2024-07-14 21:22:03 +00:00

500 lines
16 KiB

use super::*;
pub(crate) enum Error<'src> {
AmbiguousModuleFile {
module: Name<'src>,
found: Vec<PathBuf>,
ArgumentCountMismatch {
recipe: &'src str,
parameters: Vec<Parameter<'src>>,
found: usize,
min: usize,
max: usize,
Assert {
message: String,
Backtick {
token: Token<'src>,
output_error: OutputError,
RuntimeDirIo {
io_error: io::Error,
path: PathBuf,
ChooserInvoke {
shell_binary: String,
shell_arguments: String,
chooser: OsString,
io_error: io::Error,
ChooserRead {
chooser: OsString,
io_error: io::Error,
ChooserStatus {
chooser: OsString,
status: ExitStatus,
ChooserWrite {
chooser: OsString,
io_error: io::Error,
CircularImport {
current: PathBuf,
import: PathBuf,
Code {
recipe: &'src str,
line_number: Option<usize>,
code: i32,
print_message: bool,
CommandInvoke {
binary: OsString,
arguments: Vec<OsString>,
io_error: io::Error,
CommandStatus {
binary: OsString,
arguments: Vec<OsString>,
status: ExitStatus,
Compile {
compile_error: CompileError<'src>,
Config {
config_error: ConfigError,
Cygpath {
recipe: &'src str,
output_error: OutputError,
DefaultRecipeRequiresArguments {
recipe: &'src str,
min_arguments: usize,
Dotenv {
dotenv_error: dotenvy::Error,
DumpJson {
serde_json_error: serde_json::Error,
EditorInvoke {
editor: OsString,
io_error: io::Error,
EditorStatus {
editor: OsString,
status: ExitStatus,
EvalUnknownVariable {
variable: String,
suggestion: Option<Suggestion<'src>>,
ExpectedSubmoduleButFoundRecipe {
path: String,
FunctionCall {
function: Name<'src>,
message: String,
GetConfirmation {
io_error: io::Error,
InitExists {
justfile: PathBuf,
Internal {
message: String,
Io {
recipe: &'src str,
io_error: io::Error,
Load {
path: PathBuf,
io_error: io::Error,
MissingImportFile {
path: Token<'src>,
MissingModuleFile {
module: Name<'src>,
NotConfirmed {
recipe: &'src str,
RegexCompile {
source: regex::Error,
Search {
search_error: SearchError,
Shebang {
recipe: &'src str,
command: String,
argument: Option<String>,
io_error: io::Error,
Signal {
recipe: &'src str,
line_number: Option<usize>,
signal: i32,
StdoutIo {
io_error: io::Error,
TempdirIo {
recipe: &'src str,
io_error: io::Error,
TempfileIo {
io_error: io::Error,
Unknown {
recipe: &'src str,
line_number: Option<usize>,
UnknownSubmodule {
path: String,
UnknownOverrides {
overrides: Vec<String>,
UnknownRecipe {
recipe: String,
suggestion: Option<Suggestion<'src>>,
UnstableFeature {
unstable_feature: UnstableFeature,
WriteJustfile {
justfile: PathBuf,
io_error: io::Error,
impl<'src> Error<'src> {
pub(crate) fn code(&self) -> Option<i32> {
match self {
Self::Code { code, .. }
| Self::Backtick {
output_error: OutputError::Code(code),
} => Some(*code),
Self::ChooserStatus { status, .. } | Self::EditorStatus { status, .. } => status.code(),
_ => None,
fn context(&self) -> Option<Token<'src>> {
match self {
Self::AmbiguousModuleFile { module, .. } | Self::MissingModuleFile { module, .. } => {
Self::Backtick { token, .. } => Some(*token),
Self::Compile { compile_error } => Some(compile_error.context()),
Self::FunctionCall { function, .. } => Some(function.token),
Self::MissingImportFile { path } => Some(*path),
_ => None,
pub(crate) fn internal(message: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
Self::Internal {
message: message.into(),
pub(crate) fn print_message(&self) -> bool {
Error::Code {
print_message: false,
impl<'src> From<CompileError<'src>> for Error<'src> {
fn from(compile_error: CompileError<'src>) -> Self {
Self::Compile { compile_error }
impl<'src> From<ConfigError> for Error<'src> {
fn from(config_error: ConfigError) -> Self {
Self::Config { config_error }
impl<'src> From<dotenvy::Error> for Error<'src> {
fn from(dotenv_error: dotenvy::Error) -> Error<'src> {
Self::Dotenv { dotenv_error }
impl<'src> From<SearchError> for Error<'src> {
fn from(search_error: SearchError) -> Self {
Self::Search { search_error }
impl<'src> ColorDisplay for Error<'src> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter, color: Color) -> fmt::Result {
use Error::*;
let error = color.error().paint("error");
let message = color.message().prefix();
write!(f, "{error}: {message}")?;
match self {
AmbiguousModuleFile { module, found } =>
"Found multiple source files for module `{module}`: {}",
List::and_ticked(found.iter().map(|path| path.display())),
ArgumentCountMismatch { recipe, found, min, max, .. } => {
let count = Count("argument", *found);
if min == max {
let expected = min;
let only = if expected < found { "only " } else { "" };
