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2022-05-03 20:09:32 -07:00
/* Copyright (C) 2021 NORMAN MEGILL nm at */
/* License terms: GNU General Public License */
/*34567890123456 (79-character line to adjust editor window) 2345678901234567*/
/* Part 1 of help file for Metamath */
/* The content here was split into help0() and help1() because the original
help() overflowed the lcc compiler (at least before version 3.8; not
tested with 3.8 and above). */
/* To add a new help entry, you must add the command syntax to mmcmdl.c
as well as adding it here. */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mmvstr.h"
#include "mmdata.h"
#include "mmcmds.h"
#include "mmhlpa.h"
/* help0 is mostly for TOOLS help */
void help0(vstring helpCmd)
/* 5-Sep-2012 nm */
vstring saveHelpCmd = "";
/* help0() may be called with a temporarily allocated argument (left(),
cat(), etc.), and the let()s in the eventual print2() calls will
deallocate and possibly corrupt helpCmd. So, we grab a non-temporarily
allocated copy here. (And after this let(), helpCmd will become invalid
for the same reason.) */
let(&saveHelpCmd, helpCmd);
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP");
H("This utility assists with some common file manipulations.");
H("Most commands will perform an identical operation on each line of a file.");
H("Use HELP ? to see list of help topics.");
H("Note: When an output file is created, any previous version is renamed,");
"with ~1 appended, and any ~1 renamed to ~2, etc. (up to ~9, which is lost).");
H("Note: All string-matching command arguments are case-sensitive.");
H("Line-by-line editing commands:");
H(" ADD - Add a specified string to each line in a file");
H(" CLEAN - Trim spaces and tabs on each line in a file; convert characters");
H(" DELETE - Delete a section of each line in a file");
H(" INSERT - Insert a string at a specified column in each line of a file");
H(" SUBSTITUTE - Make a simple substitution on each line of the file");
H(" TAG - Like ADD, but restricted to a range of lines");
/*H(" LSUBSTITUTE - Substitute according to a match-and-substitute list");*/
H(" SWAP - Swap the two halves of each line in a file");
H("Other file processing commands:");
H(" BREAK - Break up (parse) a file into a list of tokens (one per line)");
H(" BUILD - Build a file with multiple tokens per line from a list");
H(" COUNT - Count the occurrences in a file of a specified string");
/*H(" FORMAT - Produce a formatted list of tokens for documentation");*/
H(" NUMBER - Create a list of numbers");
H(" PARALLEL - Put two files in parallel");
H(" REVERSE - Reverse the order of the lines in a file");
H(" RIGHT - Right-justify lines in a file (useful before sorting numbers)");
H(" SORT - Sort the lines in a file with key starting at specified string");
H(" MATCH - Extract lines containing (or not) a specified string");
/*H(" LEXTRACT - Extract lines containing (or not) strings from a list");*/
H(" UNDUPLICATE - Eliminate duplicate occurrences of lines in a file");
H(" DUPLICATE - Extract first occurrence of any line occurring more than");
H(" once in a file, discarding lines occurring exactly once");
H(" UNIQUE - Extract lines occurring exactly once in a file");
" (UNDUPLICATE, DUPLICATE, and UNIQUE also sort the lines as a side effect.)");
H(" UPDATE (deprecated) - Update a C program for revision control");
H(" TYPE (10 lines) - Display 10 lines of a file; similar to Unix \"head\"");
/*H(" COPY, RENAME - Similar to Unix cat, mv but with backups created");*/
" COPY - Similar to Unix \"cat\" but safe (same input & output name allowed)");
H(" SUBMIT - Run a script containing Tools commands.");
/* 3-Jun-2016 nm Reorganize a little */
H("Command syntax ([] means optional):");
H(" From TOOLS prompt: TOOLS> <command> [<arg1> <arg2>...]");
if (listMode) {
H(" From VMS shell: $ DO TOOLS [<command>] [<arg1> <arg2>...]");
H(" From Unix/DOS shell: tools [<command>] [<arg1> <arg2>...]");
H("You need to type only as many characters of the command as are needed to");
H("uniquely specify it. Any arguments will answer questions automatically");
H("until the argument list is exhausted; the remaining questions will be");
H("prompted. An argument may be optionally enclosed in quotes. Use \"\" for");
H("default or null argument.");
H("(1) The commands are not case sensitive. File names and match strings");
H("are case sensitive.");
H("(2) Output files are created only after a command finishes running.");
H("Therefore it is usually safe to hit ^C before a command is completed.");
H("(3) The file \"zztools.tmp\", which is always created, can be used as a");
H("command file to re-run the command sequence with the SUBMIT command.");
H("(2) Previous versions of output files (except under VMS) are renamed with");
H("~1 (most recent), ~2,...,~9 (oldest) appended to file name. You may want");
H("to purge them periodically.");
H("(3) The command B(EEP) will make the terminal beep. It can be useful to");
H("type it ahead to let you know when the current command is finished.");
H("(6) It is suggested you use a \".tmp\" file extension for intermediate");
H("results to eliminate directory clutter.");
H("Please see NDM if you have any suggestions for this program.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP ADD");
H("This command adds a character string prefix and/or suffix to each");
H("line in a file.");
H("Syntax: ADD <iofile> <begstr> <endstr>");
/* 2-Jul-2011 nm Added TAG command */
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP TAG");
H("TAG is the same as ADD but has 4 additional arguments that let you");
H("specify a range of lines. Syntax:");
H(" TAG <iofile> <begstr> <endstr> <startmatch> <s#> <endmatch> <e#>");
H(" <iofile> = input/output file");
H(" <begstr> = string to add to beginning of each line");
H(" <endstr> = string to add to end of each line");
H(" <startmatch> = a string to match; if empty, match any line");
H(" <s#> = the 1st, 2nd, etc. occurrence of <startmatch> to start the range");
H(" <endmatch> = a string to match; if empty, match any line");
H(" <e#> = the 1st, 2nd, etc. occurrence of <endmatch> from the");
H(" start of range line (inclusive) after which to end the range");
H("Example: To add \"!\" to the end of lines 51 through 60 inclusive:");
H(" TAG \"a.txt\" \"\" \"!\" \"\" 51 \"\" 10");
H("Example: To add \"@@@\" to the beginning of each line in theorem");
H("\"abc\" through the end of its proof:");
H(" TAG \"\" \"@@@\" \"\" \"abc $p\" 1 \"$.\" 1");
H("so that later, SUBSTITUTE can be used to affect only those lines. You");
H("can remove the \"@@@\" tags with SUBSTITUTE when done.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP DELETE");
H("This command deletes the part of a line between (and including) the first");
