Casey Rodarmor 1ac5b4ea42 Add variadic parameters (#127)
Recipes may now have a final variadic parameter:

foo bar+:
  @echo {{bar}}

Variadic parameters accept one or more arguments, and expand to a string containing those arguments separated by spaces:

$ just foo a b c d e
a b c d e

I elected to accept one or more arguments instead of zero or more arguments since unexpectedly empty arguments can sometimes be dangerous. 

clean dir:
  rm -rf {{dir}}/bin

If `dir` is empty in the above recipe, you'll delete `/bin`, which is probably not what was intended.
2016-11-18 07:03:34 -08:00

1.6 KiB

justfile grammar

Justfiles are processed by a mildly context-sensitive tokenizer and a recursive descent parser. The grammar is mostly LL(1), although an extra token of lookahead is used to distinguish between export assignments and recipes with parameters.


BACKTICK            = `[^`\n\r]*`
COLON               = :
COMMENT             = #([^!].*)?$
NEWLINE             = \n|\r\n
EQUALS              = =
NAME                = [a-zA-Z_-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*
PLUS                = +
RAW_STRING          = '[^'\r\n]*'
STRING              = "[^"]*" # also processes \n \r \t \" \\ escapes
INDENT              = emitted when indentation increases
DEDENT              = emitted when indentation decreases
LINE                = emitted before a recipe line
TEXT                = recipe text, only matches in a recipe body


justfile      : item* EOF

item          : recipe
              | assignment
              | export
              | eol

eol           : NEWLINE
              | COMMENT NEWLINE

assignment    : NAME '=' expression eol

export        : 'export' assignment

expression    : STRING
              | RAW_STRING
              | NAME
              | BACKTICK
              | expression '+' expression

recipe        : '@'? NAME parameter* ('+' parameter)? ':' dependencies? body?

parameter     : NAME
              | NAME '=' STRING
              | NAME '=' RAW_STRING

dependencies  : NAME+

body          : INDENT line+ DEDENT

line          : LINE (TEXT | interpolation)+ NEWLINE
              | NEWLINE

interpolation : '{{' expression '}}'