Casey Rodarmor b66a979c08
Add set export to export all variables as environment variables (#767)
Add a setting that exports all variables by default, regardless of
whether they use the `export` keyword. This includes assignments as well
as parameters.

Just does dependency analysis of variable uses, allowing variables to be
used out of order in assignments, as long as there are no circular

However, use of environment variable is not known to Just, so exported
variables are only exported to child scopes, to avoid ordering dependencies,
since dependency analysis cannot be done.
2021-03-25 17:00:32 -07:00

1945 lines
44 KiB

use crate::common::*;
use TokenKind::*;
/// Just language parser
/// The parser is a (hopefully) straightforward recursive descent parser.
/// It uses a few tokens of lookahead to disambiguate different constructs.
/// The `expect_*` and `presume_`* methods are similar in that they assert the
/// type of unparsed tokens and consume them. However, upon encountering an
/// unexpected token, the `expect_*` methods return an unexpected token error,
/// whereas the `presume_*` tokens return an internal error.
/// The `presume_*` methods are used when the token stream has been inspected in
/// some other way, and thus encountering an unexpected token is a bug in Just,
/// and not a syntax error.
/// All methods starting with `parse_*` parse and return a language construct.
/// The parser tracks an expected set of tokens as it parses. This set contains
/// all tokens which would have been accepted at the current point in the parse.
/// Whenever the parser tests for a token that would be accepted, but does not
/// find it, it adds that token to the set. When the parser accepts a token, the
/// set is cleared. If the parser finds a token which is unexpected, the
/// contents of the set is printed in the resultant error message.
pub(crate) struct Parser<'tokens, 'src> {
/// Source tokens
tokens: &'tokens [Token<'src>],
/// Index of the next un-parsed token
next: usize,
/// Current expected tokens
expected: BTreeSet<TokenKind>,
impl<'tokens, 'src> Parser<'tokens, 'src> {
/// Parse `tokens` into an `Module`
pub(crate) fn parse(tokens: &'tokens [Token<'src>]) -> CompilationResult<'src, Module<'src>> {
/// Construct a new Paser from a token stream
fn new(tokens: &'tokens [Token<'src>]) -> Parser<'tokens, 'src> {
Parser {
next: 0,
expected: BTreeSet::new(),
fn error(
kind: CompilationErrorKind<'src>,
) -> CompilationResult<'src, CompilationError<'src>> {
/// Construct an unexpected token error with the token returned by
/// `Parser::next`
fn unexpected_token(&self) -> CompilationResult<'src, CompilationError<'src>> {
self.error(CompilationErrorKind::UnexpectedToken {
expected: self.expected.iter().cloned().collect::<Vec<TokenKind>>(),
found: self.next()?.kind,
fn internal_error(
message: impl Into<String>,
) -> CompilationResult<'src, CompilationError<'src>> {
self.error(CompilationErrorKind::Internal {
message: message.into(),
/// An iterator over the remaining significant tokens
fn rest(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Token<'src>> + 'tokens {
.filter(|token| token.kind != Whitespace)
/// The next significant token
fn next(&self) -> CompilationResult<'src, Token<'src>> {
if let Some(token) = self.rest().next() {
} else {
Err(self.internal_error("`Parser::next()` called after end of token stream")?)
/// Check if the next significant token is of kind `kind`
fn next_is(&mut self, kind: TokenKind) -> bool {
/// Check if the next significant tokens are of kinds `kinds`
/// The first token in `kinds` will be added to the expected token set.
fn next_are(&mut self, kinds: &[TokenKind]) -> bool {
if let Some(kind) = kinds.first() {
let mut rest = self.rest();
for kind in kinds {
match rest.next() {
Some(token) =>
if token.kind != *kind {
return false;
None => return false,
/// Get the `n`th next significant token
fn get(&self, n: usize) -> CompilationResult<'src, Token<'src>> {
match self.rest().nth(n) {
Some(token) => Ok(token),
None => Err(self.internal_error("`Parser::get()` advanced past end of token stream")?),
/// Advance past one significant token, clearing the expected token set.
fn advance(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'src, Token<'src>> {
for skipped in &self.tokens[self.next..] {
self.next += 1;
if skipped.kind != Whitespace {
return Ok(*skipped);
Err(self.internal_error("`Parser::advance()` advanced past end of token stream")?)