write!(f, "Recipe `{recipe}` got {found} {count} but {only}takes {expected}")?;
} else if found < min {
write!(f, "Recipe `{recipe}` got {found} {count} but takes at least {min}")?;
} else if found > max {
write!(f, "Recipe `{recipe}` got {found} {count} but takes at most {max}")?;
Assert { message }=> {
write!(f, "Assert failed: {message}")?;
Backtick { output_error, .. } => match output_error {
OutputError::Code(code) => write!(f, "Backtick failed with exit code {code}")?,
OutputError::Signal(signal) => write!(f, "Backtick was terminated by signal {signal}")?,
OutputError::Unknown => write!(f, "Backtick failed for an unknown reason")?,
OutputError::Io(io_error) => match io_error.kind() {
io::ErrorKind::NotFound => write!(f, "Backtick could not be run because just could not find the shell:\n{io_error}"),
io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => write!(f, "Backtick could not be run because just could not run the shell:\n{io_error}"),
_ => write!(f, "Backtick could not be run because of an IO error while launching the shell:\n{io_error}"),
OutputError::Utf8(utf8_error) => write!(f, "Backtick succeeded but stdout was not utf8: {utf8_error}")?,
ChooserInvoke { shell_binary, shell_arguments, chooser, io_error} => {
let chooser = chooser.to_string_lossy();
write!(f, "Chooser `{shell_binary} {shell_arguments} {chooser}` invocation failed: {io_error}")?;
ChooserRead { chooser, io_error } => {
let chooser = chooser.to_string_lossy();
write!(f, "Failed to read output from chooser `{chooser}`: {io_error}")?;
ChooserStatus { chooser, status } => {
let chooser = chooser.to_string_lossy();
write!(f, "Chooser `{chooser}` failed: {status}")?;
ChooserWrite { chooser, io_error } => {
let chooser = chooser.to_string_lossy();
write!(f, "Failed to write to chooser `{chooser}`: {io_error}")?;
CircularImport { current, import } => {
let import = import.display();
let current = current.display();
write!(f, "Import `{import}` in `{current}` is circular")?;
Code { recipe, line_number, code, .. } => {
if let Some(n) = line_number {
write!(f, "Recipe `{recipe}` failed on line {n} with exit code {code}")?;
} else {
write!(f, "Recipe `{recipe}` failed with exit code {code}")?;
CommandInvoke { binary, arguments, io_error } => {
let cmd = format_cmd(binary, arguments);
write!(f, "Failed to invoke {cmd}: {io_error}")?;
CommandStatus { binary, arguments, status} => {
let cmd = format_cmd(binary, arguments);
write!(f, "Command {cmd} failed: {status}")?;
Compile { compile_error } => Display::fmt(compile_error, f)?,
Config { config_error } => Display::fmt(config_error, f)?,
Cygpath { recipe, output_error} => match output_error {
OutputError::Code(code) => write!(f, "Cygpath failed with exit code {code} while translating recipe `{recipe}` shebang interpreter path")?,
OutputError::Signal(signal) => write!(f, "Cygpath terminated by signal {signal} while translating recipe `{recipe}` shebang interpreter path")?,
OutputError::Unknown => write!(f, "Cygpath experienced an unknown failure while translating recipe `{recipe}` shebang interpreter path")?,
OutputError::Io(io_error) => {
match io_error.kind() {
io::ErrorKind::NotFound => write!(f, "Could not find `cygpath` executable to translate recipe `{recipe}` shebang interpreter path:\n{io_error}"),
io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => write!(f, "Could not run `cygpath` executable to translate recipe `{recipe}` shebang interpreter path:\n{io_error}"),
_ => write!(f, "Could not run `cygpath` executable:\n{io_error}"),
OutputError::Utf8(utf8_error) => write!(f, "Cygpath successfully translated recipe `{recipe}` shebang interpreter path, but output was not utf8: {utf8_error}")?,
DefaultRecipeRequiresArguments { recipe, min_arguments} => {
let count = Count("argument", *min_arguments);
write!(f, "Recipe `{recipe}` cannot be used as default recipe since it requires at least {min_arguments} {count}.")?;
Dotenv { dotenv_error } => {
write!(f, "Failed to load environment file: {dotenv_error}")?;
DotenvRequired => {
write!(f, "Dotenv file not found")?;
DumpJson { serde_json_error } => {
write!(f, "Failed to dump JSON to stdout: {serde_json_error}")?;
EditorInvoke { editor, io_error } => {
let editor = editor.to_string_lossy();
write!(f, "Editor `{editor}` invocation failed: {io_error}")?;
EditorStatus { editor, status } => {
let editor = editor.to_string_lossy();
write!(f, "Editor `{editor}` failed: {status}")?;
EvalUnknownVariable { variable, suggestion} => {
write!(f, "Justfile does not contain variable `{variable}`.")?;
