
1594 lines
56 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2021 NORMAN MEGILL nm at */
/* License terms: GNU General Public License */
/*34567890123456 (79-character line to adjust editor window) 2345678901234567*/
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <time.h> /* 16-Aug-2016 nm For ELAPSED_TIME */
#include "mmvstr.h"
#include "mmdata.h"
#include "mminou.h"
#include "mmcmdl.h" /* 9/3/99 - for g_commandPrompt global */
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
/* Bugs in WATCOMC:
1. #include <conio.h> has compile errors
2. Two consecutive calls to vprintf after va_start causes register dump
or corrupts 2nd arg.
/* From <conio.h>: */
extern int cprintf(const char *f__mt,...);
#endif /* End #ifdef __WATCOMC__ */
#ifdef THINK_C
#include <console.h>
#define QUOTED_SPACE 3 /* ASCII 3 that temporarily zaps a space */
int g_errorCount = 0;
/* Global variables used by print2() */
flag g_logFileOpenFlag = 0;
FILE *g_logFilePtr;
FILE *g_listFile_fp = NULL;
/* Global variables used by print2() */
flag g_outputToString = 0;
vstring g_printString = "";
/* Global variables used by cmdInput() */
long g_commandFileNestingLevel = 0;
vstring g_commandFileName[MAX_COMMAND_FILE_NESTING + 1];
flag g_commandFileSilent[MAX_COMMAND_FILE_NESTING + 1];
flag g_commandFileSilentFlag = 0;
/* 23-Oct-2006 nm For SUBMIT ... /SILENT */
FILE /* *inputDef_fp,*/ *g_input_fp /*,*g_output_fp*/; /* File pointers */
/* 31-Dec-2017 nm g_output_fp deleted */
/* 15-Aug-2020 nm inputDef_fp,fn deleted */
vstring /* inputDef_fn="",*/ g_input_fn="", g_output_fn=""; /* File names */
long g_screenWidth = MAX_LEN; /* Width default = 79 */
/* g_screenHeight is one less than the physical screen to account for the
prompt line after pausing. */
long g_screenHeight = SCREEN_HEIGHT; /* Default = 23 */ /* 18-Nov-05 nm */
int printedLines = 0; /* Lines printed since last user input (mod scrn hght) */
flag g_scrollMode = 1; /* Flag for continuous (0) or prompted (1) scroll */
flag g_quitPrint = 0; /* Flag that user quit the output */
flag localScrollMode = 1; /* 0 = Scroll continuously only till next prompt */
/* Buffer for B (back) command at end-of-page prompt - for future use */
pntrString *backBuffer = NULL_PNTRSTRING;
long backBufferPos = 0;
flag backFromCmdInput = 0; /* User typed "B" at main prompt */
/* Special: if global flag g_outputToString = 1, then the output is not
printed but is added to global string g_printString */
/* Returns 0 if user typed "q" during scroll prompt; this lets a procedure
interrupt it's output for speedup (rest of output will be suppressed anyway
until next command line prompt) */
flag print2(char* fmt,...)
/* This performs the same operations as printf, except that if a log file is
open, the characters will also be printed to the log file. */
/* Also, scrolling is paused at each page if in scroll-prompted mode. */
va_list ap;
char c;
long nlpos, lineLen, charsPrinted;
#ifdef THINK_C
int ii, jj;
long i;
/* char printBuffer[PRINTBUFFERSIZE]; */ /* 19-Jun-2020 nm Deleted */
/* 19-Jun-2020 nm */
char *printBuffer; /* Allocated dynamically */
/* gcc (Debian 4.9.2-10+deb8u2) 4.9.2 gives error for ssize_t if -c99
is specified; gcc (GCC) 7.3.0 doesn't complain if -c99 is specified */
/* See for __LCC__ */
#ifdef __LCC__ /* 19-Jun-2020 nm ssize_t not defined for lcc compiler */
long bufsiz;
ssize_t bufsiz; /* ssize_t (signed size_t) can represent the number -1 for
error checking */
if (backBufferPos == 0) {
/* Initialize backBuffer - 1st time in program */
/* Warning: Don't call bug(), because it calls print2. */
if (pntrLen(backBuffer)) {
printf("*** BUG #1501\n");
#if __STDC__
backBufferPos = 1;
pntrLet(&backBuffer, pntrAddElement(backBuffer));
/* Note: pntrAddElement() initializes the added element to the
empty string, so we don't need a separate initialization. */
/* backBuffer[backBufferPos - 1] = ""; */ /* already done */
if ((!g_quitPrint && g_commandFileNestingLevel == 0 && (g_scrollMode == 1
&& localScrollMode == 1)
/* 18-Nov-05 nm - now a variable settable with SET HEIGHT */
&& printedLines >= /*SCREEN_HEIGHT*/ g_screenHeight && !g_outputToString)
|| backFromCmdInput) {
/* It requires a scrolling prompt */
while(1) {
if (backFromCmdInput && backBufferPos == pntrLen(backBuffer))
break; /* Exhausted buffer */
if (backBufferPos < 1 || backBufferPos > pntrLen(backBuffer)) {
/* Warning: Don't call bug(), because it calls print2. */
printf("*** BUG #1502 %ld\n", backBufferPos);
#if __STDC__
if (backBufferPos == 1) {
"Press <return> for more, Q <return> to quit, S <return> to scroll to end... "
#if __STDC__
} else {
"Press <return> for more, Q <ret> quit, S <ret> scroll, B <ret> back up... "
#if __STDC__
c = (char)(getchar());
if (c == '\n') {
if (backBufferPos == pntrLen(backBuffer)) {
/* Normal output */
} else {
/* Get output from buffer */
printf("%s", (vstring)(backBuffer[backBufferPos - 1]));
#if __STDC__
if (getchar() == '\n') {
if (c == 'q' || c == 'Q') {
if (!backFromCmdInput)
g_quitPrint = 1;
if (c == 's' || c == 'S') {
if (backBufferPos < pntrLen(backBuffer)) {
/* Print rest of buffer to screen */
for (backBufferPos = backBufferPos + 1; backBufferPos <=
pntrLen(backBuffer); backBufferPos++) {
/* 11-Sep-04 Don't use global var as loop var */
while (backBufferPos + 1 <= pntrLen(backBuffer)) {
printf("%s", (vstring)(backBuffer[backBufferPos - 1]));
#if __STDC__
if (!backFromCmdInput)
localScrollMode = 0; /* Continuous scroll */
if (backBufferPos > 1) {
if (c == 'b' || c == 'B') {
printf("%s", (vstring)(backBuffer[backBufferPos - 1]));
#if __STDC__
printf("%c", 7); /* Bell */
#if __STDC__
while (c != '\n') c = (char)(getchar());
} /* While 1 */
if (backFromCmdInput)
printedLines = 0; /* Reset the number of lines printed on the screen */
if (!g_quitPrint) {
pntrLet(&backBuffer, pntrAddElement(backBuffer));
/* Note: pntrAddElement() initializes the added element to the
empty string, so we don't need a separate initialization. */
/* backBuffer[backBufferPos - 1] = ""; */ /* already done */
if (g_quitPrint && !g_outputToString) {
goto PRINT2_RETURN; /* User typed 'q'
above or earlier; 8/27/99: don't return if we're outputting to
a string since we want to complete the writing to the string. */
/* 19-Jun-2020 nm Allow unlimited output size */
va_start(ap, fmt);
bufsiz = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, ap); /* Get the buffer size we need */