/// Return the next token if it is of kind `expected`, otherwise, return an
/// unexpected token error
fn expect(&mut self, expected: TokenKind) -> CompilationResult<'src, Token<'src>> {
if let Some(token) = self.accept(expected)? {
} else {
/// Return an error if the next token is not one of kinds `kinds`.
fn expect_any(&mut self, expected: &[TokenKind]) -> CompilationResult<'src, Token<'src>> {
for expected in expected.iter().cloned() {
if let Some(token) = self.accept(expected)? {
return Ok(token);
/// Return an unexpected token error if the next token is not an EOL
fn expect_eol(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'src, ()> {
if self.next_is(Eof) {
return Ok(());
self.expect(Eol).map(|_| ())
fn expect_keyword(&mut self, expected: Keyword) -> CompilationResult<'src, ()> {
let identifier = self.expect(Identifier)?;
let found = identifier.lexeme();
if expected == found {
} else {
Err(identifier.error(CompilationErrorKind::ExpectedKeyword { expected, found }))
/// Return an internal error if the next token is not of kind `Identifier`
/// with lexeme `lexeme`.
fn presume_keyword(&mut self, keyword: Keyword) -> CompilationResult<'src, ()> {
let next = self.advance()?;
if next.kind != Identifier {
"Presumed next token would have kind {}, but found {}",
Identifier, next.kind
} else if keyword != next.lexeme() {
"Presumed next token would have lexeme \"{}\", but found \"{}\"",
} else {
/// Return an internal error if the next token is not of kind `kind`.
fn presume(&mut self, kind: TokenKind) -> CompilationResult<'src, Token<'src>> {
let next = self.advance()?;
if next.kind != kind {
"Presumed next token would have kind {:?}, but found {:?}",
kind, next.kind
} else {
/// Return an internal error if the next token is not one of kinds `kinds`.
fn presume_any(&mut self, kinds: &[TokenKind]) -> CompilationResult<'src, Token<'src>> {
let next = self.advance()?;
if !kinds.contains(&next.kind) {
"Presumed next token would be {}, but found {}",
} else {
/// Accept and return a token of kind `kind`
fn accept(&mut self, kind: TokenKind) -> CompilationResult<'src, Option<Token<'src>>> {
if self.next_is(kind) {
} else {
/// Return an error if the next token is of kind `forbidden`
fn forbid<F>(&self, forbidden: TokenKind, error: F) -> CompilationResult<'src, ()>
F: FnOnce(Token) -> CompilationError,
let next = self.next()?;
if next.kind == forbidden {
} else {
/// Accept a token of kind `Identifier` and parse into a `Name`
fn accept_name(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'src, Option<Name<'src>>> {
if self.next_is(Identifier) {
} else {
fn accepted_keyword(&mut self, keyword: Keyword) -> CompilationResult<'src, bool> {
let next = self.next()?;
if next.kind == Identifier && next.lexeme() == keyword.lexeme() {
} else {
/// Accept a dependency
fn accept_dependency(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'src, Option<UnresolvedDependency<'src>>> {
if let Some(recipe) = self.accept_name()? {
Ok(Some(UnresolvedDependency {
arguments: Vec::new(),
} else if self.accepted(ParenL)? {
let recipe = self.parse_name()?;
let mut arguments = Vec::new();
while !self.accepted(ParenR)? {
Ok(Some(UnresolvedDependency { recipe, arguments }))
} else {
/// Accept and return `true` if next token is of kind `kind`
fn accepted(&mut self, kind: TokenKind) -> CompilationResult<'src, bool> {
/// Parse a justfile, consumes self
fn parse_justfile(mut self) -> CompilationResult<'src, Module<'src>> {
let mut items = Vec::new();
let mut warnings = Vec::new();
let mut doc = None;
loop {
let next = self.next()?;
if let Some(comment) = self.accept(Comment)? {
doc = Some(comment.lexeme()[1..].trim());
} else if self.accepted(Eol)? {
} else if self.accepted(Eof)? {
} else if self.next_is(Identifier) {
match Keyword::from_lexeme(next.lexeme()) {
Some(Keyword::Alias) =>
if self.next_are(&[Identifier, Identifier, Equals]) {
warnings.push(Warning::DeprecatedEquals {
equals: self.get(2)?,
} else if self.next_are(&[Identifier, Identifier, ColonEquals]) {
} else {
items.push(Item::Recipe(self.parse_recipe(doc, false)?));
Some(Keyword::Export) =>
if self.next_are(&[Identifier, Identifier, Equals]) {
warnings.push(Warning::DeprecatedEquals {
equals: self.get(2)?,
} else if self.next_are(&[Identifier, Identifier, ColonEquals]) {
} else {