H("occurrence of <startstr> and the first occurrence of <endstr> (when both");
H("exist) for all lines in a file. If either string doesn't exist in a line,");
H("the line will be unchanged. If <startstr> is blank (''), the deletion");
H("will start from the beginning of the line. If <endstr> is blank, the");
H("deletion will end at the end of the line.");
H("Syntax: DELETE <iofile> <startstr> <endstr>");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP CLEAN");
H("This command processes spaces and tabs in each line of a file");
H("according to the following subcommands:");
H(" D - Delete all spaces and tabs");
H(" B - Delete spaces and tabs at the beginning of each line");
H(" E - Delete spaces and tabs at the end of each line");
H(" R - Reduce multiple spaces and tabs to one space");
H(" Q - Do not alter characters in quotes (ignored by T and U)");
H(" T - (Tab) Convert spaces to equivalent tabs");
H(" U - (Untab) Convert tabs to equivalent spaces");
H("Some other subcommands are also available:");
H(" P - Trim parity (8th) bit from each character");
H(" G - Discard garbage characters CR,FF,ESC,BS");
H(" C - Convert to upper case");
H(" L - Convert to lower case");
H(" V - Convert VT220 screen print frame graphics to -,|,+ characters");
H("Subcommands may be joined with commas (but no spaces), e.g., \"B,E,R,Q\"");
H("Syntax: CLEAN <iofile> <subcmd,subcmd,...>");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP SUBSTITUTE")
|| !strcmp(helpCmd, "HELP S");
H("This command performs a simple string substitution in each line of a file.");
H("If the string to be replaced is \"\\n\", then every other line will");
H("be joined to the one below it. If the replacement string is \"\\n\", then");
H("each line will be split into two if there is a match.");
H("The <matchstr> specifies a string that must also exist on a line");
H("before the substitution takes place; null means match any line.");
H("The <occurrence> is an integer (1 = first occurrence on each line, etc.)");
H("or A for all occurrences on each line.");
H("Syntax: SUBSTITUTE <iofile> <oldstr> <newstr> <occurrence> <matchstr>");
H("Note: The SUBSTITUTE command may be abbreviated by S.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP SWAP");
H("This command swaps the parts of each line before and after a");
H("specified string.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP INSERT");
H("This command inserts a string at a specified column in each line");
H("in a file. It is intended to aid further processing of column-");
H("sensitive files. Note: the index of the first column is 1, not 0. If a");
H("line is shorter than <column>, then it is padded with spaces so that");
H("<string> is still added at <column>.");
H("Syntax: INSERT <iofile> <string> <column>");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP BREAK");
H("This command breaks up a file into tokens, one per line, breaking at");
H("whitespace and any special characters you specify as delimiters.");
/* 3-Jul-2020 nm Added: */
H("Use an explicit (quoted) space as <specchars> to avoid the default");
H("special characters and break only on whitespace.");
H("Syntax: BREAK <iofile> <specchars>");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP BUILD");
H("This command combines a list of tokens into multiple tokens per line,");
H("as many as will fit per line, separating them with spaces.");
H("Syntax: BUILD <iofile>");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP MATCH");
H("This command extracts from a file those lines containing (Y) or not");
H("containing (N) a specified string.");
H("Syntax: MATCH <iofile> <matchstr> <Y/N>");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP SORT");
H("This command sorts a file, comparing lines starting at a key string.");
H("If the key string is blank, the line is compared starting at column 1.");
H("If a line doesn't contain the key, it is compared starting at column 1.");
H("Syntax: SORT <iofile> <key>");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP UNDUPLICATE");
H("This command sorts a file then removes any duplicate lines from the output.");
H("Syntax: UNDUPLICATE <iofile>");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP DUPLICATE");
H("This command finds all duplicate lines in a file and places them, in");
H("sorted order, into the output file.");
H("Syntax: DUPLICATE <iofile>");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP UNIQUE");
H("This command finds all unique lines in a file and places them, in");
H("sorted order, into the output file.");
H("Syntax: UNIQUE <iofile>");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP REVERSE");
H("This command reverses the order of the lines in a file.");
H("Syntax: REVERSE <iofile>");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP RIGHT");
H("This command right-justifies the lines in a file by putting spaces in");
H("front of them so that they end in the same column as the longest line");
H("in the file.");
H("Syntax: RIGHT <iofile>");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP PARALLEL");
H("This command puts two files side-by-side.");
H("The two files should have the same number of lines; if not, a warning is");
H("issued and the longer file paralleled with empty strings at the end.");
H("Syntax: PARALLEL <inpfile1> <inpfile2> <outfile> <btwnstr>");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP NUMBER");
H("This command creates a list of numbers. Hint: Use the RIGHT command to");
H("right-justify the list after creating it.");
H("Syntax: NUMBER <outfile> <first> <last> <incr>");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP COUNT");
H("This command counts the occurrences of a string in a file and displays");
H("some other statistics about the file. The sum of the lines is obtained");
H("by extracting digits and is only valid if the file consists of genuine");
H("Syntax: COUNT <inpfile> <string>");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP TYPE") || !strcmp(helpCmd, "HELP T");
H("This command displays (i.e. types out) the first n lines of a file on the");
H("terminal screen. If n is not specified, it will default to 10. If n is");
H("the string \"ALL\", then the whole file will be typed.");
H("Syntax: TYPE <inpfile> <n>");
H("Note: The TYPE command may be abbreviated by T.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP COPY") || !strcmp(helpCmd, "HELP C");
H("This command copies (concatenates) all input files in a comma-separated");
H("list (no blanks allowed) to an output file. The output file may have");
H("the same name as an input file. Any previous version of the output");
H("file is renamed with a ~1 extension.");
H("Example: \"COPY 1.tmp,1.tmp,2.tmp 1.tmp\" followed by \"UNIQUE 1.tmp\"");
H("will result in 1.tmp containing those lines of 2.tmp that didn't");
H("previously exist in 1.tmp.");