/* Warning: some older complilers, including lcc-win32 version 3.8 (2004),
return -1 instead of the buffer size */
if (bufsiz == -1) bug(1527);
printBuffer = malloc((size_t)bufsiz + 1);
/* 19-Jun-2020 nm Let each vs[n]printf have its own va_start...va_end
in an attempt to fix crash with some compilers (e.g. gcc 4.9.2) */
va_start(ap, fmt);
charsPrinted = vsprintf(printBuffer, fmt, ap); /* Put formatted string into
buffer */
if (charsPrinted != bufsiz) {
/* Give some info with printf in case print2 crashes during bug() call */
printf("For bug #1528: charsPrinted = %ld != bufsiz = %ld\n", charsPrinted,
/* 19-Jun-2020 nm We are now dynamically allocating printBuffer, so
there is no longer a possibility of overflow. */
/********** 19-Jun-2020 nm Deleted ***********
/@ Normally, long proofs are broken up into 80-or-less char lines
by this point (via printLongLine) so this should never be a problem
for them. But in principle a very long line argument to print2
could be a problem, although currently it should never occur
(except maybe in long lines in tools? - if so, switch to printLongLine
there to fix the bug). @/
/@ Warning: Don't call bug(), because it calls print2. @/
if (charsPrinted >= PRINTBUFFERSIZE
/@ || charsPrinted < 0 @/
/@ There is a bug on the Sun with gcc version where
vsprintf returns approx. -268437768, so ignore the bug @/
) {
printf("@@@ BUG 1503\n");
printf("?PRINTBUFFERSIZE %ld <= charsPrinted %ld in mminou.c\n",
(long)PRINTBUFFERSIZE, charsPrinted);
printf("?Memory may now be corrupted.\n");
printf("?Save your work, exit, and verify output files.\n");
printf("?You should recompile with increased PRINTBUFFERSIZE.\n");
#if __STDC__
********** 19-Jun-2020 nm End of deletion ***********/
nlpos = instr(1, printBuffer, "\n");
lineLen = (long)strlen(printBuffer);
/* 10/14/02 Change any ASCII 3's back to spaces, where they were set in
printLongLine to handle the broken quote problem */
for (i = 0; i < lineLen; i++) {
if (printBuffer[i] == QUOTED_SPACE) printBuffer[i] = ' ';
if ((lineLen > g_screenWidth + 1) /* && (g_screenWidth != MAX_LEN) */
&& !g_outputToString /* for HTML 7/3/98 */ ) {
/* Force wrapping of lines that are too long by recursively calling
print2() via printLongLine(). Note: "+ 1" above accounts for \n. */
/* Note that breakMatch is "" so it may break in middle of a word */
if (!nlpos) {
/* No end of line */
printLongLine(left(printBuffer, lineLen), "", "");
} else {
printLongLine(left(printBuffer, lineLen - 1), "", "");
if (!g_outputToString && !g_commandFileSilentFlag) {
/* 22-Oct-2006 nm Added g_commandFileSilentFlag for SUBMIT /SILENT,
here and elsewhere in mminou.c */
if (nlpos == 0) { /* Partial line (usu. status bar) - print immediately */
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
cprintf("%s", printBuffer); /* Immediate console I/O (printf buffers it)*/
printf("%s", printBuffer);
#ifdef THINK_C
/* Force a console flush to see it (otherwise only CR flushes it) */
cgetxy(&ii, &jj, stdout);
#if __STDC__
The following change to mminou.c was necessary on my Unix (Linux)
system to get the `verify proof *' progress bar to display
progressively (rather than all at once). I've conditionalized it on
__STDC__, since it should be harmless on any ANSI C system.
-- Stephen McCamant smccam @ 12/9/00
} else {
printf("%s", printBuffer); /* Normal line */
#if __STDC__
if (!(g_scrollMode == 1 && localScrollMode == 1)) {
/* Even in non-scroll (continuous output) mode, still put paged-mode
lines into backBuffer in case user types a "B" command later,
so user can page back from end. */
/* 18-Nov-05 nm - now a variable settable with SET HEIGHT */
if (printedLines > /*SCREEN_HEIGHT*/ g_screenHeight) {
printedLines = 1;
pntrLet(&backBuffer, pntrAddElement(backBuffer));
/* Note: pntrAddElement() initializes the added element to the
empty string, so we don't need a separate initialization. */
/* backBuffer[backBufferPos - 1] = ""; */ /* already done */
/* Add line to backBuffer string array */
/* Warning: Don't call bug(), because it calls print2. */
if (backBufferPos < 1) {
printf("*** PROGRAM BUG #1504\n");
#if __STDC__
let((vstring *)(&(backBuffer[backBufferPos - 1])), cat(
(vstring)(backBuffer[backBufferPos - 1]), printBuffer, NULL));
} /* End if !g_outputToString */
if (g_logFileOpenFlag && !g_outputToString /* && !g_commandFileSilentFlag */) {
fprintf(g_logFilePtr, "%s", printBuffer); /* Print to log file */
#if __STDC__
/* 10-Oct-2016 nm */
if (g_listMode && g_listFile_fp != NULL && !g_outputToString) {
/* Put line in list.tmp as comment */
fprintf(g_listFile_fp, "! %s", printBuffer); /* Print to list command file */
if (g_outputToString) {
let(&g_printString, cat(g_printString, printBuffer, NULL));
/* Check for lines too long */
if (lineLen > g_screenWidth + 1) { /* The +1 ignores \n */
/* Warning: Don't call bug(), because it calls print2. */
/* If this bug occurs, the calling function should be fixed. */
printf("*** PROGRAM BUG #1505 (not serious, but please report it)\n");
printf("Line exceeds screen width; caller should use printLongLine.\n");
printf("%ld %s\n", lineLen, printBuffer);
/*printf(NULL);*/ /* Force crash on VAXC to see where it came from */
#if __STDC__
/* \n not allowed in middle of line */
/* If this bug occurs, it means print2() is being called with \n in the
middle of the line and should be fixed in the caller. printLongLine()
may be used if this is necessary. */
/* Warning: Don't call bug(), because it calls print2. */
if (nlpos != 0 && nlpos != lineLen) {
printf("*** PROGRAM BUG #1506\n");
#if __STDC__
free(printBuffer); /* 19-Jun-2020 nm */
return (!g_quitPrint);
/* printLongLine automatically puts a newline \n in the output line. */
/* startNextLine is the string to place before continuation lines. */
/* breakMatch is a list of characters at which the line can be broken. */
/* Special: startNextLine starts with "~" means add tilde after broken line */
/* Special: breakMatch begins with "&" means compressed proof */
/* Special: breakMatch empty means break line anywhere */
/* Special: breakMatch begins with octal 1 means nested tree display (right
justify continuation lines); 1 is changed to space for
break matching */
/* Special: if breakMatch is \, then put % at end of previous line for LaTeX*/
/* Special: if breakMatch is " (quote), treat as if space but don't break
quotes, and also let lines grow long - use this call for all HTML