items.push(Item::Recipe(self.parse_recipe(doc, false)?));
Some(Keyword::Set) =>
if self.next_are(&[Identifier, Identifier, ColonEquals])
|| self.next_are(&[Identifier, Identifier, Eol])
} else {
items.push(Item::Recipe(self.parse_recipe(doc, false)?));
_ =>
if self.next_are(&[Identifier, Equals]) {
warnings.push(Warning::DeprecatedEquals {
equals: self.get(1)?,
} else if self.next_are(&[Identifier, ColonEquals]) {
} else {
items.push(Item::Recipe(self.parse_recipe(doc, false)?));
} else if self.accepted(At)? {
items.push(Item::Recipe(self.parse_recipe(doc, true)?));
} else {
return Err(self.unexpected_token()?);
if next.kind != Comment {
doc = None;
if self.next != self.tokens.len() {
"Parse completed with {} unparsed tokens",
self.tokens.len() - self.next,
} else {
Ok(Module { items, warnings })
/// Parse an alias, e.g `alias name := target`
fn parse_alias(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'src, Alias<'src, Name<'src>>> {
let name = self.parse_name()?;
self.presume_any(&[Equals, ColonEquals])?;
let target = self.parse_name()?;
Ok(Alias { name, target })
/// Parse an assignment, e.g. `foo := bar`
fn parse_assignment(&mut self, export: bool) -> CompilationResult<'src, Assignment<'src>> {
let name = self.parse_name()?;
self.presume_any(&[Equals, ColonEquals])?;
let value = self.parse_expression()?;
Ok(Assignment {
/// Parse an expression, e.g. `1 + 2`
fn parse_expression(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'src, Expression<'src>> {
if self.accepted_keyword(Keyword::If)? {
let lhs = self.parse_expression()?;
let inverted = self.accepted(BangEquals)?;
if !inverted {
let rhs = self.parse_expression()?;
let then = self.parse_expression()?;
let otherwise = self.parse_expression()?;
return Ok(Expression::Conditional {
lhs: Box::new(lhs),
rhs: Box::new(rhs),
then: Box::new(then),
otherwise: Box::new(otherwise),
let value = self.parse_value()?;
if self.accepted(Plus)? {
let lhs = Box::new(value);
let rhs = Box::new(self.parse_expression()?);
Ok(Expression::Concatination { lhs, rhs })
} else {
/// Parse a value, e.g. `(bar)`
fn parse_value(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'src, Expression<'src>> {
if self.next_is(StringCooked) || self.next_is(StringRaw) {
Ok(Expression::StringLiteral {
string_literal: self.parse_string_literal()?,
} else if self.next_is(Backtick) {
let next = self.next()?;
let contents = &next.lexeme()[1..next.lexeme().len() - 1];
let token = self.advance()?;
Ok(Expression::Backtick { contents, token })
} else if self.next_is(Identifier) {
let name = self.parse_name()?;
if self.next_is(ParenL) {
let arguments = self.parse_sequence()?;
Ok(Expression::Call {
thunk: Thunk::resolve(name, arguments)?,
} else {
Ok(Expression::Variable { name })
} else if self.next_is(ParenL) {
let contents = Box::new(self.parse_expression()?);
Ok(Expression::Group { contents })
} else {
/// Parse a string literal, e.g. `"FOO"`
fn parse_string_literal(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'src, StringLiteral<'src>> {
let token = self.expect_any(&[StringRaw, StringCooked])?;
let raw = &token.lexeme()[1..token.lexeme().len() - 1];
match token.kind {
StringRaw => Ok(StringLiteral {
cooked: Cow::Borrowed(raw),
StringCooked => {
let mut cooked = String::new();
let mut escape = false;
for c in raw.chars() {
if escape {
match c {
'n' => cooked.push('\n'),
'r' => cooked.push('\r'),
't' => cooked.push('\t'),
'\\' => cooked.push('\\'),
'"' => cooked.push('"'),
other => {
return Err(
token.error(CompilationErrorKind::InvalidEscapeSequence { character: other }),
escape = false;
} else if c == '\\' {
escape = true;
} else {
Ok(StringLiteral {
cooked: Cow::Owned(cooked),
_ => Err(token.error(CompilationErrorKind::Internal {
message: "`Parser::parse_string_literal` called on non-string token".to_owned(),
/// Parse a name from an identifier token
fn parse_name(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'src, Name<'src>> {
/// Parse sequence of comma-separated expressions
fn parse_sequence(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'src, Vec<Expression<'src>>> {
let mut elements = Vec::new();
while !self.next_is(ParenR) {
if !self.accepted(Comma)? {
/// Parse a recipe
fn parse_recipe(
&mut self,
doc: Option<&'src str>,
quiet: bool,
) -> CompilationResult<'src, UnresolvedRecipe<'src>> {