H("Syntax: COPY <inpfile,inpfile,...> <outfile>");
H("Note: The COPY command may be abbreviated by C.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP UPDATE");
H("This command tags edits made to a program source. The idea is to keep");
H("all past history of a file in the file itself, in the form of comments.");
H("UPDATE was written for a proprietary language that allowed nested C-style");
H("comments, and it may not be generally useful without some modification.");
H("Essentially a (Unix) diff-like algorithm looks for changes between an");
H("original and a revised file and puts the original lines into the revised");
H("file in the form of comments. Currently it is not well documented and it");
H("may be easiest just to type UPDATE <return> and answer the questions.");
H("Try it on an original and edited version of a test file to see if you");
H("find it useful.");
H("Syntax: UPDATE <originfile> <editedinfile> <editedoutfile> <tag> <match>");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP CLI");
H("Each command line is an English-like word followed by arguments separated");
H("by spaces, as in SUBMIT abc.cmd. Commands are not case sensitive, and");
H("only as many letters are needed as are necessary to eliminate ambiguity;");
H("for example, \"a\" would work for the command ADD. Command arguments");
H("which are file names and match strings are case-sensitive (although file");
H("names may not be on some operating systems).");
H("A command line is entered typing it in then pressing the <return> key.");
H("To find out what commands are available, type ? at the \"TOOLS>\" prompt.");
H("To find out the choices at any point in a command, press <return> and you");
H("will be prompted for them. The default choice (the one selected if you");
H("just press <return>) is shown in brackets (<>).");
H("You may also type ? in place of a command word to tell");
H("you what the choices are. The ? method won't work, though, if a");
H("non-keyword argument such as a file name is expected at that point,");
H("because the CLI will think the ? is the argument.");
H("Some commands have one or more optional qualifiers which modify the");
H("behavior of the command. Qualifiers are indicated by a slash (/), such as");
H("in ABC xyz / IJK. Spaces are optional around the /. If you need");
H("to use a slash in a command argument, as in a Unix file name, put single");
H("or double quotes around the command argument.");
H("If the response to a command is more than a screenful, you will be");
H("prompted to \"<return> to continue, Q to quit, or S to scroll to end\".");
H("Q will complete the command internally but suppress further output until");
H("the next \"TOOLS>\" prompt. S will suppress further pausing until the next");
H("\"TOOLS>\" prompt.");
H("A command line enclosed in quotes is executed by your operating system.");
H("Some other commands you may want to review with HELP are:");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP SUBMIT");
H("Syntax: SUBMIT <filename> [/ SILENT]");
H("This command causes further command lines to be taken from the specified");
H("file. Note that any line beginning with an exclamation point (!) is");
H("treated as a comment (i.e. ignored). Also note that the scrolling");
H("of the screen output is continuous.");
H("Optional qualifier:");
H(" / SILENT - This qualifier suppresses the screen output of the SUBMIT");
H(" command.");
H("SUBMIT can be called recursively, i.e., SUBMIT commands are allowed");
H("inside of a command file.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP SYSTEM");
H("A line enclosed in single or double quotes will be executed by your");
H("computer's operating system, if it has such a feature. For example, on a");
H("Unix system,");
H(" Tools> 'ls | more'");
H("will list disk directory contents. Note that this feature will not work");
H("on the pre-OSX Macintosh, which does not have a command line interface.");
H("For your convenience, the trailing quote is optional, for example:");
H(" Tools> 'ls | more");
let(&saveHelpCmd, ""); /* Deallocate memory */
} /* help0 */
/* Note: help1 should contain Metamath help */
void help1(vstring helpCmd)
/* 5-Sep-2012 nm */
vstring saveHelpCmd = "";
/* help1() may be called with a temporarily allocated argument (left(),
cat(), etc.), and the let()s in the eventual print2() calls will
deallocate and possibly corrupt helpCmd. So, we grab a non-temporarily
allocated copy here. (And after this let(), helpCmd will become invalid
for the same reason.) */
let(&saveHelpCmd, helpCmd);
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP CLI");
H("The Metamath program was first developed on a VAX/VMS system, and some");
H("aspects of its command line behavior reflect this heritage. Hopefully");
"you will find it reasonably user-friendly once you get used to it.");
H("Each command line is a sequence of English-like words separated by");
H("spaces, as in SHOW SETTINGS. Command words are not case sensitive, and");
H("only as many letters are needed as are necessary to eliminate ambiguity;");
H("for example, \"sh se\" would work for the command SHOW SETTINGS. In some");
H("cases arguments such as file names, statement labels, or symbol names are");
H("required; these are case-sensitive (although file names may not be on");
H("some operating systems).");
H("A command line is entered by typing it in then pressing the <return> key.");
H("To find out what commands are available, type ? at the MM> prompt,");
H("followed by <return>. (This is actually just a trick to force an error");
H("message, since ? is not a legal command.)");
H("To find out the choices for the next argument for a command, press");
H("<return> and you will be prompted for it. The default choice (the one");
H("selected if you just press <return>) is shown in brackets (<>).");
H("You may also type ? in place of a command word to force Metamath to tell");
H("you what the choices are. The ? method won't work, though, if a");
H("non-keyword argument such as a file name is expected at that point,");
H("because the CLI will think the ? is the argument.");
H("Some commands have one or more optional qualifiers that modify the");
H("behavior of the command. Qualifiers are indicated by a slash (/), such as");
H("in READ / VERIFY. Spaces are optional around / and =. If you need");
H("to use / or = in a command argument, as in a Unix file name, put single");
H("or double quotes around the command argument. See the last section of");
H("HELP LET for more information on special characters in arguments.");
H("The OPEN LOG command will save everything you see on the screen, and is");
H("useful to help you recover should something go wrong in a proof, or if");
H("you want to document a bug.");
H("If the response to a command is more than a screenful, you will be");