code */ /* Added 10/14/02 */
void printLongLine(vstring line, vstring startNextLine, vstring breakMatch)
vstring longLine = "";
vstring multiLine = "";
vstring prefix = "";
vstring startNextLine1 = "";
vstring breakMatch1 = "";
long i, j, p;
long startNextLineLen;
flag firstLine;
flag tildeFlag = 0;
flag treeIndentationFlag = 0;
/* 10/14/02 added for HTML handling */
/* 26-Jun-2014 nm No longer needed? */
/* flag g_htmlFlag = 0; */
/* 1 means printLongLine was called with "\"" as
breakMatch argument (for HTML code) */
flag quoteMode = 0; /* 1 means inside quote */
/*char quoteChar = '"';*/ /* Current quote character */
/*long quoteStartPos = 0;*/ /* Start of quote */
long saveScreenWidth; /* To let g_screenWidth grow temporarily */
long saveTempAllocStack;
/* Blank line (the rest of algorithm would ignore it; output and return) */
if (!line[0]) {
/* 10/14/02 Do a dummy let() so caller can always depend on printLongLine
to empty the tempalloc string stack (for the rest of this code, the
first let() will do this) */
let(&longLine, "");
/* Change the stack allocation start to prevent arguments from being
deallocated. We need to do this because more than one argument
may be passed in with cat(), chr(), etc. and let() can only grab
one, destroying the others */
saveTempAllocStack = g_startTempAllocStack;
g_startTempAllocStack = g_tempAllocStackTop; /* For let() stack cleanup */
/* Added 10/14/02 */
/* Grab the input arguments */
let(&multiLine, line);
let(&startNextLine1, startNextLine);
let(&breakMatch1, breakMatch);
/* Now relax - back to normal; we can let temporary allocation stack die. */
g_startTempAllocStack = saveTempAllocStack;
/* 10/14/02 */
/* We must copy input argument breakMatch to a variable string because we
will be zapping one of its characters, and ordinarily breakMatch is
passed in as a constant string. However, this is now done with argument
grabbing above so we're OK. */
/* Flag to right justify continuation lines */
if (breakMatch1[0] == 1) {
treeIndentationFlag = 1;
breakMatch1[0] = ' '; /* Change to a space (the real break character) */
/* HTML mode */ /* Added 10/14/02 */
/* The HTML mode is intended not to break inside quoted HTML tag
strings. All HTML output should be called with this mode.
Since we don't parse HTML this method is not perfect. Only double
quotes are inspected, so all HTML strings with spaces must be
surrounded by double quotes. If text quotes surround a tag
with a quoted string, this code will not work and must be
enhanced. */
/* Whenever we are inside of a quote, we change a space to ASCII 3 to
prevent matching it. The reverse is done in the print2() function,
where all ASCII 3's are converted back to space. */
/* Note added 10/20/02: tidy.exe breaks HREF quotes with new line.
Check HTML spec - do we really need this code? */
j = (long)strlen(multiLine);
/* Do a bug check to make sure no real ASCII 3's are ever printed */
for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
if (multiLine[i] == QUOTED_SPACE) bug(1514); /* Should never be the case */
if (breakMatch1[0] == '\"') {
/* g_htmlFlag = 1; */ /* 26-Jun-2014 nm No longer needed? */
breakMatch1[0] = ' '; /* Change to a space (the real break character) */
/* Scan string for quoted strings */
quoteMode = 0;
/* 19-Nov-2007 nm New algorithm: don't put line breaks in anything inside
_double_ quotes that follows an = sign, such as TITLE="abc def". Ignore
_single_ quotes (which could be apostrophes). The HTML output code
must be (and so far is) written to conform to this. */
i = 0;
while (multiLine[i]) {
if (multiLine[i] == '"' && i > 0) {
if (!quoteMode && multiLine[i - 1] == '=')
quoteMode = 1;
quoteMode = 0;
if (multiLine[i] == ' ' && quoteMode)
multiLine[i] = QUOTED_SPACE;
/* 19-Nov-2007 nm Bypass old complex code that doesn't work right */
for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
/* 10/24/02 - This code has problems with SHOW STATEMENT/ALT_HTML
It is bypassed completely now. */
if (i == i) break;
/* Special case: ignore ALT='"' in */
if (multiLine[i] == '"' && i >= 5
&& !strncmp("ALT='\"'\"", multiLine + i - 5, 7))
if (!quoteMode) {
/* If we wanted to handle double and single nested quotes: */
/* if (multiLine[i] == '\'' || multiLine[i] == '"') { */
/* But since single quotes are ambiguous with apostrophes, we will
demand that only double quotes be used around HTML tag strings
that have spaces such as <FONT FACE="Arial Narrow">. */
if (multiLine[i] == '"') {
quoteMode = 1;
quoteStartPos = i;
quoteChar = multiLine[i];
} else {
if (multiLine[i] == quoteChar) {
quoteMode = 0;
if (quoteMode == 1 && multiLine[i] == ' ') {
/* Zap the space with ASCII 3 */
multiLine[i] = QUOTED_SPACE;
/* If we ended in quoteMode, it wasn't a real quote. Revert the
space zapping. */
if (quoteMode == 1) {
for (i = quoteStartPos; i < j; i++) {
if (multiLine[i] == QUOTED_SPACE) multiLine[i] = ' ';
/* As a special case for more safety, we'll zap the ubiquitous
"Arial Narrow" used for the little pink numbers. */
i = 0;
while (1) {
i = instr(i + 1, multiLine, "Arial Narrow");
if (i) multiLine[i + 4] = QUOTED_SPACE;
else break;
/**************** END OF OBSOLETE SECTION ********/
} /* if (breakMatch1[0] == '\"') */
/* The tilde is a special flag for printLongLine to print a
tilde before the carriage return in a split line, not after */
if (startNextLine1[0] == '~') {
tildeFlag = 1;
let(&startNextLine1, " ");
while (multiLine[0]) { /* While there are multiple caller-inserted newlines */
/* Process caller-inserted newlines */
p = instr(1, multiLine, "\n");
if (p) {
/* Get the next caller's line */
let(&longLine, left(multiLine, p - 1));
/* Postpone the remaining lines to multiLine for next time around */
/* /@ 12-Jun-2011 nm Put continuation line start (normally spaces) at
the beginning of explicit new line, removing spaces that may
already be there - for use after blank line in outputStatement()
in mmpars.c @/
let(&multiLine, cat(startNextLine1,
edit(right(multiLine, p + 1), 8 /@ Discard leading spaces @/),
NULL)); */
/* The above is bad, because it doesn't allow flexible user indentation */
/* OLD */ let(&multiLine, right(multiLine, p + 1));
} else {
let(&longLine, multiLine);
let(&multiLine, "");
saveScreenWidth = g_screenWidth;
/* Now we will break up one line from the caller i.e. longLine;
multiLine has any remaining lines to be processed in next pass */
firstLine = 1;
startNextLineLen = (long)strlen(startNextLine1);
