recognized in current scope */
int scope; /* scope level token was declared at */
long tmp; /* Temporary field use to speed up certain functions */
long statement; /* Statement declared in */
long endStatement; /* Statement of end of scope it was declared in */
/* Sort keys for math tokens (allocated by parseMathDecl) */
extern long *g_mathKey;
extern long g_MAX_STATEMENTS;
extern long g_MAX_MATHTOKENS;
extern struct statement_struct *g_Statement;
/*Obs*/ /*extern struct label_struct *label;*/
/* Warning: mathToken[i] is 0-based, not 1-based! */
extern struct mathToken_struct *g_MathToken;
extern long g_statements, /*labels,*/ g_mathTokens;
/*extern long maxMathTokenLength;*/ /* 15-Aug-2020 nm Not used */
extern long g_MAX_INCLUDECALLS;
extern struct includeCall_struct *g_IncludeCall;
extern long g_includeCalls;
extern char *g_sourcePtr; /* Pointer to buffer in memory with input source */
extern long g_sourceLen; /* Number of chars. in all inputs files combined (after includes)*/
/* 4-May-2016 nm */
/* For use by getMarkupFlag() */
#define PROOF_DISCOURAGED_MARKUP "(Proof modification is discouraged.)"
#define USAGE_DISCOURAGED_MARKUP "(New usage is discouraged.)"
/* Mode argument for getMarkupFlag() */
#define RESET 0
/* Mode argument for getContrib() */
#define GC_RESET 0
#define GC_RESET_STMT 10
#define CONTRIB_DATE 2
#define REVISER 3
#define REVISE_DATE 4
#define SHORTENER 5
#define SHORTEN_DATE 6
/* 12-May-2017 nm */
/* DATE_BELOW_PROOF, if defined, causes generation and error-checking of
the date below the proof (which some day will be obsolete). Comment
it out when this checking is no longer needed. */
/*#define DATE_BELOW_PROOF*/
/* 14-May-2017 nm */
/* TODO: someday we should create structures to hold global vars, and
clear their string components in eraseSource() */
extern vstring g_contributorName;
extern vstring g_proofDiscouragedMarkup;
extern vstring g_usageDiscouragedMarkup;
extern flag g_globalDiscouragement; /* SET DISCOURAGEMENT */
/* Allocation and deallocation in memory pool */
void *poolFixedMalloc(long size /* bytes */);
void *poolMalloc(long size /* bytes */);
void poolFree(void *ptr);
void addToUsedPool(void *ptr);
/* Purges reset memory pool usage */
void memFreePoolPurge(flag untilOK);
/* Statistics */
void getPoolStats(long *freeAlloc, long *usedAlloc, long *usedActual);
/* Initial memory allocation */
void initBigArrays(void);
/* Find the number of free memory bytes */
long getFreeSpace(long max);
/* Fatal memory allocation error */
void outOfMemory(vstring msg);
/* Bug check error */
void bug(int bugNum);
/* Null nmbrString -- -1 flags the end of a nmbrString */
struct nullNmbrStruct {
long poolLoc;
long allocSize;
long actualSize;
nmbrString nullElement; };
extern struct nullNmbrStruct g_NmbrNull;
#define NULL_NMBRSTRING &(g_NmbrNull.nullElement)
/* Null pntrString -- NULL flags the end of a pntrString */
struct nullPntrStruct {
long poolLoc;
long allocSize;
long actualSize;
pntrString nullElement; };
extern struct nullPntrStruct g_PntrNull;
#define NULL_PNTRSTRING &(g_PntrNull.nullElement)
/* 26-Apr-2008 nm Added */
/* This function returns a 1 if any entry in a comma-separated list
matches using the matches() function. */
flag matchesList(vstring testString, vstring pattern, char wildCard,
char oneCharWildCard);
/* This function returns a 1 if the first argument matches the pattern of
the second argument. The second argument may have 0-or-more and
exactly-1 character match wildcards, typically '*' and '?'.*/
/* 30-Jan-06 nm Added single-character-match argument */
flag matches(vstring testString, vstring pattern, char wildCard,
char oneCharWildCard);
/*********** Number string functions *******************************/
/******* Special pupose routines for better
memory allocation (use with caution) *******/
extern long g_nmbrTempAllocStackTop; /* Top of stack for nmbrTempAlloc funct */
extern long g_nmbrStartTempAllocStack; /* Where to start freeing temporary
allocation when nmbrLet() is called (normally 0, except for nested
nmbrString functions) */
/* Make string have temporary allocation to be released by next nmbrLet() */
/* Warning: after nmbrMakeTempAlloc() is called, the nmbrString may NOT be
assigned again with nmbrLet() */