let name = self.parse_name()?;
let mut positional = Vec::new();
while self.next_is(Identifier) {
let kind = if self.accepted(Plus)? {
} else if self.accepted(Asterisk)? {
} else {
let variadic = if kind.is_variadic() {
let variadic = self.parse_parameter(kind)?;
self.forbid(Identifier, |token| {
token.error(CompilationErrorKind::ParameterFollowsVariadicParameter {
parameter: token.lexeme(),
} else {
let mut dependencies = Vec::new();
while let Some(dependency) = self.accept_dependency()? {
let body = self.parse_body()?;
Ok(Recipe {
private: name.lexeme().starts_with('_'),
shebang: body.first().map(Line::is_shebang).unwrap_or(false),
parameters: positional.into_iter().chain(variadic).collect(),
/// Parse a recipe parameter
fn parse_parameter(&mut self, kind: ParameterKind) -> CompilationResult<'src, Parameter<'src>> {
let name = self.parse_name()?;
let default = if self.accepted(Equals)? {
} else {
Ok(Parameter {
/// Parse the body of a recipe
fn parse_body(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'src, Vec<Line<'src>>> {
let mut lines = Vec::new();
if self.accepted(Indent)? {
while !self.accepted(Dedent)? {
let line = if self.accepted(Eol)? {
Line {
fragments: Vec::new(),
} else {
let mut fragments = Vec::new();
while !(self.accepted(Eol)? || self.next_is(Dedent)) {
if let Some(token) = self.accept(Text)? {
fragments.push(Fragment::Text { token });
} else if self.accepted(InterpolationStart)? {
fragments.push(Fragment::Interpolation {
expression: self.parse_expression()?,
} else {
return Err(self.unexpected_token()?);
Line { fragments }
while lines.last().map(Line::is_empty).unwrap_or(false) {
/// Parse a setting
fn parse_set(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'src, Set<'src>> {
let name = Name::from_identifier(self.presume(Identifier)?);
if name.lexeme() == Keyword::Export.lexeme() {
return Ok(Set {
value: Setting::Export,
if name.lexeme() == Keyword::Shell.lexeme() {
let command = self.parse_string_literal()?;
let mut arguments = Vec::new();
if self.accepted(Comma)? {
while !self.next_is(BracketR) {
if !self.accepted(Comma)? {
Ok(Set {
value: Setting::Shell(setting::Shell { command, arguments }),
} else {
Err(name.error(CompilationErrorKind::UnknownSetting {
setting: name.lexeme(),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use testing::unindent;
use CompilationErrorKind::*;
macro_rules! test {
name: $name:ident,
text: $text:expr,
tree: $tree:tt,
} => {
fn $name() {
let text: String = $text.into();
let want = tree!($tree);
test(&text, want);
fn test(text: &str, want: Tree) {
let unindented = unindent(text);
let tokens = Lexer::lex(&unindented).expect("lexing failed");
let justfile = Parser::parse(&tokens).expect("parsing failed");
let have = justfile.tree();
if have != want {
println!("parsed text: {}", unindented);
println!("expected: {}", want);
println!("but got: {}", have);
println!("tokens: {:?}", tokens);
macro_rules! error {
name: $name:ident,
input: $input:expr,
offset: $offset:expr,
line: $line:expr,
column: $column:expr,
width: $width:expr,
kind: $kind:expr,
) => {
fn $name() {
error($input, $offset, $line, $column, $width, $kind);
fn error(
src: &str,
offset: usize,
line: usize,
column: usize,
length: usize,
kind: CompilationErrorKind,
) {
let tokens = Lexer::lex(src).expect("Lexing failed in parse test...");
match Parser::parse(&tokens) {
Ok(_) => panic!("Parsing unexpectedly succeeded"),
Err(have) => {
let want = CompilationError {
token: Token {
kind: have.token.kind,
assert_eq!(have, want);
test! {
name: empty,
text: "",
tree: (justfile),
test! {
name: empty_multiline,
text: "
tree: (justfile),
test! {
name: whitespace,
text: " ",
tree: (justfile),
test! {
name: alias_single,
text: "alias t := test",
tree: (justfile (alias t test)),
test! {
name: aliases_multiple,
text: "alias t := test\nalias b := build",
tree: (
(alias t test)
(alias b build)
test! {
name: alias_equals,
text: "alias t = test",
tree: (justfile
(alias t test)
(warning deprecated_equals)
test! {
name: export,
text: r#"export x := "hello""#,
tree: (justfile (assignment #export x "hello")),
test! {
name: export_equals,
text: r#"export x = "hello""#,
tree: (justfile
(assignment #export x "hello")
(warning deprecated_equals)
test! {
name: assignment,
text: r#"x := "hello""#,