/* Prevent infinite loop if next line prefix is longer than screen */
if (startNextLineLen > g_screenWidth - 4) {
startNextLineLen = g_screenWidth - 4;
let(&startNextLine1, left(startNextLine1, g_screenWidth - 4));
/* If startNextLine starts with "~" means add tilde
after broken line (used for command input comment continuation); if
breakMatch is "\\" i.e. single \, then put % at end of previous line
for LaTeX */
/* Otherwise, if first line: use length of longLine;
if not first line: use length of longLine - startNextLineLen */
while ((signed)(strlen(longLine)) + (1 - firstLine) * startNextLineLen >
g_screenWidth - (long)tildeFlag - (long)(breakMatch1[0] == '\\')) {
/* Get screen width + 1 (default is 79 + 1)*/
p = g_screenWidth - (long)tildeFlag - (long)(breakMatch1[0] == '\\') + 1;
if (!firstLine) p = p - startNextLineLen;
if (p < 4) bug(1524); /* This may cause out-of-string ref below */
/* Assume compressed proof if 1st char of breakMatch1 is "&" */
if (breakMatch1[0] == '&'
&& ((!instr(p, left(longLine, (long)strlen(longLine) - 3), " ")
&& longLine[p - 3] != ' ') /* Don't split trailing "$." */
/* 2-Jan-2014 nm Added the condition below: */
|| longLine[p - 4] == ')')) /* Label sect ends in col 77 */ {
/* We're in the compressed proof section; break line anywhere */
p = p + 0; /* Don't change position */
/* 27-Dec-2013 nm */
/* In the case where the last space occurs at column 79 i.e.
g_screenWidth, break the line at column 78. This can happen
when compressed proof ends at column 78, followed by space
and "$." It prevents an extraneous trailing space on the line. */
if (longLine[p - 2] == ' ') p--; /* 27-Dec-2013 */
} else {
if (!breakMatch1[0]) {
p = p + 0; /* Break line anywhere; don't change position */
} else {
if (breakMatch1[0] == '&') {
/* Compressed proof */
/* 27-Dec-2013 nm - no longer add the trailing space */
/* p = p - 1; */ /* We will add a trailing space to line for easier
label searches by the user during editing */
if (p <= 0) bug(1518);
/*while (!instr(1, breakMatch1, mid(longLine,p,1)) && p > 0) {*/
/* Speedup */
/* while (strchr(breakMatch1, longLine[p - 1]) == NULL) { */
/* 24-Feb-2010 nm For LaTeX, match space, not backslash */
/* (Todo: is backslash match mode really needed?) */
while (strchr(breakMatch1[0] != '\\' ? breakMatch1 : " ",
longLine[p - 1]) == NULL) {
if (!p) break;
/* 25-Jun-2014 nm We will now not break any line at non-space,
since it causes more problems that it solves e.g. with
WRITE SOURCE.../REWRAP with long URLs */
/* if (p <= 0 && g_htmlFlag) { */
if (p <= 0) {
/* The line couldn't be broken. Since it's an HTML line, we
can increase g_screenWidth until it will fit. */
/******* for debugging screen width change
if (g_outputToString){
g_outputToString = 0;
print2("debug: g_screenWidth = %ld\n", g_screenWidth);
g_outputToString = 1;
********* end debug */
/* If this bug happens, we'll have to increase PRINTBUFFERSIZE
or change the HTML code being printed. */
/* 19-Jun-2020 nm We no longer care about buffer size since
printBuffer is dynamically allocated in print2() */
/*if (g_screenWidth >= PRINTBUFFERSIZE - 1) bug(1517);*/
goto HTML_RESTART; /* Ugly but another while loop nesting would
be even more confusing */
if (breakMatch1[0] == '&') {
/* Compressed proof */
/* 27-Dec-2013 nm - no longer add the trailing space */
/* p = p + 1; */ /* We will add a trailing space to line for easier
label searches by the user during editing */
} /* end if (!breakMatch1[0]) else */
} /* end if (breakMatch1[0] == '&' &&... else */
if (p <= 0) {
/* Break character not found; give up at
g_screenWidth - (long)tildeFlag - (long)(breakMatch1[0] == '\\')+ 1 */
p = g_screenWidth - (long)tildeFlag - (long)(breakMatch1[0] == '\\')+ 1;
if (!firstLine) p = p - startNextLineLen;
if (p <= 0) p = 1; /* If startNextLine too long */
if (!p) bug(1515); /* p should never be 0 by this point */
/* If we broke at a non-space 1st char, line length won't get reduced */
/* Hopefully this will never happen with the breakMatch's we use,
otherwise the code will require a rework. */
if (p == 1 && longLine[0] != ' ') bug(1516);
if (firstLine) {
firstLine = 0;
let(&prefix, "");
} else {
let(&prefix, startNextLine1);
if (treeIndentationFlag) {
if (startNextLineLen + p - 1 < g_screenWidth) {
/* Right justify output for continuation lines */
let(&prefix, cat(prefix, space(g_screenWidth - startNextLineLen
- p + 1), NULL));
if (!tildeFlag) {
/* 7-Sep-2010 nm - Don't do this anymore with new (24-Feb-2010) LaTeX
output, since it isn't needed, and worse, it causes words in the
description to be joined together without space. (It might be better
to analyze if breakMatch1[0] == '\\' is needed at all.) */
/*** start of 7-Sep-2010 commented out code
if (breakMatch1[0] == '\\') {
/@ Add LaTeX comment char to ignore carriage return @/
print2("%s\n",cat(prefix, left(longLine,p - 1), "%", NULL));
} else {
*** end of 7-Sep-2010 commented out code */
print2("%s\n",cat(prefix, left(longLine,p - 1), NULL));
/*** start of 7-Sep-2010 commented out code
*** end of 7-Sep-2010 commented out code */
} else {
print2("%s\n",cat(prefix, left(longLine,p - 1), "~", NULL));
if (longLine[p - 1] == ' ' &&
breakMatch1[0] /* But not "break anywhere" line */) {
/* (Note: search for "p--" ~100 lines above for the place
where the backward search for space happens.) */
/* Remove leading space for neatness */
if (longLine[p] == ' ') {
/* There could be 2 spaces at the end of a sentence. */
let(&longLine, right(longLine, p + 2));
} else {
let(&longLine, right(longLine,p + 1));
} else {
let(&longLine, right(longLine,p));
} /* end while longLine too long */
if (!firstLine) {
if (treeIndentationFlag) {
/* Right justify output for continuation lines */
print2("%s\n",cat(startNextLine1, space(g_screenWidth
- startNextLineLen - (long)(strlen(longLine))), longLine, NULL));
} else {
print2("%s\n",cat(startNextLine1, longLine, NULL));
} else {
g_screenWidth = saveScreenWidth; /* Restore to normal */
} /* end while multiLine != "" */
let(&multiLine, ""); /* Deallocate */
let(&longLine, ""); /* Deallocate */
let(&prefix, ""); /* Deallocate */
let(&startNextLine1, ""); /* Deallocate */
let(&breakMatch1, ""); /* Deallocate */
} /* printLongLine */
vstring cmdInput(FILE *stream, vstring ask)
/* This function prints a prompt (if 'ask' is not NULL) and gets a line from
the input stream. NULL is returned when end-of-file is encountered.