void nmbrMakeTempAlloc(nmbrString *s);
/* Make string have temporary allocation to be
released by next nmbrLet() */
/* String assignment - MUST be used to assign vstrings */
void nmbrLet(nmbrString **target,nmbrString *source);
/* String concatenation - last argument MUST be NULL */
nmbrString *nmbrCat(nmbrString *string1,...);
/* Emulation of nmbrString functions similar to BASIC string functions */
nmbrString *nmbrSeg(nmbrString *sin, long p1, long p2);
nmbrString *nmbrMid(nmbrString *sin, long p, long l);
nmbrString *nmbrLeft(nmbrString *sin, long n);
nmbrString *nmbrRight(nmbrString *sin, long n);
/* Allocate and return an "empty" string n "characters" long */
nmbrString *nmbrSpace(long n);
long nmbrLen(nmbrString *s);
long nmbrAllocLen(nmbrString *s);
void nmbrZapLen(nmbrString *s, long length);
/* Search for string2 in string 1 starting at start_position */
long nmbrInstr(long start, nmbrString *sin, nmbrString *s);
/* Search for string2 in string 1 in reverse starting at start_position */
/* (Reverse nmbrInstr) */
long nmbrRevInstr(long start_position,nmbrString *string1,
nmbrString *string2);
/* 1 if strings are equal, 0 otherwise */
int nmbrEq(nmbrString *sout,nmbrString *sin);
/* Converts mString to a vstring with one space between tokens */
vstring nmbrCvtMToVString(nmbrString *s);
/* Converts rString to a vstring with one space between tokens */
/* 25-Jan-2016 nm Added explicitFormat, statemNum */
vstring nmbrCvtRToVString(nmbrString *s,
flag explicitTargets, /* 25-Jan-2016 */
long statemNum); /* 25-Jan-2016 */
/* Get step numbers in an rString - needed by cvtRToVString & elsewhere */
nmbrString *nmbrGetProofStepNumbs(nmbrString *reason);
/* Converts any nmbrString to an ASCII string of numbers corresponding
to the .tokenNum field -- used for debugging only. */
vstring nmbrCvtAnyToVString(nmbrString *s);
/* Extract variables from a math token string */
nmbrString *nmbrExtractVars(nmbrString *m);
/* Determine if an element is in a nmbrString; return position if it is */
long nmbrElementIn(long start, nmbrString *g, long element);
/* Add a single number to end of a nmbrString - faster than nmbrCat */
nmbrString *nmbrAddElement(nmbrString *g, long element);
/* Get the set union of two math token strings (presumably
variable lists) */
nmbrString *nmbrUnion(nmbrString *m1,nmbrString *m2);
/* Get the set intersection of two math token strings (presumably
variable lists) */
nmbrString *nmbrIntersection(nmbrString *m1,nmbrString *m2);
/* Get the set difference m1-m2 of two math token strings (presumably
variable lists) */
nmbrString *nmbrSetMinus(nmbrString *m1,nmbrString *m2);
/* This is a utility function that returns the length of a subproof that
ends at step */
long nmbrGetSubproofLen(nmbrString *proof, long step);
/* This function returns a "squished" proof, putting in {} references
to previous subproofs. */
nmbrString *nmbrSquishProof(nmbrString *proof);
/* This function unsquishes a "squished" proof, replacing {} references
to previous subproofs by the subproofs themselvs. The returned nmbrString
must be deallocated by the caller. */
nmbrString *nmbrUnsquishProof(nmbrString *proof);
/* This function returns the indentation level vs. step number of a proof
string. This information is used for formatting proof displays. The
function calls itself recursively, but the first call should be with
startingLevel = 0. The caller is responsible for deallocating the
result. */
nmbrString *nmbrGetIndentation(nmbrString *proof,
long startingLevel);
/* This function returns essential (1) or floating (0) vs. step number of a
proof string. This information is used for formatting proof displays. The
function calls itself recursively, but the first call should be with
startingLevel = 0. The caller is responsible for deallocating the
result. */
nmbrString *nmbrGetEssential(nmbrString *proof);
/* This function returns the target hypothesis vs. step number of a proof
string. This information is used for formatting proof displays. The
function calls itself recursively. The caller is responsible for
deallocating the result. statemNum is the statement being proved. */
nmbrString *nmbrGetTargetHyp(nmbrString *proof, long statemNum);
/* Converts a proof string to a compressed-proof-format ASCII string.
