Casey Rodarmor aefdcea7d0
Gargantuan refactor (#522)
- Instead of changing the current directory with `env::set_current_dir`
  to be implicitly inherited by subprocesses, we now use
  `Command::current_dir` to set it explicitly. This feels much better,
  since we aren't dependent on the implicit state of the process's
  current directory.

- Subcommand execution is much improved.

- Added a ton of tests for config parsing, config execution, working
  dir, and search dir.

- Error messages are improved. Many more will be colored.

- The Config is now onwed, instead of borrowing from the arguments and
  the `clap::ArgMatches` object. This is a huge ergonomic improvement,
  especially in tests, and I don't think anyone will notice.

- `--edit` now uses `$VISUAL`, `$EDITOR`, or `vim`, in that order,
  matching git, which I think is what most people will expect.

- Added a cute `tmptree!{}` macro, for creating temporary directories
  populated with directories and files for tests.

- Admitted that grammer is LL(k) and I don't know what `k` is.
2019-11-09 21:43:20 -08:00

73 lines
2.7 KiB

// stdlib
pub(crate) use std::{
collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet},
fmt::{self, Display, Formatter},
io::{self, Write},
iter::{self, FromIterator},
ops::{Deref, Range, RangeInclusive},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
process::{self, Command},
str::{self, Chars},
sync::{Mutex, MutexGuard},
usize, vec,
// modules used in tests
pub(crate) use crate::testing;
// structs and enums used in tests
pub(crate) use crate::{node::Node, tree::Tree};
// dependencies
pub(crate) use edit_distance::edit_distance;
pub(crate) use libc::EXIT_FAILURE;
pub(crate) use log::warn;
pub(crate) use snafu::{ResultExt, Snafu};
pub(crate) use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthChar;
// modules
pub(crate) use crate::{config_error, keyword, search_error};
// functions
pub(crate) use crate::{
default::default, empty::empty, load_dotenv::load_dotenv, output::output,
// traits
pub(crate) use crate::{
command_ext::CommandExt, compilation_result_ext::CompilationResultExt, error::Error,
error_result_ext::ErrorResultExt, keyed::Keyed, ordinal::Ordinal,
platform_interface::PlatformInterface, range_ext::RangeExt,
// structs and enums
pub(crate) use crate::{
alias::Alias, alias_resolver::AliasResolver, analyzer::Analyzer, assignment::Assignment,
assignment_evaluator::AssignmentEvaluator, assignment_resolver::AssignmentResolver, color::Color,
compilation_error::CompilationError, compilation_error_kind::CompilationErrorKind,
compiler::Compiler, config::Config, config_error::ConfigError, count::Count,
enclosure::Enclosure, expression::Expression, fragment::Fragment, function::Function,
function_context::FunctionContext, functions::Functions, interrupt_guard::InterruptGuard,
interrupt_handler::InterruptHandler, item::Item, justfile::Justfile, lexer::Lexer, line::Line,
list::List, load_error::LoadError, module::Module, name::Name, output_error::OutputError,
parameter::Parameter, parser::Parser, platform::Platform, position::Position, recipe::Recipe,
recipe_context::RecipeContext, recipe_resolver::RecipeResolver, runtime_error::RuntimeError,
search::Search, search_config::SearchConfig, search_error::SearchError, shebang::Shebang,
show_whitespace::ShowWhitespace, state::State, string_literal::StringLiteral,
subcommand::Subcommand, table::Table, token::Token, token_kind::TokenKind, use_color::UseColor,
variables::Variables, verbosity::Verbosity, warning::Warning,
// type aliases
pub(crate) type CompilationResult<'a, T> = Result<T, CompilationError<'a>>;
pub(crate) type ConfigResult<T> = Result<T, ConfigError>;
pub(crate) type RunResult<'a, T> = Result<T, RuntimeError<'a>>;
pub(crate) type SearchResult<T> = Result<T, SearchError>;