
215 lines
9.5 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2018 NORMAN MEGILL nm at */
/* License terms: GNU General Public License */
/*34567890123456 (79-character line to adjust editor window) 2345678901234567*/
#include "mmvstr.h"
#include "mmdata.h"
char *readRawSource(/*vstring inputFn,*/ /* 2-Feb-2018 nm Unused argument */
vstring inputBuf, long *size);
void parseKeywords(void);
void parseLabels(void);
void parseMathDecl(void);
void parseStatements(void);
char parseProof(long statemNum);
char parseCompressedProof(long statemNum);
nmbrString *getProof(long statemNum, flag printFlag);
void rawSourceError(char *startFile, char *ptr, long tokenLen,
/*long lineNum,*/ /* 2-Feb-2018 nm */
/*vstring fileName,*/ vstring errMsg); /* 2-Feb-2018 nm */
void sourceError(char *ptr, long tokenLen, long stmtNum, vstring errMsg);
void mathTokenError(long tokenNum /* 0 is 1st one */,
nmbrString *tokenList, long stmtNum, vstring errMsg);
vstring shortDumpRPNStack(void);
/* Label comparison for qsort */
int labelSortCmp(const void *key1, const void *key2);
/* Label comparison for bsearch */
int labelSrchCmp(const void *key, const void *data);
/* Math token comparison for qsort */
int mathSortCmp(const void *key1, const void *key2);
/* Math token label comparison for bsearch */
int mathSrchCmp(const void *key, const void *data);
/* Hypothesis and local label comparison for qsort */
int hypAndLocSortCmp(const void *key1, const void *key2);
/* Hypothesis and local label comparison for bsearch */
int hypAndLocSrchCmp(const void *key, const void *data);
/* This function returns the length of the white space starting at ptr.
Comments are considered white space. ptr should point to the first character
of the white space. If ptr does not point to a white space character, 0
is returned. If ptr points to a null character, 0 is returned. */
long whiteSpaceLen(char *ptr);
/* 31-Dec-2017 nm For .mm file splitting */
/* Like whiteSpaceLen except comments are not whitespace */
long rawWhiteSpaceLen(char *ptr);
/* This function returns the length of the token (non-white-space) starting at
ptr. Comments are considered white space. ptr should point to the first
character of the token. If ptr points to a white space character, 0
is returned. If ptr points to a null character, 0 is returned. If ptr
points to a keyword, 0 is returned. A keyword ends a token. */
long tokenLen(char *ptr);
/* Unlike tokenLen(), keywords are not treated as special. In particular:
if ptr points to a keyword, 0 is NOT returned (instead, 2 is returned),
and a keyword does NOT end a token (which is a relic of days before
whitespace surrounding a token was part of the spec, but still serves
a useful purpose in token() for friendlier error detection). */
long rawTokenLen(char *ptr);
/* This function returns the length of the proof token starting at
ptr. Comments are considered white space. ptr should point to the first
character of the token. If ptr points to a white space character, 0
is returned. If ptr points to a null character, 0 is returned. If ptr
points to a keyword, 0 is returned. A keyword ends a token.
":" is considered a token. */
long proofTokenLen(char *ptr);
/* 9-Jan-2018 nm */
/* Counts the number of \n between start for length chars.
If length = -1, then use end-of-string 0 to stop.