New memory is allocated each time linput is called. This space must
be freed by the caller. */
vstring g = ""; /* Always init vstrings to "" for let(&...) to work */
long i;
#define CMD_BUFFER_SIZE 2000
while (1) { /* For "B" backup loop */
if (ask != NULL && !g_commandFileSilentFlag) {
#if __STDC__
let(&g, space(CMD_BUFFER_SIZE)); /* Allocate CMD_BUFFER_SIZE+1 bytes */
if (g[CMD_BUFFER_SIZE]) bug(1520); /* Bug in let() (improbable) */
g[CMD_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = 0; /* For overflow detection */
if (!fgets(g, CMD_BUFFER_SIZE, stream)) {
/* End of file */
let(&g, ""); /* Deallocate memory */
return NULL;
if (g[CMD_BUFFER_SIZE - 1]) {
/* Detect input overflow */
/* Warning: Don't call bug() - it calls print2 which may call this. */
printf("***BUG #1508\n");
#if __STDC__
i = (long)strlen(g);
/*E*/db = db - (CMD_BUFFER_SIZE - i); /* Adjust string usage to detect leaks */
/* Detect operating system bug of inputting no characters */
if (!i) {
printf("***BUG #1507\n");
#if __STDC__
/* 12-Oct-2006 Fix bug that occurs when the last line in the file has
no new-line (reported by Marnix Klooster) */
} else {
if (g[i - 1] != '\n') {
/* Warning: Don't call bug() - it calls print2 which may call this. */
if (!feof(stream)) {
printf("***BUG #1525\n");
#if __STDC__
/* Add a new-line so processing below will behave correctly. */
let(&g, cat(g, chr('\n'), NULL));
/*E*/db = db + (CMD_BUFFER_SIZE - i); /* Cancel extra piece of string */
/* 12-Oct-2006 End of new code */
if (g[1]) {
if (g[i] != '\n') {
printf("***BUG #1519\n");
#if __STDC__
g[i]=0; /* Eliminate new-line character by zapping it */
/*E*/db = db - 1;
} else {
if (g[0] != '\n') {
printf("***BUG #1521\n");
#if __STDC__
/* Eliminate new-line by deallocating vstring space (if we just zap
character [0], let() will later think g is an empty string constant
and will never deallocate g) */
let(&g, "");
/* If user typed "B" (for back), go back to the back buffer to
let the user scroll through it */
if ((!strcmp(g, "B") || !strcmp(g, "b")) /* User typed "B" */
&& pntrLen(backBuffer) > 1 /* The back-buffer still exists and
there was a previous page */
&& g_commandFileNestingLevel == 0
&& (g_scrollMode == 1 && localScrollMode == 1)
&& !g_outputToString) {
/* Set variables so only backup buffer will be looked at in print2() */
backBufferPos = pntrLen(backBuffer) - 1;
printf("%s", (vstring)(backBuffer[backBufferPos - 1]));
#if __STDC__
backFromCmdInput = 1; /* Flag for print2() */
print2(""); /* Only the backup buffer will be looked at */
backFromCmdInput = 0;
} else {
/* If the command line is empty (at main prompt), let user still
type "B" for convenience in case too many
returns where hit while scrolling */
if (g_commandFileNestingLevel > 0) break;
/* 23-Aug-04 We're taking from a SUBMIT
file so break out of loop that looks for "B" */
if (ask == NULL) {
printf("***BUG #1523\n"); /* 23-Aug-04 In non-SUBMIT
mode 'ask' won't be NULL, so flag non-fatal bug here just in case */
#if __STDC__
if (g[0]) break; /* 23-Aug-04 Command line not empty so break out of loop
that looks for "B" */
if (ask != NULL &&
/* User entered empty command line but not at a prompt */
/* g_commandPrompt is assigned in metamath.c and declared in
mmcmdl.h */
strcmp(ask, g_commandPrompt)) {
break; /* Break out of loop that looks for "B" */
} /* while 1 */
return g;
} /* cmdInput */
vstring cmdInput1(vstring ask)
/* This function gets a line from either the terminal or the command file
stream depending on g_commandFileNestingLevel > 0. It calls cmdInput(). */
/* Warning: the calling program must deallocate the returned string. */
vstring commandLn = "";
vstring ask1 = "";
long p, i;
let(&ask1, ask); /* In case ask is temporarily allocated (i.e in case it
will become deallocated at next let() */
/* Look for lines too long */
while ((signed)(strlen(ask1)) > g_screenWidth) {
p = g_screenWidth - 1;
while (ask1[p] != ' ' && p > 0) p--;
if (!p) p = g_screenWidth - 1;
print2("%s\n", left(ask1, p));
let(&ask1, right(ask1, p + 1));
/* Allow 10 characters for answer */
if ((signed)(strlen(ask1)) > g_screenWidth - 10) {
p = g_screenWidth - 11;
while (ask1[p] != ' ' && p > 0) p--;
if (p) { /* (Give up if no spaces) */
print2("%s\n", left(ask1, p));
let(&ask1, right(ask1, p + 1));
printedLines = 0; /* Reset number of lines printed since last user input */
g_quitPrint = 0; /* Reset quit print flag */
localScrollMode = 1; /* Reset to prompted scroll */
while (1) {
if (g_commandFileNestingLevel == 0) {
commandLn = cmdInput(stdin, ask1);
if (!commandLn) {
commandLn = ""; /* Init vstring (was NULL) */
/* 21-Feb-2010 nm Allow ^D to exit */
/* 21-Feb-2010 Removed line: */
/* let(&commandLn, "^Z"); */
/* 21-Feb-2010 Added lines: */
if (strcmp(left(ask1, 2), "Do")) {
/* ^Z or ^D found at MM>, MM-PA>, or TOOLS> prompt */
let(&commandLn, "EXIT");
} else {
/* Detected the question "Do you want to EXIT anyway (Y, N) <N>?" */
/* Force exit with Y, to prevent infinite loop */
let(&commandLn, "Y");