tree: (justfile (assignment x "hello")),
test! {
name: assignment_equals,
text: r#"x = "hello""#,
tree: (justfile
(assignment x "hello")
(warning deprecated_equals)
test! {
name: backtick,
text: "x := `hello`",
tree: (justfile (assignment x (backtick "hello"))),
test! {
name: variable,
text: "x := y",
tree: (justfile (assignment x y)),
test! {
name: group,
text: "x := (y)",
tree: (justfile (assignment x (y))),
test! {
name: addition_single,
text: "x := a + b",
tree: (justfile (assignment x (+ a b))),
test! {
name: addition_chained,
text: "x := a + b + c",
tree: (justfile (assignment x (+ a (+ b c)))),
test! {
name: call_one_arg,
text: "x := env_var(y)",
tree: (justfile (assignment x (call env_var y))),
test! {
name: call_multiple_args,
text: "x := env_var_or_default(y, z)",
tree: (justfile (assignment x (call env_var_or_default y z))),
test! {
name: call_trailing_comma,
text: "x := env_var(y,)",
tree: (justfile (assignment x (call env_var y))),
test! {
name: recipe,
text: "foo:",
tree: (justfile (recipe foo)),
test! {
name: recipe_multiple,
text: "
tree: (justfile (recipe foo) (recipe bar) (recipe baz)),
test! {
name: recipe_quiet,
text: "@foo:",
tree: (justfile (recipe #quiet foo)),
test! {
name: recipe_parameter_single,
text: "foo bar:",
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (params (bar)))),
test! {
name: recipe_parameter_multiple,
text: "foo bar baz:",
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (params (bar) (baz)))),
test! {
name: recipe_default_single,
text: r#"foo bar="baz":"#,
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (params (bar "baz")))),
test! {
name: recipe_default_multiple,
text: r#"foo bar="baz" bob="biz":"#,
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (params (bar "baz") (bob "biz")))),
test! {
name: recipe_plus_variadic,
text: r#"foo +bar:"#,
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (params +(bar)))),
test! {
name: recipe_star_variadic,
text: r#"foo *bar:"#,
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (params *(bar)))),
test! {
name: recipe_variadic_string_default,
text: r#"foo +bar="baz":"#,
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (params +(bar "baz")))),
test! {
name: recipe_variadic_variable_default,
text: r#"foo +bar=baz:"#,
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (params +(bar baz)))),
test! {
name: recipe_variadic_addition_group_default,
text: r#"foo +bar=(baz + bob):"#,
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (params +(bar ((+ baz bob)))))),
test! {
name: recipe_dependency_single,
text: "foo: bar",
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (deps bar))),
test! {
name: recipe_dependency_multiple,
text: "foo: bar baz",
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (deps bar baz))),
test! {
name: recipe_dependency_parenthesis,
text: "foo: (bar)",
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (deps bar))),
test! {
name: recipe_dependency_argument_string,
text: "foo: (bar 'baz')",
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (deps (bar "baz")))),
test! {
name: recipe_dependency_argument_identifier,
text: "foo: (bar baz)",
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (deps (bar baz)))),
test! {
name: recipe_dependency_argument_concatination,
text: "foo: (bar 'a' + 'b' 'c' + 'd')",
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (deps (bar (+ 'a' 'b') (+ 'c' 'd'))))),
test! {
name: recipe_line_single,
text: "foo:\n bar",
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (body ("bar")))),
test! {
name: recipe_line_multiple,
text: "foo:\n bar\n baz\n {{\"bob\"}}biz",
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (body ("bar") ("baz") (("bob") "biz")))),
test! {
name: recipe_line_interpolation,
text: "foo:\n bar{{\"bob\"}}biz",
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (body ("bar" ("bob") "biz")))),
test! {
name: comment,
text: "# foo",
tree: (justfile),
test! {
name: comment_alias,
text: "alias x := y # foo",
tree: (justfile (alias x y)),
test! {
name: comment_assignment,
text: "x := y # foo",
tree: (justfile (assignment x y)),
test! {
name: comment_export,
text: "export x := y # foo",
tree: (justfile (assignment #export x y)),
test! {
name: comment_recipe,
text: "foo: # bar",
tree: (justfile (recipe foo)),
test! {
name: comment_recipe_dependencies,