H("prompted to '<return> to continue, Q to quit, or S to scroll to end'.");
H("Q will complete the command internally but suppress further output until");
H("the next \"MM>\" prompt. S will suppress further pausing until the next");
H("\"MM>\" prompt. After the first screen, you can also choose B to go back");
H("a screenful. Note that B may also be entered at the \"MM>\" prompt");
H("immediately after a command to scroll back through the output of that");
H("command. Scrolling can be disabled with SET SCROLL CONTINUOUS.");
H("**Warning** Pressing CTRL-C will abort the Metamath program");
H("unconditionally. This means any unsaved work will be lost.");
H("A command line enclosed in quotes is executed by your operating system.");
H("Some additional CLI-related features are explained by:");
H(" HELP SET WIDTH"); /* 18-Nov-05 nm Was SCREEN_WIDTH */
H(" HELP SET HEIGHT"); /* 18-Nov-05 nm New */
H(" HELP UNDO (or REDO) - in Proof Assistant only"); /* 21-Oct-2016 */
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP LANGUAGE");
H("The language is best learned by reading the book and studying a few proofs");
H("with the Metamath program. This is a brief summary for reference.");
H("The database contains a series of tokens separated by whitespace (spaces,");
H("tabs, returns). A token is a keyword, a <label>, or a <symbol>.");
H("The pure language keywords are: $c $v $a $p $e $f $d ${ $} $. and $=");
H("The auxiliary keywords are: $( $) $[ and $]");
H("This is the complete set of language keywords.");
H("<symbol>s and <label>s are user-defined. <symbol>s may contain any");
H("printable characters other than $ , and <label>s may contain alphanumeric");
H("characters, periods, dashes and underscores.");
H("Scoping statements:");
H(" ${ - Start of scope.");
H(" Syntax: \"${\"");
H(" $} - End of scope: all $v, $e, $f, and $d statements in the current");
H(" scope become inactive.");
H(" Syntax: \"$}\"");
H(" Note that $a and $p statements remain active forever. Note that $c's");
H(" may be used only in the outermost scope, so they are always active.");
H(" The outermost scope is not bracketed by ${ ... $} . The scope of a $v,");
H(" $e, $f, or $d statement starts where the statement occurs and ends with");
H(" the $} that matches the previous ${. The scope of a $c, $a, or $p");
H(" statement starts where the statement occurs and ends at the end of the");
H(" database.");
H(" $c - Constant declaration. The <symbol>s become active constants.");
H(" Syntax: \"$c <symbol> ... <symbol> $.\"");
H(" $v - Variable declaration. The <symbols>s become active variables.");
H(" Syntax: \"$v <symbol> ... <symbol> $.\"");
H(" $f - Variable-type (or \"floating\") hypothesis (meaning it is");
H(" \"required\" by a $p or $a statement in its scope only if its");
H(" variable occurs in the $p or $a statement or in the essential");
H(" hypotheses of the $p or $a statement). Every $d, $e, $p, and $a");
H(" statement variable must have an earlier active $f statement to");
H(" specify the variable type. Non-required i.e. \"optional\" $f");
H(" statements may be referenced inside a proof when dummy variables");
H(" are needed by the proof.");
H(" Syntax: \"<label> $f <constant> <variable> $.\" where both symbols");
H(" are active");
H(" $e - Logical (or \"essential\") hypothesis (meaning it is always");
H(" required by a $p or $a statement in its scope)");
H(" Syntax: \"<label> $e <symbol> ... <symbol> $.\" where the first");
H(" (and possibly only) <symbol> is a constant");
H(" $a - Axiomatic assertion (starting assertion; used for axioms,");
H(" definitions, and language syntax specification)");
H(" Syntax: \"<label> $a <symbol> ... <symbol> $.\" where the first");
H(" (and possibly only) <symbol> is a constant");
H(" $p - Provable assertion (derived assertion; used for deductions and");
H(" theorems; must follow from previous statements as demonstrated by");
H(" its proof)");
H(" Syntax:");
H(" \"<label> $p <symbol> ... <symbol> $= <label> ... <label> $.\"");
H(" where the first (and possibly only) <symbol> is a constant.");
H(" \"$= <label> ... <label> $.\" is the proof; see the book for more");
H(" information. Proofs may be compressed for storage efficiency. A");
H(" compressed proof is a series of labels in parentheses followed by");
H(" a string of capital letters; see book for compression algorithm.");
H(" SAVE PROOF <label> / NORMAL will convert a compressed proof to");
H(" its uncompressed form.");
H(" A substitution is the replacement of a variable with a <symbol> string");
H(" throughout an assertion and its required hypotheses. The required");
H(" hypotheses are shown as the \"mandatory hypotheses\" listed by");
H(" SHOW STATEMENT <label> / FULL.");
H(" In a proof, the label of a hypothesis ($e or $f) pushes the stack, and");
H(" the label of an assertion ($a or $p) pops from the stack a number of");
H(" entries equal to the number of the assertion's required hypotheses and");
H(" replaces the stack's top. Whenever an assertion is specified, a unique");
H(" set of substitutions must exist that makes the assertion's hypotheses");
H(" match the top entries of the stack.");
H(" To see a readable proof format, type SHOW PROOF <label>, where <label>");
H(" is the label of a $p statement. To see how substitutions are made in a");
H(" proof step, type SHOW PROOF <label> / DETAILED_STEP <n>, where <n> is");
H(" the step number from the SHOW PROOF <label> listing.");
H("Disjoint variable restriction:");
H(" The substitution of symbol strings into variables may be subject to a");
H(" $d restriction:");
H(" $d - Disjoint variable restriction (meaning substitutions may not");
H(" have variables in common)");
H(" Syntax: \"$d <symbol> ... <symbol> $.\" where <symbol> is active");
H(" and previously declared with $v, and all <symbol>s are distinct");
H("Auxiliary keywords:");
H(" $( Begin comment");
H(" $) End comment");
H(" Markup in comments:");
H(" ` <symbol> ` - use graphical <symbol> in LaTeX/HTML output;");
H(" `` means literal `; several <symbol>s may occur inside");
H(" ` ... ` separated by whitespace");
H(" ~ <label> - use typewriter font (hyperlink) in LaTeX (HTML) output;");
H(" if <label> begins with \"http://\", it is assumed to be");
H(" a URL (which is used as-is, except a \"~\" in the URL should");
H(" be specified as \"~~\") rather than a statement label (which");
H(" will have \".html\" appended for the hyperlink); only $a and $p");
H(" statement labels may be used, since $e, $f pages don't exist");
H(" [<author>] - link to bibliography; see HELP HTML and HELP WRITE");
H(" $t - flags comment as containing LaTeX and/or HTML typesetting");
H(" definitions; see HELP LATEX or HELP HTML");
H(" _ - Italicize text from <space>_<non-space> to");
H(" <non-space>_<space>; normal punctuation (e.g. trailing");
