Casey Rodarmor 438b5147fe
Improve invalid escape sequence error messages (#328)
The invalid escape sequence error message is delimited with backticks
and isn't used as input to other programs. This diff tweaks the escaping rules
slightly when printing invalid escape sequences. In particular, `, \, ',
and " are now not be escaped.
2018-06-30 22:19:13 -04:00

167 lines
6.2 KiB

use common::*;
use misc::{Or, write_error_context, show_whitespace, maybe_s};
pub type CompilationResult<'a, T> = Result<T, CompilationError<'a>>;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct CompilationError<'a> {
pub text: &'a str,
pub index: usize,
pub line: usize,
pub column: usize,
pub width: Option<usize>,
pub kind: CompilationErrorKind<'a>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum CompilationErrorKind<'a> {
CircularRecipeDependency{recipe: &'a str, circle: Vec<&'a str>},
CircularVariableDependency{variable: &'a str, circle: Vec<&'a str>},
DependencyHasParameters{recipe: &'a str, dependency: &'a str},
DuplicateDependency{recipe: &'a str, dependency: &'a str},
DuplicateParameter{recipe: &'a str, parameter: &'a str},
DuplicateRecipe{recipe: &'a str, first: usize},
DuplicateVariable{variable: &'a str},
FunctionArgumentCountMismatch{function: &'a str, found: usize, expected: usize},
InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected: &'a str, found: &'a str},
Internal{message: String},
InvalidEscapeSequence{character: char},
MixedLeadingWhitespace{whitespace: &'a str},
ParameterFollowsVariadicParameter{parameter: &'a str},
ParameterShadowsVariable{parameter: &'a str},
RequiredParameterFollowsDefaultParameter{parameter: &'a str},
UndefinedVariable{variable: &'a str},
UnexpectedToken{expected: Vec<TokenKind>, found: TokenKind},
UnknownDependency{recipe: &'a str, unknown: &'a str},
UnknownFunction{function: &'a str},
impl<'a> Display for CompilationError<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
use CompilationErrorKind::*;
let error = Color::fmt(f).error();
let message = Color::fmt(f).message();
write!(f, "{} {}", error.paint("error:"), message.prefix())?;
match self.kind {
CircularRecipeDependency{recipe, ref circle} => {
if circle.len() == 2 {
writeln!(f, "Recipe `{}` depends on itself", recipe)?;
} else {
writeln!(f, "Recipe `{}` has circular dependency `{}`",
recipe, circle.join(" -> "))?;
CircularVariableDependency{variable, ref circle} => {
if circle.len() == 2 {
writeln!(f, "Variable `{}` is defined in terms of itself", variable)?;
} else {
writeln!(f, "Variable `{}` depends on its own value: `{}`",
variable, circle.join(" -> "))?;
InvalidEscapeSequence{character} => {
let representation = match character {
'`' => r"\`".to_string(),
'\\' => r"\".to_string(),
'\'' => r"'".to_string(),
'"' => r#"""#.to_string(),
_ => character.escape_default().collect(),
writeln!(f, "`\\{}` is not a valid escape sequence", representation)?;
DuplicateParameter{recipe, parameter} => {
writeln!(f, "Recipe `{}` has duplicate parameter `{}`", recipe, parameter)?;
DuplicateVariable{variable} => {
writeln!(f, "Variable `{}` has multiple definitions", variable)?;
UnexpectedToken{ref expected, found} => {
writeln!(f, "Expected {}, but found {}", Or(expected), found)?;
DuplicateDependency{recipe, dependency} => {
writeln!(f, "Recipe `{}` has duplicate dependency `{}`", recipe, dependency)?;
DuplicateRecipe{recipe, first} => {
writeln!(f, "Recipe `{}` first defined on line {} is redefined on line {}",
recipe, first + 1, self.line + 1)?;
DependencyHasParameters{recipe, dependency} => {
writeln!(f, "Recipe `{}` depends on `{}` which requires arguments. \
Dependencies may not require arguments", recipe, dependency)?;
ParameterShadowsVariable{parameter} => {
writeln!(f, "Parameter `{}` shadows variable of the same name", parameter)?;
RequiredParameterFollowsDefaultParameter{parameter} => {
writeln!(f, "Non-default parameter `{}` follows default parameter", parameter)?;
ParameterFollowsVariadicParameter{parameter} => {
writeln!(f, "Parameter `{}` follows variadic parameter", parameter)?;
MixedLeadingWhitespace{whitespace} => {
"Found a mix of tabs and spaces in leading whitespace: `{}`\n\
Leading whitespace may consist of tabs or spaces, but not both",
ExtraLeadingWhitespace => {
writeln!(f, "Recipe line has extra leading whitespace")?;
FunctionArgumentCountMismatch{function, found, expected} => {
"Function `{}` called with {} argument{} but takes {}",
function, found, maybe_s(found), expected
InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected, found} => {
"Recipe line has inconsistent leading whitespace. \
Recipe started with `{}` but found line with `{}`",
show_whitespace(expected), show_whitespace(found)
OuterShebang => {
writeln!(f, "`#!` is reserved syntax outside of recipes")?;
UnknownDependency{recipe, unknown} => {
writeln!(f, "Recipe `{}` has unknown dependency `{}`", recipe, unknown)?;
UndefinedVariable{variable} => {
writeln!(f, "Variable `{}` not defined", variable)?;
UnknownFunction{function} => {
writeln!(f, "Call to unknown function `{}`", function)?;
UnknownStartOfToken => {
writeln!(f, "Unknown start of token:")?;
UnterminatedInterpolation => {
writeln!(f, "Unterminated interpolation")?;
UnterminatedString => {
writeln!(f, "Unterminated string")?;
Internal{ref message} => {
writeln!(f, "Internal error, this may indicate a bug in just: {}\n\
consider filing an issue: https://github.com/casey/just/issues/new",
write!(f, "{}", message.suffix())?;
write_error_context(f, self.text, self.index, self.line, self.column, self.width)