printf("%s\n", commandLn); /* Let user see what's happening */
/* 21-Feb-2010 end of change */
if (g_logFileOpenFlag) fprintf(g_logFilePtr, "%s%s\n", ask1, commandLn);
/* Clear backBuffer from previous scroll session */
for (i = 0; i < pntrLen(backBuffer); i++) {
let((vstring *)(&(backBuffer[i])), "");
backBufferPos = 1;
pntrLet(&backBuffer, NULL_PNTRSTRING);
pntrLet(&backBuffer, pntrAddElement(backBuffer));
/* Note: pntrAddElement() initializes the added element to the
empty string, so we don't need a separate initialization. */
/* backBuffer[backBufferPos - 1] = ""; */ /* already done */
/* Add user's typing to the backup buffer for display on 1st screen */
let((vstring *)(&(backBuffer[backBufferPos - 1])), cat(
(vstring)(backBuffer[backBufferPos - 1]), ask1,
commandLn, "\n", NULL));
if (g_listMode && g_listFile_fp != NULL) {
/* Put line in list.tmp as comment */
fprintf(g_listFile_fp, "! %s\n", commandLn);
} else { /* Get line from SUBMIT file */
commandLn = cmdInput(g_commandFilePtr[g_commandFileNestingLevel], NULL);
if (!commandLn) { /* EOF found */
print2("%s[End of command file \"%s\".]\n", ask1,
let(&(g_commandFileName[g_commandFileNestingLevel]), "");
/* Deallocate string */
commandLn = "";
if (g_commandFileNestingLevel == 0) {
g_commandFileSilentFlag = 0; /* 23-Oct-2006 nm Added SUBMIT / SILENT */
} else {
g_commandFileSilentFlag = g_commandFileSilent[g_commandFileNestingLevel];
/* Revert to previous nesting level's silent flag */
break; /*continue;*/
/* 22-Jan-2018 nm */
/* Tolerate CRs in SUBMIT files (e.g. created on Windows and
run on Linux) */
let(&commandLn, edit(commandLn, 8192/* remove CR */));
print2("%s%s\n", ask1, commandLn);
let(&ask1, ""); /* 10/20/02 Deallocate */
return commandLn;
} /* cmdInput1 */
void errorMessage(vstring line, long lineNum, long column, long tokenLength,
vstring error, vstring fileName, long statementNum, flag severity)
/* Note: "line" may be terminated with \n. "error" and "fileName"
should NOT be terminated with \n. This is done for the convenience
of the calling functions. */
vstring errorPointer = "";
vstring tmpStr = "";
vstring prntStr = "";
vstring line1 = "";
int j;
/*flag saveOutputToString;*/ /* 22-May-2016 nm */ /* 9-Jun-2016 reverted */
/* 22-May-2016 nm */
/* Prevent putting error message in g_printString */
/* 9-Jun-2016 nm Revert this change, because 'minimize_with' makes
use of the string to hold the DV violation error message.
We can reinstate this fix when 'minimize_with' is improved to
call a DV-checking function directly. */
saveOutputToString = g_outputToString;
g_outputToString = 0;
/* Make sure vstring argument doesn't get deallocated with another let */
let(&tmpStr,error); /* error will get deallocated here */
error = "";
let(&error,tmpStr); /* permanently allocate error */
/* Add a newline to line1 if there is none */
if (line) {
if (line[strlen(line) - 1] != '\n') {
let(&line1, line);
} else {
} else {
line1 = NULL;
if (fileName) {
/* Put a blank line between error msgs if we are parsing a file */
switch (severity) {
case (char)notice_:
let(&prntStr, "?Notice"); break;
case (char)warning_:
let(&prntStr, "?Warning"); break;
case (char)error_:
let(&prntStr, "?Error"); break;
case (char)fatal_:
let(&prntStr, "?Fatal error"); break;
if (lineNum) {
let(&prntStr, cat(prntStr, " on line ", str((double)lineNum), NULL));
if (fileName) {
let(&prntStr, cat(prntStr, " of file \"", fileName, "\"", NULL));
} else {
if (fileName) {
let(&prntStr, cat(prntStr, " in file \"", fileName, "\"", NULL));
if (statementNum) {
let(&prntStr, cat(prntStr, " at statement ", str((double)statementNum), NULL));
if (g_Statement[statementNum].labelName[0]) {
let(&prntStr, cat(prntStr, ", label \"",
g_Statement[statementNum].labelName, "\"", NULL));
let(&prntStr, cat(prntStr, ", type \"$", chr(g_Statement[statementNum].type),
"\"", NULL));
printLongLine(cat(prntStr, ":", NULL), "", " ");
if (line1) printLongLine(line1, "", "");
if (line1 && column && tokenLength) {
for (j=0; j<column-1; j++) {
/* Make sure that tabs on the line with the error are accounted for so
that the error pointer lines up correctly */
if (line1[j] == '\t') let (&errorPointer,cat(errorPointer,"\t",NULL));
else let(&errorPointer,cat(errorPointer," ",NULL));
for (j=0; j<tokenLength; j++)
printLongLine(errorPointer, "", "");
printLongLine(error,""," ");
if (severity == 2) g_errorCount++;
/* ???Should there be a limit? */
/* if (g_errorCount > 1000) {
print2("\n"); print2("?Too many errors - aborting Metamath.\n");
} */
/* 22-May-2016 nm */
/* Restore output to g_printString if it was enabled before */
/* 9-Jun-2016 nm Reverted */
g_outputToString = saveOutputToString;
if (severity == 3) {
print2("Aborting Metamath.\n");
if (line1) let(&line1,"");
} /* errorMessage() */
/* Opens files with error message; opens output files with
backup of previous version. Mode must be "r" or "w" or "d" (delete). */
/* 31-Dec-2017 nm Added "safe" delete */
/* 31-Dec-2017 nm Added noVersioningFlag = don't create ~1 backup */