H(" comma) is ignored when determining <space>");
H(" _ - <non-space>_<non-space-string> will make <non-space-string>");
H(" a subscript");
H(" <HTML> - A comment containing \"<HTML>\" (case-sensitive) is");
H(" bypassed by the algorithm of SHOW PROOF ... / REWRAP. Also,");
H(" \"<\" is not converted to \"&lt;\" by the algorithm. The");
H(" \"<HTML>\" is discarded in the generated web page. Any");
H(" \"</HTML>\" (deprecated) is discarded and ignored. Note that");
H(" the entire comment (not just sections delineated by");
H(" \"<HTML>...</HTML>\") is treated as HTML code if any");
H(" \"<HTML>\" is present anywhere in the comment.");
H(" See also HELP WRITE SOURCE for more information.");
H(" (Contributed by <author>, <date>.)");
H(" (Revised by <author>, <date>.)");
H(" (Proof shortened by <author>, <date>.)");
H(" The above dates are checked by VERIFY MARKUP.");
H(" (New usage is discouraged.)");
H(" (Proof modification is discouraged.)");
H(" Note: Comments may not be nested.");
H(" $[ <file-name> $] - place contents of file <file-name> here; a second,");
H(" recursive, or self reference to a file is ignored");
/* 10-Dec-2018 nm */
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP MARKUP");
H("(See HELP VERIFY MARKUP for the markup language used in database");
H("Syntax: MARKUP <inpfile> <outfile> [/ HTML] [/ ALT_HTML] [/ SYMBOLS]");
H(" [/ CSS]");
H("Note: In most cases, use / ALT_HTML / SYMBOLS / LABELS / CSS.");
H("This command will read an arbitrary <inpfile>, normally an HTML file");
H("with markup, treating it as if it were a giant comment in a database file");
H("and translating any markup into HTML. The translated result is written to");
H("<outfile>. Note that the file names may be enclosed in single or double");
H("quotes; this is required if a file name contains slashes, as might be the");
H("case with Unix file path names.");
H("This command requires that a database source file (such as be");
H("read. See HELP READ. The math symbols and other information are taken");
H("from that database. The use of VERIFY MARKUP * is recommended to help");
H("ensure the database has no errors in its symbol definitions.");
H(" / HTML (/ ALT_HTML) - use the symbols defined by the htmldef");
H(" (althtmldef) statements in the $t comment in the .mm database.");
H(" Usually these are GIF or Unicode math symbols respectively.");
H(" Exactly one of / HTML and / ALT_HTML must always be specified.");
H(" / SYMBOLS - process symbols inside backquotes.");
H(" / LABELS - process labels preceded by tilde.");
H(" / NUMBER_AFTER_LABEL - add colored statement number after each label.");
H(" / BIB_REFS - process bibliographic references in square brackets.");
H(" The file specified by htmlbibliography in the $t comment in the");
H(" .mm database is checked to be sure the references exist.");
H(" / UNDERSCORES - process underscores to produce italic text or");
H(" subscripts.");
H(" / CSS - add CSS before \"</HEAD>\" in the input file. The CSS is");
H(" specified by htmlcss in the $t comment in .mm database. If");
H(" \"</HEAD>\" is not present, or the CSS is already present (with");
H(" an exact match), nothing will be done.");
H("Note: The existence of GIF files for symbols isn't checked. Use VERIFY");
H("MARKUP for that. However, validity of bibliographical references is");
H("checked since VERIFY MARKUP can't do that. If the required file for");
H("/ BIB_REFS (such as mmset.html) isn't present, a warning will be");
H("displayed. To avoid literal \"`\", \"~\", and \"[\" from being");
H("interpreted by / SYMBOLS, / LABELS, and / BIB_REFS respectively, escape");
H("them with \"``\", \"~~\", and \"[[\" in the input file. Literal \"`\"");
H("must always be escaped even if / SYMBOLS is omitted, because the");
H("algorithm will still use \"`...`\" to avoid interpreting special");
H("characters in math symbols.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP EXPLORE");
H("When you first enter Metamath, you will first want to READ in a Metamath");
H("source file. The source file provided for set theory is called;");
H("to read it type");
H(" READ");
H("You may want to look over the contents of the source file with a text");
H("editor, to get an idea of what's in it, before starting to use Metamath.");
H("The following commands will help you study the source file statements");
H("and their proofs. Use the HELP for the individual commands to get");
H("more information about them.");
H(" SEARCH <label-match> \"<symbol-match>\" - Displays statements whose");
H(" labels match <label-match> and that contain <symbol-match>.");
H(" SEARCH <label-match> \"<search-string>\" / COMMENTS - Shows statements");
H(" whose preceding comment contains <search-string>");
H(" SHOW LABELS <label-match> - Lists all labels matching <label-match>,");
H(" with * and ? wildcards: for example \"abc?def*\" will match all");
H(" labels beginning with \"abc\" followed by any single character");
H(" followed by \"def\".");
H(" SHOW STATEMENT <label> / COMMENT - Shows the comment, contents, and");
H(" logical hypotheses associated with a statement.");
H(" SHOW PROOF <label> - Shows the proof of a $p statement in various");
H(" formats, depending on what qualifiers you select. One of the");
H(" qualifiers, / TEX, lets you create LaTeX source for the proof.");
H(" The / DETAILED_STEP qualifier is useful while you're learning how");
H(" Metamath unifies the sources and targets of a step. The");
H(" / STATEMENT_SUMMARY qualifier gives you a quick summary of all");
H(" the statements referenced in the proof.");
H(" SHOW TRACE_BACK <label> - Traces a proof back to axioms, depending");
H(" on various qualifiers you select.");
H(" SHOW USAGE <label> - Shows what later proofs make use of this");
H(" statement.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP HTML");
H("(Note: See HELP WRITE SOURCE for the \"<HTML>\" tag in comments.)");
H("To create an HTML output file for a $a or $p statement, use");
H(" SHOW STATEMENT <label> / HTML");
H("The created web page will include a Description taken from the comment");
H("that immediately precedes the $a or $p statement. A warning will be");
H("issued if this comment is not present. Optional markup in the comment");
H("will be processed according to the markup syntax described under HELP");
H("LANGUAGE, in the \"Inside of comments\" section. Warnings will be");
H("issued for any errors in the markup. Note that all other comments in");
H("the database are ignored, including comments preceding $e statements.");
H("When <label> has wildcard (* and ?) characters, all statements with");
H("matching labels will have HTML files produced for them. Also, when");
H("<label> starts with a * wildcard character, three additional files,");