text: "foo: bar # baz",
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (deps bar))),
test! {
name: doc_comment_single,
text: "
# foo
tree: (justfile (recipe "foo" bar)),
test! {
name: doc_comment_recipe_clear,
text: "
# foo
tree: (justfile (recipe "foo" bar) (recipe baz)),
test! {
name: doc_comment_middle,
text: "
# foo
tree: (justfile (recipe bar) (recipe "foo" baz)),
test! {
name: doc_comment_assignment_clear,
text: "
# foo
x := y
tree: (justfile (assignment x y) (recipe bar)),
test! {
name: doc_comment_empty_line_clear,
text: "
# foo
tree: (justfile (recipe bar)),
test! {
name: string_escape_tab,
text: r#"x := "foo\tbar""#,
tree: (justfile (assignment x "foo\tbar")),
test! {
name: string_escape_newline,
text: r#"x := "foo\nbar""#,
tree: (justfile (assignment x "foo\nbar")),
test! {
name: string_escape_carriage_return,
text: r#"x := "foo\rbar""#,
tree: (justfile (assignment x "foo\rbar")),
test! {
name: string_escape_slash,
text: r#"x := "foo\\bar""#,
tree: (justfile (assignment x "foo\\bar")),
test! {
name: string_escape_quote,
text: r#"x := "foo\"bar""#,
tree: (justfile (assignment x "foo\"bar")),
test! {
name: recipe_variadic_with_default_after_default,
text: r#"
f a=b +c=d:
tree: (justfile (recipe f (params (a b) +(c d)))),
test! {
name: parameter_default_concatination_variable,
text: r#"
x := "10"
f y=(`echo hello` + x) +z="foo":
tree: (justfile
(assignment x "10")
(recipe f (params (y ((+ (backtick "echo hello") x))) +(z "foo")))
test! {
name: parameter_default_multiple,
text: r#"
x := "10"
f y=(`echo hello` + x) +z=("foo" + "bar"):
tree: (justfile
(assignment x "10")
(recipe f (params (y ((+ (backtick "echo hello") x))) +(z ((+ "foo" "bar")))))
test! {
name: parse_raw_string_default,
text: r#"
foo a='b\t':
tree: (justfile (recipe foo (params (a "b\\t")))),
test! {
name: parse_alias_after_target,
text: r"
echo a
alias f := foo
tree: (justfile
(recipe foo (body ("echo a")))
(alias f foo)
test! {
name: parse_alias_before_target,
text: "
alias f := foo
echo a
tree: (justfile
(alias f foo)
(recipe foo (body ("echo a")))
test! {
name: parse_alias_with_comment,
text: "
alias f := foo #comment
echo a
tree: (justfile
(alias f foo)
(recipe foo (body ("echo a")))
test! {
name: parse_assignment_with_comment,
text: "
f := foo #comment
echo a
tree: (justfile
(assignment f foo)
(recipe foo (body ("echo a")))
test! {
name: parse_complex,
text: "
foo := \"xx\"
bar := foo
goodbye := \"y\"
hello a b c : x y z #hello
#! blah
{{ foo + bar}}abc{{ goodbye\t + \"x\" }}xyz
tree: (justfile
(recipe x)
(recipe y)
(recipe z)
(assignment foo "xx")
(assignment bar foo)
(assignment goodbye "y")
(recipe hello
(params (a) (b) (c))
(deps x y z)
("#! blah")
(((+ foo bar)) "abc" ((+ goodbye "x")) "xyz")
test! {
name: parse_shebang,
text: "
practicum := 'hello'
\tif [[ -f {{practicum}} ]]; then
tree: (justfile
(assignment practicum "hello")
(recipe install
("if [[ -f " (practicum) " ]]; then")
test! {
name: parse_simple_shebang,
text: "a:\n #!\n print(1)",
tree: (justfile
(recipe a (body ("#!") (" print(1)")))
test! {
name: parse_assignments,
text: r#"
a := "0"
c := a + b + a + b
b := "1"
tree: (justfile
(assignment a "0")
(assignment c (+ a (+ b (+ a b))))
(assignment b "1")
test! {
name: parse_assignment_backticks,
text: "
a := `echo hello`
c := a + b + a + b
b := `echo goodbye`
tree: (justfile
(assignment a (backtick "echo hello"))
(assignment c (+ a (+ b (+ a b))))
(assignment b (backtick "echo goodbye"))
test! {
name: parse_interpolation_backticks,
text: r#"
echo {{ `echo hello` + "blarg" }} {{ `echo bob` }}
tree: (justfile
(recipe a
(body ("echo " ((+ (backtick "echo hello") "blarg")) " " ((backtick "echo bob"))))
test! {
name: eof_test,
text: "x:\ny:\nz:\na b c: x y z",
tree: (justfile
(recipe x)
(recipe y)
(recipe z)
(recipe a (params (b) (c)) (deps x y z))
test! {
name: string_quote_escape,
text: r#"a := "hello\"""#,
tree: (justfile
(assignment a "hello\"")
test! {
name: string_escapes,
text: r#"a := "\n\t\r\"\\""#,
tree: (justfile (assignment a "\n\t\r\"\\")),
test! {
name: parameters,
text: "
a b c:
{{b}} {{c}}
tree: (justfile (recipe a (params (b) (c)) (body ((b) " " (c))))),
test! {
name: unary_functions,
text: "
x := arch()
{{os()}} {{os_family()}}
tree: (justfile
(assignment x (call arch))
(recipe a (body (((call os)) " " ((call os_family)))))