/* 10-Aug-2019 nm Fixed problem w/ delete + noVersioningFlag */
FILE *fSafeOpen(vstring fileName, vstring mode, flag noVersioningFlag)
FILE *fp;
vstring prefix = "";
vstring postfix = "";
vstring bakName = "";
vstring newBakName = "";
long v;
long lastVersion; /* Last version before gap */ /* nm 29-Apr-2007 */
if (!strcmp(mode, "r")) {
fp = fopen(fileName, "r");
if (!fp) {
print2("?Sorry, couldn't open the file \"%s\".\n", fileName);
return (fp);
if (!strcmp(mode, "w")
|| !strcmp(mode, "d")) { /* 31-Dec-2017 */
if (noVersioningFlag) goto skip_backup; /* 10-Aug-2019 nm */
/* See if the file already exists. */
fp = fopen(fileName, "r");
if (fp) {
#define VERSIONS 9
/* The file exists. Rename it. */
#if defined __WATCOMC__ /* MSDOS */
/* Make sure file name before extension is 8 chars or less */
i = instr(1, fileName, ".");
if (i) {
let(&prefix, left(fileName, i - 1));
let(&postfix, right(fileName, i));
} else {
let(&prefix, fileName);
let(&postfix, "");
let(&prefix, cat(left(prefix, 5), "~", NULL));
let(&postfix, cat("~", postfix, NULL));
if (0) goto skip_backup; /* Prevent compiler warning */
#elif defined __GNUC__ /* Assume unix */
let(&prefix, cat(fileName, "~", NULL));
let(&postfix, "");
#elif defined THINK_C /* Assume Macintosh */
let(&prefix, cat(fileName, "~", NULL));
let(&postfix, "");
#elif defined VAXC /* Assume VMS */
/* For debugging on VMS: */
/* let(&prefix, cat(fileName, "-", NULL));
let(&postfix, "-"); */
/* Normal: */
goto skip_backup;
#else /* Unknown; assume unix standard */
/*if (1) goto skip_backup;*/ /* [if no backup desired] */
let(&prefix, cat(fileName, "~", NULL));
let(&postfix, "");
/* See if the lowest version already exists. */
let(&bakName, cat(prefix, str(1), postfix, NULL));
fp = fopen(bakName, "r");
if (fp) {
/* The lowest version already exists; rename all to higher versions. */
/* Find last version before gap, if any */ /* 29-Apr-2007 nm */
lastVersion = 0;
for (v = 1; v <= VERSIONS; v++) {
let(&bakName, cat(prefix, str((double)v), postfix, NULL));
fp = fopen(bakName, "r");
if (!fp) break; /* Version gap found; skip rest of scan */
lastVersion = v;
/* If there are no gaps before version VERSIONS, delete it. */
if (lastVersion == VERSIONS) { /* 29-Apr-2007 nm */
let(&bakName, cat(prefix, str((double)VERSIONS), postfix, NULL));
fp = fopen(bakName, "r");
if (fp) {
lastVersion--; /* 29-Apr-2007 nm */
for (v = lastVersion; v >= 1; v--) { /* 29-Apr-2007 nm */
let(&bakName, cat(prefix, str((double)v), postfix, NULL));
fp = fopen(bakName, "r");
if (!fp) continue;
let(&newBakName, cat(prefix, str((double)v + 1), postfix, NULL));
rename(bakName/*old*/, newBakName/*new*/);
let(&bakName, cat(prefix, str(1), postfix, NULL));
rename(fileName, bakName);
printLongLine(cat("The file \"", fileName,
"\" already exists. The old file is being renamed to \"",
bakName, "\".", NULL), " ", " ");
} /* End if file already exists */
if (!strcmp(mode, "w")) {
fp = fopen(fileName, "w");
if (!fp) {
print2("?Sorry, couldn't open the file \"%s\".\n", fileName);
} else {
if (strcmp(mode, "d")) {
/* 31-Dec-2017 nm */
/* For "safe" delete, the file was renamed to ~1, so there is nothing
to do. */
fp = NULL;
/* 10-Aug-2019 nm */
/* For non-safe (noVersioning) delete, we actually delete */
if (noVersioningFlag) {
if(remove(fileName) != 0) {
print2("?Sorry, couldn't delete the file \"%s\".\n", fileName);
/* Deallocate local strings */
let(&prefix, "");
let(&postfix, "");
let(&bakName, "");
let(&newBakName, "");
return (fp);
} /* End if mode = "w" or "d" */
bug(1510); /* Illegal mode */
} /* fSafeOpen() */
/* Renames a file with backup of previous version. If non-zero
is returned, there was an error. */
int fSafeRename(vstring oldFileName, vstring newFileName)
int error = 0;
int i;
FILE *fp;
/* Open the new file to force renaming of existing ones */
fp = fSafeOpen(newFileName, "w", 0/*noVersioningFlag*/);
if (!fp) error = -1;
/* Delete the file just created */
if (!error) {
error = fclose(fp);
if (error) print2("?Empty \"%s\" couldn't be closed.\n", newFileName);
if (!error) {
error = remove(newFileName);
/* On Windows 95, the first attempt may not succeed. */
if (error) {
for (i = 2; i < 1000; i++) {
error = remove(newFileName);
if (!error) break;
if (!error)
print2("OS WARNING: File delete succeeded only after %i attempts.", i);
if (error) print2("?Empty \"%s\" couldn't be deleted.\n", newFileName);
/* Rename the old one to it */
if (!error) {
error = rename(oldFileName, newFileName);
if (error) print2("?Rename of \"%s\" to \"%s\" failed.\n", oldFileName,
if (error) {
print2("?Sorry, couldn't rename the file \"%s\" to \"%s\".\n", oldFileName,
print2("\"%s\" may be empty; try recovering from \"%s\".\n", newFileName,
return error;
} /* fSafeRename */
/* Finds the name of the first file of the form filePrefix +
nnn + ".tmp" that does not exist. THE CALLER MUST DEALLOCATE
THE RETURNED STRING [i.e. assign function return directly
to a local empty vstring with = and not with let(), e.g.
