2016-10-05 16:03:11 -07:00

466 lines
13 KiB

mod tests;
extern crate regex;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::{fs, fmt, process, io};
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashSet};
use std::fmt::Display;
use regex::Regex;
macro_rules! warn {
($($arg:tt)*) => {{
extern crate std;
use std::io::prelude::*;
let _ = writeln!(&mut std::io::stderr(), $($arg)*);
macro_rules! die {
($($arg:tt)*) => {{
extern crate std;
pub trait Slurp {
fn slurp(&mut self) -> Result<String, std::io::Error>;
impl Slurp for fs::File {
fn slurp(&mut self) -> Result<String, std::io::Error> {
let mut destination = String::new();
try!(self.read_to_string(&mut destination));
fn re(pattern: &str) -> Regex {
pub struct Recipe<'a> {
line: usize,
name: &'a str,
leading_whitespace: &'a str,
commands: Vec<&'a str>,
dependencies: BTreeSet<&'a str>,
impl<'a> Display for Recipe<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
try!(writeln!(f, "{}:", self.name));
for command in self.commands.iter() {
try!(writeln!(f, " {}", command));
fn error_from_signal<'a>(recipe: &'a str, exit_status: process::ExitStatus) -> RunError<'a> {
use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt;
match exit_status.signal() {
Some(signal) => RunError::Signal{recipe: recipe, signal: signal},
None => RunError::UnknownFailure{recipe: recipe},
fn error_from_signal<'a>(recipe: &'a str, exit_status: process::ExitStatus) -> RunError<'a> {
RunError::UnknownFailure{recipe: recipe}
impl<'a> Recipe<'a> {
fn run(&self) -> Result<(), RunError<'a>> {
for command in &self.commands {
let mut command = *command;
if !command.starts_with("@") {
warn!("{}", command);
} else {
command = &command[1..];
let status = process::Command::new("sh")
try!(match status {
Ok(exit_status) => if let Some(code) = exit_status.code() {
if code == 0 {
} else {
Err(RunError::Code{recipe: self.name, code: code})
} else {
Err(error_from_signal(self.name, exit_status))
Err(io_error) => Err(RunError::IoError{recipe: self.name, io_error: io_error})
fn resolve<'a>(
text: &'a str,
recipes: &BTreeMap<&str, Recipe<'a>>,
resolved: &mut HashSet<&'a str>,
seen: &mut HashSet<&'a str>,
stack: &mut Vec<&'a str>,
recipe: &Recipe<'a>,
) -> Result<(), Error<'a>> {
if resolved.contains(recipe.name) {
return Ok(())
for dependency_name in &recipe.dependencies {
match recipes.get(dependency_name) {
Some(dependency) => if !resolved.contains(dependency.name) {
if seen.contains(dependency.name) {
let first = stack[0];
return Err(error(text, recipe.line, ErrorKind::CircularDependency {
circle: stack.iter()
.skip_while(|name| **name != dependency.name)
return resolve(text, recipes, resolved, seen, stack, dependency);
None => return Err(error(text, recipe.line, ErrorKind::UnknownDependency {
name: recipe.name,
unknown: dependency_name
pub struct Error<'a> {
text: &'a str,
line: usize,
kind: ErrorKind<'a>
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum ErrorKind<'a> {
BadRecipeName{name: &'a str},
CircularDependency{circle: Vec<&'a str>},
DuplicateDependency{name: &'a str},
DuplicateRecipe{first: usize, name: &'a str},
TabAfterSpace{whitespace: &'a str},
MixedLeadingWhitespace{whitespace: &'a str},
InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected: &'a str, found: &'a str},
UnknownDependency{name: &'a str, unknown: &'a str},
fn error<'a>(text: &'a str, line: usize, kind: ErrorKind<'a>)
-> Error<'a>
Error {
text: text,
line: line,
kind: kind,
fn show_whitespace(text: &str) -> String {
text.chars().map(|c| match c { '\t' => 't', ' ' => 's', _ => c }).collect()