test! {
name: env_functions,
text: r#"
x := env_var('foo',)
{{env_var_or_default('foo' + 'bar', 'baz',)}} {{env_var(env_var("baz"))}}
tree: (justfile
(assignment x (call env_var "foo"))
(recipe a
((call env_var_or_default (+ "foo" "bar") "baz"))
" "
((call env_var (call env_var "baz")))
test! {
name: parameter_default_string,
text: r#"
f x="abc":
tree: (justfile (recipe f (params (x "abc")))),
test! {
name: parameter_default_raw_string,
text: r"
f x='abc':
tree: (justfile (recipe f (params (x "abc")))),
test! {
name: parameter_default_backtick,
text: "
f x=`echo hello`:
tree: (justfile
(recipe f (params (x (backtick "echo hello"))))
test! {
name: parameter_default_concatination_string,
text: r#"
f x=(`echo hello` + "foo"):
tree: (justfile (recipe f (params (x ((+ (backtick "echo hello") "foo")))))),
test! {
name: concatination_in_group,
text: "x := ('0' + '1')",
tree: (justfile (assignment x ((+ "0" "1")))),
test! {
name: string_in_group,
text: "x := ('0' )",
tree: (justfile (assignment x ("0"))),
test! {
name: escaped_dos_newlines,
text: "
\t{ \\\r
\t\tfiglet test; \\\r
\t\tcargo build --color always 2>&1; \\\r
\t\tcargo test --color always -- --color always 2>&1; \\\r
\t} | less\r
tree: (justfile
(recipe #quiet spam
("{ \\")
("\tfiglet test; \\")
("\tcargo build --color always 2>&1; \\")
("\tcargo test --color always -- --color always 2>&1; \\")
("} | less")
test! {
name: empty_body,
text: "a:",
tree: (justfile (recipe a)),
test! {
name: single_line_body,
text: "a:\n foo",
tree: (justfile (recipe a (body ("foo")))),
test! {
name: trimmed_body,
text: "a:\n foo\n \n \n \nb:\n ",
tree: (justfile (recipe a (body ("foo"))) (recipe b)),
test! {
name: set_shell_no_arguments,
text: "set shell := ['tclsh']",
tree: (justfile (set shell "tclsh")),
test! {
name: set_shell_no_arguments_cooked,
text: "set shell := [\"tclsh\"]",
tree: (justfile (set shell "tclsh")),
test! {
name: set_shell_no_arguments_trailing_comma,
text: "set shell := ['tclsh',]",
tree: (justfile (set shell "tclsh")),
test! {
name: set_shell_with_one_argument,
text: "set shell := ['bash', '-cu']",
tree: (justfile (set shell "bash" "-cu")),
test! {
name: set_shell_with_one_argument_trailing_comma,
text: "set shell := ['bash', '-cu',]",
tree: (justfile (set shell "bash" "-cu")),
test! {
name: set_shell_with_two_arguments,
text: "set shell := ['bash', '-cu', '-l']",
tree: (justfile (set shell "bash" "-cu" "-l")),
test! {
name: conditional,
text: "a := if b == c { d } else { e }",
tree: (justfile (assignment a (if b == c d e))),
test! {
name: conditional_inverted,
text: "a := if b != c { d } else { e }",
tree: (justfile (assignment a (if b != c d e))),
test! {
name: conditional_concatinations,
text: "a := if b0 + b1 == c0 + c1 { d0 + d1 } else { e0 + e1 }",
tree: (justfile (assignment a (if (+ b0 b1) == (+ c0 c1) (+ d0 d1) (+ e0 e1)))),
test! {
name: conditional_nested_lhs,
text: "a := if if b == c { d } else { e } == c { d } else { e }",
tree: (justfile (assignment a (if (if b == c d e) == c d e))),
test! {
name: conditional_nested_rhs,
text: "a := if c == if b == c { d } else { e } { d } else { e }",
tree: (justfile (assignment a (if c == (if b == c d e) d e))),
test! {
name: conditional_nested_then,
text: "a := if b == c { if b == c { d } else { e } } else { e }",
tree: (justfile (assignment a (if b == c (if b == c d e) e))),
test! {
name: conditional_nested_otherwise,
text: "a := if b == c { d } else { if b == c { d } else { e } }",
tree: (justfile (assignment a (if b == c d (if b == c d e)))),
error! {
name: alias_syntax_multiple_rhs,
input: "alias foo = bar baz",
offset: 16,
line: 0,
column: 16,
width: 3,
kind: UnexpectedToken { expected: vec![Comment, Eof, Eol], found: Identifier },
error! {
name: alias_syntax_no_rhs,
input: "alias foo = \n",
offset: 12,
line: 0,
column: 12,
width: 1,
kind: UnexpectedToken {expected: vec![Identifier], found:Eol},
error! {
name: missing_colon,
input: "a b c\nd e f",
offset: 5,
line: 0,
column: 5,
width: 1,
kind: UnexpectedToken{expected: vec![Asterisk, Colon, Equals, Identifier, Plus], found: Eol},
error! {
name: missing_default_eol,
input: "hello arg=\n",
offset: 10,
line: 0,
column: 10,
width: 1,
kind: UnexpectedToken {
expected: vec![Backtick, Identifier, ParenL, StringCooked, StringRaw],
found: Eol
error! {
name: missing_default_eof,
