use super::*; #[cfg(windows)] test! { name: powershell, justfile: r#" default: #!powershell Write-Host Hello-World "#, stdout: "Hello-World\n", } #[cfg(windows)] test! { name: powershell_exe, justfile: r#" default: #!powershell.exe Write-Host Hello-World "#, stdout: "Hello-World\n", } #[cfg(windows)] test! { name: cmd, justfile: r#" default: #!cmd /c @echo Hello-World "#, stdout: "Hello-World\r\n", } #[cfg(windows)] test! { name: cmd_exe, justfile: r#" default: #!cmd.exe /c @echo Hello-World "#, stdout: "Hello-World\r\n", } #[test] fn simple() { Test::new() .justfile( " foo: #!/bin/sh echo bar ", ) .stdout("bar\n") .run(); } #[test] fn echo() { Test::new() .justfile( " @baz: #!/bin/sh echo fizz ", ) .stdout("fizz\n") .stderr("#!/bin/sh\necho fizz\n") .run(); } #[test] fn echo_with_command_color() { Test::new() .justfile( " @baz: #!/bin/sh echo fizz ", ) .args(["--color", "always", "--command-color", "purple"]) .stdout("fizz\n") .stderr("\u{1b}[1;35m#!/bin/sh\u{1b}[0m\n\u{1b}[1;35mecho fizz\u{1b}[0m\n") .run(); } // This test exists to make sure that shebang recipes run correctly. Although // this script is still executed by a shell its behavior depends on the value of // a variable and continuing even though a command fails, whereas in plain // recipes variables are not available in subsequent lines and execution stops // when a line fails. #[test] fn run_shebang() { Test::new() .justfile( " a: #!/usr/bin/env sh code=200 x() { return $code; } x x ", ) .status(200) .stderr("error: Recipe `a` failed with exit code 200\n") .run(); }