fn mixed(text: &str) -> bool {
!(text.chars().all(|c| c == ' ') || text.chars().all(|c| c == '\t'))
fn tab_after_space(text: &str) -> bool {
let mut space = false;
for c in text.chars() {
match c {
' ' => space = true,
'\t' => if space {
return true;
_ => {},
return false;
impl<'a> Display for Error<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
try!(write!(f, "justfile:{}: ", self.line));
match self.kind {
ErrorKind::BadRecipeName{name} => {
try!(writeln!(f, "recipe name does not match /[a-z](-[a-z]|[a-z])*/: {}", name));
ErrorKind::CircularDependency{ref circle} => {
try!(write!(f, "circular dependency: {}", circle.join(" -> ")));
return Ok(());
ErrorKind::DuplicateDependency{name} => {
try!(writeln!(f, "duplicate dependency: {}", name));
ErrorKind::DuplicateRecipe{first, name} => {
try!(write!(f, "duplicate recipe: {} appears on lines {} and {}",
name, first, self.line));
return Ok(());
ErrorKind::TabAfterSpace{whitespace} => {
try!(writeln!(f, "found tab after space: {}", show_whitespace(whitespace)));
ErrorKind::MixedLeadingWhitespace{whitespace} => {
"inconsistant leading whitespace: recipe started with {}:",
ErrorKind::InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected, found} => {
"inconsistant leading whitespace: recipe started with {} but found line with {}:",
show_whitespace(expected), show_whitespace(found)
ErrorKind::Shebang => {
try!(writeln!(f, "shebang \"#!\" is reserved syntax"))
ErrorKind::UnknownDependency{name, unknown} => {
try!(writeln!(f, "recipe {} has unknown dependency {}", name, unknown));
ErrorKind::Unparsable => {
try!(writeln!(f, "could not parse line:"));
ErrorKind::UnparsableDependencies => {
try!(writeln!(f, "could not parse dependencies:"));
match self.text.lines().nth(self.line) {
Some(line) => try!(write!(f, "{}", line)),
None => die!("internal error: Error has invalid line number: {}", self.line),
pub struct Justfile<'a> {
recipes: BTreeMap<&'a str, Recipe<'a>>,
impl<'a> Justfile<'a> {
pub fn first(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
let mut first: Option<&Recipe<'a>> = None;
for (_, recipe) in self.recipes.iter() {
if let Some(first_recipe) = first {
if recipe.line < first_recipe.line {
first = Some(recipe)
} else {
first = Some(recipe);
first.map(|recipe| recipe.name)
pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
pub fn recipes(&self) -> Vec<&'a str> {
fn run_recipe(&self, recipe: &Recipe<'a>, ran: &mut HashSet<&'a str>) -> Result<(), RunError> {
for dependency_name in &recipe.dependencies {
if !ran.contains(dependency_name) {
try!(self.run_recipe(&self.recipes[dependency_name], ran));
pub fn run<'b>(&'a self, names: &[&'b str]) -> Result<(), RunError<'b>>
where 'a: 'b
let mut missing = vec![];
for recipe in names {
if !self.recipes.contains_key(recipe) {
if missing.len() > 0 {
return Err(RunError::UnknownRecipes{recipes: missing});
let recipes = names.iter().map(|name| self.recipes.get(name).unwrap()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut ran = HashSet::new();
for recipe in recipes {
try!(self.run_recipe(recipe, &mut ran));
pub fn get(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&Recipe<'a>> {
pub enum RunError<'a> {
UnknownRecipes{recipes: Vec<&'a str>},
Signal{recipe: &'a str, signal: i32},
Code{recipe: &'a str, code: i32},
UnknownFailure{recipe: &'a str},
IoError{recipe: &'a str, io_error: io::Error},
impl<'a> Display for RunError<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
match self {
&RunError::UnknownRecipes{ref recipes} => {
if recipes.len() == 1 {