if let Some(suggestion) = suggestion {
write!(f, "\n{suggestion}")?;
ExpectedSubmoduleButFoundRecipe { path } => {
write!(f, "Expected submodule at `{path}` but found recipe.")?;
FormatCheckFoundDiff => {
write!(f, "Formatted justfile differs from original.")?;
FunctionCall { function, message } => {
let function = function.lexeme();
write!(f, "Call to function `{function}` failed: {message}")?;
GetConfirmation { io_error } => {
write!(f, "Failed to read confirmation from stdin: {io_error}")?;
Homedir => {
write!(f, "Failed to get homedir")?;
InitExists { justfile } => {
write!(f, "Justfile `{}` already exists", justfile.display())?;
Internal { message } => {
write!(f, "Internal runtime error, this may indicate a bug in just: {message} \
consider filing an issue: https://github.com/casey/just/issues/new")?;
Io { recipe, io_error } => {
match io_error.kind() {
io::ErrorKind::NotFound => write!(f, "Recipe `{recipe}` could not be run because just could not find the shell: {io_error}"),
io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => write!(f, "Recipe `{recipe}` could not be run because just could not run the shell: {io_error}"),
_ => write!(f, "Recipe `{recipe}` could not be run because of an IO error while launching the shell: {io_error}"),
Load { io_error, path } => {
write!(f, "Failed to read justfile at `{}`: {io_error}", path.display())?;
MissingImportFile { .. } => write!(f, "Could not find source file for import.")?,
MissingModuleFile { module } => write!(f, "Could not find source file for module `{module}`.")?,
NoChoosableRecipes => write!(f, "Justfile contains no choosable recipes.")?,
NoDefaultRecipe => write!(f, "Justfile contains no default recipe.")?,
NoRecipes => write!(f, "Justfile contains no recipes.")?,
NotConfirmed { recipe } => {
write!(f, "Recipe `{recipe}` was not confirmed")?;
RegexCompile { source } => write!(f, "{source}")?,
RuntimeDirIo { io_error, path } => {
write!(f, "I/O error in runtime dir `{}`: {io_error}", path.display())?;
Search { search_error } => Display::fmt(search_error, f)?,
Shebang { recipe, command, argument, io_error} => {
if let Some(argument) = argument {
write!(f, "Recipe `{recipe}` with shebang `#!{command} {argument}` execution error: {io_error}")?;
} else {
write!(f, "Recipe `{recipe}` with shebang `#!{command}` execution error: {io_error}")?;
Signal { recipe, line_number, signal } => {
if let Some(n) = line_number {
write!(f, "Recipe `{recipe}` was terminated on line {n} by signal {signal}")?;
} else {
write!(f, "Recipe `{recipe}` was terminated by signal {signal}")?;
StdoutIo { io_error } => {
write!(f, "I/O error writing to stdout: {io_error}?")?;
TempdirIo { recipe, io_error } => {
write!(f, "Recipe `{recipe}` could not be run because of an IO error while trying to create a temporary \
directory or write a file to that directory: {io_error}")?;
TempfileIo { io_error } => {
write!(f, "Tempfile I/O error: {io_error}")?;
Unknown { recipe, line_number} => {
if let Some(n) = line_number {
write!(f, "Recipe `{recipe}` failed on line {n} for an unknown reason")?;
} else {
write!(f, "Recipe `{recipe}` failed for an unknown reason")?;
UnknownSubmodule { path } => {
write!(f, "Justfile does not contain submodule `{path}`")?;
UnknownOverrides { overrides } => {
let count = Count("Variable", overrides.len());
let overrides = List::and_ticked(overrides);
write!(f, "{count} {overrides} overridden on the command line but not present in justfile")?;
UnknownRecipe { recipe, suggestion } => {
write!(f, "Justfile does not contain recipe `{recipe}`.")?;
if let Some(suggestion) = suggestion {
write!(f, "\n{suggestion}")?;
UnstableFeature { unstable_feature } => {
write!(f, "{unstable_feature} Invoke `just` with `--unstable`, set the `JUST_UNSTABLE` environment variable, or add `set unstable` to your `justfile` to enable unstable features.")?;
WriteJustfile { justfile, io_error } => {
let justfile = justfile.display();
write!(f, "Failed to write justfile to `{justfile}`: {io_error}")?;
write!(f, "{}", color.message().suffix())?;
if let ArgumentCountMismatch {
recipe, parameters, ..
} = self
write!(f, "{}:\n just {recipe}", color.message().paint("usage"))?;
for param in parameters {
write!(f, " {}", param.color_display(color))?;
if let Some(token) = self.context() {
write!(f, "{}", token.color_display(color.error()))?;
fn format_cmd(binary: &OsString, arguments: &Vec<OsString>) -> String {
.map(|value| Enclosure::tick(value.to_string_lossy()).to_string())
.join(" ")