H("mmdefinitions.html, mmtheoremsall.html, and mmascii.html will be");
H("produced. Thus:");
H("will output the complete HTML proof database in the current directory,");
H("one file per $a and $p statement, along with mmdefinitions.html,");
H("mmtheoremsall.html, and mmascii.html. The statement:");
H("will produce only mmdefinitions.html, mmmmtheoremsall.html, and");
H("mmascii.html, but no other HTML files (because no labels can match \"*!\"");
H("since \"!\" is illegal in a statement label). The statement:");
H("will output the complete HTML proof database but will not produce");
H("mmdefinitions.html, etc. Note added 30-Jan-06: The mmtheoremsall.html");
H("file produced by this command is deprecated and is replaced by the output");
H("The HTML definitions for the symbols and and other features are");
H("specified by statements in a special typesetting comment in the input");
H("database file. The typesetting comment is identified by the token \"$t\"");
H("in the comment, and the typesetting statements run until the next \"$)\":");
H(" ... $( ... $t ................................ $) ...");
H(" <-- HTML definitions go here -->");
H("See the database file for an extensive example of a $t comment");
H("illustrating all features described below. In the HTML definition");
H("section, C-style comments /* ... */ are recognized. The main HTML");
H("specification statements are:");
H(" htmldef \"<mathtoken>\" as \"<HTML code for mathtoken symbol>\" ;");
H(" ...");
H(" htmldef \"<mathtoken>\" as \"<HTML code for mathtoken symbol>\" ;");
H(" htmltitle \"<HTML code for title>\" ;");
H(" htmlhome \"<HTML code for home link>\" ;");
H(" htmlvarcolor \"<HTML code for variable color list>\" ;");
H(" htmlbibliography \"<HTML file>\" ;");
H(" (This <HTML file> is assumed to have a <A NAME=...> tag for each");
H(" bibiographic reference in the database comments. For example");
H(" if \"[Monk]\" occurs in a comment, then \"<A NAME='Monk'>\" must");
H(" be present in the <HTML file>; if not, a warning message is");
H(" given.)");
H("Single or double quotes surround the field strings, and fields too long");
H("for a line may be broken up into multiple quoted strings connected with");
H("(whitespace-surrounded) \"+\" signs (no quotes around them). Inside");
H("quoted strings, the opposite kind of quote may appear. If both kinds of");
H("quotes are needed, use separate quoted strings connected by \"+\".");
H("Note that the \"$)\" character sequence will flag the end of the");
H("typesetting Metamath comment even if embedded in quotes (which are not");
H("meaningful for the Metamath language parser), so such a sequence must be");
H("broken with \"+\".");
H("The typesetting Metamath comment may also contain LaTeX definitions");
H("(with \"latexdef\" statements) that are ignored for HTML output.");
H("Several other qualifiers exist. The command");
H("does the same as SHOW STATEMENT <label> / HTML, except that the HTML code");
H("for the symbols is taken from \"althtmldef\" statements instead of");
H("\"htmldef\" statements in the $(...$t...$) comment. This is useful when");
H("an alternate representation of symbols is desired, for example one that");
H("uses Unicode entities instead of GIF images. Associated with althtmldef");
H("are the statements");
H(" htmldir \"<directory for GIF HTML version>\" ;");
H(" althtmldir \"<directory for Unicode HTML version>\" ;");
H("that produce links to the alternate version.");
H("The command");
H("invokes a special mode that just produces definition and theorem lists");
H("accompanied by their symbol strings, in a format suitable for copying and");
H("pasting into another web page.");
H("Finally, the command");
H("does the same as SHOW STATEMENT * / BRIEF_HTML for the alternate HTML");
H("symbol representation.");
H("When two different types of pages need to be produced from a single");
H("database, such as the Hilbert Space Explorer that extends the Metamath");
H("Proof Explorer, \"extended\" variables may be declared in the $t comment:");
H(" exthtmltitle \"<HTML code for title>\" ;");
H(" exthtmlhome \"<HTML code for home link>\" ;");
H(" exthtmlbibliography \"<HTML file>\" ;");
H("When these are declared, you also must declare");
H(" exthtmllabel \"<label>\" ;");
H("When the output statement is the one declared with \"exthtmllabel\" or");
H("a later one, the HTML code assigned to \"exthtmltitle\" and");
H("\"exthtmlhome\" is used instead of that assigned to \"htmltitle\" and");
H("\"htmlhome\" respectively.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP LATEX");
H("See HELP TEX.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP TEX");
H("Metamath will create a \"turn-key\" LaTeX source file which can be");
H("immediately compiled and printed using a TeX program. The TeX program");
H("must have the following minimum requirements: the LaTeX style option and");
H("the AMS font set, available from the American Mathematical Society.");
H("To write out a statement and its proof, use a command sequence similar");
H("to the following example:");
H(" (Enter Metamath)");
H(" READ");
H(" OPEN TEX example.tex");
H("The LaTeX symbol definitions should be included in a special comment");
H("containing a $t token. See the file for an example.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP BEEP") || !strcmp(helpCmd, "HELP B");
H("Syntax: BEEP");
H("This command will produce a beep. By typing it ahead after a long-");
H("running command has started, it will alert you that the command is");
H("finished. B is an abbreviation for BEEP.");
H("Note: If B is typed at the MM> prompt immediately after the end of a");
H("multiple-page display paged with \"Press <return> for more...\" prompts,");
H("then the B will back up to the previous page rather than perform the BEEP");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP QUIT");
H("Syntax: QUIT [/ FORCE]");
H("This command is a synonym for EXIT. See HELP EXIT.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP EXIT");
H("Syntax: EXIT [/ FORCE]");
H("This command exits from Metamath. If there have been changes to the");
H("database with the SAVE PROOF or SAVE NEW_PROOF commands, you will be given");
H("an opportunity to WRITE SOURCE to permanently save the changes.");
H("(In Proof Assistant mode) The EXIT command will return to the MM> prompt.");
H("If there were changes to the proof, you will be given an opportunity to");
H("SAVE NEW_PROOF. In the Proof Assistant, _EXIT_PA is a synonym for EXIT");
H("that gives an error message outside of the Proof Assistant. This can be");
H("useful to prevent scripts from exiting Metamath due to an error entering");
H("the Proof Assistant.");
H("The QUIT command is a synonym for EXIT.");
H("Optional qualifier:");
H(" / FORCE - Do not prompt if changes were not saved. This qualifier is");
