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2022-05-03 20:09:32 -07:00
This package contains the metamath program and several Metamath-e
The metamath program is copyright under the terms of the GNU GPL license-e
version 2 or later. See the file LICENSE.TXT in this directory.-e
Individual databases (*.mm files) are either public domain or under-e
the GNU GPL, as indicated by comments in their headers.-e
See for further license and-e
copyright information that applies to the content of this package.-e
For Windows, click on "metamath.exe" and type "read".-e
For Unix/Linux/Cygwin/MacOSX using the gcc compiler, compile with the-e
command "gcc m*.c -o metamath", then type "./metamath" to run.-e
As an alternative, if you have autoconf, automake, and a C compiler, you-e
can compile with the command "autoreconf -i && ./configure && make".-e
This "autoconf" approach automatically finds your compiler and its-e
options, and configure takes the usual options (e.g., "--prefix=/usr").-e
The resulting executable will typically be faster because it will check for-e
and enable available optimizations; tests found that the "improve"-e
command ran 28% faster on gcc when using an autoconf-generated "configure".-e
You can again type "./metamath" to run. After "make" you may-e
install it elsewhere using "sudo make install" (note that this installs-e
".mm" files in the pkgdata directory, by default-e
"/usr/local/share/metamath/"). If you install it this way, you can then-e
run metamath as "metamath /usr/share/metamath/", copy
locally (cp /usr/share/metamath/ . ; metamath, or run-e
metamath and type: read "/usr/share/metamath/" (note that inside-e
metamath, filenames containing "/" must be quoted).-e
Man page-e
There is a man page for the Metamath program on Linux systems. It is-e
automatically installed if you use "autoreconf" as described above. To-e
install it manually, copy the file metamath.1 to the appropriate folder,-e
using the command "sudo cp metamath.1 /usr/local/share/man/man1/" and-e
update the man database with the command "sudo mandb". You can then-e
simply type "man metamath" to access the man page.-e
Optional enhancements-e
For optimized performance under gcc, you can compile as follows:-e
gcc m*.c -o metamath -O3 -funroll-loops -finline-functions \-e
-fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -pedantic-e
If your compiler supports it, you can also add the option -DINLINE=inline-e
to achieve the 28% performance increase described above.-e
On Linux/MacOSX/Unix, the Metamath program will be more pleasant to use-e
if you run it inside of rlwrap
(checked 3-Jun-2015) which provides up-arrow command history and other-e
command-line editing features. After you install rlwrap per its-e
instructions, invoke the Metamath program with "rlwrap ./metamath-e".-e
In some Linux distributions (such as Debian Woody), if the Backspace-e
key doesn't delete characters typed after the "MM>" prompt, try adding-e
this line to your ~/.bash_profile file:-e
stty echoe echok echoctl echoke-e
Using rlwrap as described above will also solve this problem.-e
Additional MacOSX information-e
On MacOSX, select the Terminal application from Applications/Utilities-e
to get to the command line. On recent versions of MacOSX, you need to-e
install gcc separately. Typing "whereis gcc" will return "/usr/bin/gcc"-e
if it is installed. The XCode package is typically used to install it,-e
but it can also be installed without XCode; see-e
-e (checked 15-Feb-2014)-e
Optional rlwrap user interface enhancement-e
On Linux/MacOSX/Unix, the Metamath program will be more pleasant to use-e
if you run it inside of rlwrap:-e
-e (checked 15-Feb-2014)-e
which provides up-arrow command history and other command-line editing-e
features. After you install rlwrap per its instructions, invoke the-e
Metamath program with "rlwrap ./metamath".-e
(The Windows version of the Metamath program was compiled with lcc,-e
which has similar features built-in.)-e
Windows Compilation-e
To reproduce the included metamath.exe for Windows, use lcc-win32-e
version 3.8, with the following command:-e
lc -O m*.c -o metamath.exe-e
Further suggestions-e
Once in the program, use the "help" command to guide you. For more-e
information, see the Metamath book available at .-e
To uninstall-e
To uninstall, just delete the "metamath" directory - nothing else-e
(Registry, etc.) is touched in your system.-e
If you used autoconf's "make install" to install it in system locations,-e
you can use "make uninstall" to remove it.-e
List of databases-e
The data base files included are:-e
-e - logic and set theory database (see Ch. 3 of the Metamath book).-e
The Metamath Proof Explorer pages were generated from this database.-e - logic and set theory database for Quine's New Foundations set-e
theory.-e - intuitionistic logic and set theory database.-e - higher order logic (simple type theory) database.-e - quantum logic database. The Quantum Logic Explorer pages were-e
generated from this database.-e - demo of simple formal system (see Ch. 2 of the Metamath book)-e - Hofstadter's MIU-system (see Appendix D of the Metamath book)-e - A unification stress test (see comments in the file).-e - A nicely commented presentation of Peano arithmetic, written-e
by Robert Solovay (unlike the ones above, this database is NOT public-e
domain but is copyright under the terms of the GNU GPL license)-e