let(&str1, "");
str1 = fTmpName("zz~list"); ]
The file whose name is the returned string is not left open;
the caller must separately open the file. */
vstring fGetTmpName(vstring filePrefix)
FILE *fp;
vstring fname = "";
static long counter = 0;
while (1) {
let(&fname, cat(filePrefix, str((double)counter), ".tmp", NULL));
fp = fopen(fname, "r");
if (!fp) break;
/* Fix resource leak reported by David Binderman 10-Oct-2016 */
fclose(fp); /* 10-Oct-2016 nm */
if (counter > 1000) {
print2("?Warning: too many %snnn.tmp files - will reuse %s\n",
filePrefix, fname);
return fname; /* Caller must deallocate! */
} /* fGetTmpName() */
/* Added 10/10/02 */
/* This function returns a character string containing the entire contents of
an ASCII file, or Unicode file with only ASCII characters. On some
systems it is faster than reading the file line by line. The caller
must deallocate the returned string. If a NULL is returned, the file
could not be opened or had a non-ASCII Unicode character or some other
problem. If verbose is 0, error and warning messages are suppressed. */
/* 31-Dec-2017 nm Added charCount return arg */
vstring readFileToString(vstring fileName, char verbose, long *charCount) {
FILE *inputFp;
long fileBufSize;
/*long charCount;*/ /* 31-Dec-2017 nm */
char *fileBuf;
long i, j;
/* Find out the upper limit of the number of characters in the file. */
/* Do this by opening the file in binary and seeking to the end. */
inputFp = fopen(fileName, "rb");
if (!inputFp) {
if (verbose) print2("?Sorry, couldn't open the file \"%s\".\n", fileName);
return (NULL);
#ifndef SEEK_END
/* An older GCC compiler didn't have this ANSI standard constant defined. */
#define SEEK_END 2
if (fseek(inputFp, 0, SEEK_END)) { /* fseek returns non-zero on error */
/* 8-Dec-2019 nm Changed bug to error message, which occurs if input "file"
is a piped stream */
if (verbose) print2(
"?Sorry, \"%s\" doesn't seem to be a regular file.\n",
return (NULL);
fileBufSize = ftell(inputFp);
/* Close and reopen the input file in text mode */
/* Text mode is needed for VAX, DOS, etc. with non-Unix end-of-lines */
inputFp = fopen(fileName, "r");
if (!inputFp) bug(1512);
/* Allocate space for the entire input file */
fileBufSize = fileBufSize + 10;
/* Add a factor for unknown text formats (just a guess) */
fileBuf = malloc((size_t)fileBufSize);
if (!fileBuf) {
if (verbose) print2(
"?Sorry, there was not enough memory to read the file \"%s\".\n",
return (NULL);
/* Put the entire input file into the buffer as a giant character string */
(* charCount) = (long)fread(fileBuf, sizeof(char), (size_t)fileBufSize - 2,
if (!feof(inputFp)) {
print2("Note: This bug will occur if there is a disk file read error.\n");
/* If this bug occurs (due to obscure future format such as compressed
text files) we'll have to add a realloc statement. */
fileBuf[(*charCount)] = 0;
/* See if it's Unicode */
/* This only handles the case where all chars are in the ASCII subset */
if ((*charCount) > 1) {
if (fileBuf[0] == '\377' && fileBuf[1] == '\376') {
/* Yes, so strip out null high-order bytes */
if (2 * ((*charCount) / 2) != (*charCount)) {
if (verbose) print2(
"?Sorry, there are an odd number of characters (%ld) %s \"%s\".\n",
(*charCount), "in Unicode file", fileName);
return (NULL);
i = 0; /* ASCII character position */
j = 2; /* Unicode character position */
while (j < (*charCount)) {
if (fileBuf[j + 1] != 0) {
if (verbose) print2(
"?Sorry, the Unicode file \"%s\" %s %ld at byte %ld.\n",
fileName, "has a non-ASCII \ncharacter code",
(long)(fileBuf[j]) + ((long)(fileBuf[j + 1]) * 256), j);
return (NULL);
if (fileBuf[j] == 0) {
if (verbose) print2(
"?Sorry, the Unicode file \"%s\" %s at byte %ld.\n",
fileName, "has a null character", j);
return (NULL);
fileBuf[i] = fileBuf[j];
/* Suppress any carriage-returns */
if (fileBuf[i] == '\r') {
j = j + 2;
fileBuf[i] = 0; /* ASCII string terminator */
(*charCount) = i;
/* Make sure the file has no carriage-returns */
if (strchr(fileBuf, '\r') != NULL) {
if (verbose) print2(
"?Warning: the file \"%s\" has carriage-returns. Cleaning them up...\n",
/* Clean up the file, e.g. DOS or Mac file on Unix */
i = 0;
j = 0;
while (j <= (*charCount)) {
if (fileBuf[j] == '\r') {
if (fileBuf[j + 1] == '\n') {
/* DOS file - skip '\r' */
} else {
/* Mac file - change '\r' to '\n' */
fileBuf[j] = '\n';
fileBuf[i] = fileBuf[j];
(*charCount) = i - 1; /* nm 6-Feb-04 */
/* Make sure the last line is not a partial line */
if (fileBuf[(*charCount) - 1] != '\n') {
if (verbose) print2(
"?Warning: the last line in file \"%s\" is incomplete.\n",
/* Add the end-of-line */
fileBuf[(*charCount)] = '\n';
fileBuf[(*charCount)] = 0;
if (fileBuf[(*charCount)] != 0) { /* nm 6-Feb-04 */
bug(1522); /* Keeping track of charCount went wrong somewhere */
/* Make sure there aren't null characters */
i = (long)strlen(fileBuf);
if ((*charCount) != i) {
if (verbose) {
"?Warning: the file \"%s\" is not an ASCII file.\n",
"Its size is %ld characters with null at character %ld.\n",
(*charCount), strlen(fileBuf));
/*E*/db = db + i; /* For memory usage tracking (ignore stuff after null) */
/******* For debugging
print2("In binary mode the file has %ld bytes.\n", fileBufSize - 10);
print2("In text mode the file has %ld bytes.\n", (*charCount));
return ((char *)fileBuf);
} /* readFileToString */
/* 16-Aug-2016 nm */
/* Returns total elapsed time in seconds since starting session (for the
lcc compiler) or the CPU time used (for the gcc compiler). The
argument is assigned the time since the last call to this function. */
double getRunTime(double *timeSinceLastCall) {
static clock_t timePrevious = 0;
clock_t timeNow;
timeNow = clock();
*timeSinceLastCall = (double)((1.0 * (double)(timeNow - timePrevious))
timePrevious = timeNow;
return (double)((1.0 * (double)timeNow)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
/* Example of printing double format: */
/* print2("Total elapsed time = %4.2f s\n", t) */
print2("The clock() function is not implemented on this computer.\n");
*timeSinceLastCall = 0;
return 0;
/* 4-May-2017 Ari Ferrera */
void freeInOu() {
long i, j;
j = pntrLen(backBuffer);
for (i = 0; i < j; i++) let((vstring *)(&backBuffer[i]), "");
pntrLet(&backBuffer, NULL_PNTRSTRING);