try!(write!(f, "Justfile does not contain recipe: {}", recipes[0]));
} else {
try!(write!(f, "Justfile does not contain recipes: {}", recipes.join(" ")));
&RunError::Code{recipe, code} => {
try!(write!(f, "Recipe \"{}\" failed with code {}", recipe, code));
&RunError::Signal{recipe, signal} => {
try!(write!(f, "Recipe \"{}\" wast terminated by signal {}", recipe, signal));
&RunError::UnknownFailure{recipe} => {
try!(write!(f, "Recipe \"{}\" failed for an unknown reason", recipe));
&RunError::IoError{recipe, ref io_error} => {
try!(match io_error.kind() {
io::ErrorKind::NotFound => write!(f, "Recipe \"{}\" could not be run because j could not find `sh` the command:\n{}", recipe, io_error),
io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => write!(f, "Recipe \"{}\" could not be run because j could not run `sh`:\n{}", recipe, io_error),
_ => write!(f, "Recipe \"{}\" could not be run because of an IO error while launching the `sh`:\n{}", recipe, io_error),
pub fn parse<'a>(text: &'a str) -> Result<Justfile, Error> {
let shebang_re = re(r"^\s*#!(.*)$" );
let comment_re = re(r"^\s*#([^!].*)?$" );
let command_re = re(r"^(\s+).*$" );
let blank_re = re(r"^\s*$" );
let label_re = re(r"^([^#]*):(.*)$" );
let name_re = re(r"^[a-z](-[a-z]|[a-z])*$");
let whitespace_re = re(r"\s+" );
let mut recipes: BTreeMap<&'a str, Recipe<'a>> = BTreeMap::new();
let mut current_recipe: Option<Recipe> = None;
for (i, line) in text.lines().enumerate() {
if blank_re.is_match(line) {
} else if shebang_re.is_match(line) {
return Err(error(text, i, ErrorKind::Shebang));
if let Some(mut recipe) = current_recipe {
match command_re.captures(line) {
Some(captures) => {
let leading_whitespace = captures.at(1).unwrap();
if tab_after_space(leading_whitespace) {
return Err(error(text, i, ErrorKind::TabAfterSpace{
whitespace: leading_whitespace,
} else if recipe.leading_whitespace == "" {
if mixed(leading_whitespace) {
return Err(error(text, i, ErrorKind::MixedLeadingWhitespace{
whitespace: leading_whitespace
recipe.leading_whitespace = leading_whitespace;
} else if !line.starts_with(recipe.leading_whitespace) {
return Err(error(text, i, ErrorKind::InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{
expected: recipe.leading_whitespace,
found: leading_whitespace,
current_recipe = Some(recipe);
None => {
recipes.insert(recipe.name, recipe);
current_recipe = None;
if comment_re.is_match(line) {
// ignore
} else if let Some(captures) = label_re.captures(line) {
let name = captures.at(1).unwrap();
if !name_re.is_match(name) {
return Err(error(text, i, ErrorKind::BadRecipeName {
name: name,
if let Some(recipe) = recipes.get(name) {
return Err(error(text, i, ErrorKind::DuplicateRecipe {
first: recipe.line,
name: name,
let rest = captures.at(2).unwrap().trim();
let mut dependencies = BTreeSet::new();
for part in whitespace_re.split(rest) {
if name_re.is_match(part) {
if dependencies.contains(part) {
return Err(error(text, i, ErrorKind::DuplicateDependency{
name: part,
} else {
return Err(error(text, i, ErrorKind::UnparsableDependencies));
current_recipe = Some(Recipe{
line: i,
name: name,
leading_whitespace: "",
commands: vec![],
dependencies: dependencies,
} else {
return Err(error(text, i, ErrorKind::Unparsable));
if let Some(recipe) = current_recipe {
recipes.insert(recipe.name, recipe);
let mut resolved = HashSet::new();
let mut seen = HashSet::new();
let mut stack = vec![];
for (_, ref recipe) in &recipes {
try!(resolve(text, &recipes, &mut resolved, &mut seen, &mut stack, &recipe));
Ok(Justfile{recipes: recipes})