input: "hello arg=",
offset: 10,
line: 0,
column: 10,
width: 0,
kind: UnexpectedToken {
expected: vec![Backtick, Identifier, ParenL, StringCooked, StringRaw],
found: Eof,
error! {
name: missing_eol,
input: "a b c: z =",
offset: 9,
line: 0,
column: 9,
width: 1,
kind: UnexpectedToken{expected: vec![Comment, Eof, Eol, Identifier, ParenL], found: Equals},
error! {
name: unexpected_brace,
input: "{{",
offset: 0,
line: 0,
column: 0,
width: 1,
kind: UnexpectedToken {
expected: vec![At, Comment, Eof, Eol, Identifier],
found: BraceL,
error! {
name: unclosed_parenthesis_in_expression,
input: "x = foo(",
offset: 8,
line: 0,
column: 8,
width: 0,
kind: UnexpectedToken{
expected: vec![Backtick, Identifier, ParenL, ParenR, StringCooked, StringRaw],
found: Eof,
error! {
name: unclosed_parenthesis_in_interpolation,
input: "a:\n echo {{foo(}}",
offset: 15,
line: 1,
column: 12,
width: 2,
kind: UnexpectedToken{
expected: vec![Backtick, Identifier, ParenL, ParenR, StringCooked, StringRaw],
found: InterpolationEnd,
error! {
name: plus_following_parameter,
input: "a b c+:",
offset: 6,
line: 0,
column: 6,
width: 1,
kind: UnexpectedToken{expected: vec![Identifier], found: Colon},
error! {
name: invalid_escape_sequence,
input: r#"foo := "\b""#,
offset: 7,
line: 0,
column: 7,
width: 4,
kind: InvalidEscapeSequence{character: 'b'},
error! {
name: bad_export,
input: "export a",
offset: 8,
line: 0,
column: 8,
width: 0,
kind: UnexpectedToken{expected: vec![Asterisk, Colon, Equals, Identifier, Plus], found: Eof},
error! {
name: parameter_follows_variadic_parameter,
input: "foo +a b:",
offset: 7,
line: 0,
column: 7,
width: 1,
kind: ParameterFollowsVariadicParameter{parameter: "b"},
error! {
name: parameter_after_variadic,
input: "foo +a bbb:",
offset: 7,
line: 0,
column: 7,
width: 3,
kind: ParameterFollowsVariadicParameter{parameter: "bbb"},
error! {
name: concatination_in_default,
input: "foo a=c+d e:",
offset: 10,
line: 0,
column: 10,
width: 1,
kind: ParameterFollowsVariadicParameter{parameter: "e"},
error! {
name: set_shell_empty,
input: "set shell := []",
offset: 14,
line: 0,
column: 14,
width: 1,
kind: UnexpectedToken {
expected: vec![StringCooked, StringRaw],
found: BracketR,
error! {
name: set_shell_non_literal_first,
input: "set shell := ['bar' + 'baz']",
offset: 20,
line: 0,
column: 20,
width: 1,
kind: UnexpectedToken {
expected: vec![BracketR, Comma],
found: Plus,
error! {
name: set_shell_non_literal_second,
input: "set shell := ['biz', 'bar' + 'baz']",
offset: 27,
line: 0,
column: 27,
width: 1,
kind: UnexpectedToken {
expected: vec![BracketR, Comma],
found: Plus,
error! {
name: set_shell_bad_comma,
input: "set shell := ['bash',",
offset: 21,
line: 0,
column: 21,
width: 0,
kind: UnexpectedToken {
expected: vec![BracketR, StringCooked, StringRaw],
found: Eof,
error! {
name: set_shell_bad,
input: "set shell := ['bash'",
offset: 20,
line: 0,
column: 20,
width: 0,
kind: UnexpectedToken {
expected: vec![BracketR, Comma],
found: Eof,
error! {
name: set_unknown,
input: "set shall := []",
offset: 4,
line: 0,
column: 4,
width: 5,
kind: UnknownSetting {
setting: "shall",
error! {
name: set_shell_non_string,
input: "set shall := []",
offset: 4,
line: 0,
column: 4,
width: 5,
kind: UnknownSetting {
setting: "shall",
error! {
name: unknown_function,
input: "a = foo()",
offset: 4,
line: 0,
column: 4,
width: 3,
kind: UnknownFunction{function: "foo"},
error! {
name: unknown_function_in_interpolation,
input: "a:\n echo {{bar()}}",
offset: 11,
line: 1,
column: 8,
width: 3,
kind: UnknownFunction{function: "bar"},
error! {
name: unknown_function_in_default,
input: "a f=baz():",
offset: 4,
line: 0,
column: 4,
width: 3,
kind: UnknownFunction{function: "baz"},
error! {
name: function_argument_count_nullary,
input: "x := arch('foo')",
offset: 5,
line: 0,
column: 5,
width: 4,
kind: FunctionArgumentCountMismatch {
function: "arch",
found: 1,
expected: 0,
error! {
name: function_argument_count_unary,
input: "x := env_var()",
offset: 5,
line: 0,
column: 5,
width: 7,
kind: FunctionArgumentCountMismatch {
function: "env_var",
found: 0,
expected: 1,
error! {
name: function_argument_count_binary,
input: "x := env_var_or_default('foo')",
offset: 5,
line: 0,
column: 5,
width: 18,
kind: FunctionArgumentCountMismatch {
function: "env_var_or_default",
found: 1,
expected: 2,