H(" useful in SUBMIT command files (scripts) to ensure predictable");
H(" behavior.");
H("**Warning** Pressing CTRL-C will abort the Metamath program");
H("unconditionally. This means any unsaved work will be lost.");
/* Added 3-Jun-2018 nm */
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP _EXIT_PA");
H("Syntax: _EXIT_PA [/ FORCE]");
H("This command is a synonym for EXIT inside the Proof Assistant but will");
H("generate an error message (and otherwise have no effect) elsewhere. It");
H("can help prevent accidentally exiting Metamath when a script fails to");
H("enter the Proof Assistant (PROVE command). See HELP EXIT.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP READ");
H("Syntax: READ <file> [/ VERIFY]");
H("This command will read in a Metamath language source file and any included");
H("files. Normally it will be the first thing you do when entering Metamath.");
H("Statement syntax is checked, but proof syntax is not checked.");
H("Note that the file name may be enclosed in single or double quotes;");
H("this is useful if the file name contains slashes, as might be the case");
H("under Unix.");
H("If you are getting an \"?Expected VERIFY or NOVERIFY\" error when trying");
H("to read a Unix file name with slashes, you probably haven't quoted it.");
H("You need nested quotes when a Unix file name with slashes is a Metamath");
H("invocation argument. See HELP INVOKE for examples.");
H("If you are prompted for the file name (by pressing <return> after READ)");
H("you should _not_ put quotes around it, even if it is a Unix file name.");
H("with slashes.");
H("Optional qualifier:");
H(" / VERIFY - Verify all proofs as the database is read in. This");
H(" qualifier will slow down reading in the file.");
H("See also HELP ERASE.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP ERASE");
H("Syntax: ERASE");
H("This command will delete the database if one was READ in. It does not");
H("affect parameters listed in SHOW SETTINGS that are unrelated to the");
H("database. The user will be prompted for confirmation if the database was");
H("changed but not saved with WRITE SOURCE.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP OPEN LOG");
H("Syntax: OPEN LOG <file>");
H("This command will open a log file that will store everything you see on");
H("the screen. It is useful to help recovery from a mistake in a long Proof");
H("Assistant session, or to document bugs.");
H("The screen output of operating system commands (HELP SYSTEM) is not");
H("The log file can be closed with CLOSE LOG. It will automatically be");
H("closed upon exiting Metamath.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP CLOSE LOG");
H("Syntax: CLOSE LOG");
H("The CLOSE LOG command closes a log file if one is open. See also OPEN");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP OPEN TEX");
H("Syntax: OPEN TEX <file> [/ NO_HEADER] [/ OLD_TEX]");
H("This command opens a file for writing LaTeX source and writes a LaTeX");
H("header to the file. LaTeX source can be written with the SHOW PROOF,");
H("SHOW NEW_PROOF, and SHOW STATEMENT commands using the / TEX qualifier.");
H("The mapping to LaTeX symbols is defined in a special comment containing");
H("a $t token. See the database file for an example.");
H("To format and print the LaTeX source, you will need the TeX program,");
H("which is standard in most Linux, Unix, and MacOSX installations and");
H("available for Windows.");
H("Optional qualifiers:");
H(" / NO_HEADER - This qualifier prevents a standard LaTeX header and");
H(" trailer from being included with the output LaTeX code.");
H(" / OLD_TEX - This qualifier produces a header with macro definitions");
H(" for use with / OLD_TEX qualifiers of SHOW STATEMENT and SHOW");
H(" PROOF. It is obsolete and will be removed eventually.");
H("See also CLOSE TEX.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP CLOSE TEX");
H("Syntax: CLOSE TEX");
H("This command writes a trailer to any LaTeX file that was opened with OPEN");
H("TEX (unless / NO_HEADER was used with OPEN) and closes the LaTeX file.");
H("See also OPEN TEX.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP TOOLS");
H("Syntax: TOOLS");
H("This command invokes a utility to manipulate ASCII text files. Type TOOLS");
H("to enter this utility, which has its own HELP commands. Once you are");
H("inside, EXIT will return to Metamath.");
/* 3-May-2017 nm - removed CLEAN qualifier */
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP WRITE SOURCE");
H("Syntax: WRITE SOURCE <filename> [/ FORMAT] [/ REWRAP] [/ SPLIT]");
H("This command will write the contents of a Metamath source (previously");
H("read with READ) into a file");
H("(or multiple files if / SPLIT is specified).");
H("Optional qualifiers:");
H(" / FORMAT - Reformats statements and comments according to the");
H(" convention used in the database. Proofs are not");
H(" reformatted; use SAVE PROOF * / COMPRESSED to do that.");
H(" Incidentally, SAVE PROOF honors the SET WIDTH parameter");
H(" currently in effect.");
H(" / REWRAP - Same as / FORMAT but more aggressive. It unwraps the");
H(" lines in the comment before each $a and $p statement, then it");
H(" rewraps the line. You should compare the output to the original");
H(" to make sure that the desired effect results; if not, go back to");
H(" the original source. The wrapped line length honors the");
H(" SET WIDTH parameter currently in effect. Note 1: The only lines");
H(" that are rewrapped are those in comments immediately preceding a");
H(" $a or $p statement. In particular, formulas (such as the");
H(" argument of a $p statement) are not rewrapped. Note 2: A comment");
H(" containing the string \"<HTML>\" is not rewrapped (see also");
H(" .)");
H(" / SPLIT - Files included in the source with $[ <inclfile> $] will be");
H(" written out separately instead of included in a single output");
H(" file. The name of each separately written included file will be");
H(" <inclfile> argument of its inclusion command. See the");
H(" 21-Dec-2017 (file inclusion) entry in");
H(" for further details");
H(" / KEEP_INCLUDES - If a source file has includes but is written as a");
H(" single file by omitting / SPLIT, by default the included files will");
H(" be deleted (actually just renamed with a ~1 suffix unless");
H(" / NO_VERSIONING is specified) to prevent the possibly confusing");
H(" source duplication in both the output file and the included file.");
H(" The / KEEP_INCLUDES qualifier will prevent this deletion.");
H(" / NO_VERSIONING - Backup files suffixed with ~1 are not created.");
/* 4-Sep-2020 nm Added EXTRACT */
H(" / EXTRACT <label-match> - Write to the output file only those");
H(" statements needed to support and prove the statements matching");
H(" <label-match>. See HELP SEARCH for the format of <label-match>.");