Normally, the proof string would be compacted with squishProof first,
although it's not a requirement. */
/* The statement number is needed because required hypotheses are
implicit in the compressed proof. */
vstring compressProof(nmbrString *proof, long statemNum,
flag oldCompressionAlgorithm);
/* Gets length of the ASCII form of a compressed proof */
long compressedProofSize(nmbrString *proof, long statemNum);
/*********** Pointer string functions ******************************/
/******* Special pupose routines for better
memory allocation (use with caution) *******/
extern long g_pntrTempAllocStackTop; /* Top of stack for pntrTempAlloc funct */
extern long g_pntrStartTempAllocStack; /* Where to start freeing temporary
allocation when pntrLet() is called (normally 0, except for nested
pntrString functions) */
/* Make string have temporary allocation to be released by next pntrLet() */
/* Warning: after pntrMakeTempAlloc() is called, the pntrString may NOT be
assigned again with pntrLet() */
void pntrMakeTempAlloc(pntrString *s);
/* Make string have temporary allocation to be
released by next pntrLet() */
/* String assignment - MUST be used to assign vstrings */
void pntrLet(pntrString **target,pntrString *source);
/* String concatenation - last argument MUST be NULL */
pntrString *pntrCat(pntrString *string1,...);
/* Emulation of pntrString functions similar to BASIC string functions */
pntrString *pntrSeg(pntrString *sin, long p1, long p2);
pntrString *pntrMid(pntrString *sin, long p, long length);
pntrString *pntrLeft(pntrString *sin, long n);
pntrString *pntrRight(pntrString *sin, long n);
/* Allocate and return an "empty" string n "characters" long */
pntrString *pntrSpace(long n);
/* Allocate and return an "empty" string n "characters" long
initialized to nmbrStrings instead of vStrings */
pntrString *pntrNSpace(long n);
/* Allocate and return an "empty" string n "characters" long
initialized to pntrStrings instead of vStrings */
pntrString *pntrPSpace(long n);
long pntrLen(pntrString *s);
long pntrAllocLen(pntrString *s);
void pntrZapLen(pntrString *s, long length);
/* Search for string2 in string 1 starting at start_position */
long pntrInstr(long start, pntrString *sin, pntrString *s);
/* Search for string2 in string 1 in reverse starting at start_position */
/* (Reverse pntrInstr) */
long pntrRevInstr(long start_position,pntrString *string1,
pntrString *string2);
/* 1 if strings are equal, 0 otherwise */
int pntrEq(pntrString *sout,pntrString *sin);
/* Add a single null string element to a pntrString - faster than pntrCat */
pntrString *pntrAddElement(pntrString *g);
/* Add a single null pntrString element to a pntrString - faster than pntrCat */
pntrString *pntrAddGElement(pntrString *g);
/* Utility functions */
/* 0/1 knapsack algorithm */
long knapsack01(long items, long *size, long *worth, long maxSize,
char *itemIncluded /* output: 1 = item included, 0 = not included */);
/* 2D matrix allocation and deallocation */
long **alloc2DMatrix(size_t xsize, size_t ysize);
void free2DMatrix(long **matrix, size_t xsize /*, size_t ysize*/);
/* Returns the amount of indentation of a statement label. Used to
determine how much to indent a saved proof. */
long getSourceIndentation(long statemNum);
/* Returns any comment (description) that occurs just before a statement */
vstring getDescription(long statemNum);
/* Returns the label section of a statement with all comments except the
last removed. */
vstring getDescriptionAndLabel(long statemNum);
/* Reconstruct the full header from the strings returned by
getSectionHeadings() */
/*** deleted 12-Sep-2020
vstring buildHeader(vstring header, vstring hdrComment, vstring decoration);
/* Returns 1 if comment has an "is discouraged" markup tag */
flag getMarkupFlag(long statemNum, char mode);
/***** deleted 3-May-2017
/@ Extract any contributors and dates from statement description.
If missing, the corresponding return strings are blank. @/
flag getContrib(long stmtNum,
vstring @contributor, vstring @contribDate,
vstring @revisor, vstring @reviseDate,
vstring @shortener, vstring @shortenDate,
vstring @mostRecentDate,
flag printErrorsFlag,
flag mode /@ 0 == RESET = reset, 1 = normal @/);
/* Extract any contributors and dates from statement description.
If missing, the corresponding return string is blank.
See GC_RESET etc. modes above. Caller must deallocate returned
string. */
vstring getContrib(long stmtNum, char mode);
/*#ifdef DATE_BELOW_PROOF*/ /* 12-May-2017 nm */
/* 14-May-2017 nm - re-enabled for purpose of converting old .mm's */
/* Extract up to 2 dates after a statement's proof. If no date is present,
date1 will be blank. If no 2nd date is present, date2 will be blank. */
void getProofDate(long stmtNum, vstring *date1, vstring *date2);
/* Get date, month, year fields from a dd-mmm-yyyy date string,
where dd may be 1 or 2 digits, mmm is 1st 3 letters of month,
and yyyy is 2 or 4 digits. A 1 is returned if an error was detected. */
flag parseDate(vstring dateStr, long *dd, long *mmm, long *yyyy);
/* Build date from numeric fields. mmm should be a number from 1 to 12. */
void buildDate(long dd, long mmm, long yyyy, vstring *dateStr);
/* Compare two dates in the form dd-mmm-yyyy. -1 = date1 < date2,
0 = date1 = date2, 1 = date1 > date2. There is no error checking. */
flag compareDates(vstring date1, vstring date2);
/* 17-Nov-2015 nm */
extern vstring g_qsortKey;
/* Used by qsortStringCmp; pointer only, do not deallocate */
/* Comparison function for qsort */
int qsortStringCmp(const void *p1, const void *p2);
/* 4-May-2017 Ari Ferrera */
/* Call on exit to free memory */
void freeData(void);
#endif /* METAMATH_MMDATA_H_ */