Casey Rodarmor b66a979c08
Add set export to export all variables as environment variables (#767)
Add a setting that exports all variables by default, regardless of
whether they use the `export` keyword. This includes assignments as well
as parameters.

Just does dependency analysis of variable uses, allowing variables to be
used out of order in assignments, as long as there are no circular

However, use of environment variable is not known to Just, so exported
variables are only exported to child scopes, to avoid ordering dependencies,
since dependency analysis cannot be done.
2021-03-25 17:00:32 -07:00

2.2 KiB

justfile grammar

Justfiles are processed by a mildly context-sensitive tokenizer and a recursive descent parser. The grammar is LL(k), for an unknown but hopefully reasonable value of k.


BACKTICK   = `[^`\n\r]*`
COMMENT    = #([^!].*)?$
DEDENT     = emitted when indentation decreases
EOF        = emitted at the end of the file
INDENT     = emitted when indentation increases
LINE       = emitted before a recipe line
NAME       = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*
NEWLINE    = \n|\r\n
RAW_STRING = '[^'\r\n]*'
STRING     = "[^"]*" # also processes \n \r \t \" \\ escapes
TEXT       = recipe text, only matches in a recipe body

grammar syntax

|   alternation
()  grouping
_?  option (0 or 1 times)
_*  repetition (0 or more times)
_+  repetition (1 or more times)


justfile      : item* EOF

item          : recipe
              | alias
              | assignment
              | export
              | setting
              | eol

eol           : NEWLINE
              | COMMENT NEWLINE

alias         : 'alias' NAME ':=' NAME

assignment    : NAME ':=' expression eol

export        : 'export' assignment

setting       : 'set' 'export'
              | 'set' 'shell' ':=' '[' string (',' string)* ','? ']'

expression    : 'if' condition '{' expression '}' else '{' expression '}'
              | value '+' expression
              | value

condition     : expression '==' expression
              | expression '!=' expression

value         : NAME '(' sequence? ')'
              | STRING
              | RAW_STRING
              | BACKTICK
              | NAME
              | '(' expression ')'

string        : STRING
              | RAW_STRING

sequence      : expression ',' sequence
              | expression ','?

recipe        : '@'? NAME parameter* variadic? ':' dependency* body?

parameter     : NAME
              | NAME '=' value

variadic      : '*' parameter
              | '+' parameter

dependency    : NAME
              | '(' NAME expression* ')

body          : INDENT line+ DEDENT

line          : LINE (TEXT | interpolation)+ NEWLINE
              | NEWLINE

interpolation : '{{' expression '}}'