H(" A single output file is created. Note that all includes");
H(" \"$[...$]\", all commented includes \"$( Begin $[...\" etc.,");
H(" and all \"$j\" comments will be discarded. / EXTRACT and / SPLIT");
H(" may not be used together.");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP WRITE THEOREM_LIST");
H("Optional qualifiers:");
H(" / THEOREMS_PER_PAGE <number> - specifies the number of theorems to");
H(" write per output file");
H(" / SHOW_LEMMAS - show the math content of lemmas (by default, the math");
H(" content of theorems whose comment begins \"Lemma for\" is");
H(" suppressed to reduce the web page file size).");
H(" / HTML (/ ALT_HTML) - use the symbols defined by the htmldef");
H(" (althtmldef) statements in the $t comment in the .mm database.");
H(" Usually these are GIF or Unicode math symbols respectively.");
H(" / NO_VERSIONING - Backup files suffixed with ~1 are not created.");
H("This command writes a list of the $a and $p statements in the database");
H("into web page files called \"mmtheorems.html\", \"mmtheorems1.html\",");
H("\"mmtheorems2.html\", etc. If / THEOREMS_PER_PAGE is omitted, the number");
H("of theorems (and other statements) per page defaults to 100.");
H("[Warning: A value other than 100 for THEOREMS_PER_PAGE will cause the");
H("list to become out of sync with the \"Related theorems\" links on the");
H("web pages for individual theorems. This may be corrected in a future");
H("If neither / HTML nor / ALT_HTML is specified, the output will default to");
H("GIF format unless ALT_HTML was previously set as shown in SHOW SETTINGS.");
H("The first output file, \"mmtheorems.html\", includes a Table of Contents.");
H("An entry is triggered in the database by \"$(\" immediately followed by a");
H("new line starting with \"####\" (the marker for a major part header),");
H("\"#*#*\" (for a section header), \"=-=-\" (for a subsection header), or");
H("\"-.-.\" (for a subsubsection header). The line following the marker line");
H("will be used for the table of contents entry, after trimming spaces. The");
H("next line should be another (closing) marker line. Any text after that");
H("but before the closing \"$)\", such as an extended description of the");
H("section, will be included on the mmtheoremsNNN.html page. In between two");
H("successive statements that generate web pages (i.e. $a and $p statements),");
H("only the last of each header type (part, section, subsection,");
H("subsubsection) will be used, and any smaller header type before a larger");
H("header type (e.g. a subsection header before a section header) will be");
H("ignored. See the database file for examples.");
H("[Warning: For the above matching, white space is NOT ignored. There");
H("should be 0 or 1 spaces between \"$(\" and the end of the line. This may");
H("be allowed in a future version.]");
H("Note: To create the files mmdefinitions.html and mmascii.html, use");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP BIBLIOGRAPHY");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP WRITE BIBLIOGRAPHY");
H("Syntax: WRITE BIBLIOGRAPHY <filename>");
H("This command reads an HTML bibliographic cross-reference file, normally");
H("called mmbiblio.html, and updates it per the bibliographic links in");
H("the database comments. The file is updated between the HTML comment");
H("lines \"<!-- #START# -->\" and \"<!-- #END# -->\". Any previous content");
H("between these two lines is discarded. The original input file is renamed");
H("A name in square brackets in a statement's description (the comment");
H("before a $a or $p statement) indicates a bibliographic reference. The");
H("full reference must be of the form");
H(" <keyword> <identifier> <noise word(s)> [<author>] p. <nnn>");
H("There should be no comma between \"[<author>]\" and \"p.\". Whitespace,");
H("comma, period, or semicolon should follow <nnn>. Example:");
H(" Theorem 3.1 of [Monk] p. 22,");
H("The <keyword>, which is not case-sensitive, must be one of the following:");
H(" Axiom, Chapter, Claim, Compare, Conclusion, Condition, Conjecture,");
H(" Corollary, Definition, Equation, Example, Exercise, Fact, Figure,");
H(" Introduction, Item, Lemma, Lemmas, Line, Lines, Notation, Note,");
H(" Observation, Paragraph, Part, Postulate, Problem, Proof, Property,");
H(" Proposition, Remark, Result, Rule, Scheme, Scolia, Scolion, Section,");
H(" Statement, Subsection, Table, Theorem");
H("The <identifier> is optional, as in for example \"Remark in [Monk] p. 22\".");
H("The <noise word(s)> are zero or more from the list: from, in, of, on.");
H("These are ignored when generating the bibliographic cross-reference.");
H("The <author> must be present in the file identified with the");
H("htmlbibliography assignment (e.g. mmset.html) in the database $t comment,");
H("in the form <A NAME=\"<author>\"></A> e.g. <A NAME=\"Monk\"></A>.");
H("The <nnn> may be any alphanumeric string such as an integer or Roman");
H("The <keyword> and <noise word(s)> lists are hard-coded into the program.");
H("Contact Norman Megill if you need to add to these lists.");
H("Additional notes: 1. The bibliographic reference in square brackets may");
H("not contain whitespace. If it does, the bracketed text will be treated");
H("like normal text and not assumed to be a bibliographic reference.");
H("2. A double opening bracket \"[[\" escapes the bracket and treats the");
H("bracketed text as normal text, and a single bracket is rendered on the");
H("web page output. The closing bracket need not be escaped, and \"]]\"");
H("will cause a double bracket to be rendered on the web page.");
H("See also");
g_printHelp = !strcmp(saveHelpCmd, "HELP WRITE RECENT_ADDITIONS");
H("Syntax: WRITE RECENT_ADDITIONS <filename>");
H("Optional qualifier:");
H(" / LIMIT <number> - specifies the number of most recent theorems to");
H(" write to the output file");
H(" / HTML (/ ALT_HTML) - use GIF (Unicode) math symbols.");
H("This command reads an HTML Recent Additions file, normally called");
H("\"mmrecent.html\", and updates it with the descriptions of the most recently");
H("added $a and $p statements to the database. If / LIMIT is omitted, the");
H("number of theorems written defaults to 100. The file is updated between the");
H("HTML comment lines \"<!-- #START# -->\" and \"<!-- #END# -->\". The");
H("original input file is renamed to \"<filename>~1\"");
H("The date used for comparison is the most recent \"(Contributed by...)\",");
H("\"(Revised by...)\", and \"(Proof shortened by...)\" date in the comment");
H("immediately preceding the statement.");
H("If neither / HTML nor / ALT_HTML is specified, the output will default to");
H("GIF format unless ALT_HTML was previously set as shown in SHOW SETTINGS.");
let(&saveHelpCmd, ""); /* Deallocate memory */
} /* help1 */