If length >= 0, then scan at most length chars, but stop
if end-of-string 0 is found. */
long countLines(vstring start, long length);
/* Array with sort keys for all possible labels, including the ones for
hypotheses (which may not always be active) */
/* This array is used to see if any label is used anywhere, and is used
to make sure there are no conflicts when local labels inside of compact
proofs are generated. */
extern long *g_allLabelKeyBase;
extern long g_numAllLabelKeys;
/* Working structure for parsing proofs */
/* This structure should be deallocated by the ERASE command. */
extern long g_wrkProofMaxSize; /* Maximum size so far - it may grow */
struct sortHypAndLoc { /* Used for sorting hypAndLocLabel field */
long labelTokenNum;
void *labelName;
struct wrkProof_struct {
long numTokens; /* Number of tokens in proof */
long numSteps; /* Number of steps in proof */
long numLocalLabels; /* Number of local labels */
long numHypAndLoc; /* Number of active hypotheses and local labels */
char *localLabelPoolPtr; /* Next free location in local label pool */
long RPNStackPtr; /* Offset of end of RPNStack */
long errorCount; /* Errors in proof - used to suppress too many error msgs */
flag errorSeverity; /* 0 = OK, 1 = unk step, 2 = error, 3 = severe error,
4 = not a $p statement */
/* The following pointers will always be allocated with g_wrkProofMaxSize
entries. If a function needs more than g_wrkProofMaxSize, it must
reallocate all of these and increase g_wrkProofMaxSize. */
nmbrString *tokenSrcPtrNmbr; /* Source parsed into tokens vs. token number
- token size */
pntrString *tokenSrcPtrPntr; /* Source parsed into tokens vs. token number
- token src ptrs */
nmbrString *stepSrcPtrNmbr; /* Pointer to label token in source file
vs. step number - label size */
pntrString *stepSrcPtrPntr; /* Pointer to label token in source file
vs. step number - label src ptrs */
flag *localLabelFlag; /* 1 means step has a local label declaration */
struct sortHypAndLoc *hypAndLocLabel;
/* Sorted ptrs to hyp and local label names + token# */
char *localLabelPool; /* String pool to hold local labels */
nmbrString *proofString; /* The proof in RPN - statement # if > 0
or -(step # + 1000) of local label decl if < -1 */
pntrString *mathStringPtrs; /* Ptr to math string vs. each step */
/* (Allocated in verifyProof() as needed by nmbrLet()) */
nmbrString *RPNStack; /* Stack for RPN parsing */
/* For compressed proof parsing */
nmbrString *compressedPfLabelMap; /* Map from compressed label to actual */
long compressedPfNumLabels; /* Number of compressed labels */
extern struct wrkProof_struct g_WrkProof;
/* Converts an ASCII string to a nmbrString of math symbols. statemNum
provides the context for the parse (to get correct active symbols) */
nmbrString *parseMathTokens(vstring userText, long statemNum);
/* 12-Jun-2011 nm Added reformatFlag */
vstring outputStatement(long stmt, /*flag cleanFlag,*/ flag reformatFlag);
/* 12-Jun-2011 nm */
/* Caller must deallocate return string */
vstring rewrapComment(vstring comment);
/* 10/10/02 */
/* Lookup $a or $p label and return statement number.
Return -1 if not found. */
long lookupLabel(vstring label);
/* 31-Dec-2017 nm For file splitting */
/* Get the next real $[...$] or virtual $( Begin $[... inclusion */
void getNextInclusion(char *fileBuf, long startOffset, /* inputs */
/* outputs: */
long *cmdPos1, long *cmdPos2,
long *endPos1, long *endPos2,
char *cmdType, /* 'B' = "$( Begin [$..." through "$( End [$...",
'I' = "[$...",
'S' = "$( Skip [$...",
'E' = Start missing matched End
'N' = no include found */
vstring *fileName /* name of included file */
/* This function transfers the content of the statement[] array
to a linear buffer in preparation for creating the output file. */
vstring writeSourceToBuffer(void);
/* 31-Dec-2017 nm */
/* This function creates split files containing $[ $] inclusions, from
a nonsplit source with $( Begin $[... etc. inclusions */
/* Note that *fileBuf is assigned to the empty string upon return, to
conserve memory */
void writeSplitSource(vstring *fileBuf, vstring fileName,
flag noVersioningFlag, flag noDeleteFlag);
/* When "write source" does not have the "/split" qualifier, by default
(i.e. without "/no_delete") the included modules are "deleted" (renamed
to ~1) since their content will be in the main output file. */
void deleteSplits(vstring *fileBuf, flag noVersioningFlag);
/* 9-Jan-2018 nm */
/* Get file name and line number given a pointer into the read buffer */
/* The user must deallocate the returned string (file name) */
/* The globals includeCall structure and includeCalls are used */
vstring getFileAndLineNum(vstring buffPtr/*start of read buffer*/,
vstring currentPtr/*place at which to get file name and line no*/,
long *lineNum/*return argument*/);
/* 9-Jan-2018 nm */
/* statement[stmtNum].fileName and .lineNum are initialized to "" and 0.
To save CPU time, they aren't normally assigned until needed, but once
assigned they can be reused without looking them up again. This function
will assign them if they haven't been assigned yet. It just returns if
they have already been assigned. */
/* The globals statement[] and sourcePtr are used */
void assignStmtFileAndLineNum(long stmtNum);
/* Initial read of source file */
vstring readSourceAndIncludes(vstring inputFn, long *size);
/* Recursively expand the source of an included file */
char *readInclude(vstring fileBuf, long fileBufOffset,
/*vstring inclFileName,*/ vstring sourceFileName,
long *size, long parentLineNum, flag *errorFlag);
#endif /* METAMATH_MMPARS_H_ */